One Foot Onto the Ice (12 page)

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Authors: Kiki Archer

BOOK: One Foot Onto the Ice
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Jenna opened her eyes and pushed Amber back against the bar. “You
know I do,” she said, kissing her deeply and sliding her fingers down the front
of Amber’s jeans. Jenna smiled at the wetness. “And it seems like you do too.”




Susan padded softly down the stairs, confident in Jenna’s ability
to handle the situation in the most appropriate manner. She tried to think
logically. A child in her care had been exposed to an adult’s private
genitalia. Male genitalia. Susan’s hand hit a bump on the white banister and
she clasped her fingers together. She paused for a moment and thought about the
situation. This must have happened before. There must be protocols in place.
She nodded and continued her descent to the bottom of the staircase. Jenna
would know. Jenna would sort this out.

Susan pushed down on the handle that led into the dining room and
froze at the scene in front of her. Jenna had Amber pushed up against the bar.
The pair of them were pinned between two stools, totally absorbed in a
passionate embrace. Susan pulled herself backwards and gasped. She stood still,
unable to move. The door swung back towards her, but it didn’t close completely.
It left a small gap, just wide enough to frame the show in all its glory.

Susan tried to lift her legs and turn around. She needed to climb
the stairs. She needed to get away. But she couldn’t. The only things that
seemed to be working were her eyes.




Jenna knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help it. Her night with
Amber had been fun the first time around and this was proving just as
pleasurable. She placed one hand on top of Amber’s and stretched it out onto
the bar. Her other hand was moving gently inside Amber’s tight jeans. Amber started
to moan.

“Not yet,” said Jenna, withdrawing her fingers and pinning Amber’s
other hand out to the side too.

Amber moved out of the embrace and groaned into Jenna’s ear. “I
was so close.”

Jenna whispered back into the ear that was pressing against her
own mouth. “I know. That’s why I stopped.” She gently used her teeth to tug on
the warm earlobe. “I want you to explode.”

“Make me,” begged Amber, knowing full well that Jenna would do
just that.




Susan was mesmerised, unable to look away. Jenna had Amber trapped
against the bar with her arms outstretched in a crucifix position. She was
kissing lustfully down Amber’s neck and Susan even thought she spotted Jenna’s
teeth tugging at Amber’s skin, pulling it backwards and sucking it gently
before moving to a lower spot on her chest. Susan watched as Amber threw her
head back in pleasure. Jenna was rhythmically grinding her thigh between
Amber’s legs and Susan noticed that Amber was also rocking in time. Susan held
onto the doorframe and stopped her own swaying. She tried to swallow, but her
throat was too dry. She needed to walk away. She needed to forget what she’d
seen. Jenna was clearly a player and her earlier admission of interest was
obviously just an attempt at flattery with a view to a score. Amber had been
right. Jenna
use and abuse. Susan looked back at the scene and
wondered what it would be like to be used and abused by Jenna. She tilted her
head against the doorframe and crossed her legs, suddenly aware of her own arousal.




Jenna could tell that Amber was getting close again. Amber had started
to push back against her thigh with more force and a faster rhythm and her
breathing had become much more rapid. Jenna released the grip on Amber’s wrists
and slid her hands along Amber’s arms and under her shoulders. She lifted her
onto the bar.




Susan’s stomach lunged. Jenna had lifted Amber on the bar and was
now raising Amber’s legs onto her own shoulders. She was kissing Amber’s chest.
She was unbuttoning Amber’s shirt. She was pulling down on Amber’s bra. Susan
gasped. Jenna was kissing Amber’s right nipple. Flicking it with her tongue.
Sucking it into her mouth. She was pulling Amber’s other nipple between her
fingers. Susan closed her eyes. She had to leave. This was so wrong. So
immoral. So dirty. She drew her hands together in front of her mouth and
brushed, by consequence, her own aroused nipples. She felt a shudder of
pleasure and involuntarily squeezed her legs together.




Jenna moved her mouth back to Amber’s and kissed her with force.
She worked her fingers to the top of Amber’s jeans and popped open the buttons.
She moved her hands to the back of Amber’s trousers and started to tug
forwards. “Lift up a second,” she whispered.

Amber did as instructed and felt her jeans and pants sliding over
her bottom. The bar was cold and it sent an extra shiver up her spine. “My
boots must be heavy on your shoulders,” she said.

Jenna grinned. “Not for long.” She drew Amber’s right leg off her
shoulder and pulled off the pink Moon Boot. She dropped it to the floor and
pulled the jeans and pants down her leg and over her foot, leaving them hanging
between Amber’s thighs. Jenna lifted the socked foot back onto her shoulder and
moved the loose trouser leg out of the way. Jenna moaned at the wetness that
was now clearly visible in front of her.




Susan could feel herself pulsing. She had never seen anything as
erotic as this before. Jenna’s left arm was now at the base of Amber’s back,
serving as some resistance for the vigour with which she was kissing her. One
of Amber’s legs was bare and the other was jean-ed. One foot was shoeless and
the other was hidden inside a huge pink Moon Boot which was positioned on top
of Jenna’s shoulder.

Susan tilted her head backwards and glanced up the stairs. She
needed to go. She couldn’t watch anymore. This was wrong on so many levels. She
turned back to the gap in the door, grabbing the wooden frame as a surge of
electricity shot through her. Jenna had buried her face between Amber’s legs.




Jenna kept her left hand at the base of Amber’s back, using it to
push the wetness even deeper into her mouth. This was the part she loved the
most. The moment of pure pleasure. The moment where she gave the woman
everything she needed. She pushed her tongue in deeper and moved her right hand
into her own jeans. She slid her fingers between her own wetness and started to

Amber threw her head back and started to moan. “I’m so close, I’m
so close, I want you to come too.”

“I am,” groaned Jenna, working her mouth and touching herself

Amber lifted her left hand to the shelf above the bar and held on
tightly. She used her right hand to force the back of Jenna’s head harder into
her. “I’m coming,” she groaned, rocking herself forwards and backwards, completely
oblivious to the glasses clinking on the shelf above her. “I’m coming,” she

Jenna pressed her tongue against Amber with real force, timing her
own touch to coincide with Amber’s ripping orgasm.




Susan couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Jenna was face first
between Amber’s legs, finger fucking herself at the same time, and neither had
noticed the array of upturned glasses that were shifting on the shelf above
their heads. Susan had to stop them. The glasses were about to fall.




“Yesssssssssssssssss!” screamed Jenna into the wetness.

“Yesssssssssssssssss!” screamed Amber into the air.

“Noooooooooooooo!” screamed Susan, bursting into the room and
pointing at the high shelf.

Jenna flung her eyes to Susan, then to the shelf. “Shitttttttttttttttttt!”
she shouted, seeing the rows of tall glasses teetering too close to the edge.

Amber looked up and spotted the danger. She let go of the shelf
and hurled herself off the bar, clinking the glasses together for one final

Jenna kept her eyes up. “Stand back,” she shouted as a tall pint
glass was knocked out of position. She lunged forwards and lifted her right
hand to the falling glass. It slipped straight through her fingers and smashed
onto the floor. “Oops,” she said rather sheepishly as silence descended. “Butter

Susan glanced at Jenna. “Is that what you call it?”

Amber was hopping on one leg trying to get her foot back into her
pants. “She certainly buttered me up, didn’t you, babe?”

Jenna looked at Susan. “I’m sorry, Susan. I didn’t expect you to
come back down.”

Susan turned to leave. “It’s a good job I did.” She looked back at
the shelf. “You could have been scarred for life.”

Jenna raised her eyebrows apologetically. “Have you been scarred
for life?”

“By that?” Susan shrugged and walked towards the door. “That was
nothing special.”





Chapter Eleven



Susan shut her bedroom door and stood still in the darkness. What
had she just witnessed? Sex? Lesbian sex? Casual lesbian sex? Casually
adventurous lesbian sex? She closed her eyes and remembered the way Amber had
thrown her head back as Jenna had moved her mouth between her legs. Susan
quivered as another surge of arousal washed across her body. She moved forwards
in the darkness and felt for the edge of her bed. She sat down and collapsed
backwards, unzipping her fleece and fanning her face. She couldn’t deny it.
Watching that had turned her on. She was turned on by the way Jenna had taken
control. Turned on by the way Jenna had lifted Amber onto the bar. Turned on by
the way Jenna had kissed and caressed with such passion. Susan turned her head
into her pillow and moaned lightly, aware that it was the sight of Jenna
pleasuring herself that turned her on the most.

Susan lay in the darkness and re-lived the scene once more. She
paused for a moment before lifting her left hand up to her chest. She rested it
palm down on her sternum for what felt like an age before gradually letting her
fingers wander in the direction they wanted, straight to the nipples which were
hard and receptive to her touch. She moaned quietly, letting her right hand
slip down the front of her jeans. She was wetter than she’d ever been and the
sensation felt electric. She started to move her fingers up and down, picturing
the frantic way in which Jenna had touched herself and made herself come at
exactly the same time as Amber. The thought turned her on further and she clawed
roughly at her nipples. She squeezed them between her fingers and imagined it
was Jenna touching her, taking control and forcing her to come on command. She
rubbed harder and faster and held onto her breath as the sensations quickly took
over. She clasped her legs together and rolled onto her side, burying her face
into the pillow and letting out a long and satisfied moan.

The tapping was gentle. “Can I come in?” said the voice.

Susan yanked her hand out of her jeans and tilted her head towards
the door. She didn’t speak.

“I know you’re in there. I’ve been listening to you.”

Susan froze in the darkness.

“Can I come in? Please, it’s important.”

Susan panicked, totally unsure if she’d locked the door. She heard
the handle move down and squinted as the light from the corridor burst into the
room devastated that she obviously hadn’t locked it.

Jenna stepped forwards and looked down at Susan lying awkwardly on
the bed. “Please don’t tell me you sleep in that fleece too?”

“Don’t turn it on,” said Susan, pulling herself off the bed and
shaking her head at Jenna whose finger was about to flick on the main light
switch. She stumbled around to her bedside table and reached for the white
cable, finally finding the button for her small bedside lamp and illuminating the
room with a soft glow. “Shut the door,” she whispered, totally embarrassed. “Those
hall lights are too bright.”

Jenna stepped further into the room and did as instructed. She
grinned mischievously. “Romantic lighting.”

Susan couldn’t look up. “Not really. I just have a head ache. What
did you want?”

“Is that why you’re lying fully clothed on your bed in the
darkness? Because you have a headache?”

Susan moved away from Jenna’s intensity and sat down on the end of
the bed. “I was just taking a moment.”

Jenna ignored Susan’s desire for distance and sat down next to
her. “Is that what they call it?”

“Please, Jenna, stop it.”

Jenna shuffled further onto the bed and angled her body towards
Susan. “Stop what?”

Susan stood up. “This.”

Jenna stood up too. “What?”

Susan lifted her hands. “This! You’re in my space.”

Jenna stepped in closer. “Can we talk about how I want to be in
your space and how you want me to be in your space too?”

Susan shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jenna leaned forwards and whispered into Susan’s ear. “Yes you

Susan felt a wave of electricity run through her body. It was as
if every single hair on her body was standing on end. She stuttered, “You’re
teasing me.”

Jenna stepped backwards and sat back down on the bed. “I’m not.
Can we just talk for a bit? I need to explain.”

Susan managed to breathe for the first time in about a minute. “Fine,”
she said, still standing.

Jenna patted the bed. “Sit down?”

Susan took a deep breath and perched herself at the opposite end
to Jenna.

Jenna raised an eyebrow and twisted around. “Shall I start?”

“You’re the one that came up,” said Susan.

“You’re the one that came down,” replied Jenna.

“You’re the one that went—” Susan stopped herself.

Jenna laughed. “Yes, I went down. You saw me.”

Susan pulled the pillow from behind her and clutched it into her
stomach. “I stopped a disaster. All of those glasses could have come crashing
down on you both.”

“It was funny for you to notice.”

Susan frowned. “Notice what?”

“You opened the door shouting NOOOOOO!” Jenna shrugged. “It should
have taken you a while to work out what was going on, notice the glasses clinking
together, and then shout NOOOOOO.”

Susan unzipped her lilac fleece and threw it towards the dresser.
“I heard a noise as I was coming down the stairs, I peeped through the door and
I spotted what was going on.”

“Ooo, the fleece is off,” laughed Jenna, noticing Susan’s toned
arms now on display in her fitted black vest top. “Why didn’t you just let us
get what we deserved?”

“I didn’t want you and Amber bombarded with shards of broken

“Didn’t you?”

“No, why would I?” Susan stood up to the dresser and retrieved her
fleece, pulling out the arms and starting to fold it. “You clearly have things
with lots of women. It’s got nothing to do with me.”

Jenna followed her up and took the fleece out of her hands,
placing it back on the dresser. “I
it to have something to do with

Susan finally gained the confidence to look into the searching
brown eyes. “No you don’t.”

“I do. I’m drawn to you.”

Susan crossed her arms. “I have to give it to you. You’re very

Jenna reached out and relaxed Susan’s arms. “This isn’t a game.”

Susan pulled them back into their folded position. “Yes it is. You
want to convert a straight woman.”

Jenna shook her head. “Nope, I’ve already done that,” she said
smiling. “On numerous occasions.”

“Fine, you want to have sex with someone you used to go to school

“Jemima Grice.”


“Jemima Grice, after the school prom. I’ve already done it.”

“You’ve had sex with the well-respected MP, Jemima Grice?”

Jenna shrugged. “Yes, but just so you know, having sex with me
doesn’t make anyone any less respectable.”

Susan was rubbing her neck. “You know what I mean.”

Jenna shook her head. “No, I don’t think I do.”

“You’re just so
,” Susan waved her hand as she sat
back down on the bed. “I’m not used to it.”

Jenna stayed standing. “Should I go?”

“What did you come up for?”

Jenna narrowed her naughty brown eyes. “What did you come down

Susan tried to stifle her laugh. “Fine, if we’re doing this, let’s
do it properly.” She raised her eyebrows. “Tell me what
went down

Jenna laughed. “You see now, Susan. This is why I like you.
There’s a deeply mischievous, playful woman hidden under all of your
properness. You intrigue me. I want to see the real you.” She sat down.
“There’s a spark between us.”

Susan smiled. “But that spark didn’t stop you re-lighting the fire
with Amber, did it?”

Jenna took a huge intake of breath and held onto it. She shook her
head and exhaled slowly. “I’m a nightmare. I always have been.”

“You realise she’ll be all over you now. More so than she already

Jenna closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. “I know, I know, I
know,” she looked up and thought she’d try, “but she started it.”

“And you couldn’t stop it?”

Jenna shrugged. “No, I don’t think I could.”

“Are you a sex addict?” Susan asked the question with a totally
straight face.

Jenna burst out laughing. “No! Of course I’m not.”

“So you should have said no.”

“I know, I know, I know.” She paused. “But you know what it’s like
when a woman’s mouth is so close to yours and she’s asking to be kissed? It’s
rude not to.”

Susan shook her head. “I’m not a lesbian, so I wouldn’t know.”

“I’m sure you could imagine, though?” Jenna lifted her finger to
Susan’s chest. “I spotted a slight rash around your neck when I came in. It
seems to be easing a bit now. I wonder what it was from?”

Susan moved away from the contact and stood up, quickly opening
the small bedroom window. “Heat rash. I’m hot.”

“It’s freezing!” laughed Jenna. “We’re in the Alps.” She patted
the bed once more, hoping that Susan would sit down. “I know my rashes,” smiled
Jenna, “and I was standing outside your door for a minute or two before I
plucked up the courage to knock.”

Susan stood still. “So?”

 “So I know how you got that rash.” Jenna grinned. “There’s
nothing wrong with admitting you were turned on by what you saw.”

“I wasn’t.”

Jenna stood up and nodded slowly. “Yes you were.”

Susan stepped around her and sat back down at the top of the bed.
“Change the subject right now. We agreed we’re doing this in order. You’ve told
me why you went down—”

“Because I’m a sex crazed ski instructor who hardly ever says no?”

“You said it, not me.” Susan laughed. “But yes, you’re a sexual
woman with an insatiable appetite.” She was speaking quickly, praying that Jenna
would get carried away with this new line of conversation. “My reason for
coming down’s not quite as adventurous, but it is rather explicit.”

Jenna raced over and jumped down next to her making the bedsprings
squeak. “Ooo, come on, tell me everything. I promise not to mention the fact
you came back here and got yourself off after watching me fuck.”

Susan felt her already red face flare into a burning mess. “Stop

Jenna grinned. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I like that you did
it. It tells me a lot about you.”

Susan coughed lightly and pulled herself backwards. “I didn’t. Last
warning. Change the subject or I’ll ask you to leave.”

“No you won’t.” Jenna saw the look on Susan’s face and moved her
hand up to her own mouth. “Fine, fine,” she said, zipping her lips closed. “But
can I ask you why you won’t sit close to me?”

“I’m worried you’re going to pounce.”

Jenna raised an eyebrow. “Are you? Or are you worried I won’t?”

Susan rolled her eyes. “Stop it. Your reverse psychology doesn’t
work on me.” She paused. “But this does feel weird. Tell me why this whole
thing feels so intense?”

Jenna flattened the cool duvet and slid herself closer. “It’s what
I was talking about downstairs. We have a connection, Susan. I’ve not felt it
as strongly as this before. I just want to spend time with you. I want to find
out everything about you. I want to get close to you.”

Susan crossed her arms. “So much so, that the moment I leave, you
lift Amber onto the bar and start eating her like a bar buffet?”

“You saw me lift her, Susan? Just how long had you been watching us?”

Susan reddened again. “I just assumed you lifted her.”

“Uh huh,” laughed Jenna. “A bar buffet? How often do you go face
first for the bowl of peanuts?” She smiled. “And yes, before you ask, I did
freshen myself up before I knocked on your door.”

Susan changed the subject. “Can I tell you about Marcus?”

Jenna fell backwards on the bed and made a loud fizzing sound. “That’s
a sure fire way to dampen the spark.”

Susan exhaled heavily. “It’s why I came down. I wanted your
advice. I thought you’d be able to help.”

Jenna pulled herself back up and smiled. “I like how you turn to
me. This is the second time you’ve done it in two days.”

“You’re level headed.”

“Not with women.”

“Doesn’t matter. This is about Marcus.”


Susan composed herself. “Daisy Button walked into Marcus’s room
this evening and saw him naked.”

Jenna spluttered. “What?”

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