On Dublin Street (15 page)

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Authors: Samantha Young

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re in the bookstore.”


re shopping with a teenager?”

“Why do you keep saying it like that?”

“I don

t know. Maybe because you

ve moved into an expensive flat, you

re spending money you were always weird about spending, you

re friends with a girl who

s seen
The Notebook
fifty-five times and, like, smiles a lot; you

re out for drinks with actual people on week nights, you saved my relationship, you

re seeing a therapist, and you

re babysitting teens. I moved to London and you got a fuckin


I exhaled heavily. “You know you could just be grateful for the whole saving your relationship thing.”

“Joss, seriously, what

s going on with you?”

I pulled the Dan Simmons novel off the shelf. “I didn

t do all those things deliberately. Ellie and I get along and for some reason she likes having my broody ass around, and she has a different life than what we had. She actually
people, and that means I

m around them a lot.”


I spun around to see Ellie standing before me, a deep frown between her eyes. A rush of concern swam over me and I bobbed my head above the shelves in panic, looking for Hannah.


s fine,” Ellie guessed the reason for the manic head-bobbing. “I

m stuck.” She held up a paperback with a woman in a lavish Victorian dress on the cover. A masculine pair of hands reached seductively for the laces on the back of it. There was also something about seduction in the title. In her other hand was the latest Sparks novel. “Which one?”

Without hesitation I pointed at the bodice ripper. “The seduction of what

s her face. The sparks novel would be overkill this week.”

She gestured at me with the bodice ripper book and a militant nod before heading back out of the aisle.

“Seriously,” Rhian muttered down the line. “Where

s Joss, and what have you done with her?”

“Joss is getting off the phone if you

re done psycho-analyzing her.”

“Joss is speaking in third person.”

I laughed. “Rhian, get gone, okay. And tell James I said hi and yeah, he does owe me.”

“Wait, what?”

Still laughing I hung up on her and went to find Hannah and Ellie.

They were waiting in line to be served and I slid in beside them, watching as Ellie stood there uncharacteristically silent and Hannah just stared adoringly down at all her books. We should have brought a backpack for them all.

At the checkout, I watched them piling Hannah

s books into weak plastic bags, and since Ellie had spaced out on me, I pointed behind the clerk. “Hey, could you maybe pack them into those shopper bags. These ones will just break.”

He shrugged lazily. “They

re fifty pence a bag.”

I made a face. “The kid just bought a hundred pounds worth of books and you can

t give us the bags for free?”

He waved the gift card at me. “No, she didn


“Yeah. But the person who gave her that gift card did. You

re not seriously asking us to pay for something to carry them in?”

“No.” He drawled the word out like I was stupid. “You can carry them in the free bags.”

Maybe I would have backed off if he wasn

t speaking to me in that condescending

I hate my job so fuck customer service

manner. I opened my mouth to set him down but Ellie gripped my hand, stopping me. I looked up at her to see she was swaying a little, her face pale, her eyes screwed shut.

“Ellie.” I grabbed for her and she held onto me.

“Ellie?” Hannah asked worriedly, hurrying to her sister

s other side.


m okay,” she murmured. “Just dizzy. I have this… headache…”

“Another one?” That was like the third one this week.

Leaving the clerk to wither under my death stare, I pulled Ellie over to the side, sniping at him, “Just pack the books into the normal bags.”

“Give them the good bags,” the girl working next to him sighed.


“Just do it.”

I ignored his irritated glare as I turned my concern to Ellie. “How are you feeling?”

Although pale, I noted her trembling had stopped. “Better. I haven

t eaten today. I just felt faint.”

“What about the headaches?”

She smiled reassuringly. “Honestly, I haven

t been eating enough because of my PhD. I

m feeling the pressure and I

m stressing out. I

ll take better care.”

“Here you go.” The clerk held out two of the heavy shopper bags.

I muttered thanks and handed one to Hannah, while taking the other one.

“Let me.” Ellie reached for Hannah

s bag.

“Oh no, you don

t.” I took her elbow. “We

re getting some food into you.”

Ellie tried to argue that she

d eat later at her mom

s Sunday dinner

a dinner I had thankfully managed to talk my way out of, telling Ellie I really wanted to get a few hours of work in

but I convinced her to at least grab a snack at this cute little bistro around the corner. Hannah walked beside us with Ellie

s hand on her back, guiding her through the crowds on Princes Street since she

d decided to start reading one of her books right away. I didn

t know how anyone could do that

reading while walking? It gave me travel sickness.

We were chatting about the upcoming Festival when I saw Braden. We

d seen each other at the bar on Friday when he, Ellie, Adam, Jenna, Ed and a few of Braden

s colleagues had decided to stop by
Club 39
for a drink. We hadn

t really talked much and his attitude towards me had definitely veered into the friend zone.

I didn

t know if the feeling I got when he did that bothered me. But I did know I was feeling
when I saw him with

Braden was walking towards us, easily spotted in the crowd because of his height… and, well, his hotness. He was wearing dark blue jeans, black boots, and a dark grey long-sleeved thermal Henley that showcased his sculpted, broad-shouldered scrumptiousness.

In his hand was another hand.

It belonged to a woman I hadn

t ever seen before.

“Braden,” Ellie murmured and Hannah

s head popped up from her book, her whole face lighting up when she saw him.

“Braden!” she called out and his head jerked around from smiling down at his companion to follow the voice. His smile widened when he saw Hannah.

As we approached each other, I suddenly wished I was anywhere but where I was. The little kick I got in my gut when I saw him with someone else was not fun. In fact, that kick was quite possibly the worst joke that had been played on me in a while.

I also wasn

t keen on the carefully polite expression on his face when he saw I was with Ellie and Hannah.

I glanced up at Ellie as we came to a stop only to find her glaring daggers at the woman with Braden. Bewildered and frankly astonished, I couldn

t help but hiss her name in question.

She looked down at me, her jaw clenched. “I

ll tell you later.”

“Hannah.” Braden hugged her into his side and nodded at her bags. “Been spending your gift card?”

“Yeah. I got loads of books. Thanks again,” she added shyly.


re welcome, sweetheart.” He let her go and turned to us. “Els, you

re looking pale. You okay?”

She was still glowering at him and I wanted to know what the hell I was missing. “I was feeling a bit faint. I haven

t eaten.”


m taking her to get some food.” I thought I should mention that, so he didn

t think we were dragging her around when she wasn

t feeling well.

“Good,” he murmured, catching my eye. “Jocelyn, this is Vicky.”

Vicky and I looked at one another, our smiles polite. She reminded me a lot of Holly: tall, blonde, pretty and as natural as freaking Barbie. Still, she was hot.

Braden definitely had a type and I was not it. No wonder he

d stopped flirting with me. His sexual radar must have been wonky when we first met, but clearly it had been restored to order.

“Hello, Vicky,” Ellie purred unhappily.

I couldn

t help it

my eyebrows hit my hairline before I could stop them. Ellie sounded practically predatory.

I was impressed.

And definitely curious.

Braden shot his sister a quelling look. “I had my dinner meeting last night and Vicky was at the next table. We decided to catch up. Thought we

d grab some breakfast.”

In other words, Vicky was at the next table and they

up. I shrugged off the unfamiliar uneasiness that came over me. My chest felt a little sore and I was feeling a little queasy. Maybe Ellie wasn

t food-deprived

maybe we

d both eaten something bad yesterday.

“Nice to see you again, Ellie,” Vicky replied sweetly. She seemed nice enough.

“Hmm.” Ellie blatantly brushed her off, rolling her eyes and then skewering them into Braden. “Are you coming to dinner this afternoon?”

I watched the muscle in his jaw flex. He definitely wasn

t amused by his sister

s attitude. “Of course.” His eyes travelled back to me. “I

ll see you both there.”

“Joss can

t make it. She has stuff to do.”

He frowned at me. “It

s just a few hours. Surely you can squeeze us in?”

In response, Vicky pressed closer to Braden. “I

d love to have dinner, Braden.”

Braden gave her a somewhat patronizing pat on the hand. “Sorry, sweetheart, it

s just family.”

Three things happened at once. Ellie choked on her laughter, Vicky reared back like he

d slapped her, and I felt a panic attack coming on.

Feeling the fog closing in on me, I breathed through it and my confusion. “You know what.” I took a step back from them. “I totally forgot I said I

d drop off Jo

s tips to her at her apartment. Today. Now, actually.” I waved apologetically. “I gotta go. I

ll catch you later.”

And then I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.


“Why did you run?” Dr. Pritchard asked, her head tilted to the side like a curious bird.

I don

t know.
“I don

t know.”


ve mentioned Ellie

s brother, Braden, a number of times now. How does he fit into your life?”

I want him
. “I guess he

s sort of a friend.” When she just stared at me, I shrugged. “We had an unconventional introduction.”

I told her everything.

“So you

re attracted to him?”

“I was.”

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