Read On The Floor (Second Story) Online

Authors: Jennifer LaCross

On The Floor (Second Story) (6 page)

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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Sure enough, earlier this evening I get a message telling me to be ready at eight to go to Sound and that her new guy, Jeff, has a friend he is bringing. Yay.

It’s seven thirty and I’m looking for something to wear while I dance to the playlist my little sister made for me. She is a big One Direction fan, so needless to say most of the songs on here are by them. Throw in some Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift and you have my
Getting Ready Mix
, as my sister has titled it.

I throw on a pair of tight straight-legged jeans and gold tube top with a sweetheart neckline. I plug my curling iron in and start doing my make-up when my phone alerts me to a text message. I pick it up and read that Jenna will be down here in twenty minutes. I finish my smoky eye make-up, put nude gloss on my lips, and curl my hair into loose waves deciding to wear it down tonight. I choose gold chandelier earrings to match my top and put on my gold peep-toe heels. I check the mirror and I am very pleased with my look for the night. Maybe Jeff’s friend will be able to get my mind off of Jake.

I’ve got about five minutes until Jenna should be here.
What Makes You Beautiful
by One Direction comes on and I smile. This is my sister’s favorite song and every time I go home we have a sister dance off to it. I smile and start to dance around my room. I look a little ridiculous, but I don’t mind since no one can see me.

I hear a knock at the door and look at the clock. Jenna is a few minutes early, but this song is her guilty pleasure as well, so I yell for her to come in. Meanwhile, I keep dancing around, shaking my head and rolling my hips.

Then I feel strong hands grip me at my waist. Definitely not Jenna.

I immediately stop my movements and jerk around to face Jake. He smiles and I can tell he is trying not to laugh.

“I thought you were Jenna!” I say breathlessly.

He ignores my comment. “Interesting choice of music,” he says barely containing his laughter. His playfulness is so different from the coldness he showed me last night. Confusing much?

“My little sister made this mix. I’m not a big fan but it brings back good memories of home when I listen to it. She calls it my
Getting Ready Mix

“So she is the big One Direction fan?”

“I would call her a fanatic,” I say with a big smile. I can’t help but smile when I think about my sister. I miss her like crazy.

“Going out tonight?” he asks.

“Yep,” I say as I nod my head.

I notice Jake’s eyes sliding down my body taking me in. He starts at my hair and lingers on my lips. His eyes then drop to my chest and his gaze continues all the way down my body until he gets to my shoes. Then his eyes shoot back up to meet mine. “You look… nice,” he says swallowing loudly.

“Thank you,” I respond smiling as my breath speeds up. He was checking me out! “Had you stopped by thirty minutes ago you would have caught me in sweats singing
into my hairbrush with the Biebs!” I laugh. That would have been embarrassing.

“I’m sure you still looked just as beautiful.”

“Thanks,” I say smiling shyly.

“So, is this a girls’ night or do you have a big date or something?” he asks jokingly.

“Um, kind of a date I guess. Whenever Jenna starts seeing a new guy she tries to set me up with one of his friends. So this is kind of like a double date. They are usually pretty lame,” I say. I’m a bit nervous telling him about the guy I’m being set-up with.

“Fun! I’m sure the guy will be really cool,” he says his smile not reaching his eyes.

“Yeah, maybe he’ll be
the one
,” I joke.

His face tightens as he nods his head. “Maybe.”

Then silence. I guess my joke didn’t go over so well.

“Jenna should be here soon to meet me. Do you have any plans tonight?” I ask him, trying to work through the tense mood that has formed between us.

“Huh?” he says shaking his head to clear his thoughts. “Oh, yeah. I’m gonna head to Mackey’s Pub with the guys from my band. Nothing super exciting.”

“Mackey’s Pub? I’ve never been there. It’s not near campus, is it?”

“No. It’s about twenty minutes from here. It’s near my grandparents’ house. Just going for a drink or two.”

“Well that sounds fun!” I smile at him trying to get him out of this mood. He has had this contemplative look on his face since that little joke I made.

“I mentioned before that I could help you with planning activities and you haven’t taken me up on my offer. Did you want to get together later tonight to plan?” he asks sounding hopeful.

“Um, tonight?”

He gives me a tense smile before he answers. “Yeah, like around midnight? You can tell me all about how your date went.” He says the word ‘date’ like it’s painful.

“Um, sure?”

“I mean unless you really hit it off with the guy. Then you can text me. We’ll reschedule.” I can tell by his tone that he is trying to make the effort because we are
. But I am pretty sure that this "date" I’m going on is annoying him. He almost sounds as though he is daring me to meet up with him tonight. Or daring me to go home with my date.

“I’m not going home with a guy I just met!” I say offended. Although, I definitely would have gone home with

“Okay then. It’s settled. Want to meet up at twelve?” he says, his smile growing at his victory.

“Yep,” I say and we smile at each other.

Just then, Jenna knocks on the door as she opens it. “Sorry I’m a little late, Rachel, I was ju…” She stops talking when she looks up to see Jake standing so close to me and smiles, a knowing look on her face. Though I don’t know what she thinks she knows because nothing was going on. “Am I interrupting something?”

“No!” I say very abruptly, and loudly. Too loud and too fast with a "no," normally means "yes."

“No, we’re just talking. You must be Jenna. I’m Jake. Nice to meet you.” He puts out his hand to shake Jenna’s hand and smiles.

She takes his hand in hers and keeps that knowing smile on her face. “Oh, I know who you are. I've heard
about you,” she says, her voice full of insinuation.

Jake’s eyes flick to me and his smile widens. He turns back to Jenna and says, “You do, do you?” his smile turning into a smirk. “What is it that you've heard about me?”

I look over at Jenna, pleading with her with my eyes. There are two ways this can go with Jenna. She is normally all for the truth in situations like this. She is constantly telling me to put it all on the table. But if she loves me at all, she’ll leave out the part about me wanting to rip his clothes off the moment his hands were on me.

“You’re the new AM, right? Jake, the music major,” she says smiling over at me.

She must love me. I smile back in thanks.

“Yep, that’s me!” Jake’s smile fades a little. Maybe he was hoping for a little more based on her 'I already know who you are’ comment. “Well, I’ve got to get going. It was good to meet you, Jenna.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Jake,” Jenna says that big smile still plastered across her face.

He starts to walk out of my room and then turns around, placing his hands on top of the doorframe and leaning back into my room a little. It’s then that I am finally able to take in all of him for the first time tonight. He is wearing a white button up shirt rolled up above his elbows and dark jeans that hang low on his hips. His arm muscles strain to support his weight, and I can see a hint of a tattoo peeking out on his right arm. His shirt has ridden up showing a small strip of his stomach. I knew he had a hard body based on what I felt during our dance, but now I can the see the evidence with my eyes. Muscled abs and the ‘V’ leading right down into his jeans, which are fitted tight enough for me to see his… Oh. My. God.

He looks so amazing that I have to remind myself to breathe normally.

“And Rachel?” he says drawing my attention back up his face and away from his, um… goods? He smiles when our eyes lock. A smile that makes my knees go weak. “I’ll see you later tonight,” he whispers in a rough voice full of promise, giving me chills and making my center clench. Then he turns and leaves, walking down the hall.

What just happened? He caught me looking at him and then he practically made me melt with one little sentence. I thought tonight was about planning activities for the floor? Now I feel like he might have something else in mind.

“I think I just had an orgasm,” Jenna says totally seriously.

“What!?!?” I squeal turning to Jenna.

“That had to be the most erotic thing I have ever seen or heard and I have watched some pretty naughty stuff. And did you see his equipment? I mean, how could you not? I bet he knows how to use it too! Sometimes guys with big dicks think just because it's big they can just shove it in. But I saw that man dance and I bet he knows how. To. Work. It. Rachel, I know you told me to stop bugging you about it, but he obviously wants you. And by the way, what is going on tonight?” Jenna asks me as she finally stops talking a mile a minute, but I have no response. She just said everything I was thinking. The man is sex on legs.

“Rachel! What’s going on later tonight? Spill it babe!” she demands impatiently.

“Um, oh, he wanted to meet up at midnight to help me with planning some of the activities for the floor.”

“Activity planning? No way. The only activity he is looking for is sexual. With you,” she says shaking her head.

“No,” I say unsure. After last night, I have no idea what Jake is thinking. He’s hot at Sound, then friendly in my room. Then he’s hot and cold last night. Now he’s back to hot. I don’t know
to expect from him. “It's probably the only available time he has to help me. He is super busy with school, his job, and his band. I told him I was going out with you, Jeff, and his friend, and he asked if I wanted to get together after.”

“Oh my god! He is trying to keep you away from Mike!” she yells pointing at me.

“Mike? I'm confused. He is Jake, not Mike. I told you, I heard his name wrong.”

“I know, you goober. Mike is Jeff’s friend. Your date. Anyways, Jake wants to make sure you come home by yourself! He doesn’t want you hooking up with Mike. He did that whole sexy
I’ll see you later tonight
thing so that you would only be thinking about him while you were out tonight.” She starts doing some sort of an erotic version of a happy dance. “Sex god wants you!”

I know he does. He said as much last night when he told me that all he wanted from me was a fuck, but I don’t think he will act on it.

“Whatever Jenna! Let’s go, it’s after eight,” I say as I walk out the door.

I hope she is right and he makes a move tonight because regardless of whether or not he wants me, I sure as hell want the sex god. Even after he shut down on me last night. My body wants him too much to care. If he asks, the answer will most definitely be yes. And I’ll deal with the consequences after.




Sound is crazy loud, as usual. As soon as we get there we head for the bar and each get a drink. Jeff and Mike show up about fifteen minutes later.

Jeff is tall and all muscles. Too much muscle. He has a fake tan and bleached hair. He is not my type at all, but seeing as Jenna has no physical type, I never know what to expect from her "boyfriends."

Mike is just under six feet and good looking. He has short black hair and hazel eyes. He looks like he has a pretty good body. And most surprisingly, he looks into my eyes when he smiles at me and says hello. I always appreciate a hello from a guy before he full on checks me out. Maybe this guy won’t be so bad, but there is still no way I’ll be open to anything with him while my mind and body are occupied with memories of Jake.

After talking over drinks for a little while, Jenna and Jeff go out to dance while Mike and I hang back by the bar. I’m in a pretty good mood, still riding the high from Jake’s conversation and the fact that this guy isn’t as bad as I thought he might be. I watch as they walk away and when I turn back to Mike he is blatantly checking me out. I don’t mind, after all we are on a date. But it is what he says next that has me cringing.

“You have a smoking body.”

I grind out a smile, “Thanks.”

“Usually when I have to play wing man, Jeff gets the hotter girl. But you are definitely the prize. Then again, Jeff is all about legs. I love a girl with curves. And fuck! Your body is bangin’! I can’t wait to feel that ass grinding against me while we dance,” he says stepping closer to me while looking me up and down again.

Wow. Jenna owes me big time for setting me up with this ass. “Ok. Well, thank you for all that. It was... nice? I’m going to go now. I hope you have a good night. Maybe find someone more your speed because I don’t really enjoy spending my time being eye raped. Bye.”

Jenna’s attitude is seriously rubbing off on me. A month ago, I would have stood there and dealt with Mike and his comments. Maybe even some touching when he asked me to dance. Not anymore.

This is much better.

I go over to Jenna to tell her I want to leave. “That guy is an asshole!” I yell over the music and pulling Jenna towards the bathrooms. She holds her finger up to Jeff to tell him she’ll just be a minute. We get to hall by the bathrooms and open the door to go in.

“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you, but you look pissed,” Jenna says with a concerned look.

“Mike was a total pervy dick.”

She looks shocked. “He seemed nice while we were all talking by the bar. Super interested in you. What did he do?”

“Told me I was a prize and I had a bangin’ body. And if the comments weren’t enough he started eyeing me like I was naked and not in a hot way. Like in a pervy way. He was gross and I am absolutely done hanging out with him.”

“That bad?”

“Yes. Absolutely. Normally the guys you set me up with are annoying or over eager, but this guy was just…” my body shakes at the memory of the way he was looking at me. “Total creep!”

She looks very apologetic. “I’m sorry, Rachel. Jeff was super cool last night. He said this guy Mike was really nice too and you guys seemed fine before we went to dance.”

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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