On the Prowl (10 page)

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Authors: T J Michaels

BOOK: On the Prowl
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Her eyebrows shot straight up. “Say what?” Boy did that slip! There was no way she intended him to hear the shocked tone in her voice.

“Well, beauty, don’t you think you deserve to have a man cook for you?”

“Is this a trick question?” she asked, smiling so hard she was sure all of her teeth were showing. Rolling over onto her back, her fingers trailed lazily over her bare breasts as she imagined his wicked grin and sumptuous kisses.

“Why don’t you give me directions to your place? You can eat a little something while I drive over to pick you up. I’ll take you to your appointment, go grocery shopping and pick you up when I’m done. I’ll bring you back home, and we can have dinner. Sound good?”

Good? Hell, it sounded better than good. He’d thought of everything and Delaine couldn’t find a single reason to object. And she certainly looked for one. Hard. Besides, no man was this damned perfect. Right?


‘Hush, Sapa,’ she thought, sending the ultra-weak reprimand along the bond, grinning too hard to put any weight behind it.

* * * * *

Justin hung up the phone in his living room, slipped his arms into the sleeves of his heavy leather bomber jacket and headed out. Once in the car he flipped open his secure cell, unlocked the keypad and hit the speed dial.

“Harris here.”

“Derrick, it’s me. What have we got?”

“You were right about the Sarah Ann woman. She’s tailing Delaine, but we don’t know why or on whose orders. We can assume Baker’s behind it, but we have no idea how he would have obtained any information about who we think Delaine is. We think she’s with Aegis, a front company for Interpol US operation. But she could be with any number of black ops orgs. Even ours.”

“Uh-huh. Well, I’m on my way to pick her up now.”

“Is that smart? I mean, she’s being tailed.”

“Delaine’s got a tail, I don’t. Besides, I’ve already made the plans.” Hell, even if he was being followed, he’d still be tempted to show up at her house. He’d never admit it to anyone but Derrick in a million years, and only because they had ten years of trust between them. “This is hard for me to admit, Der, but I don’t know whether I’m coming or going with this woman. There’s just something about her. I mean, damn, the woman has everything a man could want. Smart, fit, beautiful. Hell, I even love her laugh.”

“Her laugh? Are you on crack?”

“No, man, I’m serious. When she laughs, it reminds me of all the naughty things I did when I was a kid and nobody was looking. Deep, like she has some dark, sensuous secret.”

“Well, it’s probably a good thing you’re hooked on her. You need a strong woman to keep your ass in line.”

“Oh, and you should talk?” he laughed into the mouthpiece. “So what’s the plan?”

“Spencer wants you to concentrate on Baker. He doesn’t have any problem with you getting with Jeris as long as you don’t compromise your cover. Besides, getting with her may be the fastest way to wrap this thing up. Appears she’s one step ahead of us, even though we’ve been working this case for months.”

“How the hell is that possible?”

“Don’t know. But there’s also the possibility that somebody’s outted her.”

“I’ll stick close to her. And as for hooking up with Delaine to use her to gather intel, you tell Spencer he can kiss my ass.” With that, Justin clicked the phone shut and disconnected the call.

He’d been an undercover agent forever, and because of the hazard and secrecy of the job, he’d never enjoyed the companionship of a woman unless it pertained to a mission.

But Delaine was no mission. She was special. He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew he was right about her. Right then, Justin made a decision that might cost him his career. It meant he would have to tell her exactly who he was and as soon as the time was right, he would. First he had to win her. Then he would keep her.

* * * * *

Delaine was ready when Justin rang her doorbell twenty minutes later. She opened the door and almost fainted dead away. Did men get better looking after a little bit of sleep? He smiled and pulled off his dark sunglasses before stepping over the threshold into the foyer. The only word she could think of to describe him was “yummy”. He was dressed in a pair of worn jeans that fit his body perfectly—not too tight, not too loose. His leather jacket was unzipped and revealed a huge muscled chest wrapped in a black, tight-fitting Under Armour shirt, the kind the guys at the gym wore when they worked out.

She looked up at the ceiling and said a silent prayer. Lord, please don’t let this man take his jacket off. If I’m going to make it to my hair appointment, don’t let me see his chest now, lord. She was so busy trying to keep it together, she didn’t notice the sizzling looks Justin sent her way. After all, her dark blue Under Armour shirt looked painted on too.

“Did you forget something?” he asked.


“You’re looking up towards the stairs. Did you forget something?” He stepped close enough for her to get a whiff of his cologne. Oh, he smelled so good. She jerked back like he’d slapped her, ignoring the tilt of his head at her odd behavior.

“Uh, yeah, I just remembered that I forgot something,” Delaine said lamely, knowing her words didn’t make any sense but glad she’d left her purse on her bed. It gave her an excuse to flee the room. “Is it cold out?” she asked over her shoulder as she headed up the curved staircase.

Justin watched her glorious butt fill out her jogging pants and called out a chilly forty degrees as she hurried along. He bit his lip to keep from telling her how nice her ass was.

While she scuttled around upstairs, he took the opportunity to look around her house a bit, noting how meticulously clean it was. Sterile was a better word. No photos on the mantel. No pictures on the wall. He knew she’d just moved here and probably just hadn’t had time to do any decorating. Or did she plan on leaving soon? The thought bothered him. Hell, he’d just decided to pursue her, no holds barred, and her leaving Charlotte anytime soon didn’t jive with his goals.

He didn’t know what drove him to win her. Frankly, he didn’t give a damn. It never occurred to him she might have other plans. Besides, if she felt the same spark between them that he did, even the best-laid plans could be changed, namely hers.

He leaned against the mantel, his eyes glued on the stairs as he waited for Delaine to descend. She made her way down, completely composed and distant. It was second nature for an agent to hide behind a mask of calm acceptance, and he understood that. Understood her life firsthand. Never having the luxury of getting close to anyone. Sometimes moving from place to place, either to chase down criminals or for your own safety. But the thought of her disappearing from his life after he’d just found her…Nope, not gonna happen.

A bomber jacket tucked under one arm, she stuffed her hands into a pair of navy leather gloves and headed directly to the door without even looking at him. An icy chill slipped up his spine followed by a tide of emotion that washed over him so completely, he felt like he was drowning in it. Such depth of feeling all because of this one woman? He could deal with that.

He marched across the room and swept her into his arms. His mouth crashed down over her, desperate to wreak havoc on her senses, needing her to want him the way he wanted her. By the time he let her up for air, one of her legs was wrapped around his calf as she moaned softly into his mouth. After another kiss, this one sweet and calming, he spoke softly from his heart.

“Delaine, I know we’re just getting to know each other, but don’t pull away from me. Don’t shut me out.”

She didn’t answer, but the question in her eyes was clear.

“I saw it in your eyes when you came down the stairs,” he said against her temple.

She met his gaze and looked deeply, trying to decipher the raw, open expression in his glittering eyes. Justin was the type of man to bare all, but he wanted her to see what he was feeling, to see what he wanted. As much as he liked her, he hoped she could give him what he asked for.

“Look, Justin,” she said, trying to push away. He didn’t let her. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done the dating thing and I’m just a little unsure.”

“I understand. Just give me a chance, baby, that’s all I’m asking.”

A double assault, she thought with a wry grin. Justin pressed her gently from the outside while Sapa pressed from the inside. Well, at least the lioness liked him. That alone almost made up for not knowing him. Delaine sighed, laid her head against his chest and snuggled into his arms for a warm hug. She could really get used to this. Damn. She would have to meet someone like him while she was on assignment.

* * * * *

“Girl, you are really feeling this man, aren’t you?” Pam asked, her eyes wide as she questioned her friend.

“Yes, ma’am, I am definitely feeling him. Pam, he’s smart, funny and not to mention gorgeous. And it’s all your fault. If you hadn’t talked me into going to that professional single mingle group thing, I don’t think I ever would have met him.”

“Hey, if you want to give me the kudos, I’ll sure take ’em! So what’s his name?”


“Justin what?”

“Pam, you’re the second person to ask me that.”


“Never mind. He and I are having dinner tonight. At my place,” Delaine waggled her eyebrows.

“Isn’t that moving a bit fast, Del? I mean, what do you really know about this guy?” Pam asked, not really sure why.

“Concern about moving too fast? From you?”

“Look, I’m known for doing the dip-n-dash on a first date. But this is you, Delaine. You’re the cautious one. The careful one…”

“The divorced-after-eighteen-years one,” Delaine reminded her. “Hey, I’ve been careful all my life. What did it get me? And this conversation is getting old fast. One more guilt-inducing word and you won’t get a tip, woman.”

“Okay, okay,” Pam conceded, raising her hands in friendly defeat. Besides, Delaine deserved some happiness after having her life shattered by that nincompoop Gary. Without faith, strength and money of her own, his abandonment would have been really hard on her and the kids. “I’ve gotta give you credit for bouncing back after that milksop you were married to, so I’ll leave you alone about your new man. Hell, your ex is such an unappreciative pig, even I want to cut his heart out with a spoon,” Pam said quietly, dropping the subject.

“You almost done? Justin will be here to pick me up any minute.”

“Pick you up? What’s wrong with your car?”

“Nothing. He gave me a ride then went shopping for dinner. He’s cooking tonight.”

A man cooking for Delaine? Wow! “He’s cooking for you? Maybe I need to go to the professional single mingle thing,” Pam said with raised eyebrows.

Just then, the chime on the door sounded and Pam looked up to see the most stunning, rippling muscled, well-built white boy she’d ever laid eyes on in her life. He had wavy red hair cut into a fade on the sides, a strong chin and piercing blue eyes. The man could have been the next James Bond. He held his leather jacket tossed over one shoulder, showing off solid biceps and wide shoulders. What was he doing in her shop? Whatever he wanted, she’d be glad to give it to him.

“Hey, Justin’s here. I gotta run.”

“Justin? Where?” Pam asked in a daze, staring at the gorgeous hunk walking toward her.

“The man you’re drooling over, girlfriend. Snap out of it and take the rest of these twists out so I can go, will ya?”

“Girl, that’s Justin? He’s good looking and cooks too? Lord Jesus!”

He strode directly to her chair. Pam felt equal parts jealous and happy for her friend, even as she eyeballed the man shamelessly. He put his hands on the armrests and bent over to plant one directly on Delaine’s lips. Pam finger combed the twists Delaine often wore loosely curled down her back, and still he kissed her. Nope, the man had no shame, not an ounce. He’d walked into a beauty shop full of sistahs and put one on the woman like they were alone in the dark. If her girlfriend had been chocolate, she would’ve melted into the chair.

Justin broke the kiss and stared at a dreamy-eyed Delaine. All his attention was focused on her as he spoke in hushed tones.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, you,” she said breathlessly, worrying one side of her bottom lip with her teeth.

“Almost ready?”

“Uh huh.”

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