Once More Chance (Chance #2; Rosemary Beach #8) (5 page)

BOOK: Once More Chance (Chance #2; Rosemary Beach #8)
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How could she even consider this? Her heart . . . she was so fragile. “I don’t understand why she would do this. She knows she can’t.”

Rush sank into the leather chair close to him and let out a weary sigh. “The baby is real to her. It’s inside her. She has a connection with it already. It’s a mother thing. I
can’t say that I know how you feel, because the moment I found out Blaire was pregnant, I wanted that baby. It was our baby. It was a part of us. But Blaire was connected to Nate. Even then.
I don’t think I felt quite what she felt until they put him in my arms. And . . .” Rush paused and shook his head, then looked directly at me. “I could never choose between Nate
and Blaire. Now that I have him, I couldn’t comprehend not having him. Giving him up. And if Harlow feels even a small portion of that already, I get it. I understand completely.”

His situation had been different. Completely different. He had never had to face the possibility of Blaire dying. God! I couldn’t even think about it. It hurt too damn bad.
“You,” I said, pointing at him. “You have no idea what this feels like. You were never faced with losing Blaire. Of her . . .” I couldn’t say it aloud. It would
shatter me.

“You’re right. I never faced it. I know that if Blaire had been in the same situation, I would have wanted her to get an abortion. I wouldn’t have wanted her to take a chance
with her life. She’s my world. But now . . . I can’t imagine a world without Nate in it. He—” Rush stopped and took a deep breath. “Nate completes my world.”

This didn’t matter. I would never hold that child, because nothing was more important than Harlow’s life. Her heart would keep beating. I would make damn sure of it.
“You’re saying I have to choose. Well, I choose Harlow.”

Rush nodded. “I know. But she chooses that baby. She has that connection already. I understand her fierce need to protect her baby . . .

Shaking my head, I walked away from him. Away from Woods, who had remained silent on the sofa. The urge to throw things and curse the world was beating in my chest, wanting out. I couldn’t
do that now, though. Focusing on Harlow and saving her was my priority—not losing my shit.

“I wouldn’t let Della do it, either,” Woods finally spoke. I turned back to look at him. “I wouldn’t let her sacrifice her life. I’m nothing without her. I
get it. You have to save her.”

Woods would never be in my position, but at least he understood. I wasn’t a monster for wanting Harlow to abort my child. Her body couldn’t handle it. She wasn’t meant to give
birth. This was my fault. I hadn’t been careful enough.

“I’m not saying I don’t understand. I’m just saying I also understand Harlow. The love you have for your child is intense. Go easy on her. Don’t force her. If you
do, she’ll run away. You won’t be able to save her,” Rush said, then stood up. “Mase has a house at the back of his parents’ ranch. It’s off the road, and you
have to go through his parents’ front gate to get back there. That’s where she’s staying. She’s been hiding there all along. I was good with keeping her secret until Mase
called me today and told me about the pregnancy. I talked to Blaire, and she said it was time I told you. Mase wants you to go and talk to her. He can’t talk her out of it, and he needs your
help. He also said she’s lost weight and hasn’t cracked a smile. She’s missing you, but she’s staying away from you because she’s also protecting you. She
doesn’t want you to try to stop her.” Rush paused and glanced back at Woods, then turned back to me. “And she doesn’t want you to be afraid.”

My fear of losing her. She was keeping me from my nightmare come to life. “I’m going to Texas tonight. I can’t stay away from her any longer.”

Rush nodded. “I know. I figured that out already. I have a private plane waiting for you at the airport. Just be smart. Know that she’ll defend that child before anything else. Be
sensitive, because acting as if that life inside her means nothing to you will wound her. It’s a part of you that she’s carrying. That makes her love it even more.”


y eyes flew open, and it took me a moment to figure out why I was awake before the sun was up. Deep voices coming from outside snapped me out of
my sleepy thoughts, and I sat up in bed and listened. Reaching for my phone, I saw it was just after three in the morning. I jumped out of the large four-poster bed, grabbed my wrap, and tugged it
on before heading for the front door toward the voices.

Glancing over at Mase’s bedroom door, I saw that it was open and the light was on. One of those voices outside belonged to Mase. If his father or Major was here this early, then something
must be wrong down at the ranch. I tied the wrap closed with the silky belt that hung at my waist and slipped my feet into a pair of furry slippers that I had left by my bedroom door last night
when I had come inside after swinging on the front porch.

Stepping out onto the dark landing of the stairs, it was hard to see. The voices were to the right of the porch. I started to walk toward them but paused at the top of the stairs when
Grant’s familiar voice stopped me.

“I want to see her now. Just let me in. I won’t disturb her, I’ll just watch her sleep. I swear. I’m begging you, please let me see her.” The desperation in his
voice was more than I could handle. I had ignored his phone calls and stayed away from him for almost two months.

“She doesn’t need to be surprised like this. She’s fragile right now, and—”

“I know she’s fragile.
! Do you think I’d do anything to hurt her? I would rather throw myself off a fucking cliff, Mase. I hurt her once, and I swear to God,
I’ll never do it again. Just let me in there. Let me see her. Please, I need to be close to her.”

There was a pause. Even through the darkness, I could see Grant’s eyes as they locked on me. He stepped around Mase and started walking toward me. There was determination in his eyes, but
there was also so much pain. I had caused that pain. Sure, he’d hurt me, but he’d done everything to contact me, to try to find me. He hadn’t just let me go.

“Harlow.” He said my name in such a reverent tone that my knees wobbled and my body felt weak. Relief washed through me. Relief I hadn’t been expecting. He was here, and I
wasn’t going to be able to push him away. And I was relieved because I needed him. More than anyone on this earth, I needed him.

“You came,” I said simply.

He climbed the stairs, taking them two at a time until he was in front of me. “I’d have been here sooner if I knew where you were. I looked for you. I called.” He stopped
searching my face for answers.

I would have to tell him, and he would leave when he understood the gamble. But right now, I needed him. I wasn’t ready to tell him about the baby and send him running away in fear.

“We’re going to go to my room, Mase,” I told my brother, glancing around Grant to see Mase watching us cautiously from the bottom of the steps.

He nodded and stayed where he was. Turning back to Grant, I slipped my hand in his and led him toward my room. I had missed him, and my emotions were all over the place. I didn’t trust
myself to do or say the right thing. I just wanted him close to me. With his arms around me, I would feel like everything was OK.

Grant stayed so close to my side that his body brushed mine as we walked into the bedroom. He closed the door behind us, then pulled me tightly into his arms. We just stood there in the
darkness. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. The strength from having him with me again like this was unexpected. My heart had always been weak, but loving Grant made
it strong.

His lips brushed the top of my head. “I love you. I love you so much,” he whispered into the silence.

The fullness inside from hearing those words made me feel as if I would burst. I had this man’s love. Deep down, I’d known he loved me, but hearing him say that after everything I
had put him through made it real.

“I love you, too,” I told him, then tilted my head back and stared up into his eyes. The emotion in those depths rocked me.

“You need to sleep. We can talk in the morning, but right now, you need to rest, and I want nothing more than to hold you while you do,” he said, then pressed a kiss on my forehead
as if I were a delicate flower he didn’t want to break.

I didn’t want to sleep. There was a lot I wanted to do, but sleeping wasn’t one of them. “I’m awake now,” I told him.

He cupped my face with one hand and brushed his thumb over my cheek. “You should be asleep. I woke you up. You need sleep before we talk. I need some sleep, too.”

He picked me up, carried me over to the bed, and placed me on it before reaching for his shirt and tugging it off. I watched in wonder as his beautiful chest was revealed. He pulled off his
shoes and went to unbutton his jeans and stopped. My gaze had been completely wrapped up in watching him undress, so when he didn’t continue, I lifted my eyes to meet his.

Instead of hunger, I saw pain. I didn’t understand.

“I think I’ll leave these on. We need to sleep,” he said, then climbed onto the bed and lay back, gently pulling me toward his chest. His arms encircled me.

“I’m almost scared to close my eyes,” I admitted.

“Why?” he asked, tensing underneath me.

I tucked my head back against his shoulder so I could see his face. “Because I’m afraid this is a dream. I’ll wake up, and you won’t be here,” I admitted, then
reached up and touched his face to remind myself that he was real and he was here.

“If you wake up and this is a dream, call me. I’ll come running. I swear,” he said, then took my hand and kissed my palm. “All you ever have to do is call me, and I will
drop anything to be with you.”


had woken up more than an hour ago, but Harlow was still sleeping peacefully, so I wasn’t moving. She needed sleep. Her body needed all the
rest it could get until I could make her see reason. I glanced down at her curled up beside me and noticed her hand resting protectively over her stomach. Even in her sleep, she was protecting the
life inside her.

A tug inside me at the idea of a baby, my baby, startled me. I didn’t expect to feel anything for the life that could take her from me. But I did. I felt something. It wasn’t enough
to bargain with Harlow’s life, but I felt a deep sense of loss when I thought about what we had to do. I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t there. I would mourn the baby, but I would be
able to move on because I would have Harlow.

Convincing Harlow that saving herself was most important was my main focus. That and keeping her rested and her body healthy. I just didn’t know yet how hard that first part was going to
be. From the way Rush talked, it wouldn’t be easy.

The smell of coffee drifted into the room, and I heard Mase moving around in the small cabin. I wanted him to leave—do something else and leave us alone. I didn’t need his
interference. This was between Harlow and me. Her brother had taken care of her when I couldn’t, but I was here now, and it was time he stepped down.

“Good morning.” Harlow’s sleepy voice brought my gaze back to her face. Those big, beautiful eyes of hers looked happy this morning. She wanted me here. She may have been
trying to keep me away, but she wanted me here. That was all the proof I needed.

“Morning, sweet girl,” I replied, then pressed a kiss to her soft lips. I was gentle and didn’t push for more. We needed to talk first. Tasting her would have to wait. I
wasn’t sure I could remain focused if I let myself take too much right now.

“It wasn’t a dream,” she whispered.

“No. It was real. I’m here,” I assured her. And I wasn’t leaving without her.

She began tracing small shapes on my stomach with her fingertip. I watched her small hand and the frown starting to pucker her forehead. She was thinking. I knew what about. She wasn’t
sure what to do now that I was here.

I didn’t doubt that she was aware of the fact that I wasn’t leaving her. Letting her worry and stress wasn’t good for her. I reached down and took her hand in mine and squeezed
it. I had to ease into this, and I had to choose my words with caution.

“I can’t lose you. It would destroy me. You might as well take me with you. I won’t be able to live if you don’t.” I stopped and fought the terror that came with
those thoughts. I shoved it away, because I refused to accept it. “I want you to be happy, but I want you alive. I’ll give you anything. Just ask. But I can’t sacrifice you. Your
life isn’t something I’m willing to gamble with.”

She had gone still in my arms, so still I wasn’t sure if she was even breathing. It hadn’t dawned on her that I could already know her secret. If she even thought of running from me,
I’d chase her down.

“You came into my life. You changed my world. You made me realize I’m capable of loving completely. You’re my one. You’re it. This is my epic love, and I can’t lose

Harlow let out a shaky breath and buried her face in my chest. I cupped the back of her head with my hand and gently stroked her back as she took several deep breaths. Giving up on her
wasn’t something I would ever do. She just had to understand my devotion and my need for her. “When did you become such a sweet-talker? Prepare a girl before you say stuff like
that,” she said as she lifted her head to look at me. The redness in her eyes and the unshed tears made me want to cuddle her and take her away from anything that could hurt her.

“It’s true,” I assured her.

She closed her eyes and let out a long, uneven breath. “All my life, I’ve dreamed of having someone love me like you do. But in that dream, I imagined a family. The kind I
didn’t get to have as a kid. A husband who loved me and our kids, because I always wanted kids. I’ve watched Rush hold Nate, and the joy in his eyes is something I always wanted for
myself. I never thought I’d experience either of those things. But I was given this wonderful gift of you”—she paused and touched her flat stomach again—“and I was
given this miracle. One I didn’t plan on or expect, but I got it all the same. I can’t end this. I can’t . . . I can’t. I love you, but I can’t.”

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