Once Forgotten Twice Loved (3 page)

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Lilly sighed when her brother hugged her. She loved Larken, not because he was her oldest brother, but he allowed them to be themselves no matter how they dressed or how different they were. He always found a place for them no matter what. Larken was a true Alpha, bringing all his different wolves into the family.

“So, baby sister, where are the women in my life going today?” Larken asked as he allowed Lilly to sit back down in the chair.

“Well, we are having a girl’s day out with shopping, getting pedicures, and lots and lots of good food,” Lilly said as she smiled at Larken. “Plus, we plan to take you up on your offer and spend some of that money on clothes.” Lilly giggled as she watched the smile spread across Larken’s face.

“Finally.” Larken walked back around to his desk and pulled open his top drawer. He pulled out a black credit card and handed it to Lilly. “Now go and have a good time and spend the money like I asked you girls to.”

Lilly smiled as Larken handed her the credit card. “Aye, aye, Captain. Well, Alpha.” Larken couldn’t help but smile at his baby sister.

Larken sat back down in his chair trying to remember parts of the dream. Lilly’s comment was nagging at him. Larken knew he could get a mate, but she wouldn’t be the mate who was meant to be his. He hardly had time to think these days, getting the lodge ready for the ski season, and this year he was in charge of the Valentine’s Day pack dance. Last year Lilly was in charge, but Larken had made some comments about the band so Lilly told him he could get the band, the decorations, and the food this year. This dance was only for the paranormal kind. Larken invited all the packs from around the area to come and stay at the lodge and celebrate. Valentine’s Day was the only holiday the Alphas would agree on to let all the packs come together. The Alphas needed a weekend where single members could come together and meet with each other, hoping that their true mates would be within another pack. Since they started having this special weekend, ten single members had found their true mate. It has been a success and Larken and the other Alphas couldn't be happier. He wished every year that his true mate would be among the incoming packs.

Larken thought back on his life and the goals he wanted to achieve when he became Alpha. His dad, Joseph Wilder, was the Alpha before him. He was a great Alpha but wanted more time to spend with his mate, Larken’s mother. When the call came out to the other pack members for the challenge to be Alpha, nobody came forward. Larken was the only one who was strong enough to take on the challenge for Alpha of the Meadowland Pack, and everyone knew it and wanted it.

Larsen Wilder, his twin, was always the choice to be his Second in Command. His brothers, Chance and Wind Wilder, were to be part of his Command staff, too. Chance and Wind were his Lieutenants along with Nash, his cousin. Nash was also Head of Security at the lodge. Several other pack members carried rank in the Meadowland Pack, which was a large pack with almost two hundred wolves. He received requests every day to join his pack. They were a very profitable pack because of Larken and his staff. They came together and made good decisions when it came to pack business.

Larken had gone to college and majored in business. He had known he would be Alpha. His dad and granddaddy had trained him since birth to be the Alpha when the time was right. Larken didn’t take it lightly. His goals had been established way before he had become Alpha.

One of the goals was to make all the pack members feel like they were part of the pack and had a vested interest. He gave every pack member a job at the lodge and other various businesses that they owned. He paid good wages and benefits. Most of the pack was surprised when this occurred. He gave them a purpose. He also asked the older pack members to become part of the Elders of the pack, and all the young pack members had to go through them for some of their training. This gave the Elders an opportunity to participate in the pack instead of just showing up for meetings. This gave them meaning. They would teach them the old ways and the history of the pack.

Women in the pack had a voice, too. He allowed his sisters to help him with this and find out what the women of the pack wanted to achieve. Of course, this made the women in his family happy with their Alpha, and it made the females in his pack happy, too. The women came up with a lot of great ideas. Larken had a couple of Protectors as women, and allowed them to voice their opinion at the meetings.

Most of all, Larken wanted all the young people of his pack to get certain training and education. Some of the training would go through the Elders. Also, Larken wanted all his pack members to know how to defend themselves. He never wanted his pack to be unprepared for any kind of attack. He attended all the Alpha meetings and shared all the new information with all of his pack. Other Alphas respected him and looked to him for new trends in leadership. Larken was also a fierce fighter and made sure his Command staff and Protectors trained for any type of attack. His family meant everything to him. He didn’t take his job as Alpha for granted. Larken sat back in his chair and smiled. He was happy but still wished for the day he would meet his mate.

Larken turned around in his chair when he heard Nash enter his office. He could smell his cousin’s unique scent. “What’s up, cuz?” Larken and Nash always joked around with each other. Larken had been looking for his cousin when Nash had applied to the State of Colorado for any information on his parents. Nash was only nineteen years old when he came to live with Larken and his family. He was a good man, and Larken trusted him with anything.

“Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my best friend, Ash, will be arriving today for the conference. Remember, she’s the one that helped me before you found me,” Nash added as he sat down in the chair in front of Larken’s desk.

“Nash, I remember. Is she coming to the Valentine's Day dance, too?”

“I asked her, Alpha, but Ash is funny about this, so she may not come, but I will try to get her there. She knows that only pack will be there and what the dance is for. Of course she is all for it. Trying to get me hitched has been her hobby.”

“Nash, you said she was a beautiful woman. Have you never considered hooking up with her?” Larken knew the answer, but this was his time to have a little fun with his cousin and harass the hell out of him.

Nash looked like he was going to be sick. “Alpha, you know Ash is my best friend, right? There has been nothing sexual ever going on between us. She would rip my head off if I ever did anything like that to her. Plus, she’s like a sister to me.” Nash stopped talking as he watched the smile come on Larken’s face. He knew how Nash felt about Ash, but he had to tease him since he hadn’t seen Nash all day.

“Cousin, I know how you feel about your friend. I just wanted to see your face. The look on your face was priceless.”

“All right, the time will come and I will find something to get you back,” Nash said as he sat back in his chair laughing.

“Another reason I’m here is to tell you that a lot of the pack members have arrived already. Jonas just checked in and was asking where you were at.”

“Jonas. That old goat. I hope he meets his mate at this dance so I don’t have to pay for every meal this week.” Larken shook his head, laughing about Jonas.

“Just think if he does meet his mate, then he will expect you to pay for hers, too.”

Larken looked up and laughed harder. “Your right, he would.”

“How long have you and Jonas been friends?” asked Nash.

“A long time. He has been my best friend since we were pups. He was always there when I needed a friend.” Larken sighed then looked at the clock.

“Damn, I guess I need to get out there and help register people for the conference.” Larken pushed his chair back then stood and walked toward the door.

“I’m going to check with security one more time before Ash gets here,” Nash said as he and Larken walked out of the office.

Larken turned around before he walked further down the hall. “Remember to bring your friend around and introduce her to some of the packs from out of town. She may be a mate to one of them.”

Nash just threw his hand up as he walked out the door, and snorted as he thought about Ash. He knew that hell would freeze over before that happened.



Chapter Three


This was a law enforcement convention so Ash was used to men looking at her, but Ash was never confident in her appearance. She had long brown hair and green eyes, and knew she was built pretty well, but she had to work at it, working out almost every day. She took Krav Maga to keep her body in shape and to hone her fighting skills. She had big breasts but not so big that she looked fat. Ash was a curvy woman with long legs and shapely arms. Unfortunately, she had self-esteem issues. She always remembered what the men and women at the orphanage said about her, and it always stayed in the back of her conscience. It would raise its ugly head sometimes, and come out and tell her she wasn’t pretty. Ash worked hard on building her self-esteem, but she found it difficult to do sometimes.

Nash always told her she was beautiful, but she told him he had to say that since he was her best friend. Ash would tell herself that they were just looking but not at her, that way she never had to wonder if people thought she was beautiful. Plus, she never let anyone get close enough to tell her but Nash.

Ash walked into the huge room where the desks were lined up against the wall to sign people in and noticed that a group of men hovered near one man sitting behind one of the desks. Ash got in line, reading the brochure she was given at the reception desk. She was next in line when the young man said “Next.” She was hoping she wouldn’t go to the desk the group of men was gathered at. She walked up to the desk, and the young man introduced himself as Randy then welcomed her to the lodge and to the convention.

“What is your name, ma’am?” asked Randy.

“Ashland Peters.” All the men behind her titled their heads back and breathed in her scent, then they all turned and looked at her. Ash felt their eyes on her but tried not to look up, even to peek at the men. She didn’t want to act interested even though they were all good-looking men. Ash could tell that they were Alpha males by how they stood and talked with each other. The one man sitting down was the best looking one. Ash tried not to look, but she glanced over at him and caught him staring at her. She immediately looked down, blushing, as the man behind the desk gave her a packet and asked if he could help her with anything else. Ash needed to get away from the man who stared at her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stop glancing back up at the man. Just peeking at him made her body tingle. Ash knew she needed a distraction, and she knew exactly who would help her. Nashville Wilder.

“Um, excuse me, can you tell me if Nash Wilder is at the lodge right now?” she asked the young man.

The young man smiled and replied, “Yes, let me call him for you.” The young man picked up his phone and dialed Nash’s number.

“Hello,” answered Nash.

“Hi, Nash, this is Randy, and I just checked in a very beautiful woman here who was asking for you.”

“You did, did you? What’s her name?” asked Nash.

“She said her name is Ashland Peters. Please tell me you aren’t dating her, and that she’s available!”

Laughing, Nash replied, “Tell her I will be right there. And, Randy, if I were you, I would leave her alone, she would eat you up and spit you out, you’re so far out of her league.”

Ash walked as far away as she could without leaving the room. The man in the seat continued to stare at her. She went and stood at the windows in the far corner of the room. She knew Nash was on his way, so she decided to ignore the man. She looked out the windows that were showcasing the magnificent view of the mountains.

Ash could feel the men staring at her, but the one who was staring the most was freaking her out. She could tell the man had gotten up from his seat. She knew that one of the men would walk up to her, and she didn’t want anyone hitting on her. Ash always acted tough but deep down, she was scared of the other sex. She never dated. She would go out in groups with other detectives, but never allowed anyone, especially a man, get close to her.

She looked up again and watched the look of hunger that came upon the man’s face. This man was gorgeous. He had the best body she had ever seen. He looked to be about six foot four and built like a brick shit house. His hair was black and was about shoulder length. He had it pulled back in a band, keeping it off his shoulders. He had a goatee that made her wish he would walk over and nuzzle her neck with his face. Ash didn’t know where that was coming from.
Jeez, girl, get a grip.
You’re like a dog in heat. Where is this coming from?
She never got close to anyone except Nash. Her heart was still hers, and she never met anyone who she would give it to willingly.

Ash knew when Nash entered the room. She turned and saw him staring at her, smiling with his arms open. She smiled at Nash and then ran up to him, jumping into his arms. Nash started laughing and hugged her back. He twirled her around in circles, with her giggling like a little girl.

Nash immediately stopped and turned to the man who was staring at Ash. He was growling at Nash, and his eyes had turned a bright yellow. He had his hands down at his side, balled up into fists.

“Shit,” Nash said as he placed Ash back on her feet.

Ash frowned at the man even though she was drawn to him, she didn’t like the fact he was growling at her and Nash. “What’s going on here, Nash?”

“I don’t know, just don’t move fast. That is my Alpha, Ash,” replied Nash.

“I don’t care who he is. Why is he growling at me?” asked Ash, who was starting to get a little fearful and a little pissed.

“Alpha, what’s wrong?” Nash asked as he eased closer to him.

“Let go of my mate,” growled Larken.

Ash gasped, holding her hand to her mouth. The fear in her eyes said it all. Ash remembered enough about the werewolf education Nash had given her to know what a mate was. She wanted to run and get away from the man that made her blood boil. His eyes never left hers. It was becoming scary as the man Nash called his Alpha stared at her as if she was his prey. Ash knew that she didn’t want to be anyone’s prey. Especially a six foot four man who was looking at her like he wanted to eat her up.

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