Once a Marine (33 page)

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Authors: Patty Campbell

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Once a Marine
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An icy wind howled through BD’s hollow chest. Ears ringing, she couldn’t focus. Why now? After all the anguish, fear, waiting for word of their rescue, why did it have to go sour now?

The doctor looked her directly in the eyes. “Look, Ms. James, it makes no sense for you to stand out here in the hallway.” He squeezed her shoulder gently. “Go back to your brother’s room. As soon as I know something, I’ll find you there. I promise.”

“Back to my brother’s room? Yes. OK. I’ll go sit with Jack. Wait for you there.”

She drifted to the end of the hall. Stopping, she looked around with vacant eyes, saw an empty wheelchair parked next to the elevator and slumped into it. When she stared back toward the place they’d taken Rafi, the physician pointed to her, said something to an attendant who nodded then walked toward her.

With his hands on his knees he leaned to be eye level with BD. “I’ll escort you back to your brother’s room, all right?” He reached for her hand. “Ms. James?”


“Let’s go back to your brother’s room now.”

“My brother?”

“Yes, Jonathan James? He’s not on this floor. I’ll take you to him.”

“OK.” She was determined to get a grip on her chaotic thoughts.

Kelly stood beside her husband when they got to Jack’s room. Her forehead grooved with worry. “BD? Where were you? Where’s Rafi?”

Without answering, BD slumped into the chair next to Rafi’s empty bed and stared at the place where he should have been sleeping. Murmuring voices penetrated her consciousness. She watched as Kelly talked to a man dressed in green.

The man left the room. Kelly pulled a chair next to BD, sat, and took her hands. “They’re taking good care of Rafi. He’ll be OK. I’m sure of it.”

Mute, BD nodded.

“Remember how scared I was? Then the next thing we knew they were all here? They were all alive? Look at me, honey.”

The phone rang. Kelly stood and reached across the back of BD’s chair to answer. “Hello? Oh, no, this is her sister-in-law, Kelly James. Mr. Cruz?” She turned, placed her hand over her mouth to muffle her answer.

BD turned. “Is that Rafi? Is he all right? Give me the phone.”

Kelly said something to the person on the other end of the line. “It’s his father. He wants you to know that he and Rafi’s mother are coming here. They’ll arrive sometime tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Rafi must be much worse. Why else would they come? Why didn’t someone tell her the truth? She crawled onto Rafi’s empty bed and curled into a fetal position.




“BD, wake up.” Kelly put her hand on BD’s shoulder, she shook gently. “BD? Rafi is asking for you.”

A spurt of adrenaline coursed through BD’s veins. She was instantly alert. “Rafi? He’s awake?” She sat with her feet dangling over the side of the hospital bed.

“Yes, he’s better. The doctor said he has a staph infection, and it’s responding to the antibiotic. His fever is down. He wants you.”

BD hopped off the bed and dragged her fingers through her hair. For a minute, she couldn’t remember where the bathroom was. “Kelly, where’s the—?”

Kelly took her arm. “Over there. Wait, I bought a comb, moisturizer, and toothbrushes in the shop downstairs.” She opened the drawer in the nightstand next to Jack’s bed. “Here. Go wash your face.”

BD took the small paper bag and crossed the room. She used the facilities, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and applied some lotion. The wet comb tamed her hair enough to make a noticeable improvement.

She returned to Jack’s room. “I wish we had some clean clothes. It seems I’ve been wearing this T- shirt and jeans for days.”

Kelly chuckled. “That’s because you have. The good news is Dr. Gillespie called. They packed up our luggage. He and his wife are bringing our things to us. He’s driving Jack’s car here, and they’ll drive Garth’s truck home. They are such generous people.”

Distracted, BD nodded. “Do you have any lipstick?” She felt her pockets. “I had some tinted lip gloss, but I must have lost it.”

Kelly shook her head. “Sorry, my backpack is on the Death Canyon trail, unless somebody retrieved it and brought it down.”

“Where’s Rafi? Intensive Care?”

“Yes. They said you can go in for a few minutes. Do you remember where it is?”

“I think so, but I’ll double check at the nurse’s station on my way to the elevator. I’m not sure if it’s up or down.”

“Get going. He’s waiting. Then come right back here and tell me how he’s doing.”




Rafi polished off his third cup of Jell-O and asked the nurse if they had anything besides baby food.

She laughed and picked up his empties. “I’ll see what else I can find. You’re cleaning out our refrigerator. I’ll be glad when they move you out of here.”

“Did they find my girl? I want to see her.”

“Yes, she was in her brother’s room. She should be on her way here by now.”

“Could you help me turn over on my other side?” Rafi couldn’t lie on his back, and it was real tiresome needing help to turn from side to side.

“I’ll find someone to help me. Be right back.”

Minutes later he was propped in a new position. He groaned with relief. Normally he fell asleep anywhere, on any surface, and would be no worse off for it when he woke. Now he was having trouble getting comfortable in any position. “Where the hell is she?”

“What are you complaining about, Marine?” The sound of BD’s voice was exactly the medicine he needed. Tension eased, he smiled and sucked in a relaxing breath. He lifted an arm and gestured. “Come on around here. I want to see you, Beautiful.”

He heard her breath catch at his words. She scooted around the bed and planted a kiss on his lips before he could say another word. He grinned and patted the bed beside him. “Crawl up here, Bravo Delta. Lie down beside me. I want to get my arm around you.”

He chuckled at her hesitation, her gaze directed at the big glass window separating him from the nurse’s station.

“Do they allow that?”

“I doubt it. What are they going to do, evict me? Come here before we get caught.”

She turned her back to him and boosted herself onto the bed. He put his arm around her waist and tugged her close. She lay beside him, snuggled tight to his chest, wiggled closer when he nuzzled her neck. “I’m mad at you, flyboy.”

The nurse walked in. “Here’s more Jel—oh, dear me, I must be in the wrong room. I don’t see anything.” She backed away while pulling the curtain to give them privacy.

“My kind of gal.” Rafi chuckled.

“There you go with the gal thing again.”

“Too old-fashioned?”

“Did you hear what I said?”

He hugged her hard. “Yeah, you’re mad at me. I’m sorry. Forgive me. It’s was my fault entirely.”

“Not that! I already forgot about that. Anyway, it was my fault too. I’m mad because you got hurt.”

“Well, I—”

“Never mind, I’ll get over it. Thank you for helping my brother and saving Chase. You’re my hero. I love you.”

A wave of warmth blanketed him, and when it dissipated a heavy weight lifted from his heart. Fragments of a long forgotten poem came to mind. “Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove.”

“Nice, but that’s not yours.”

“I read it a long time ago in
Compleat Angler

“Ah, Christopher Marlowe. I’m impressed.”

He reveled in the warmth of her body next to his. “Marry me, Beautiful.”

BD lifted his hand and brushed her lips across his callused palm. “No.”

He gave her a crushing hug. “Soon as they spring me, sweet cheeks, I’ll make you change your mind.”

She stroked his arm. “Your parents are on their way here.”

He lifted his head from the pillow a fraction of an inch and flinched. “Why did you call them?”

She rolled her head against his shoulder. “I didn’t, they saw the story on the late news before Joe even had a chance to call them. The reporter had your name. I guess your cover is blown. Are you out of a job now?”

“Dammit. Did they say what I was doing there? Did they mention the Faysal family?”

“Not so far.” She brushed her fingers up and down his arm. He felt her pause at his wrist, surreptitiously counting the beat of his pulse.

“Wouldn’t you know it, my best, most lucrative, walk-in-the-park job?” He’d have to find something else to replace the lost income. “Silverstone will never give me that assignment again now that my name is out there.” He yawned. Beautiful nestled against him, and he snuggled tighter against her back.

“Go to sleep, flyboy. You can worry about your business later, and we’ll take care of this un-businesslike business,” she pressed her bottom against him, “when we’re back home.”

He chuckled into her hair, closed his eyes, and sighed.




By midmorning Dr. and Mrs. Gillespie arrived from Jackson to deliver their abandoned luggage. He brushed off BD’s profuse thanks. “It’s only a two hour drive, and my missus is always looking for an excuse to come over the mountain to shop.” He cast a loving glance at Mrs. Gillespie.

Kelly immediately opened a couple of bags. “BD and I really need a change of clothes.”

“Yes, this is day three. I think I’ll have to burn these rags when I take them off.” BD watched Kelly’s search.

Mrs. Gillespie spoke up. “I packed your things but I didn’t know whose luggage was whose. I’m afraid you’ll find some clothing mixed up, except for the baby and your husband.”

Kelly touched Mrs. Gillespie on the shoulder. “We can’t thank you enough for going to all this trouble for us. But before we go any further, how is Garth? I felt so bad when I saw him injured.”

“Garth is going to be fine, isn’t he, dear?”

“Yes,” Dr. Gillespie answered. “One of my colleagues took good care of him. He had two fractures and some crushing injuries repaired, but we expect it will heal nicely in time for ski season.”

Mrs. Gillespie touched BD’s arm. “I have a confession. Prince Faysal sent over a couple of maids from his entourage to help pack up the condo. So, I didn’t do all of it. I mostly stood around and pointed while those nice young women did the work. Your food went to the food bank. I hope that’s all right?”

BD and Kelly nodded their approval. “Good, that’s good.” Kelly looked up from the luggage.

“I stopped to check with the attending physicians before we came to your room.” Dr. Gillespie looked at Kelly. “They’re going to discharge your little boy this evening. If it would help, I’d be glad to arrange rooms for you at a hotel for a few days. The one closest to the hospital has housekeeping rooms and indoor parking.”

He moved to Jack’s bed and shook hands with him. “Looks like you’ll be out of here in a couple more days, Jonathan. A few more days rest at the hotel should have you feeling well enough to sit up for the long drive back to Los Angeles.”

BD and Jack exchanged smiles. “That is so good to hear.” He paused. “I’m really sorry I messed up the music festival program. But there are so many outstanding musicians there I doubt you’ll have any problem replacing me.”

BD squeezed her brother’s foot and directed her comment to Dr. Gillespie. “Jack’s wanted to participate in that festival for years. I hope he’ll get another invitation in the future.”

Dr. Gillespie grinned. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been authorized to tell you that you’re invited back next summer.”

BD laughed and shared Jack’s big-eyed, happy expression. He shook Gillespie’s hand. “That’s great! Thank you, and thank the committee for me.”

The doctor turned to BD. “Would you like to walk down to recovery to see Mr. Cruz with me? I brought a letter for him from Prince Faysal.”




Rafi sat with bare feet dangling over the side of his bed. He’d insisted on moving around and on using the bathroom by himself. The nurses had given up trying to keep him down, especially once he knew he’d be moved back to Jack’s room in a couple of hours. The attending physician was satisfied with his response to the antibiotic. There was no longer a reason for him to take up a bed in ICU.

From outside his room Beautiful’s voice reached him before he spotted her. She entered with a man who looked vaguely familiar. BD kissed Rafi first and then introduced Dr. Gillespie. Rafi remembered where he’d seen him. “What happened to Norbert, the man from Mountain Rescue who was in the chopper with me? Nobody here seems to know.”

Gillespie nodded. “Oh, yes, Norb. He’s fine. He had a few abrasions and a bruised shoulder, but no broken bones. He told me to tell you he thinks you’re a hell of a pilot.” He handed the envelope to Rafi.

“What’s this?” Rafi turned the envelope in his hands. It was heavy, expensive custom stationery.

Dr. Gillespie shrugged. “Faysal’s man asked me to deliver it to you. I’m just the messenger.”

Rafi puzzled over the envelope a few moments then tore off the end and pulled out the single sheet. He had no idea what it could be, other than a high-class pink slip.

He cocked his head as he read the very formal script, which he assumed was the prince’s own handwriting. “Well, I’ll be damned.” He broke into a wide grin.

BD boosted herself onto the bed beside him. “What is it?”

“He says the summer job in Jackson with his family is mine as long as I want it. He transferred the full payment for my fee to Silverstone with instructions that I’m to be a permanent member of his Jackson detail.”

BD linked her arm in his and squeezed it to her side. “That’s wonderful news. Now you can recuperate without worrying about who’s going to pay the bills at Cruz Aero.”

Gillespie rocked back on his heels, a secretive smile on his lips. “That’s not all, Mr. Cruz. He’s covered all your medical expenses. He wired a large cash deposit to the hospital, with instructions on the final settlement of your bill.”

A grinning BD tilted her head. “Wow! He
a prince.”

A happy laugh erupted from Rafi. He forgot his injury. “Ow, dammit!” He reached back and tentatively touched the bandages on his neck. “What did that mama bear do to me?”

BD chuckled. “I shouldn’t laugh. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I laughed.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

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