Read One Hit Wonderful Online

Authors: Hannah Murray

Tags: #Erotica

One Hit Wonderful (12 page)

BOOK: One Hit Wonderful
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His hands clamped onto her ass and pulled her more fully into him. Their groans mingled to bounce off the walls as hard flesh met soft through the barrier of clothes, and Lily knew if her shorts and his jeans weren’t in the way they’d be fucking, standing up, with paint splattered everywhere and the dog watching.

She jerked in his arms as that thought crossed her mind, and he picked up his head. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Beau,” she panted.

Nate’s head swung around until he caught sight of his pet, lying in a puddle of spilled paint with his head between his paws, his eyes half closed and already starting to snore.

“He’s fine,” Nate said, peppering her lips, her jaw, her neck with kisses. “He’s not even watching.”

“He’s covered in paint, Nate,” she protested, even as her eyes drifted shut again.

“It’s latex, right?”

“What?” She blinked at him. “Oh, the paint. Yeah.”

“He’ll wash,” he assured her. “Later. Much, much later.” Before she could protest he sealed his mouth to hers once again.

She was breathless and aching when he lifted his head, and every instinct she had was screaming at her to trip him to the floor and have at it. But…

“There’s paint everywhere,” she told him, even as she nibbled kisses along his jaw. “If it dries on the tiles, on the sink or tub…”

“Latex,” he reminded her, and boosted her up so she had no choice but to wrap both legs around his waist. His eyes all but rolled back in his head as the heat of her pussy settled directly over his rigid erection. “It’ll scrape right off,” he managed, and started walking them both out of the room.

Lily swallowed hard and told herself it would be extremely bad form to come in her pants. Every step bounced her engorged clit right against the hard ridge of him through his jeans, and she could feel herself slipping past the point of no return. Valiantly, she tried one more time for rational and responsible.

“It would just take a minute to clean up…” she began then let out a faint squeak as he stopped just inside her bedroom door and fisted a hand in her hair.

“Lily, I promise you,” he said, his brilliant gaze burning into hers with an intensity that would have frightened her if she hadn’t been so aroused herself, “I will personally go in there and clean every last speck of paint, mud, dog hair and water. I’ll scrub on my hands and knees if I have to. But please, in the name of Fats Waller and all that’s holy, let me have you first.”

“Oh,” she sighed, even as her lips twitched as she recognized the quote from
The Muppet Movie
. “Well, as long as you promise…”

“My hand to God,” he swore, and strode into the bedroom.

Chapter Seven


Lily couldn’t believe the heat. It threatened to burn her alive, little fires he set off with his hands, his mouth, the press of his body into hers on the big, wide bed. He was everywhere, surrounding her with it, smothering her, and she happily burned.

She blinked her eyes open as he sat up. She couldn’t see his features as the light was going and they hadn’t bothered to turn on the bedroom light, but she could feel his eyes on her as sure as she could feel his hands when they reached for the button fly on her cutoffs.

She expected, after the urgency in the bathroom, for him to tear them open and shuck them off. And she was fine with that, primed for it. So when he laid his hand over the button closure and thumbed open the first circle of brass with all the haste of molasses in January, she felt the first hitch in her stride.

“I thought we were in a hurry,” she managed.

He sent her one of those slow smiles that made her belly flip. “We were,” he told her. He thumbed open another button and smiled wider when her hips jerked. “But now I think I’d like to take my time. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”

Oh my.
“No. If I get bored, I’ll just recite the ‘Magna Carta’ in my head.”

His lips twitched as he popped button number three. “I’ll do my best to keep you entertained,” he said, and delved a hand into her open fly.

Her hips shot off the bed, the breath strangling in her throat as his fingers unerringly found her clit. He stroked over it once, twice, before sliding down to her opening. The muscles there fluttered and clenched, eager to be invaded, but all he did was circle and tease. He drove her crazy with that one rough fingertip until finally, in self-defense, she reached for his belt buckle.

Nate didn’t help or hinder her mad fumbling at his belt. He kept his hand tucked in the notch of her thighs, teasing and stroking and occasionally making her whimper in delight by flicking her clit with his thumb. He used his other hand to drag her tube top down around her waist, letting out a rumble of appreciation as her breasts bounced free. He spared her one brief smile that did nothing to reassure her and bent his head.

Lily stopped trying to fight her way through his wet jeans and simply hung on for dear life. His tongue was swirling around her nipple, soothing and inciting at the same time. Between that and the finger that continued to tease and stroke between her legs she felt as thought she might go up in flames any second.

She let out a vibrating moan as his mouth clamped down. “Nate. Nate, for God’s sake.”

His head popped up, concern stamped on his features. “What? Too much?”

“Not enough,” she gritted out, and clamped both hands on his face to ensure he paid attention. “If you don’t get us both naked right fucking now, I swear to God I’m going to break every bone in your body.”

He choked out a laugh. “I do love an aggressive woman.”

He had her out of her shorts in three seconds and solved the issue of her panties by simply tearing them off her. The quiet noise of ripping cotton never sounded so good.

“Those were my good panties,” she managed when he sat up to fight with wet denim. Unable to lie still, she sat up and tugged at his shirt.

“I’ll buy you a dozen more,” he promised. He fought to push his jeans past his hips, swearing when she tried to push his shirt over his head at the same time.

“Sorry,” she panted, sighing in approval when he whipped it over his head and tossed it aside. She all but drooled as she got her first good look at his shirtless chest.

Just hairy enough to be interesting, firmly muscled without being bulky, he had a swimmer’s build that made her want to rub herself against him and purr. So she did.

She plastered herself against him, his skin cool against hers, still damp from the rain-soaked shirt. She shivered in dark delight and rubbed, dragging her breasts against the springy hair that fanned out from his breastbone. Her moan was nearly drowned out by his.

“You’re killing me here,” he managed.

“Serves you right,” she said, the words muffled against his skin as she nibbled on his collarbone.

“Do you want me to get my pants off or not?” he demanded, desperation ringing in the words.

“God yes,” she said, but didn’t relinquish her hold on him. She laved her tongue across one nipple and delighted in the way he jerked against her. “Hurry.”

Nate struggled to shove the denim down his legs while she clung to him like a limpet. His curses rang in her ears, and she started giggling against his rib cage.

“Laughing. You’re laughing?” he rumbled.

She tilted her head back to do so in his face. “Frustrated?” she asked with mock concern. “Poor baby.”

She only laughed harder when he covered her face with one broad palm and pushed, tumbling her onto her back. She propped herself up on her elbows, still giggling as he fought his way clear of his jeans. His boxer briefs followed the T-shirt across the room. Then he was coming down on top of her in all his naked glory.

Breathless from the giggles, and from the brief glimpse she’d had of his erect cock—Christ, was the man part horse?—she reached up to rest her hands on his shoulders. “I’m still wearing my tube top,” she pointed out, gesturing to the fabric still bunched around her waist.

He grinned at her now, a feral baring of teeth that managed to convey both humor and predatory intent. “It’s not going to get in my way,” he assured her, and set about destroying her.

The laughter dried up in her throat when he slanted his mouth over hers. His tongue swept into her mouth, plundering like a midnight raider, demanding surrender. She gave it without hesitation, and let the sensations swamp her.

Time drifted away as his hands moved over her, broad palms and calloused fingertips stroking and teasing until she thought she’d go mad. His mouth slid to her breast to suckle and destroy, and the fog of desire that clouded her mind left little room for thought. All she could think was give me more.

Her breath escaped on a hiss when those clever, nimble fingers danced over her belly, dipping briefly into the shallow pool of her bellybutton and making the muscles there jump in response. They continued to quiver in reaction as his fingers glided once again through slick and heat to delve into the core of her.

Lily moaned in relief as his flingers slid into her without hesitation this time, plunging smoothly so she felt full and stretched. Yearning, straining, she tangled one hand in the damp hair at his nape and blindly dragged his mouth back to hers.

Her mouth was voracious on his, desperately seeking as her hips pumped madly against his hand. The pressure was building inside her, coiling tighter with every push and twist of his fingers. Her free hand flew down to clamp on his wrist, holding him there, keeping the pressure where she wanted it.

And suddenly it was gone because he dragged his hand free with hers still clinging to his wrist.

“What the hell?” she managed, blinking the pre-orgasmic haze from her eyes.

He was fumbling with his one free hand—she still had a death grip on the other—in the pocket of his discarded pants.

“You’re not having this party without me, baby,” he panted, holding up the liberated condom. He tore into it with his teeth, rolled it on with one hand and a speed that had her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

She caught her breath as he slid over her, his large frame dwarfing her slighter one. She automatically lifted her knees to slide them along his hips, and they both stilled at the first nudge of his cock against her pussy.

“Ready?” he murmured, and she couldn’t look away from his eyes. They burned, saw into her in a way that made her want to close her eyes and hide, but still she couldn’t look away.

“Don’t make me hurt you,” she whispered, and on a chuckle, he gave her what she wanted.

Dual moans echoed around the room as he slid home.

“Oh…my,” she managed, her fingers biting into his shoulders. Her breath stuttered in her throat as her body struggled to adapt to the invasion of his. As ready as she was, as eager as she was, the reality of him deep inside her was almost overwhelming.

His dropped to her shoulder with a groan. Lily could feel him holding back, his muscles all but vibrated with the effort of holding still. More than ready for him to start moving, she thought about telling him that. But then she thought of a better way to let him know she was ready.

His head popped up like a puppet on a string when he felt the clenching of her sheath around him, cautious hope in his eyes. It flared to intent purpose when she did it again, slowly and deliberately, and a feral grin curled his lips.

“Oh, hell yeah,” he rumbled, and started to move.

Lily gasped when he moved back, dragging the broad shaft of his cock along sensitive tissues, whimpered when he plunged back in to the hilt, then simply hung on for the ride.

She lost track of time, of where they were, of her own name. All she knew was the steady plunge of his body into hers, the way the muscles of his back bunched and stretched under her clinging hands. She felt as though she were in the middle of a tornado, and he was the only solid thing in the world.

It was spinning out of control so fast. Her hips pumped up to meet his without conscious thought, her mouth sought his skin. The salty taste of him as she pressed her lips to his chest exploded on her tongue. She whimpered and pushed harder, clung tighter, and his thrusts grew heavier in response.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “Fuck, Lily, tell me you’re close.”

There was a buzzing in her ears. She heard the words, but the meaning refused to sink in. “What?” she gasped.

His head dropped to rest on hers, his breath rough and uneven against her skin. “Are you close, baby?”

She shook her head, her hair sticking to her damp cheeks. “I don’t… I can’t…”

“You have to,” he groaned, “because I can’t hold on much longer.”

He wrapped one hand around her left thigh and pulled it high, propping her ankle on his shoulder as he continued to move between her thighs. Her hands slipped from his shoulders to his chest as she whimpered at the stretch, at the way that simple shift changed the angle of him inside her. Then he tucked a hand in the notch of her thighs, found her clit and stroked it once, ever so lightly.

She flew apart in his arms. Her head went back, her hips bucked up and her nails sank into his chest. She heard a low growl and realized with a dim sort of astonishment that the sound had come from her. Then she didn’t think at all because he flicked her clit again and she exploded.

BOOK: One Hit Wonderful
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