One Hand On The Podium (8 page)

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Authors: John E. Harper

BOOK: One Hand On The Podium
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Somewhat embarrassed for forgetting she was sitting there, he quickly answered, “Sure, Peggy, let’s get going. I’m sorry this took so long. We can go now.”

Peggy offered her hand to Rebecca Ray, “Hi, I’m Peggy Bix.”

“Well, hello there, Mrs. Bix. I’m glad to have this opportunity to meet you. I’m Rebecca Ray with Channel Five News. You know your husband handled himself very well here tonight?”

“Yes, I know. Isn’t he just wonderful?” she answered. Her sarcasm was obvious.

“Let’s get going Peg,” he nudged.

“Good-bye Miss Ray,” Peggy said.

“Nice meeting you, Mrs. Bix. Bye, Tony,” Rebecca Ray said. “It was really nice meeting you, too.”

Tony turned and waved, “Bye, Rebecca.”

Peggy gave him a look that would kill, then proceeded to the car. She griped, “Oh, I see you two are on a first name basis. That’s so nice!”

Driving back toward the downtown area, Tony and Peggy sat silent, ignoring each other. They pulled into their apartment complex garage, bringing their evening out to an abrupt halt. Neither spoke as the elevator made its climb to their third floor condominium.


A few days later Peggy called out, searching for her husband, “Tony?”

“I’m in the bedroom Peg,” Tony shouted back.

“Where else do you go when you go jogging?”


“Where else do you go when you go out jogging?”

“Just over to Forest Park. I told you that before.”

“Yes, I know, but where do you really go?”

“What’s wrong with you lately. Am I on trial here or something? Toss me my tennis shoes. They’re over there under the bed. I’m the lawyer in this house, you know.”

“But you’re always gone for hours. For instance, last week you left here at six-thirty and didn’t get home till nine-thirty. Actually, now that I think of it, it was closer to ten o’clock. I find it very difficult to believe that you actually run for three hours.”

“Well, if you must know, when I’m finished running, I just sit alone in the park thinking about my day. It’s a quiet time that I need. It settles my nerves after being in the courtroom all damn day. I have a very stressful job Peggy.”

“Forest Park is not a place to be after dark, Tony, not even for a man.”

“You’re a worry wart.”



“Well, what?”

“Are you giving me permission to go jogging, or not?”

“Oh, of course, silly!”

“Thank you.”



“I want to go with you.”

“No, you can’t run in your condition.”

“I can walk. The doctor said it would be good for me.”

“Peggy, I don’t want you out in the park in your condition.”

“I really don’t understand you. I want to go.”



“No. This is my time to be alone. I need space Peggy. Give me some time to myself, will you please?”

“You’re ashamed to be seen with me, that’s it, isn’t it?” Peggy started to cry.

Tony went to her, rolling his eyes upward frustrated with the situation. “Come here.” He put his arms around her waist, his hands gently rubbed the tightly stretched skin covering her large, bulging stomach. She quickly moved his hands away.

“Don’t!” she sobbed, wiping away her tears.

“Well, alright then. I’d better go.”

As he started out of the room she called out, “Tony?”


“Don’t be too late, okay?” Her sad face got the message across to her husband.

“I’ll try to get back earlier than last time. I promise.” Tony turned and left her alone with her doubts and fears.


It took Tony ten minutes to drive to Forest Park, which was located just west of the downtown area, known as the Central West End. He found a parking space at the edge of one of the many baseball diamonds, got out and began jogging toward the bicycle path, which wove throughout the park. He slowed down when he reached an area overgrown with thick bushes and vines. He looked around, searching for something.

“Michelle? Are you here? Michelle?” he called out.

“Tony! I’m over here.”

“Oh, there you are. I was beginning to worry that I’d missed you.”

“Where have you been, Sexy Boy? I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”

“Sorry,” he said, smiling. “Do you still like me?”

“How could I not like you, especially with those gorgeous legs?”

“Thanks!” he answered, offering a goofy smile as he looked down at his very hairy limbs coming out of the blue running shorts. Tony gave the young beautiful girl a hug, then planted a big sensuous kiss on her wet luscious lips.

“Did you have trouble getting out of the house, Darling?”

“Not too much, although Peggy complained about me getting home so late last time.”

“Don’t worry. After I’m through with you, you can get back to her.” A devilish smile escaped her lips.


“If it’s alright with you I’d just as soon not go to my apartment tonight, Tony.”

“Why? Don’t you want to do anything?”

“Oh, yes! I certainly do want to,” she smiled.

“Where do you want to go?”


“What? Right here? Are you crazy?”

She said, “Yes. The sun will be setting in a few minutes. It’s dark enough, don’t you think? While I was waiting for you I found a nice secluded spot right over there. Come on, follow me.”


Michelle was only twenty-three years old and had all the bubbly energy of a child. She and Tony met at a party given by the Democratic committee during the primaries a few months earlier. Peggy wasn’t with him that night, which left the handsome politician alone to enjoy all the attention his supporters lavished upon him.

Michelle worked the phones diligently to make sure her man got as much exposure to the voters as possible.

At first, Tony thought it was odd that someone so beautiful and young would want to volunteer her time, giving up evenings with friends to run his campaign. But for some unknown reason, Michelle was right there with him from the moment he opened his campaign headquarters. After only a few meetings, the two had developed a relationship, which they both were smart enough to realize must be kept secret.


She grabbed his hand and led him off the path to an area surrounded by trees and thick bushes. It was completely secluded.

“I don’t think we should—.”

“Stop talking Tony,” she demanded, “I have to make sure you don’t get home late to your loving wife. We don’t want your little Peggy to worry, do we?”

“No, I guess not.”

Michelle leaned back against a large walnut tree and pulled Tony against her body. His hands immediately made their way down the back of her cotton running shorts. Their bodies touched at all the important places as Tony kissed her with a passion he’d once felt for Peggy years before. “Oh, Michelle, I’m crazy about your little body.”

He buried his face in her neck, then moved to kiss the soft tiny hairs that ran up the back of her shoulders. Her fingers tugged at her tank top that was tucked in her shorts. Tony released her as she quickly lifted the shirt over her breasts, letting it rest above them. Tony watched as the shadows of the rustling leaves on the trees moved over them. He leaned over and kissed each one as his hand moved to enjoy their softness.

She moaned, “I want you Tony, I want you now!”

Without hesitation he pulled his shorts down, just low enough, exposing himself to her. She desperately let hers fall to her ankles, then stepped out of them. Her fingers reached to find him. Stroking slowly, she pulled it toward her thighs as he moaned with pleasure.

“Oh, damn, this feels so good Michelle,” Tony said breathlessly.

“Sh-h-h,” she teasingly ordered.

She moved her legs apart and placed him inside. He wasted no time moving his hips back and forward slowly.

“Oh, Tony!” Michelle said, breathing heavily. Then she lifted one leg and wrapped it around him as he ventured in and out of her. Tony took her other leg and pulled it up off the ground, leaving her supported against the tree by the pressure of his body against hers. “Do it harder Tony. I love that. It feels so good. Don’t stop,” she begged for more.

Violently, but carefully, he rammed into her. They shook with excitement. Michelle’s fingers dug into his back as she enjoyed the lovemaking.

“Oh, Tony. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop, Tony. Oh, oh!”

“I have to—.”

“Don’t stop!” Her eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

Tony felt himself ready, when suddenly he pulled out of her, letting her legs fall to the ground. He moved away, holding himself as Michelle watched in disbelief.

“I told you not to stop,” she angrily told him, still shaking from the experience.

“Sorry about that!”

“What do you mean, you’re sorry? You’ve done that to me every single time for the past few weeks. What’s gotten into you?” she moaned, still breathing heavy.

“Like I said, I’m sorry. What more can I say?” He pulled his shorts up and walked back to the bicycle path.

“Hey, Tony, wait. Wait for me!” Michelle clumsily put her feet back into her shorts and pulled them up, then moved her top back down over her breasts as she made her way toward him.”I’m not mad at you Tony, I just don’t understand. Will you please slow down? Wait for me, damn it,” she shouted out.

“Don’t understand what?” he mumbled as he kept walking up the path.

She had to walk quickly to keep up with him, “Are you afraid that you’ll get me pregnant? Is that it?”

“That could be it.”

“I told you I’m on the pill. You have nothing to worry about.”

“That’s what my wife said, too!”

“Come on Tony, give me more credit than that. The last thing I want to do is get pregnant, and besides, your wife lied to you. She deceived you.”

“I know she did.”

“And you think I would do that to you?”

“No, but accidents do happen.”

“Oh sure, nothing’s impossible.”

“I rest my case.”

“Do you always have to end our discussions with that?”

“With what?”

“I rest my case,” she mocked. “I hate that. Will you please stop walking and talk to me?”

He stopped near a concrete park bench and looked out over the tree line of the park. “Do I have to spend the rest of the night apologizing for everything I do? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

She looked at him as he sat on the bench pouting. “What’s wrong, Baby?”

He ignored her and continued staring away.

“Talk to me. Please,” she begged him.

There was a long silence. He didn’t answer for a long time, then he said, “Sit down Michelle. I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure Tony, what is it?” She sat beside him holding his arm lovingly.

He looked over at her. “Tomorrow morning I’m going to have Peg take me to the office. She thinks I’m going out of town to a lawyer’s convention in Kansas City.”

“Are you?”

“No, I’m not. But I want Peggy to think that I am. I need a favor. Listen carefully. I want you to pick me up at City Hall around ten o’clock. I need you to drive me somewhere tomorrow.”

“Sure. Where?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Is it a secret?”

“Sort of. No one needs to know about this, and I expect you not to tell anyone.”

“Tony, you can trust me.”

“I’ll also need to stay at your place for a few days.”

“Ah, sure—. Why not?”

“Michelle, you’ve been so good about not telling anyone about us. I want you to know that I really appreciate that. You know what that would do to my chances of defeating Simon Moss in November.”

“I would never let you down Tony. You know that. But I have to admit, I would love to brag to the world that I’m in love with you.”

“Don’t even think it,” his voice took an firm tone. “Do you understand me?”

“Tony, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. I promise.”

“Thank you.” Tony sighed, “You’re great Michelle,”

“Yeah, that’s me, the great one!”

“Come here,” Tony leaned over and gave the frustrated pretty young girl a kiss on the nose, then stood up and told her he had to be going.

“Yes, I guess you’d better. I wish it were me you were going home to.”

“You know that’s not possible now, Michelle, right?” Tony reaffirmed. “We talked about that, right?”


“So, I’ll see you in the morning at ten o’clock, right?”


She waved her hand to him, with a sad face, “Bye-bye Tony, I love you so much.”

He waved as he walked backward for a few steps, then turned and jogged back to his car.


It was only nine o’clock when he got back to his condo. Peggy had his luggage, for his supposed trip to Kansas City, packed and sitting on the living room couch along with a pillow and blanket. He got the implied message immediately. He undressed, turned on the television set, then fell asleep.


The next morning Peggy was the first one out of bed. She had a way of shutting bad things out of her mind and acted as though nothing had happened the night before. “Tony, Tony, wake up. You’d better get moving.”

She nudged his shoulder that was hanging off the edge of the couch. “Huh?” he muttered.

“Tony, wake up. I have to take you to the office today, remember?”

“Oh, yeah. Shit, I’d better get moving.” Groggy and sore from a lousy night’s sleep on the sofa, he got up and readied himself for his long day. As he showered, shaved and brushed his teeth, Peggy put the finishing touches on the packing for his trip.

“Tony?” she called out to him.

“What is it Peggy?”

“Your good suit isn’t back from the cleaners. I didn’t realize it till last night. What are you going to wear?”

“That’s okay Peggy, I’m sure this meeting is going to be casual dress.”

“Really? That seems odd. A bunch of lawyers together at a convention and no suits?” she giggled at the thought.

“Well, I’m just going by what they told me. Business casual”

“I forgot to ask you. How are you getting to the airport?”

“I’m riding with a group from City Hall.”

“I could have taken you.”

“Yes, well, this is more convenient for everybody.”

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