On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2) (32 page)

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Authors: Gillian Jones

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2)
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Without hesitation, I reach over and put my hand on hers.

“I can’t wait until that’s our baby that we’re rubbing here,” I blurt out.
. I pull back my hand in a rapid retreat, ready to start apologizing.
. I know we’re not there yet
. Please don’t freak out, baby. Please.
“Scrappy, I’m so sor—”

“Levi, don’t. It’s fine,” she says softly. “I’m not going to lie. I think of it too. You, me, giving Emme a brother or sister to add to our little family.” She eyes me warily, suddenly self-conscious.

I roll toward her, until I’m hovering above her.

“Jesus, I love you. You know that? Just when I think everything is going to get all weird and I worry I fucked up, you do that. You give me this honesty that’s like a breath of fresh air.”

She pulls me down so we’re nose-to-nose. “I love you too, Levi. So much it scares me sometimes. But I do love you, nonetheless. I can’t help
loving you.”

“Thank fuck for that. I don’t want you to help it.”

Taking my face in her hands, she sits up and pulls me up with her. I pull her tightly to me, allowing her to straddle me like I think she wants. Braun removes her hands and wraps her arms around my back, hugging me close. I feel her body start to shake and the fall of her tears on my naked back. Pulling back to look at her, I catch her tears on my own cheeks and lips as I kiss her beautiful face softly all over.

“What’s the matter, my Scrappy? Why the tears?” I kiss her eyelids.

“They’re happy tears. It’s you, Levi. God, you’re perfect. I was shaky there for a bit. I was walking along a jagged edge, on the rocks, crashed upon the shore, life’s waves leaving me cold and alone. Lost and confused—damaged. But you’ve helped me find my way back up to even ground, out of the constant wavering, the push and pull of the waves. You’ve helped me get back to myself.”

I haven’t got a fucking clue as to what the hell to say to that. God, she gives me way too much credit, and it’s been her all along. It’s been
finally allowing herself to see that she deserves to be happy again. I’m just the lucky son of a bitch who she chose, the one who got to watch this beautiful butterfly re-emerge.

“Baby,” I whisper, and pull her closer, ridding her of her shirt, wanting our bodies fused as close as humanly possible as she continues. I begin stroking her back, whispering words of encouragement and love.

“Sometimes I’m scared to believe that this is my life now. I look back and wonder how I ever questioned you, and us,” she says. “Why did I bother with that Trump Pact, when deep down I think I always knew you were meant for Emme and me? I still think of Shawn from time to time, but I can smile now; the pain isn’t as suffocating when I do think of him. Not, now that I get it, I think this is what he wanted for me all along, something he could never have given me. He wanted me to feel like this. I believe his words about sending the cavalry—my knight—to come and rescue me. I thank him for helping me see you, the
you. And not just the bossy one, but the sweet, caring, super-hot, sexy one.”

She pauses and I kiss her, not able to wait any longer. “See? That one right there,” she laughs, “the one that gives me butterflies and makes me smile. I thank Shawn for guiding me to find you and helping to give me the fight to get to this point with you, the one where I have the courage to take this chance on us. On love. To take you, and to keep you unequivocally, as mine.”

Braun looks me in the eye and gives me a confident smile that I know means she stands behind every word that she’s just said.

“You’re killing me, baby, I need to show you how much I fucking love you. How much I worship you.”

She lets out a giggle and I love it. I love how after such a heavy conversation we can shift so easily right back into

Shifting positions, I move us so I’m once again hovering over top of her.

“I thought I was happy before,” I tell her, “but that wasn’t happy. The way I feel with you and Emmerson, that right there is my happiness. That is happy,” I add, before ridding her of her lacy bottoms and sliding home.

Chapter 49


hatcha looking at,
Scrappy?” Levi comes and stands behind me in the kitchen of my apartment, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Nothing, really. Just looking at this countertop, thinking about how after all these years it’s still pretty much virginal.”

I turn and laugh at the look on Levi’s face. He’s got this huge what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about-woman?-face going on. “I mean, I never got a chance to break it in,” I say. “Grams always cooked for us; I never made more than a sandwich down here. I guess I’m just being sentimental.” I wipe a tear that’s escaping from my eye.

After many nights of trying to convince me—along with the fact that Mystery won’t let Levi sleep unless Emmerson is there—I’ve agreed to move in with Levi. Despite a little nervousness, I’m really excited to start our life together.

We decided to wait until after Grams’ final check-up, to make sure the cancer was definitely gone. It’s been a week since we were blessed with the news that my grandmother is cancer-free. What a relief that’s been; we were all so worried that they might give us bad news. “Hope for the best, expect the worst,” as they say.

London and Grams nearly lost their minds when Levi and I shared our news that same night at Grams’ celebratory dinner. I think Emmerson was the most excited to learn we would be moving in with Levi and Mystery full-time. She adores Levi and I know she sees him as her dad, a role he and I have talked about a lot, and he tells me all the time what I already knew. He loves her like his own.

I still can’t believe that I won’t be living here anymore. It’s amazing, the wonderful turns my life has taken. I never would have thought I’d feel this happy and content after everything with Shawn and our parents.

Levi’s voice breaks me from my thoughts. “Huh. Virginal, eh?” He releases his hold on me before going to the fridge.

“It’s all empty,” I tell him. “All that’s left are a few condiments I told Grams I’d put up in their fridge.” I lean against the counter, watching Levi look in the fridge anyway.

“Well, I’m starving. There’s gotta be something I can eat.” He looks overtop the fridge door and traps me with his eyes, eyes gleaming with mischievous glints.

Suddenly, I picture the items left in the fridge, and heat surges between my legs. I hope he’s thinking what I am, but decide to play it cool.

“Well, go find that drill bit you forgot and we can run out and grab the burgers for everyone. They’re probably starving too,” I say, meeting his intense stare.

“I’m gonna need to make a snack first, baby. Take your clothes off and take a seat up here. You’re gonna be the plate. It’s time this counter got christened properly,” Levi shares before walking toward me, chocolate sauce and whipped cream in one hand, and a small jar of maraschino cherries in the other. I make quick work of my clothes as he asks, happily jumping up to sit on the counter.

“Lay down for me, Braun.”

“So bossy,” I murmur, but do as he requests.

“Please and thank you,” he mutters.

“Better.” I giggle.

“Virginal counter top, I hereby declare your cherry about to be popped,” Levi says imperiously as he places three cherries along my pubic bone. I jump a bit at their cold temperature; Levi catches my movement. “Cold? Let me warm things up a bit.” He begins blowing hot breath over my pussy and the cherries, causing my breathing to accelerate.

“Please, Levi…”

“What do you need, Scrappy? Tell me.”

“Touch me, please.”

His head falls back with a laugh. “Always so eager. I’m not even done making my snack yet.” He kisses my lips and tells me to be patient as he uncaps the whipped cream and squirts it along my breasts, stomach, and all around my aching core. The aerosol spray along with my laboured breathing are the only audible sounds, and my anticipation runs rampant as I wait for Levi to eat me.

“Best meal to ever be prepared here, I’d say.” He admires his work as he tops me off with drizzled swirls of chocolate syrup.

“Fuck, you look so goddamned edible, Braunwyn. I’m gonna feast on you, baby. Ready?”

“Oh, God, yes. Please just start. I can’t… I need…
” I beg. I can’t help it anymore, he’s drawn this out long enough that I’m a writhing puddle of melting makeshift sundae, and I need to be eaten now.

Bending down, Levi pops each of my cream-covered nipples into his mouth, swirling his thick tongue along each erect nub. He pulls at one then the other, giving equal attention to each. He reaches for the sauce, adding a bit more to both nipples. “Mmm, I love sucking on these gorgeous tits, baby. You taste fucking good.”

He continues to tease and nip at my tits for what feels like forever. I’m jerking below him from the sensations his ministrations are causing, and I’m about to lose my mind. I move my hand between my legs hoping to alleviate my growing need when Levi stops me.

“Oh, no you don’t, you greedy girl. I’m the only chef in this kitchen, and this is
dessert. I don’t share. You want me to eat that sweet pussy? You need attention there, baby?” he asks as he begins trailing his head down along my stomach, lapping up the whipped cream and syrup he encounters along the path to my cherry-covered pussy. “I’ll consider your request.”

“Fuck, Levi. I need you. Please get there.” I try to shove his head down to the place I need it, but instead I feel his shoulders tremble with laughter.

“God, I love you, Scrappy. Always so feisty. My greedy girl,” he says playfully. He sucks the three cherries into his mouth, and chews them slowly with his eyes closed and a big grin on his face, before positioning himself where I need him most.


Levi, runs his finger along my centre, moving in closer to blow a gentle breeze over the same path, before finally using his tongue. Goosebumps break out over my skin and my brain shorts out at the sensations his touch is evoking.

“Fuck me, that tastes so good. All of my favourite ingredients laid out on my favourite person. This is sweet perfection right here,” he utters between licks. Slowing, he begins pulling at my clit with slippery lips, teasing it. “Always so wet for me. Shit, Braun, you smell and tastes so fucking good, I’m not gonna last,” he says, before he inserts his tongue inside me, fucking me with it at an unrelenting pace.

I see stars as I chant his name, over and over as if it’s part of some hedonistic ritual, while coming all over the once-virgin countertop. The next thing I know, I’m being moved to the floor by strong arms, and find Levi naked beneath me.
When did he get naked?

“I need you to ride me, Braunwyn. I need to watch you fuck me. I want those tits in my face and that sweet pussy gripping the fuck out of my cock. I’m so hard, baby. I need you to fuck me hard and fast.”

With that Levi places his finger on my clit and I do exactly what he asks. I bring us both over the edge before I collapse on top of him.

Chapter 50


ow,” Braun whispers
above me, as we lay sated and spent. I never intended for that to happen, but as soon as she started getting emotional I wanted to distract her. Seemed like her “virgin countertop” remark was the perfect segue.

I’m going to ask her to marry me today. I wasn’t sure when, but as we lay here in this cloud of perfect bliss, I feel it’s the right time.

“Braun,” I say, then clear my throat as she lifts her face to look at me. Chocolate sauce is smeared on her cheeks, and whipped cream glues her unruly hair to her skin.

Man, she takes my breath away.

“Are you happy, Scrappy, with me? Is there anything more you want or need me to give you? I’d do anything for you, Braun. You know that, right?” I ask, moving the sticky hair so I can run my hand along her cheek.

“Oh, God, Levi, I do know. Trust me, I know you would. I would do anything for you too,” she adds, reaching up to rub her hand across my jaw. “‘Happy’ isn’t even close to being the right word for what I am when we’re together. I can’t describe it.” She shifts to lean up a bit more, the movement offering me a view of her spectacular cleavage. My dick twitches, but I ignore it, needing to keep this conversation headed where I want it to go.

“I’m glad, sweetheart. I feel the same way.” I pull her up onto my chest so I can kiss her mouth softly. She looks at me, tears surfacing, and I worry that it’s still too early, but then she interrupts that thought with her words, words I feel to my soul.

“I want you to be my yestermorrow, always, Levi. The place where my yesterdays and tomorrows will forever cross. I want all my days entwined with yours. I need to you to be my past, my present, and my future. I love you so much. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m sorry it took so long to get here, but I’m here now and I’m never leaving,” she says, and her eyes well with tears.

I sit us up, because I need her to pay attention to what I have to say now. I kiss her. “Jesus, Braunwyn, you are my everything. I didn’t realize I was missing anything until I found you. You make me whole, baby. You really fuckin’ do.”

“Levi,” she whispers, as she sees what I’m holding in between the two of us. I open the lid.

“I’ll be your ‘yestermorrow’ or whatever the hell you just said, if you promise me that you and Scooby will be my eternity. Will you marry me, Scrappy?” The diamond catches the light, sending a spray of rainbow-coloured sparkles over our skin.

“Oh, my God, Levi…I—”

I move my hand to her lips to gently shush her. “I’m not done yet, baby, let me finish.”

She nods, tears now streaming down her flushed face.

“Please allow me adopt Emmerson. Grant me the right to love her and protect her as a father should. And to love her as only a dad can. You both have been mine from the start. It’s time to make it official.”

I take the ring from the black velvet box and hold it up, watching Braunwyn’s eyes widen. My mom and I found the perfect engagement ring for Braun a few months ago when I visited home. It’s a vintage ring from the mid-twentieth century, with a unique arrow motif at each side and a round solitaire in its centre. As soon as I saw it, I knew that had to be Braun’s.

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