On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) (30 page)

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“That’s right.” Alina’s focus slid back to her targets.

“Ooh, good idea,” Brooke said. “That would be handy in a fight! Just drop your opponent into the ground.”

“Okay, here goes.” Alina gathered her power once more and visualized a hole opening beneath one of her targets. With a rumble and a low groan, a circular crack raced around it, then the entire thing plummeted. Only a round hole remained.

“Wow,” Gin breathed. “Where’d it go?”

, Einstein.” Sarcasm sprinkled Nicole’s voice, but her eyes danced in merriment.

“Duh. I mean, how far down?” Gin ignored her older sister.

“I sent it five hundred feet down. Think that’s far enough for an enemy?” Alina asked.

“Five hundred feet?” Caine’s tone was admiring and astonished. “Yeah, I’d say that’s far enough. If not, you can send them farther the next time.”

“You know, I don’t think you need to do anything extra,” Gin said. “You can open up the freaking ground! That’s a game changer right there. What can top that?”

Alina’s gaze settled on the scrubby grass at her feet. “You’re right. It’s just cool seeing what you three can do.”

“Brooke and I can’t do a single thing unless our element is present. We can’t conjure it out of thin air. But your element is always under your feet.” Gin’s eyes shone with respect.

“Unless she’s in space,” Nicole muttered.

Brooke snorted. “Does that count as a realm?”

“I don’t know but there’s no air in space either.” Gin smirked.

Alina couldn’t help but giggle with her sisters. Everything they said was smart or funny, but they never acted pompous. They radiated fun and take-charge attitude, and her heart swelled at her luck in finding them.

“Time for us to head back.” Mathias looked at the horizon. “Not only are all of you off-site against orders, but it’s getting toward night.”

“Orders, schmorders.” Nicole rolled her eyes.

“Seriously, he might be pissed. I think if we all sit him down and talk to him, he’ll understand,” Gin said.

Kai strode up to throw a brawny arm around Brooke. “Or run screaming for mercy.”

“Hey.” Brooke frowned but it dissolved into a smile at her mate. “I think we just need to convince him—”

“That we’re always right,” Nicole said with a grin.

“I look forward to you convincing Arawn of anything, love.” Gunnar walked over and slid his hand into Nicole’s. He held up one transportation amulet. “Who’s ‘porting with us?”

“We will,” Kai said. He and Brooke joined Nicole and Gunnar.

Alina and Caine stood with Mathias, Gin, Brenin, and Scorpio. Mathias uttered the words to open the portal, and as soon as the shimmering ring appeared, they all stepped in.





they spun through the portal. In minutes they and the others had landed at the backyard training area of HQ. Several Watchers who were going through martial arts routines in the rings turned and waved, then resumed their activity.

Caine grabbed Alina’s hand as they walked toward the building. “You were amazing today.” 

She grinned up at him. “Thanks, I feel a lot more in control. And a lot more prepared, if and when something happens. Not that I’m an expert yet, but I have a better grasp of what I can do.”

“I have to leave you for a bit.” He rubbed a thumb over her knuckles. “I have to train a new group of Watcher recruits in the finer points of Neshi demon kills.”

“Ugh, Neshi demons.” She shuddered. “But that’s fine. I want to catch up with my dad.” Sebastian stood near the door, deep in talks with one of the demons she recognized from the tech group.

Caine leaned down to place a quick kiss on her lips, then turned her toward her dad. “I’ll call you when I’m done.”

“Okay.” She watched him stride away, all rippling muscles and lethal confidence.


Her attention swung to her dad, who had ended his conversation with the demon tech expert, and she hurried over to him. “Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, little one.” He folded her into a hug. “I heard you had an eventful day.”

“Yeah. They kept you in the loop, I guess?” She pulled back.

“Yes, Raniero gave me updates as he got them. At least, updates on whether you were okay.” He gestured for them to sit on a bench along the back wall of the building. “But he didn’t know exactly what you were doing with your power.”

“Dad, it was amazing.” She explained every detail of her day, from her own power to the Makara, and lastly her sisters’ skills.

Her dad listened patiently, one of the things she loved about him. Calm, with the habit of soaking it all in—those were two qualities that he possessed in spades. When she’d finished, he gave her a look of pure love. “You’re an amazing young woman, you know.”

“Thanks to you.” She leaned her shoulder into his.

“I may have given you the framework, but you filled in the nuances that make you special. I’m proud of you, Alina. You’re seizing this new skill and running with it. And you seem to fit right in with your new family.”

“I adore them. And I love you too. We should do something soon, you and me and my sisters. They’re so much fun.”

“I’d like that.” Sebastian paused. “I can tell you’re also…becoming fond of Caine.” His voice grew heavy with concern. “He seems honorable, but Alina, I—”

“I know, Dad. I won’t let it…I mean, it’s a casual relationship. I won’t risk anything.” Even as she said the words, she hated herself. Lies, all of it. Lies spoken to herself and now her dad, who only wanted to look out for her.

“I know what we learned the other day was staggering. But I don’t want to lose you. You’re my child. I love you.” His tone softened. “I wish I could change the way things are.”

“Me too, and I know you would if you had even a remote possibility of a chance.” She took his hand. “I know I need to stay
just friends
with every man I meet.”

He nodded and smiled sadly. “You’re a smart girl. If there’s a fix, you’ll find it. Or maybe one of your sisters will?” He slid a glance to Gin, who lounged against the wall, studying her phone.

“Thanks, Dad.” She followed his gaze to her sister, who looked up and gave a small wave as if she didn’t want to interrupt.

“Go. Talk to her.” He angled his head toward Gin. “I’m needed in the armory. Evidently there are some old locked chests that no one has been able to open. Spells and physical force haven’t worked.”

“Really? With all the resources here? That’s crazy.” She scrunched her nose. “Well then, go pick those locks and make me proud.”

With a chuckle, her dad waved and headed off down the hall.

Alina walked toward her sister. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself.” Gin shoved her phone into her pocket. “Mathias had to go in and talk to Arawn.”

“Is it about today?” Alina asked.

“Probably. He didn’t seem overly concerned about it. Wanna walk a bit?”

The sky had grown dark quickly. The moons hung low in the sky, and a huge gray cloud covered half of the stars. “Sure. Guess it’s good we came home when we did.” Alina rubbed her arms, thinking of Caine somewhere inside, imparting his knowledge to the new recruits. Why did that warm her heart? Maybe because if he would take time to teach Watchers, he would easily take to teaching a child? She mentally smacked herself, trying to remember not to worry about it. Not yet.

Would Gin know if the Solsti had fertile times? She was a scientist, after all. The need for answers, plus her trust in her sister, pushed Alina to ask. “So, you know how Lash demons are fertile now?” She dropped onto the soft grass by a large oak tree.

“Yeah?” Gin arched an eyebrow and sat next to her.

“What about us?”

“Us? I don’t know. I’m not sure if anyone knows.”

“Hmm. I keep replaying the old stories in my mind, but I can’t remember if the previous Solsti had children.” Alina pulled a blade of grass from the ground and toyed with it.

“Why do you ask?” A dying-of-curiosity grin played across Gin’s face. “Oh my god. Are you—?”

“No!” Alina twisted the grass. “I mean, I don’t know. We…forgot to use a condom.”

Gin’s jaw dropped. “Oh. My. God. Are you excited? Scared? What did he say?”

“Yes to both, and he said he’d take care of me. Of us, if that’s how it turns out. But it’s too soon to tell.”

“Oh my god, this is so exciting!” Gin whisper-squealed.

“Don’t tell anyone. Not yet.” Alina bit her lip. “Well, I know you can’t keep it from Mathias.”

“Nope, not a chance. Hey!” Gin sat up straighter. “I bet he can help you find out!”

“How?” Alina scrunched her nose.

“He has better hearing and a better sense of smell. Maybe he’ll be able to detect a heartbeat even when it’s teeny tiny. Or maybe he can detect a change in your normal scent. Or you could ask Ashina. I’m sure she’d keep it quiet.”

Alina nodded. “You’re right.”

Gin beamed. “I want to jump up and run around in circles. But I’ll be on my best behavior.” Curiosity lit her eyes. “So, it looks like things are good between you two. And I would have said that even before I knew you were potentially having a baby.”

“Ha, ha.” Alina smiled. “Well, we like hanging out.”

“He seems to adore you. He looks at you like you’re the only woman in the room.”

Maybe a part of her had noticed that as well, but didn’t want to admit it even in her thoughts. Did she want that? That was a question she couldn’t answer and shouldn’t even ask. A sharp, brief pain lurched in Alina’s chest. “It probably has something to do with the time of year,” she murmured lamely.

“Nope. If that’s all it was, his eyes would roam every unmated female’s body. But he only looks at you.” Gin’s tone was light and teasing and she had no idea how it was tearing a hole in Alina’s heart.

“I wish he wouldn’t.” She cleared her throat to stifle a crack in her voice. “I’m not the right one for him.”

“What? How do you know?” Gin swatted a mosquito away from her arm. “You just met, right?”

“Yes.” Alina dropped her head into her hands. “It’s complicated.”

“What’s complicated if you enjoy being together?” Gin asked. “Wait, do you have someone else? Does he?”

“No.” A sudden need to confide everything in her sister crashed over her. So far, no one who hadn’t witnessed the regression spell knew about the price of her healed heart. A heart that hurt right now, acutely so, as the day’s events replayed in her mind. She and Caine made a good team, damn it. A team that could only exist to—

“Alina? What is it?” Gin was entirely too perceptive.

“I can’t fall in love.” Alina pushed the words out in one quick breath, then peeked at Gin.

Her sister’s eyes narrowed. “What? You…don’t want to?

“No.” Alina let out a huge breath. “I can’t.”

Gin’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Why not? Who’s going to stop you?”

Alina swallowed. “You know that the earth healed me.”

“Yeah. Which totally blows my mind, and any scientific theory ever known to man. But yeah…what about it?”

“You guys don’t know the whole story. Only my dad and Ashina and the witches.” Alina took a deep breath and explained the claim placed on her healed heart.

“Oh…my…” Gin stopped and just stared at Alina. “Why…how…” She shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry.”

“At least I found out, before I got too close.” Alina rubbed her exhausted eyes.

“No.” Gin shook her head, dark hair swinging around her shoulders. “I don’t buy that. If you two are meant for each other, you can’t push him away. Especially if you turn out to be pregnant. He probably won’t leave your side.” Gin turned to face her. “I just don’t think you can stop the feelings. It’d be like trying to stop a freight train.”

“That’s why I made a promise to myself to watch over him. He deserves a woman who can give herself completely to him. So, until he finds her, I’ll make sure he’s safe.”

Gin sighed. “If you two have a baby, your lives will always be connected. And if you’re taking care of a child, that’s who your priority will be. Not Caine, as much as you’d like him to be. I’m sorry if that sounds cold. And I’m guessing he doesn’t know about this?”

“No. And I don’t want him to know.”

Gin stared at her for a minute. “If the roles were reversed, wouldn’t you want to know why someone you wanted was pushing you away?”

“Yes. But I’m not pushing him away—”

“Not yet. But what if he wants more? You can’t tell him no and then hang around doing whatever you plan to do to watch over him.
a kid.” Gin shook her head. “One thing I know about these guys is they are stubborn and perceptive. If you’re anywhere near him, your scent will give you away and he’ll come find you. Then you’re going to have even more explaining to do.”

“What am I supposed to do? He deserves more than I can give him.” Alina’s shoulders sagged.

“Maybe there’s a way around it?”

“Maybe. I was too overwhelmed to ask.”

“We have to find out.” Gin’s voice took on a note of excited determination.

“What, just ask Whysper if she can counteract the power of the earth?” Alina huffed out a breath.

“Why not? I haven’t seen much of Torth, but I know some witches are incredibly powerful. Let’s go find Whysper.” Gin stood. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that there’s always another way. Sometimes it’s just really hard to find.”






and white into vivid color, images distorting and then coming back into focus. A small cottage on a bluff near the sea stood burning. Green-skinned demons stalked along a wavering magic perimeter around the front yard, snarling, fangs elongated and glinting.

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