On The Prowl (A Steamy MMF Paranormal Tiger Shifter Menage Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: On The Prowl (A Steamy MMF Paranormal Tiger Shifter Menage Romance)
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Feeling a riveting thrill rush down my skin, I put my hands above my head and pirouetted seductively in front of him.

"No," he commanded, "slower."

Burning with lust, I slowly turned for him, as his eyes devoured every swell and curve. He spanked me, and I yelped playfully.

"Now take a shower and get dressed. I'll be at the bar, waiting for you."


When I arrived at the little bar next to the hotel, I was wearing the only nice clothes I had: a pair of tightly fitted shorts and a sheer blouse, which I wore over a clean long-sleeved shirt. Altogether, I looked as nice as could be expected. And dressed in Taylor's old jacket, I looked a little rugged and scruffy, the perfect addition to the red bandanna in my hair.

Taylor, on the other hand, looked put-together and absolutely stunning. Still in a pair of scuffed Levi's, a handsome, dark, wine-red collared shirt was all he needed to look like a lip-smacking hottie. He was sitting in a dark alcove in the back of the bar. A slender redhead in a skin-tight miniskirt, who looked like sex personified, was trying to chat him up. One dark glance and a nod from him was all I needed to know to come his way.

"Hey stranger," I purred, sidling up to him.

The redhead looked over my scruffy attire and sniffed. She was really dressed up. But Taylor's eyes couldn't leave my body. He unzipped my jacket and threw it on the table, and then wrapped one hand around my curvy waist while the other settled on my thigh, dangerously close to my sex.

"You're beautiful," he growled, and then he cupped my large breasts, shamelessly, for all eyes to see. The woman finally turned and walked away. I closed my eyes and drew in my breath, shocked and thrilled, all at once. Then both his arms circled my waist, and he pulled me in for a kiss.

He ordered a round of drinks. We didn't have to speak, because neither of us could keep our hands off each other. I kept running one hand up and down his chest, feeling the deep groove between his pecs.

"Your body makes me hot," I whispered.

A moment later he took my breath away as his knee found its way between mine, pushing my legs apart ever so slightly. He put one big hand between my bare legs, and as I kissed his face and neck, he started to please me, rubbing me hard and slow. I moaned out loud, my face sinking into his chest. Taylor downed the rest of my drink, and when he paused from touching me, I drank the rest of mine, all in one heady gulp.

"Let's get really drunk," I whispered into his ear, "and when we get home, you can do whatever you want with me." His hand, still resting lightly on my center, pushed against me hard in response, and I felt my panties slide into my wetness. I moaned quietly again, sinking deeper into his body.

"Fuck me," I whined.

"Let's get out of here," he said. "I'm taking you out all over town." And then his fingers pushed past the hem of my shorts, all the way down over my bare sex, and pushed roughly inside of me. "And I want you to keep thinking about what I'm going to do to you later on tonight." He withdrew his fingers, and then he watched as I sucked them, right there in front of everyone. He rose to pay the tab, and then we left, heading out into the cold night.

"How about this joint?" he asked, as we passed a really trendy-looking place. Everyone appeared beautiful and glamorous, and the interior was edgy and elegant.

"I don't think I'm cool enough to go in there," I said, realizing a second later that it might actually be true. Then I saw my scruffy reflection in the mirror. "Or well-dressed enough. God, young people are so hot."

"Bullshit," Taylor said, his fingers running down my back naughtily sneaking under the hem of my shorts. Then he held my face as he kissed me softly. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Come on."

We walked in and I watched, stunned, as a beautiful brunette hipster literally grabbed Taylor's arm to get his attention. He shook her off gruffly, before he kept walking. His big arm was planted firmly around my waist, holding me close to him as he guided me through the crowd. 

We settled into a corner booth, and he walked up to the bar to order drinks. I watched, in a rage of jealousy, as every woman he passed turned and stared. I didn't know if it was the liquor, or if Taylor's animal energy was stirring something inside of me, but I felt completely wild tonight. Just the way all of these beautiful, nubile, gorgeously dressed women were devouring my date with their eyes was enough to make me feel murderous.

Taylor, ignoring the magnetic effect he was producing, called the bartender over.

I watched as the girl next to him, a sexy, petite blonde with a messy bob of hair and a purple top that barely covered her pert chest, aimed her charms at him.

It looked like she was asking him to buy her a drink, looking coyly up at him with big round eyes. Taylor motioned the bartender to set her up with another, and he slid him some more money. I watched as she practically glowed with excitement, but Taylor was already walking back towards me.

"This is a nice place," he said, "a lot finer than all those honky tonks back home. You're from the city, right? I bet this is nothing to you. I can't put a word on it, but you're so...sophisticated."

"Yeah," I said, "I used to be like one of those girls," I motioned to the crowd of hotties at the bar, the ones who had practically thrown themselves at him.

"Like those kids? No, you're different. I can't quite say why, but you're just so…beautiful, so seductive. And your body...I didn't want to say anything, but I saw you walking nude to the creek, the night before we met. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since."

"Quit lying to me," I breathed, "you're a real charmer, you know that?"

He didn't answer. He just kept caressing my body. I moved so I was sitting on his lap, and he continued to love every inch of my endless curves with his hands.

Then I saw him: the hippy-tiger. I was thunderstruck. He was mingling with a crowd of cool young people in the corner, and he didn't look at all like a hippy anymore.

Like us, he had cleaned up for a night on the town. And like Taylor, he cleaned up real nice.

His blond dreadlocks, which had looked so matted and scruffy before, now fell like golden ropes down his back. He was dressed simply enough, in a pair of stylishly cut, loose brown pants and a worn flannel shirt. There was a handsome, if somewhat scuffed pair of hiking boots on his feet, and a beautiful jade pendant hung on a hemp string around his neck. It glittered in the soft light from the ceiling lamps, and I could just barely make out the form of the pendant: the head of a tiger. His appearance, so different from Taylor's dark, glowering mien, was just as striking, and his eyes shone intensely every time he laughed, or touched the hair of the beautiful, slinky brunette he was talking to. Then his eyes happened to look our way for a second.

Our eyes met. And then he looked over at Taylor, and his expression darkened.

"It's him," I said, squeezing Taylor's bicep in alarm. "The hippie. He’s the tiger you fought."

"Stay back," Taylor growled, "I'll handle this."

"Wait!" I cried, clutching his forearm. "If I can just talk to him, I can set everything straight!" But Taylor released me and walked up to face his challenger.

"Well if it isn't the asshole who attacked me for no good reason," the hippy began. A few people turned their heads; a fight seemed imminent.

"Cool it, buddy. I suggest you leave my woman alone."

"Your woman? Why was she laying half-naked on a rock when I found her? From what I can tell, you don’t take good care of her. You should be with me, baby," he said, looking at me. “I would never harm a hair on your head.”

"Watch it," Taylor snarled. "I'm warning you—I’ll pound your scrawny ass like last time. And there's nowhere for you to run in this crowd."

I felt my pulse race in alarm. If they started to fight in the middle of a bar it would be utter mayhem. It was packed with people, and two massive, savage, wild animals in their midst was bound to kill a few of them.

I realized they were fighting over me, and I was the one responsible for what was about to happen.

And I was the only one who could stop them.

My mind raced. What should I do? I couldn’t stop them once they started fighting, that was for sure. I had to do something…and now! At that moment an idea suddenly flashed into my mind.

"Wait!" I screamed, running between them. I put a hand on Taylor's broad chest, praying to God I could tame his fury. To my surprise, his muscles relaxed under my touch.

And then I reached out and touched the hippy, looking deep into his brilliant blue eyes. Feeling his body sent a tingle shooting up my arm, and all of a sudden I could smell his scent: rich and earthy and masculine, like the oils of flowers, mixed in with musk and sweat and desire.

"Don't fight over me," I ordered. Then, using every ounce of seductive power within me, I pulled them both outside. The crowd cheered.

"I know you didn't steal my stuff," I told the hippy. "I'm sorry about everything that happened."

"Why the hell didn't you call him off of me then?" he growled, his beautiful eyes dark with suspicion.

"I didn't know--I had just woken up. It wasn’t until later that-"

But he broke me off. "I better not see you around here anymore," the hippy said to Taylor, his eyes flashing. The two faced off again. “You should treat your women with more respect!”

"Wait!" I cried in a panic. I had to make peace. I touched the stranger again, looking deep into his eyes. "I can make things square again," I said, "the way only a woman can. You'll have to share me tonight, Taylor.” Any second now, I was afraid he was going to fly into a jealous rage and kill the hippy.

Instead, he gripped my body savagely and drew me close, feeling my breasts again once I was in his grip.

"I'm going to enjoy watching everything he does to you," he rumbled. "Let's get the hell out of here."

We quickly hurried back to our hotel. Taylor took me first, as the blond stranger kneeled at my head, caressing and holding me. Taylor loved me hard, hot and fast, and when I came, he pulled out before exploding himself. I then took him into my mouth as the stranger took me in his, shocking me with pleasure. Taylor took me again, and then his lust covered my chest and neck and body. I moaned with agony; I wanted to feel him burst inside of me, so bad.

But then the beautiful stranger was loving me, and I became lost in him, and the hot touch of his body, and all of him so beguiling and different than the man who protected me. He ravaged me, taking me in my sex, then in a dirty way, and then in my mouth. He left himself all over my body.

When my man was aroused again, he threw me hard against the bed and took me doggy-style like a wild beast. He howled and grabbed my hair, wrenching my head to the side, insane with desire. He took me hard and savagely, and then he deposited his seed inside of me.

I fell asleep between my two lovers, entangled with them both. Taylor's big arm was around my waist, and my hands rested on the stranger's body, with my head nestled in his chest.


The rest of my hike was a crazy blur. The three of us traveled together, making love every night. When we arrived at a secluded hot spring deep in the wilderness, we set up camp for a whole month, making love every night and doing things that were progressively wilder and naughtier. By the time our long journey had ended, none of us wanted to leave each other; so we all rented a little shack on the beach, in sunny southern California, and moved right in with each other.

Between the money I made selling dog sweaters, and the young hippy's million-dollar trust fund, we had more than enough money to live comfortably. Taylor got a job lifeguarding at one of the most crowded beaches in the US, specializing in deep water rescue. 

Around the time I got sick of making dog clothing, jewelry and other crap to sell online, a beautiful, happy thing happened that changed my life forever: I discovered I was having Taylor's cubs.

Never in a million years did I think my life could be so easy or so carefree, and I was happy.

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