On the Merits of Unnaturalness (4 page)

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Authors: Samantha Shannon

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Very similar to the Hydromancer, but the Practitioner uses human Tears instead of Water, and will inflict whatever Agony is necessary to obtain said Tears from a Victim. No doubt this is a difficult Gift to practise, as a great many Tears would be required to create a Scrying Pool.

I concede that
, as well as
possess some Characteristics of
), as both Tears and Blood are reflective, as are the Eyes. However, all rely upon bodily Fluids, and are therefore primarily Types of


A Type of Clairvoyance similar to the Above, and to
but ought to be shunned in modern civilised Society. The Haematomancer uses vast Quantities of Blood to create a Scrying Pool. They are most likely to see Visions of how the Donor or Victim died, which the Haematomancer may enjoy at their Leisure. They may also use small amounts of Blood to induce a State of Trance, or to see Snatches of the Victim's Past or Future. For your Consideration, I suggest that drinking Blood may have some effect upon the Haematomancer in the same way that drinking Wine affects the
). Certainly these People, who I am loath to call Clairvoyant, are barbaric enough to do this.


These Individuals claim to be able to understand the Querent's Dreamscape by observing the Colour and Patterning within the Iris. Certainly there is no Link between Eye Colour and the Colour of an Aura, thus I can only assume that this Idea originates from the nonsensical amaurotic Proverb, ‘the Eyes are the Windows to the Soul'. Consequently, there is a high Likelihood that
is Nonsense. In my Travels about the Citadel, however, I have heard of Oculomancers who tear out the Eyes of living Victims in order to examine them at their freshest.


A rampant Type of Vile Augury making use of Bones, whether animal or human. First noted by Name in 1612. Although most Osteomancers are as vicious as their fellow Vile Augurs, a small number of dignified Practitioners use animal Bones, or very old Bones of Humans, to avoid causing Pain to the Relatives of the newly deceased. The Bones may be burned, cast as Lots (see
), or handled until a Connection is made. The latter Type will cause a vivid ethereal Hallucination. Notable Variations include
, a Gift first observed in ancient China.
The Plastrons of dead Turtles were heated until they cracked, whereupon the Plastromancer would read the Surface in a similar Fashion to how the
reads the Querent's Hands.

Last Year, this humble Writer was able to obtain a genuine Oracle Shell at the black Market through an exchange with a first Edition of Mister
Didion Waite
's ‘
', which the Smuggler deemed to be a suitable Trade. This may or may not imply that she was unfamiliar with the Poetry of Mister
. Dear Smuggler, if you are reading this, I apologise sincerely for my cruel and unacceptable Misrepresentation of this Work as a modern Masterpiece. It was most enlightening to study the ancient Characters carved upon the Plastron.


he Mediums are a widespread but skilled Order, and most are worthy of great Esteem. They are a long-suffering People who are often subject to gruelling and unsolicited spiritual Possessions, having permeable Dreamscapes that provide little Resistance to the Inhabitants of the Æther. Mediumship is not nearly so old as Augury or Soothsaying, only appearing to the public Eye in the late Nineteenth Century, coinciding with the appearance of the anti-Clairvoyant Doctrine in England. There are only three major Types of Mediumship that I can identify. While I insist that it remains in the lower five of the Seven Orders, due to its lack of truly breathtaking Qualities, Mediumship is a fine Example of how rapidly Clairvoyance has evolved in the last Century.

I note that some Mediums remain conscious during spiritual Possession, while others enter a somnambulic or unconscious State. I name the former category
and the latter
. However, this seems to depend on the Medium's particular Constitution, and their Ability to resist the overpowering Sensations caused by Possession, rather than the Type of Mediumship they display. Some Mediums may have a violent Seizure, become disorientated, experience a Migraine, or vomit uncontrollably after the Spirit releases them from its Hold. Most Mediums will have one particular Spirit with which they commune closely, and will allow this Spirit to control them on a regular basis, causing less Distress with each Possession. This Spirit Companion is usually referred to as a


, which I have named after the artistic Technique of Automatism. A most fascinating and beautiful Type of Mediumship, with visually stunning Results. The Automatiste is possessed by the Spirit of an Artist and channels his or her Work, allowing the Spirit to control their Hands and Tools. They may sometimes produce a perfect Replica of a known Masterpiece, or create an entirely new one in the style of their Muse. Discussion with these Mediums suggests that their Precision and Eyesight is greatly improved by the use of purple Aster directly before or during a Possession, although this can cause serious Addiction and affect the Medium's general Capacity for Art.


sometimes called
in a derogatory Sense. A dangerous Gift to possess. These Mediums are extremely vulnerable to both benevolent and malignant Forces in the Æther, having Dreamscapes that are not only permeable, but give off a Signal to passing Spirits that an acquiescent Body is nearby. If the Medium is conscious during the Experience, it is markedly less pleasant, for their Limbs move without their Permission. Unlike other Mediums, there is usually no specific Purpose to their Possessions, and they are unlikely to develop a close Link with any particular Spirit. They are simply used as Vessels for a Spirit desperate to wander the physical World. Occasionally, however, a Physical Medium will encourage a Spirit to possess them to augment their Skills in Combat.

The Names of some Types of
, including
, originate from the writings of
Allen Kardec
(the Pseudonym of one
Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail
), whose prohibited ‘
published in 1861, is one of the more accurate and excellent blacklisted Texts on Clairvoyance. Although my Definitions of each Type are rather different from
's, I have elected to preserve these Names out of Respect for his sensible and meticulous Work. It is a Pity that the Majority of his Writings, like those of my other Sources, have since been destroyed.


These conscientious Clairvoyants are compelled to write, often at length and at great Speed, when they are possessed by a Spirit, most often that of a Writer or Poet. This most often occurs during the Night, and is rumoured to be aided by the Consumption of large Quantities of Absinthe and Coffee. The famous Clairvoyant of Switzerland,
Hélène Smith
, was renowned for this Skill, and it is rumoured that she possesses many Psychographers to encourage them in their Work.
The best-known Community of Psychographers exists in Grub Street, with the most esteemed Inhabitants forming the Spiritus Club, who have kindly published this Pamphlet. It is through Grub Street that a great many Pieces of clairvoyant Literature have been salvaged from Scion's various Biblioclasms since the 1980s.

It should be noted that
believed herself to be speaking to Martians, rather than to Spirits, so this Claim is perhaps best taken with a Pinch of Salt, as they say.


This differs from the
, from the next Order (see
). The Speaking Medium is a Mouthpiece for the spirit World, but they cannot speak the true Language of Spirits. Instead a Spirit will manipulate their Voicebox to produce a Message in what was once their native Language in Life. These Messages are typically fragmented and difficult to decipher, as the Spirit is attempting to speak in a Language that is no longer its own.


he Sensors are often confused with the Mediums,
as the two Gifts are sometimes considered, by the Ignorant, to be one and the
same. However, I make the Distinction that a Medium is subject to Possession and
Control by a Spirit, while a Sensor is privy to the intimate Workings of their
World. The Art of
is a delicate one, a Secret
kept buried by its Practitioners, who are often mistakenly diagnosed as
psychotic by amaurotic Quack Doctors if they dare to speak aloud the Things they
sense around them. They sense the Æther as if it is entirely open to the
physical World. It is a precious and sophisticated Gift, clouded by
Misunderstanding, and I extend my deepest Sympathies to those Sensors that have
faced Persecution.


A colloquial Name for what
was previously called the
by the esteemed
, who published a Pamphlet on
the Subject entitled ‘
'. I refute this Label most ardently, as the
Suffix –
strongly suggests Soothsaying or
The Sniffer is neither
Soothsayer nor Augur. They are able to detect spiritual Activity through a keen
Sense of Smell. They may detect an Aroma indicative of what the Spirit wore or
enjoyed in Life, such as a favoured Perfume. They are also able to detect Aura
through a particular Scent, which could not be described by Sniffers interviewed
in the Course of my Studies. Should only be taken seriously if absolutely no
other Smells are present.

The honourable Mister
is cordially invited to respond to this
Refutation publicly if he so desires.


sometimes called
or, archaically,
. This is perhaps the most fascinating of all
clairvoyant Abilities. The Polyglot experiences spasmodic Bursts of Language, at
random Intervals, but the Language they speak is unknown to any Linguist. It has
long been recognised as the Art of ‘speaking in Tongues'. Speaking this Language
has a notable Impact upon the Æther, and appears to draw in nearby Spirits. I
firmly believe that this is the pure Language of Spirits, a Language beyond our
Comprehension until such Time that we meet Death. Polyglots are too often
dismissed as insane, as their Outbursts are typically accompanied by Fitting and
Vomiting. It might be persuasively argued that the Polyglot is similar to a
, as these Fits are generally
uncontrollable. However, my Observations have yielded no Evidence that the
Polyglot is actually controlled by a Spirit during their enchanting Eruptions of
Language, but rather that they are calling out to the spirit World, attempting
to connect with it through Speech, as if Language itself is their Numen.


These Sensors experience
a sudden Flavour when Spirits are nearby. The Gustants I have cross-examined
usually report a metallic or earthen Taste, one that sickens the Gut and burns
the Tongue. The Taste will be more bitter if the Spirits nearby are malignant.
Not a particularly useful Gift, by all Accounts.


I classified this hypothetical Sensor only three
Years ago, but have not yet come across one for Analysis, despite my persistent
Search. I propose that a Whisperer may hear, but possibly not speak or even
understand, the pure Language of Spirits. This would result in the Whisperer
hearing a constant Stream of Voices, unheard by all but other Whisperers. It is
likely that many Whisperers are held in secure Facilities such as the
, as there is a certain
Stigma attached to hearing Voices. It is possible that they might be able to
channel the spirit-Language in ways that do not involve Speech, for example, the
dexterous Manipulation of musical Instruments through an ethereal Touch. Until a
Whisperer emerges in the Citadel, we can never know.

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