On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)
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‘Fuck, that feels good,’ Dan said. Chloe nodded her head in agreement.

‘Just fuck me hard and fast baby. You started this so just...damn...well...fuck...me!’

Dan quickly got in to a deep, plunging rhythm and Chloe cried out as every deep thrust slammed in to her and she laughed at the sound her swinging breasts made as they slapped together with every thrust of Dan’s pelvis.

Dan’s right hand ran up the line of her spine and up in to her hair. Dan grabbed a handful of Chloe’s hair and pulled her head back. Chloe let out an animalistic cry of desire as Dan pulled hard on her hair.


Dan’s thrusts grew harder and deeper; each thrust now pushing Chloe forwards on to the tips of her toes.

‘Fuck, I’m gonna come!’ Dan cried out.

Chloe clamped his cock deep inside her and his cock exploded. Chloe groaned as she felt Dan’s semen spewing forth, filling her,




Dan was waiting for her
when Chloe climbed out of the pool; he watched the water running down over her perfect naked form as Chloe boosted herself up out of the deep end. He loved to watch her swim and today had been no different. He had counted the amount of lengths she had done and after a quick calculation he felt exhausted just thinking of how far Chloe had swam.

Chloe smiled at him as she walked towards him. She could see that her husband’s eyes were on her breasts and the water dripping from the undersides of them.

‘You are such a slave to the female form.’

‘I know it,’ Dan replied. He handed Chloe a towel and she began to dry her hair.


‘We still need to talk about the Sheriff and what we’re going to do about him.’

Chloe nodded her head.

‘I need to get dressed first, and perhaps we could go for a ride.’

‘Sure, after the last few days it’d be good to blow the cobwebs away.’

‘Alright then, you go saddle the horses, I’ll go get dressed and I’ll put a small picnic together for us.’

‘Sounds good.’

Dan walked towards the opened doors of the “lighthouse”. Chloe called out to him from the doorway that led in to the main house.


Whatever we need to do

Dan offered up a resigned smile, he knew what she was alluding to; he nodded his head once and then stepped out on to the wooden steps that led down to the yard. Dan walked over to the stables and busied himself with the task of getting the horses ready.




Weiser and a beautiful Appaloosa
were already tied to a hitching post near the trough at the front of the stables by the time that Chloe stepped out on to the porch.

The sun hit her direct in the eyes and she winced, she slipped on a baseball cap, she fed her ponytail through the gap at the back of the cap and adjusted the bill to keep her eyes shaded.

Chloe closed the front door and she heard the security system activate itself. She walked over to the two horses and walked between them stroking their necks as she passed them. Weiser shook his head and chuffed at her. Chloe laughed, she always had the feeling that Weiser knew she was in competition with him for his master’s attention.

Chloe dug in to her “Daisy Duke” short shorts and pulled out a packet of dried dates, she offered one to Weiser. Weiser’s head lowered and he nuzzled at her open palm before taking the date and chewing.

‘See, we can be friends.’

Chloe turned to the Appaloosa and offered up another date, the horse took the dried fruit and chewed noisily.

‘That’s a good girl Sorbet.’

Chloe checked her mount’s bridle and saddle. She had no doubt that Dan had secured her rig perfectly but he always told her to check for herself. Chloe smiled when she found a loose strap, Dan would periodically leave something wrong for her to find, ‘keeps you on your toes,’ he would always say. She tightened it and then stowed her saddle bags containing their food and water at the back of her saddle.

Dan had been teaching her to ride ever since they had bought the ranch and she was now an accomplished rider. Chloe unfastened the reins from the hitching post, looped them back over Sorbet’s head and lifted her left foot up in to the leather stirrup. Her boot found traction and Chloe gripped the saddle’s horn with her left hand and boosted herself up and on to the saddle. She slipped her right foot in to the other stirrup and adjusted her posture and tightened the reins which she held gripped in one leather-gloved hand.

Dan came out through the open stable door and he asked which she preferred; in each hand he held aloft a rifle. Chloe considered the two options and then decided on the Winchester repeater.

Dan walked across to her and held the rifle up to Chloe. She leaned out in the saddle and took the rifle from Dan, she saw where his eyes were and she chuckled.

‘You wouldn’t have worn it if you didn’t want me looking. I’m on to you Mrs Constantine and your
wicked, wicked

Chloe laughed and straightened up in the saddle. She checked the rifle and chambered a round and slipped the rifle in to its sheath on the right side of her saddle.

‘I feel like Annie Oakley when we’re out on the plains.’

Dan laughed.

‘We don’t own that much land,’ Dan said as he swung up on to his saddle.

He secured his own rifle, the weapon was a powerful piece of kit and he had regularly hit targets at almost half a mile with it. He knew that the rifle’s accuracy was good up to almost a mile but had never had the need to test it.

Dan tugged on Weiser’s reins and the horse turned a half circle to the left and Chloe fell in alongside him and the two horses began walking out in to the paddock.

‘We’ll head for the Northern gate and then carry on up into the hills. I think Weiser has missed stretching his legs.’

‘Fine by me,’ Chloe replied.

Chloe dug her heels in to the sides of her mount and Sorbet responded by moving up in to a gentle canter and Dan followed Chloe’s lead.


After going out through the North gate (and making sure it was securely shut after they had passed through) they rode up in to the wooded slopes of the hills that bordered most of their property. They let the horses pick a natural route, neither Dan nor Chloe were in any hurry and they were content to let the horses pick their way along the winding trails.

An hour later and they broke free of a small wooded copse and the terrain here was more open. Grasslands stretched to the horizon and from their elevated vantage point they spotted a herd of bison moving lazily southwards. They watched in contented silence as the herd caught their scent and began to move away at a quicker pace.

Chloe removed her baseball cap and used the front of her shirt to wipe the sweat from her face.

‘It’s getting hot.’

?’ Chloe laughed. ‘I can feel sweat dripping down the crack of my ass.’

Dan chuckled. ‘

‘Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?’

Dan popped open his water canteen and took several long swallows before leaning out in his saddle to offer Chloe the canteen.

Chloe stretched for it but couldn’t quite reach and she nudged her horse closer until she could grasp the canteen with her fingers.

‘Thanks,’ she said before drinking deeply from the canteen. Chloe handed it back to Dan when she had had her fill and he put the stopper back in to it and hung it from his saddle’s horn.

Chloe unbuttoned her shirt and took it off. Dan raised an eyebrow and she smiled at him as she wiped the sweat from her breasts. She raised each breast to wipe beneath them and chuckled when Dan started to make comical panting noises.

‘They’re only breasts baby; I don’t know what all the fuss is about.’ Chloe smiled playfully as she wiped her shirt across her nipples, she spent quite a while on each one and when she was done her nipples were fully erect and very hard.

‘You are so easy to manipulate,’ Chloe said.

Chloe pushed her breasts from beneath and keeping her eyes on Dan she lowered her face to her breasts, she licked one of her engorged nipples with the tip of her tongue.

Dan groaned and shifted uncomfortably in his saddle.

‘I mean, it’s
as if
is arousing,’ Chloe said before closing her lips over her left nipple and sucking the hardened bud between her teeth.

,’ Dan said and he shifted again.

Chloe released her hard nipple and licked a circle around the nipple’s areola.


‘Uh-huh,’ Chloe said before sucking the nipple back in to her mouth.


Chloe released her nipple in a fit of laughter. Chloe reached back towards her saddle bags, she unfastened one of the leather satchels and pulled out a black shirt. Chloe slipped it on to her arms and shrugged her shoulders in to it.

Dan could see that the shirt was transparent. Chloe adjusted the shirt and pulled the two sides together. Dan watched as she made a knot of the material just below her breasts and Chloe tightened the knot until the shirt was tight against her breasts and her hard nipples pressed invitingly against the thinness of the material.

Dan groaned and looked away from the inviting sight of plunging cleavage and exposed mid-riff.

Chloe laughed. She put the dirty shirt in to her saddlebag and then sat up in the saddle, she smiled at Dan.

‘I have you wrapped around my little finger.’

‘I know it,’ Dan replied. He clicked his tongue and Weiser started down the gradual incline of the hill.

Chloe’s laughter chased after him.




They rode down in to
a shaded area of aspens where a stream trickled down out of the mountains. They dismounted and let the horses walk in to the stream where both animals dipped their heads to drink from the clean, crisp water.

Chloe took down her saddlebags and offered Dan a sandwich; they were both hungry and made quick work of the sandwiches and bananas that Chloe had packed.

Chloe found a soft piece of ground and she laid down, she turned her face up to the sky, closed her eyes and listened to the tranquillity of the day.

Dan walked over to the horses and led them both out of the stream. He didn’t want them filling their bellies too much and becoming lazy. He tied them loosely to a scraggly bush and that was when a shrill beep invaded Chloe’s peaceful slumber.

Chloe raised herself up on to her elbows and cocked her head at Dan.


‘I know what it is baby.’

Dan chuckled and unfastened one of his saddlebags and he found his mobile phone and glanced at the Smartphone’s screen.

‘It’s the Sheriff.’

‘Answer it.’

Dan swiped his finger across the screen and the call was connected. Dan came over to Chloe and put the phone on speaker.


‘Hello Mister Constantine...I mean Dan?’

‘Yeah Sheriff, what can I do for you?’

‘The District Attorney’s office just called me, is Chloe with you?’

‘She’s hear Sheriff, I have you on speaker.’

‘Oh okay, well, its good news, the DA won’t be bringing any charges against either of you.’

‘That is good news Sheriff,’ Dan replied.

He looked down as Chloe started to sit up, he could tell by the look on her face that she was relieved and happy with this news. He held a hand out to her to help her to her feet but Chloe slapped his hand away and stopped moving once she was on her knees.

‘After a detailed analysis of the crime scene photographs and the video footage that my men took the DA has ruled that you and Chloe were justified in the killing of those two men.’

Dan looked down when Chloe’s fingers began to unbutton his flies. Chloe smiled up at him as she tugged his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

Dan shook his head in disbelief but he wasn’t an idiot, he had no intention of stopping her.

Chloe took his cock in her left hand and she began to work her hand up and down his hardening cock. She cupped his balls in her right hand, gently but firmly massaging his balls until his cock was rock hard. Chloe rubbed her thumb over the end of his cock and slowly pushed the foreskin back down over the glans.

Dan bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from groaning.

‘W-what did the District Attorney rule?’

‘That you and Chloe, in an unprovoked attack on your home, defended yourselves and in the course of that constitutional right to defend yourselves two armed assailants were killed.’

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