On the Grand Trunk Road (57 page)

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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) ; and political assassination; suicide attacks of
life expectancy rates
literacy rates
Lockheed Corporation
Lodhi, Maleeha
London School of Economics
Louis XVI (king of France)
Lucknow, India
McGee, Jim
Maharashtra, India
Mahendra (king of Nepal)
Mahmudabad, India
Mahule, S. M.
Mandal Commission report
Man Who Kept the Crows
Margaret Theresa, Sister
Marwah, Subodh
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Mathura, India
Mehta, Harshad
Mehta, Jagat
Mehta, Rama
middle classes; and caste conflict ; and economic reform ; in India ; and Kashmiri separatism; Nehruvian state and ; in Pakistan; in Sri Lanka
Middle East
Mirza, Abbas H.
Mohajir Quami Movement (MQM, Pakistan)
Mohammed, Jan
Moheshkhali Island
Morgenthau, Robert
Mothers’ Front (Sri Lanka)
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mujib, Sheikh
multinational corporations
Munir, Syed.
murder, adultery and. See
assassinations, political; death squads
Muslim League
Muslims; affirmative action programs for; American; and British colonial rule; in Kashmir ; in Pakistani government; population in India; in Soviet Union. See
Hindu-Muslim conflict; Islam; Islamic radicals
Muslim United Front
Nadvi, Shah Syed Fazal-ur-Rahman Waizi
Naipaul. S.
Narang, Surjeet Singh
Narayan (Hindu preacher)
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
nationalism; Afghani ; Hindu; Indian; Pakistani; Sinhalese; Sri Lankan
Nehru, Jawaharlal; and democracy ; and “mixed” socialism ; political legacy of ; as prime minister ; and religious conflict ; and Tribhuvan of Nepal
Nepal; class conflict in; corruption in government; democracy movement ; monarchy in ;
system; poverty in
Nepali Congress party
New Delhi, India: anti-Sikh riots in
; cable television in; caste riots of 1990; rural migration to ; stone quarries newspapers
New York Times
nonaligned movement
Northwest Frontier, Pakistan
nuclear weapons; Pakistan and
Oldenburg, Philip
Pakistan; in Afghanistan war ; Bangladeshi independence from; BCCI in; Benazir Bhutto as prime minister of ; and capitalism; cold war and; conspiracy theories in ; corruption in government; democracy in ; and economic reform ; economy ; elections ; feudalism in ; hostility to India; independence; Islamic radicals in; Islam in politics of; and Kashmir rebellion ; martial law under Zia ul-Haq; middle class in; military coups in ; nationalism; Nehruvian state in; and nuclear weapons; political violence in; poverty in; public-sector enterprises; and Rushdie edict; Sind guerrilla movement; Soviet Union and; tribalism in ; U.S. military aid to
wars with India; World Bank and; Zia ul-Haq crash and ; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as prime minister of
Pakistan air force
Pakistan army; Benazir Bhutto and ; military rule; U.S. arms supplies to ; and Zia ul-Haq crash
Pakistan Criminal Investigative Agency (CIA)
Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI): in Afghanistan war ; U.S. military assistance to ; and Zia ul-Haq crash
Pakistan People’s Party
Pak One crash
Party of God. See Hizbollah
Pashtun Afghanis
Paswan, Ram
Patwari, Anil Kumar
People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA)
People’s Liberation Front (JVP, Sri Lanka): economic reforms and ; government death-squad attacks on; guerrilla warfare campaign ; Marxist ideology
Peshawar, Pakistan
political parties: banned in Nepal ; criminal gangs and ; guerrilla movements as
politicians; and caste conflict ; corruption among ; and democracy; and economic reforms ; Kashmiri; and religious conflict.
See also
assassinations, political
Ponnambalam, Satchi
Popal, M. Akbar
population growth
Pound, Ezra
poverty: in Bangladesh; BCCI and; caste system and; communism and; development programs and; economic reform and; in India ; in Nepal; in Pakistan; in Sri Lanka
Prabhakaran, Villaphallai
Prakash, Om
Prashad, Ram
Pratap, Anita
Premadasa, Ranasinghe: assassination of ; and death squads
Price Waterhouse
private property rights
public-sector employment
Punjab, India; counterinsurgency campaign in ; Pakistan and; Rajiv Gandhi and; separatist guerrilla movement in ; Sikh assassins in
Quayle, Dan
Quayle, Marilyn
Qutubuddin Aibak
Rahman, Abdul
Rajasthan, India
Rajgopal, P. R.
Rajiv (repo man)
Ram, Mohan
Ram, N.
Ramesh, N.
Ranatunge, Cyril
Rao, N. T. Rama
Rao. Narasimha; and economic reform; elected prime minister; and religious conflict
Raphel, Amoid
Rashid, Ahmed
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Reagan, Ronald
Reagan administration
Reagan Doctrine
ul-Rehman, Mir
Reliance Industries
religious conflict; Partition riots; in politics . See also Hindu-Muslim conflict
Revelle, Oliver
Rising Nepal
Ron (driver)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rushdie, Salman; Iranian death edict against
Samarweera, Mangala
Santosh (driver)
Satanic Verses
Saudi Arabia
Saxena, G. N.
Schama, Simon
secularism: Afghani Muslims and ; India and ; Kashmiri Muslims and
Shah, G. M.
Shah, Zahir
Sharif, Nawaz
Sharma, H. N.
Shekhar, Chandra
Shia (Shiite) Muslims: Afghani ; Pakistani
Shourie, Arun
Shroff, Amir
Shultz, George P.
Sikhs; government counterinsurgency campaign against ; mob violence against ; political assassinations by ; Punjabi separatist insurgency ; Rajiv Gandhi and
Sind Province, Pakistan; criminal mafias in; feudalism in; guerrilla insurgency in
Singh, Beant
Singh, Bhajan
Singh, Birendra
Singh, Dilbur
Singh, Madan
Singh, Manmohan
Singh, Pooran
Singh, Ramesh
Singh, Ranjit
Singh, Satwant
Singh, Shivaji
Singh, Sultan
Singh, Than
Singh, Vishwanath Pratap
Sinhalese: death-squad attacks on ; economic reforms and ; ethnic warfare with Tamils ; nationalism; People’s Liberation Front faction of
60 Minutes
socialism: Afghani revolution and; failures of; India and; “mixed” socialist ideology; Nehru and; Nepal and ; “socialist gravy train”; Sri Lanka and; Tamil rebels and; transition from
Soli, Chandra Mohan
Soviet Union; Afghanistan, invasion of; in Afghanistan war; Afghanistan war, CIA-Pakistani guerrilla warfare against ; Afghanistan war, withdrawal from; cold war conflict; collapse of; India and ; KGB conspiracies; Pakistan and ; and Zia ul-Haq crash
Spanish civil war
Sri Lanka, and capitalism ; caste system in; death squads ; democracy in ; economic growth; economic reform in ; economy ; education in ; elections; ethnic civil war ; Indian Peacekeeping Force in; middle class in; nationalism; Nehruvian state in ; political violence in; poverty in ; Sinhalese guerrilla movement ; socialism in; Tamil guerrilla movement ; World Bank and
Srinagar, India
Stalin, Josef V.
Stone, Oliver
students: and Indian caste system ; in Nepali democracy movement ; Sri Lankan
Khan, Mohammed Amir Mohammed
Sunni Muslims

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