On the Steamy Side

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Authors: Louisa Edwards

Tags: #Cooks, #Nannies, #Celebrity Chefs, #New York (N.Y.), #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction

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Can’t Stand the Heat

On the Steamy Side

On theSteamy Side


St. Martin’s Paperbacks

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Copyright © 2010 by Louisa Edwards.Excerpt from Just One Taste copyright © 2010 by Louisa Edwards.

All rights reserved.

For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

EAN: 978-0-312-35646-0

Printed in the United States of America

St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / March 2010

St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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For my parents, Jan and George,who gave me my adventurous palate and alwaysencouraged my vivid imagination and passionfor the written word.


Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter One

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Two

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Three

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Four

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Five

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Six

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Seven

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Eight

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Nine

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Ten

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twenty-Five

Author’s Note

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Thanks to my stellar agent, Deidre Knight, and the smart, savvy ladies of the Knight Agency, whose advice and support are indispensable. To my incomparable editor, Rose Hilliard, for her championship through the launch of this series. Also to Jeanne Devlin, my tireless and energetic publicist, for her incredible work and help. These women all routinely go so far above and beyond the call of duty that it’s hard to imagine what my career would look like without them. I suspect it would be pretty bleak.

So thanks!!

The first draft of this book would never have been finished without the cheerleading (and butt-kicking, when I needed it) from a very special group of women: the Queens of Peen. You know who you are, and you know I appreciated every second of it. Extra thanks go to my duo of muses, Kristen Painter and Roxanne St. Claire—you make every day of sitting alone in front of my computer feel like a party! I adore you guys.

My family gets special mention for this book because many of the dishes mentioned come straight from my childhood. My mother even helped perfect the already-perfect recipe for Delmonico Pudding, which appears in the back of the book! Other recipe-testing thanks go to the lovely Megan Blocker, home cook par excellence and food blogger extraordinaire.

And, as always, the biggest thank you of all to my husband, Nick, who never flags, never wavers, and never complains when I serve him frozen pizza for the fifth night in a row while I’m on deadline. Beta reader, sounding board, best friend, and love of my life all wrapped up in one tall, delicious package.

I’m truly the luckiest woman in the world!

It’s wonderful to have so much support and help as I write—if this book is any good at all, it’s thanks to all of you. Any mistakes are mine alone.


Trenton, NJMay 1995

Black caps launched into the air, gold tassels flying, and everyone around him broke into ecstatic cheers.

High school was over, life and its myriad possibilities stretched out in front of them like a wide, open highway—and all Devon felt was dread.

Time up. No more excuses. He had to tell his dad today.

Pushing past his jubilant classmates, Devon kept to his tried-and-true method of avoiding unwanted attention. He kept his head up and looked neither right nor left, and moved with unwavering purpose, as if on a mission of life-or-death importance.

He ignored the occasional glances he caught from the corners of his vision, as well as the familiar catcalls and kissy noises.

After a dozen years in the Trenton public school system with these knuckle-headed losers, Devon was immune to moronic comments about his looks. Nicknames like “Pretty Boy” and “Baby Face” had long ago lost all power to faze him. He never flinched, never blushed, never showed weakness.

But was that enough for his old man?

Devon spotted his family clustered stiffly under one of the gymnasium’s raised basketball hoops.

Angela Sparks smiled when she saw Devon, and raised one hand to wave at him. She looked older than the other moms, even though she wasn’t. Still, underneath the worry lines and graying hair was the source of Devon’s overblown, inconvenient looks.

Devon’s younger brother, Connor, shot him two thumbs up, then made the code signal for “Mom and Dad are driving me nuts, so I’m sneaking off.” Devon jerked his head once in agreement. He didn’t need any more of an audience for this, anyway.

Connor grinned and said something to their dad, who grunted and waved him away. Phil Sparks was never anything but gruff, although Devon easily read the quiet pride and satisfaction in the man’s eyes as he followed Connor’s exuberant jog across the gym floor to join his buddies.

That look, accompanied by a complacent “boys will be boys” shrug, was never aimed in Devon’s direction. Never had been, never would be. It was one of the main ways Devon knew there was something about him that was just . . . wrong.

As a rising junior, Connor would be the starting quarterback next year. He played football in the fall and baseball in the spring, and excelled at both. At sixteen, he was already as tall as Devon, and the accident of genetics that cursed Devon with perfectly symmetrical features, vivid blue eyes, and the much-loathed long lashes had bypassed Connor entirely. Not that he was ugly or anything, just normal.


In short, Connor was everything Devon wasn’t. For instance, Connor was a nice person; too annoyingly nice for even Devon to despise.

Devon, on the other hand, was the opposite of nice.

He was also the opposite of average. Who the fuck wanted to be mediocre? Most of his graduating class did, as far as Devon could tell. They wanted nothing more than to go to Rutgers, get a boring desk job, get married, and die.

Devon already knew. That kind of life wasn’t going to be enough for him.

“Hi, guys,” Devon said, projecting his best nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude. “You caught the show, huh?”

Angela’s eyes brightened, the deep, electric blue of them sparkling with rare happiness. “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” she said and clasped him close in a quick, hard hug.

Phil frowned. Big surprise there. “For God’s sake, Devon. You couldn’t comb your hair before you went up on stage? You look like somebody dragged you through a bush backwards.” Yeah, Devon wanted to say. But if I’d slicked my hair down you’d have complained I looked like a brown-nosing nerd, so what’s the point?

He managed to hold his tongue, though, because he had bigger issues than his hair to tackle, and he wanted to get it over and done with in the middle of this crowd where there was a slight chance his dad would be too embarrassed to go all out and explode.

“We are so proud of you,” his mother jumped in, ever the peacemaker, and Devon smiled at her. He was grateful for the lie, or at least for the affection that prompted it.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Phil snorted like a startled racehorse. “Speak for yourself. For me, I can’t see being proud of a kid too lazy to take advantage of the work and sacrifices his parents made so he could go to a good school and get into a good college.”

And there it was. The opening Devon had been waiting for and dreading in equal measures ever since he got his letter from the Academy.

“I know there wasn’t anything listed in the program,” Devon said, swallowing down the nerves that wanted to make his voice shake and fade. “But I actually do have some plans for next year.”

“What? You get a football scholarship when I wasn’t looking? Oh, wait. That’s right. You wouldn’t even try out for the team.”

Unwilling to be sidetracked into the old, old argument, Devon persevered.

“I did get a scholarship, but not for football.” He set his jaw and lifted his chin until he gave the illusion of staring down his nose at his father, even though Phil Sparks was a good three inches taller.

It was an effective expression. Devon knew because he practiced it in the mirror. Phil’s glower deepened.

Deep breath in. “Dad. Mom. I got accepted to the Academy of Culinary Arts with a full scholarship.” And then he braced himself for impact.

“Oh, honey,” Angela said, darting a glance at Phil. Whose face suddenly appeared to be carved from stone.

“My son,” he said thickly, pushing the words past his clenched teeth. “Going to school to learn how to cook.”

“Now, Phil,” Angela said, hands fluttering. But Devon didn’t want her getting in the middle. For once, for once and fucking all, he wanted to have it out with his father.

He got right into Phil’s face, tension shooting down his back and vibrating his bones. “Yeah, Dad. I want to be a chef. What about it?”

“It would be a fine career if you were my daughter. But come on, Devon, what am I supposed to tell people? That my son is going to school to learn how to bake pies with a bunch of fairies? Why don’t you just get a job styling ladies’ hair at the beauty parlor, then you can really make your old man a laughingstock.”

“Right. Because that’s what matters, Dad—what the neighbors think, or the guys down at the union hall. I’m sure you’d like it better if I stuck around the neighborhood and started working for you, snaking toilets and grouting showers. Real appealing.”

Phil’s face went red. “It was good enough to put food on the table and clothes on your ungrateful back.”

Direct hit. Score one for Devon.

Part of him wanted to take it back, knew he was crossing the line, but he couldn’t. If he faltered for even a second, he was done for.

Brazening it out the only way he knew how, Devon said, “I want more than that, Dad. I want to be somebody.”

“Sure,” Phil scoffed. “And you’re gonna get famous slinging hash in some diner? Or better yet, gonna make somebody a nice little wife someday. Shit. You got no clue how to be a man.” A hideous combination of rage and tears surged into Devon’s throat and threatened to choke him. He wanted to scream at his dad, tell him how hard he’d fought to be admitted to the Academy, the most prestigious culinary school in the country. Tell him what an honor it was and how many graduates of the Academy went on to open their own restaurants to critical acclaim and enormous success.

But it wouldn’t make any difference. Cooking wasn’t ever going to impress Phil Sparks. The fact that his son loved it, and was actually gifted at it, was nothing more than an embarrassment.

With a superhuman effort, Devon stomped down on the emotion and locked it away, deep inside. All he allowed onto his face was a twisted half-smile.

Rocking back on his heels, he said, “What I know is that ten years from now, I’m going to look back on this conversation from the Jacuzzi in my Park Avenue apartment and laugh my ass off. I’ll be rich and famous and successful, and I will have done it al on my own.” Phil ground his teeth, the sound audible even over the chatter and squeaking shoes of four hundred recent graduates and their families.

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