On Paper (17 page)

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Authors: Shae Scott

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: On Paper
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The dress pooled at my feet and I stepped out. Keaton turned me back to face him and his eyes reflected back the same desire that was roaring though my blood, pounding in my ears, pooling in my belly. I watched as he took inventory of my body, his gaze sliding along every inch of me. He took a step forward, his hands resting at my neck as he began to glide them across my heated skin. His fingers dipped below my bra strap as he slid it down my shoulder. I shivered as he kissed my now bare skin. He repeated the process on the other side. Then his mouth moved to the swell of my breasts and I nearly buckled at the sensation of his mouth against my flesh. His hand drifted to my back where he quickly unhooked the bra. I was grateful as the strain against the fabric had been too much. Now that my breasts were free he captured one nipple in his mouth, sliding his tongue across my hardened peak. I gripped his shoulders to keep from falling, He moved with practiced precision, each flick of his tongue, each nip of his teeth seemingly tied to my core. When he looked back to me I was certain he could see that I was clearly and completely intoxicated by him. I saw the slight smile tug at the corner of his lips as he gave me a little nod towards his room.

“Just in case Miles decides to come home. I told him to be scarce, but I’d hate to give him a show or have to kill him later should he decide not to listen,” he said gruffly. It was only then that I realized I was standing nearly naked in the living area of his suite. I smiled up at him as he took my hand and led me towards the other room.

Once the door was secure he stood in front of me again. “You’re beautiful, Quinn Ryan,” he said. He took my hands and put them on the waistband of his pants, an invitation of sorts. I wasted no time unwrapping my gift. I slid the buckle of his belt open, finishing my task from earlier. As I slid the pants down his hips, dropping them to the floor, he caught my arms and hoisted me back and onto the bed, his patience losing out. I fell back against the mattress, dipping lower as he covered me with his body, kissing me with deep strokes of his tongue.

He took his time, kissing me like it was a lost art. And I was beginning to think that it was, because no one had ever kissed me the way that he did, so completely, so thoroughly. He could speak a thousand words inside of a single kiss. He could write each one across my heart and brand me as his and he could do it effortlessly.

“You taste like sugar,” he said, his mouth trailing a sensual path down my body. My body arched beneath him as his lips skimmed across the sensitive skin of my abdomen and again as his fingers moved to the thin straps of my panties, the only clothing left on my body. I felt his hot breath as he pulled them achingly slow down my hips, teasing me as he went.

I couldn’t remember ever having been this worked up before. Never had anyone taken the time to tease me with such simple, unhurried exploration. Keaton was certainly in no hurry. Now that he had me in his bed, it was if he planned to take all night to explore his every whim, to learn every detail of my body just as he’d searched for every detail with his questions.

His mouth left soft kisses up the inside of my thigh as he moved back up my body and I squirmed as he neared the part of me that was aching for him. I sighed, a soft plea falling from my lips. “Look at you, all laid out for me. I’ve pictured you, just like this. I’ve gotten myself off thinking of you like this, imagining the taste of you on my tongue, the way you will shake as I make you come, the way your voice will strain when you call out my name,” he said. With each word, his breath teases, his fingers drift over my sensitive skin. His thumb moves across my folds, gently over my clit, sending a jolt through me. I cry out, strung so tight that I know it won’t take much to snap the chord that tethers me to earth.

“What about you, Quinn? Have you thought about me?” he asked voice raspy.

“Yes,” I managed, shifting beneath his touch, my body begging for more. I felt his palms move to my thigh, pushing them wider and my teeth sunk into my lower lip as I gripped the sheets. His tongue ran up my inner thigh, his teeth nipping at my skin. I felt the sting and before I could react his mouth was on me, his tongue doing all of the wicked things that it promised it could do. I lost all thought. I can no longer distinguish one moment from the next because each one is more sensation building upon itself until I’m sure my body will shatter into a million crystallized pieces. I realize that I am not equipped to handle a man like this. I have clearly just jumped into the deep end without a life preserver and I am going to drown. And it’s going to be the most glorious death imaginable.

I break apart. I gasp for breath. My world quakes beneath me. I am a cliché.

“Fuck, Quinn.” I heard his voice from somewhere in the fog as I felt him move up my body. He was no longer wearing the boxer briefs that he’d had on earlier and even in my post orgasmic haze I take in the glorious sight of him. The man is beautiful. I reach out to touch him, hard against my palm. He groaned with a deep pleasure and I felt the shiver run through his body.

“You’re the sexiest creature I’ve ever seen.” I had no idea what he was talking about, but now that I was returning to earth and I could see him clearly, I smiled. He reached to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. I followed his movements as he opened the packet and slid it on. I already felt the building need low in my belly as I watched. He was beyond sexy and I wanted him in a way that was completely new to me. It was all consuming. It overtook me.

“You’re still sure about this?” he asked as he positioned himself over me. I smile, because he’s asking, even now. There is fire in his eyes, and his forearms are shaking with restraint. I love seeing him this way, his need to come undone.

“I want you,” I assured him. And it’s enough. He pushes into me and I pull against his shoulders as he stretches me. And it feels so good. It feels like I’ve lost my mind. He moves, with long slow strokes, as if he’s taking the time to feel every part of me. He covers me completely, his mouth near my ear as he moves.

“You feel like heaven. Fuck, Quinn, you feel like God damned heaven. I want to laugh at his choice of words, but I can’t because he’s pushing me. He’s taking me places I didn’t expect. He makes me feel connected. I slide my nails against his skin, the feel of him so intense that my entire body is trembling beneath him.

He kissed me hard and deep before quickening his pace. The headboard behind us began to knock the wall with a punishing rhythm that matched our own. I felt the build, I felt it taking hold of me and I knew in a moment I was going to break apart. I tried to steel myself for the wave, but I knew it would take me under.

“Keaton, oh God, Keaton.” My voice came out strangled and my teeth sunk into his shoulder and I came hard against him. I was pretty sure this man had just ruined me for all other experiences. I was boneless. I felt the growl against my own chest as he jerked with his own release, the weight of his body falling onto mine. There was something strangely satisfying about the heaviness of it, the way his salty skin stuck to my own.

I tried to catch my breath. It was harder to do with him on top of me, but I didn’t care. I could feel his heart beating fast against his chest, my mind focused in on it, the steady thump, grounding me to the moment. I wasn’t used to casual sex, so I wasn’t really sure how to proceed. The steady thump was helping to keep me from freaking out.

Finally, he rolled off of me, taking my thump with him. I rolled to my side, watching him as he removed the condom and disposed of it. Then he was back in bed and pulling me to him. “You okay?” he asked.

I nodded. I was. I was more than okay. I just wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do next. Did I get up and go to my room or did I get to stay and cuddle for a little while first? I didn’t know how this all worked.

It felt so nice though, being curled up against him. The sound of his breathing as it steadied, the way his fingers traced across my skin. I didn’t want to move. Not at all.

“Quinn, why are you being so quiet? You’re freaking me out?” he said. I looked up, surprised to see the shadow of doubt there across his features.

“I’m good,” I assured him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Honestly?” I asked.

“Of course. Now I’m dying to know,” he smiled, even though he looked a little nervous to hear my answer.

“I was thinking about how nice it feels to be laying here with you like this and trying to figure out how long it’s acceptable to stay here before I overstay my welcome,” I admitted.

“Do you want to go?” he asked. “Because I don’t want you to go.”

“You don’t?” I asked, feeling an immediate sense of relief flood me. I’d been pretending that I was okay with leaving to go back to my room, but now that he wanted me to stay I was relieved.

“Shit, Quinn, did you think I was going to fuck you then kick you out?” he asked, sitting up. He scowled, but I saw the hurt flash across his face. Crap, that is what I‘d thought. Deep down, I’d put myself in a category with some random hook up even though he’d told me over and over that we were more than that.

“I just—.” I didn’t know what to say. The assumption made me feel horrible.

“Was I the only one that felt something here, Quinn? I told you, this is different. Temporary or not, it’s different. I meant that. It wasn’t a line,” he said.

“I know. I’m sorry.” He let out a deep breath then pulled me into his lap, both of us still naked.

“I want you to stay here with me. All night. I want to sleep beside you. I want to spend my morning deep inside you and if I wake up dreaming about you, chances are I’ll wake you up and make them come true. I’m not letting you out of my sight. I have two more days with you Quinn Ryan. You are mine until Monday, so no more running away.”



drab, dreary and dark. I could hear the rain tapping against the windows. Scowling, I hoped that it would clear out fast. I didn't want it ruining my plans for the day. I wanted to take Quinn out on the water this morning before the signing. She'd mentioned that she'd never been sailing or really ever been out on the water and I wanted to be the one to take her. I wanted to give her experiences that she'd never had. I wanted to be tied to her memories so that whenever she thought back to the first time she'd always remember me. My time with Quinn may be temporary, but I still wanted to be there later. It was my way of leaving my mark, to make sure that she couldn’t just let go of our time together. I smiled at the thought and made my way into the living area.

I stopped when I saw her. She had pulled one of the chairs from the bar over to the balcony doors, and she sat, knees pulled up against her chest watching the rain through the open doors. Surrounded in shadows of gray she looked so elegant and peaceful. Her hair fell down her back and over her shoulders and I couldn't help but stare, she was perfection. What was she thinking? What was she feeling after last night? I felt a tightening in my chest, an ache that started deep inside and rattled me.

I slipped my phone from my pocket and slid the button on the side to silence it. Then, I opened the camera app and snapped the moment. Never had I seen anything so beautiful or inspiring. Just the sight of her sent words and melody through my soul. I couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it felt like to find your muse.

I moved towards her and noticed the goose bumps covering her flesh. She only wore one of my t-shirts and the breeze coming from the open doors was chilly, but she didn't seem to mind.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly, I hated to break the moment she was in, but I couldn't help but want to be a part of it; to be a part of all of her moments.

She glanced up and gave me a sweet smile. It pulled one of my own to the surface and I reached out to smooth her hair just out of the need to touch her in some way. "Just watching," she replied holding out her hand to me. I took it and laced my fingers through hers and then brought it to my lips.

"Mind if I sit with you?" I asked. She smiled wider, so I pulled her up and took her spot on the chair before settling her on my lap and wrapping my arms around her. The room was quiet, just the sounds of the rain and wind in perfect sync.

"You know, it rarely rains here this time of year. I hope it clears out soon," I said.

She shrugged, "I like the rain. There's something about it that soothes me," she said softly. There was a far away look in her eyes and I wished I could reach in and grab her thoughts, know them, roll them around and learn them.

"You don't find it dreary?" I asked curiously.

"Not at all. I love the way it smells, especially in the spring or coming off the ocean. It mixes with everything, wakes it up, cleanses it, gives it a new beginning. It relaxes me," she said.

I stared at her; in awe of her and the way she made me see things differently. I was the one who was supposed to see the beauty in ordinary things. But she did it so naturally, it was effortless.

"You love the rain," I smiled, filing it away as one of my new favorite things about her. I was pretty sure from this point forward I would think of her with every storm and every shower. Just like she said, it would mix with my memories of her and wake them up.

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