One Foot Onto the Ice (18 page)

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Authors: Kiki Archer

BOOK: One Foot Onto the Ice
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Priggy took another long slurp on her blue iced drink. “I just
don’t understand why they keep staring at us.”

“Maybe they think we’re going to kiss.”

“Shall we?” asked Priggy hopefully.

“No offence Priggs, but I’d rather kiss Phats.”

“What was that?” shouted Phats from the other wooden bench.

“Nothing,” mouthed Champagne, trying her best to look coy.

The boy with the heavy gold chains pulled himself up and swaggered
over as best he could given the fact that he still had his pretty white skates
on. “I’m sure I heard the words

The girl with the diamante tracksuit followed him over, brushing
some imaginary dust off her shoulder before addressing the pair. “I thought
yous girls were together?”

Champagne looked at Phats and slowly wiggled her finger. “Ah-uh,
I’m into bad bad boys.”

Priggy tried to hide her shock at her posh friend’s change in
persona, aware that it might be a ploy to get the rough ones on side, so she
did the same. “But I’m into bad bad bitches,” she said snarling.

Mischa put her hand on her hip and laughed. “That be me then.

Priggy reverted to her posh voice. “You’re a lesbian?”

The girl flashed her smile which twinkled with a couple of tooth
gems. “They call me a diamond dyke.”

Priggy tried to stay calm. “Would you like some of my slush?”

“Aiiii,” said the girl, swaggering up to Priggy and reaching for
the outstretched drink.

“So just how bad do yous bitches wanna be?” asked Phats sitting himself
down on the bench and reaching up to sexily move some of Champagne’s huge hair
behind her ear.

“What do you have in mind?” asked Champagne, perfecting her pout.

Phats sucked on his teeth. “Our guest house is over the road from
yours. Let’s meet in the square at midnight. I’ll bring some booze. B-r-r-rap!”

Priggy giggled. “No way.”

Mischa placed her hand on Priggy’s knee and started to move it
upwards. “I could see me and yous having some fun, yeah?”

“Us too,” growled Phats, gently stoking Champagne’s cheek.

Priggy and Champagne looked at each other before nodding in
unison. “Midnight.”  





Chapter Fifteen



Susan made her final walk up and down the corridor. It was five to
nine and there was absolute silence behind every closed door. Marcus had taken
himself off for an early night, claiming his novel was simply unputdownable,
but Susan had seen the way he was walking and was sure it was really the result
of one too many stag jumps and by consequence a strained groin muscle. She
wasn’t complaining though, at least she wouldn’t have to explain her desire to
spend the next few hours alone in a room with Jenna. She quivered at the
thought and checked her reflection in the large mirror at the top of the
stairs. She smiled at herself, pleased with the glow on her skin and the
shimmer on her lips. She moved in closer and checked the black lines that she’d
painstakingly drawn on her eyelids, relieved that she’d popped her new mini
make-up Christmas gift from her sister into her hand luggage at the very last
minute. Her sister was always telling her to be prepared with a dab of lipstick
and a dash of eyeliner, and now, looking back at her own reflection, she had to
admit that her sister was probably right. Her eyes looked wider and her lips
looked fuller, not to mention the small brush of blusher that was definitely
accentuating her already high cheekbones. Susan took a deep breath and smiled
at herself. “
Be confident
,” she whispered.

Jenna jumped out of the shower and threw on her underwear. She
grabbed a pair of loose fitting sloggi bottoms and a pale pink tank top and yanked
them on, even though she was still slightly damp. She stood still for a second and
listened more carefully.

The knock on the door was quiet. “One second,” she whispered, bending
down to the old chest of drawers and checking her reflection in the mirror,
relieved that she hadn’t decided to wash her hair. She ran her fingers through
the big brown waves but was unable to tame their direction. “
Sod it
she said to herself as she stood up and headed towards the door. She paused for
a second before grabbing the handle, unsure if it was the rush of getting ready
that was causing her nerves, or something altogether more unfamiliar. She took
a deep breath and pulled on the handle, totally taken aback by the vision standing
in front of her. Susan Quinn, that plain girl from school, was standing there,
smiling. She was smiling with the sweetest, yet sexiest mouth that Jenna had
ever seen.

“Oh my goodness! Look at you! You’re so hot!”

Susan blushed and lifted a finger to her lips. “Shhhh, we’re only
three rooms away from the girls.”

“That’s miles,” whispered Jenna, unable to move her eyes from her
friend. “You look incredible.”

Susan shrugged. “It’s just a little makeup.”

“It’s more than that. You’re stunning.” Jenna shook her head.
“Seriously, Susan, you look really fucking hot.”

“Stop it, Jenna.” Susan lifted her eyebrows. “Are you inviting me

Jenna tripped slightly as she stepped backwards into the room.
“Shit, sorry, you’ve got me in a fluster. I thought I’d have a quick nap after
the skating and I didn’t leave myself very much time to get ready.” Jenna closed
the door and studied Susan once more. “I feel totally underdressed for you and
I haven’t put a scrap of make-up on. You’ve made such an effort and, seriously,
you look absolutely incredible.”

Susan thought back to the hour she’d had after putting the girls
to bed and how every minute of it was allocated to one preening task or
another. The thought that Jenna had chosen to have a quick nap instead, made
her smile. “It’s just a dab of lipstick. It took no time at all,” she said,

Jenna looked down at her bare feet. “I haven’t even got my socks

“We’re just having a drink, aren’t we? You don’t need socks for

Jenna smiled. “Look at you, Miss Confident. I like it.”

Susan blushed and sat herself down on the bed. “I’m far from
confident, Jenna, we both know that.”

“So how come you’ve got me all shaken up then? My heart’s racing
over here.”


“Yes, really! You’ve done your hair and everything, and I knew I
wouldn’t have time to dry mine if I washed it so I didn’t bother, but now I
wish I had because I look like a right scruff bag compared to you.” Jenna
giggled. “Listen to me waffling on. I need to compose myself.” She coughed and
reached for the bottle of red wine. “It’s a screw top, but Sylvie insists it’s
one of her best. I hope that’s okay? I should have asked for a bucket really and
got us something chilled instead.”

Susan took a deep breath and stood back up. She walked over to
Jenna and placed her hand around the bottle. “I’m not really that interested in
the wine,” she said, leaning forwards and kissing Jenna full on the lips.

Jenna gasped. “You’re so hot when you’re like this.” She dropped the
bottle onto the dresser and lifted Susan by the waist, walking her towards the
bed. “And you’ve no idea how much I want you right now.”

“Why don’t you show me then?” whispered Susan, letting Jenna take
back control.




Priggy opened one eye and stared into the darkness. “Are you
asleep, Champs?”

Champagne rolled onto her side and moaned. “Priggy-y-y-y, I’m
trying, but you keep waking me up.”

Priggy lay still in the silence. “Sorry,” she whispered.

Champagne moaned once more and pulled her phone from under her
pillow, squinting as she tapped the screen and checked for the fourth time that
her alarm was set.

“What’s that light? Are you playing Candy Crush?”

“No I’m not playing Candy Crush, Priggy! I’m checking my phone


Champagne shoved the phone back under her pillow and closed her

Priggy kept her eyes open and listened to the gentle muffled
patting of snow falling against the window. “What if she wants to do a

“Priggy! Go to sleep! If you sleep for two and a half hours you’ll
have the energy to do whatever you like with Little Miss Diamond Dyke.”
Champagne exhaled heavily and rolled onto her stomach.

“I don’t think I want to do a sixty-niner in the square; it sounds
like it’s snowing. I might get cold.”

“Oh for god’s sake, Priggy, be quiet.”

Priggy closed her eyes and rolled onto her side.

Champagne opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. “Do you think
Phats wants to do a sixty-niner in the square?”

“I thought we were sleeping?”

“We are,” nodded Champagne.

Both girls kept their eyes wide open in the silence.

Champagne spoke first. “Shall we agree now that we’re not doing any
sixty-niners in the square?”

“I think that’s best,” said Priggy, pulling her quilt higher and
drawing her knees up to her chest.




Susan threw her arms above her head and let Jenna pull off her
jumper. “Keep kissing me,” she gasped.

Jenna tossed the knitwear to the floor and quickly moved back to
Susan’s lips. She broke free for a second and spoke quietly. “I’m going to push
you down on the bed. You’re not going to stop me are you?”

Susan flung herself backwards and pulled Jenna down by the
shoulders. “No,” she gasped as she reached around and took hold of Jenna’s firm

Jenna panted as Susan pulled her in closer, totally overcome by the
frantic nature of their intensity. “Help take my top off,” urged Jenna.

Susan grabbed the bottom of the pink tank top and yanked it over
Jenna’s head, moaning as she felt the smooth sensation of Jenna’s warm skin
pressed against her own. “This is incredible,” she groaned as Jenna’s lips moved
from her mouth down to her neck and towards her chest. She closed her eyes and
inhaled. Every single nerve ending was standing to attention and never before
had she experienced such passionate desire.

Jenna continued her path of small butterfly kisses, lifting her
head momentarily to glance up at Susan and smile at her closed eyes and the
redness of her cheeks. She lifted her fingers to the top of Susan’s bra and pulled
down gently.

Susan felt the rush of cool air and gasped as her nipple sprung
free. She opened her eyes and lifted her head. “Ummmm.”

Jenna looked up and raised an eyebrow. “Ummmm?”

“Ummmm, shall we turn off the lights?”

Jenna reached over with her other hand and pulled down on the
second cup. “No.”

Susan looked down at her breasts, which had been pushed even
higher by the underwiring of her bra. “Right,” she said, dropping her head back
down onto the pillow, “you’re right. This is fine. I’m fine. I want this.”

Jenna smiled to herself as she bent her head forwards and
continued her path of small kisses, circling Susan’s breasts and letting the
tip of her nose accidentally brush against the hard nipples. “I’m taking off
your bra,” she whispered as she worked her fingers under Susan’s back towards
the clasp.

Susan lifted her head up again. “Ummmm.”

Jenna unclipped the bra and pulled it down, moaning slightly as
she took in the beauty of Susan’s naked top half. “Wow.”

Susan blushed even harder and started to fan her own face. “Oh
Jenna, I’ve been trying so hard to play it confident, but I think I’m about to
have a heart attack.” She glanced at the switch by the door. “Can we
turn off the lights?” She spoke quickly. “I want this, I do. I promise you I
want this.” She fanned even faster. “And I need this, trust me, I
need this.” Susan felt herself quiver as she whispered the words, “Jenna, I
you to touch me.” She paused. “But I’m shy. My boobs are just there. They’re
out. It’s embarrassing.”

Jenna slowly lifted her hand to Susan’s chest and cupped the left
breast, circling the nipple with her thumb. “I want to see you, Susan, I want
to see how you respond.”

Susan dropped her head back down onto the pillow and moaned with
satisfaction. “How’s this?”

“Good,” whispered Jenna, moving her lips back to Susan’s. “Be
confident, you’re beautiful.” She kissed her again.

Susan gasped as Jenna switched hands and tugged even harder on her
other nipple. “I’m so turned on,” she moaned, suddenly realising where Jenna’s other
hand had gone. She lifted her head once more. “Ummmm.”

Jenna moved her hand away from the buttons on Susan’s jeans and
pulled herself off the bed. “Susan, I’m not having your
interrupting us every two seconds.” She smiled. “I want you to sit yourself at
the headboard and watch me.” She smiled again. “Just watch me.”

Susan swallowed deeply and slowly shuffled herself up the bed,
fully aware of the point Jenna was about to make. “Shall I dim the lights?”

“No,” said Jenna laughing. “This is me. This is my body and I’m
proud of who I am.”

Susan glanced to the floor as Jenna reached behind her own back and
took off her bra. “Look at me then,” she said, smiling.

Susan drew her eyes up and felt her heart quicken as she noticed the
sculpted stomach and the full breasts. Jenna’s skin was a warm peach colour and
her muscles were toned to perfection. “You’re incredible,” whispered Susan.

“I haven’t finished yet,” said Jenna, playfully displaying her

Susan watched as her old classmate pushed down the sloggi bottoms
that had been hanging so sexily just below her waist. The first thing that
Susan noticed was the strength in Jenna’s thighs.

“I’m a skier,” said Jenna, spotting the attention. “They’re all

“Your figure’s amazing.”

“And so is yours,” said Jenna, stretching out her hand to Susan.
“You have the perfect tiny waist, the perfect pert breasts, and your nipples
were made for my mouth.”

“Jenna,” gasped Susan.

Jenna kept her hand outstretched. “What? They were, and I want to
taste them. Come up here. Let me undress you. I promise I’ll take it slowly.”

Susan swallowed. “Ummmm.”

“Okay, okay, okay,” said Jenna, dropping her hand. “I’ll take it
all off first.”

“No, I didn’t mean that, I…” Susan watched with her mouth wide
open as Jenna slipped off her knickers and kicked them to the floor.

“I don’t want us to have a fumble around in the dark, Susan. I
want us to have full, proper, raw, passionate sex where we can do whatever we
want, whenever we want, and we’ll only get that if we’re completely comfortable
with one another.”

Susan wasn’t listening. She was fixated on the entirely bald area
between Jenna’s legs. “Ummmm.”

Jenna lifted her hands in the air. “This is me, Susan, and I want
you to experience
of me.”

“Ummmm … you’ve … you’ve got no hair at all?” Her voice was timid.

Jenna continued to chat away, not caring in the least that she was
standing there completely naked. “Of course not. But you understand what I’m
saying when I say we need to be comfortable with one another, right? Our
connection’s so intense that we’re going to get carried away here, there, and
everywhere and I don’t want you constantly thinking,
‘oh no, it’s too
‘what if she sees my bottom?’
You’re beautiful, Susan,
and I want to see you. All of you.”

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