On a Gamble (5 page)

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Authors: Rose Lange

BOOK: On a Gamble
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Oh . . . my . . . fucking . . . God. If he continued she would surely die. Either that, or give in her to what her body desperately craved. A forbidden craving she had no right to have. Her lids drifted shut, the onslaught of emotions overwhelmed her, and she could hardly catch a breath. As if that small action lit his fire, he continued to consume. Devour. Tease. Taste.

Eyes closed, head still tipped back, he took her by surprise, claiming her lips once more. Urgency, fierce need, and desire infused the kiss, his tongue invading her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his waist, the hardness of his arousal pressing onto her belly. Her body pulsated, and she wanted more, didn’t want him to stop. God help her, but her wanton thoughts carried her away.

As if he sensed her whirling emotions, he pulled away, leaving her dizzy. Her desire for him made the earth shake in its intensity. She lowered her gaze to the ground, realizing she’d gotten as carried away as he had. Pressing a hand to her chest, she attempted to calm her erratic breathing, and staccato heartbeat. Damn. If he was this good—no, that word didn’t cut it. This fan-fucking-tastic-of a kisser, she imagined
activities would be just as intense. Heat and fire bathed her neck, and would surely give away her erotic, sexy thoughts.

Still not meeting his gaze, she heard him clear his throat. “I’m sorry,” he said.

She abruptly looked up, and brought a hand to her lips, which still burned from his kisses. Hardly believing he was apologizing. “It’s fine, no need to apologize. I got just as carried away as you did.”

He scratched the back of his neck, nodded, and didn’t say another word. Charlie didn’t know what else to say. How else she could possibly make this situation any less awkward? Sure, she’d wanted to kiss him, wanted him to finally kiss her. But now that it had happened she didn’t know where to go from here.

Chapter 5

Needing to clear her head, she took a walk later that evening. Alex having left a couple hours ago, and not surprisingly, he hadn’t stayed for dinner as usual.

The sun slowly made its descent down into the sky, deep blue mixing with pink, white, orange, and purple patches. Grateful to be alone with her thoughts, she blew out a pent up breath. Even though they took a dangerous turn, her thoughts replayed, and remembered, that kiss which played over and over in her mind, like a movie on repeat. A movie she
wanted on repeat.

Damn, it had been hot. He had been hot, and how she longed for more.

She thrust her hands in her pockets, eyes down cast at the rich dirt beneath her feet, and smiled. Because his kiss had been like nothing she’d ever experienced, pure unfiltered fire, on fire for her. She could feel it through his kiss. He’d started off gentle, cradling her face, and ended with his lips fiery hot and scorching on her neck and jawline. Regret should’ve entered the picture at some point, but it didn’t. She wasn’t ready for another relationship, due to her previous shitty one, but Alex was different.

That mantra kept running through her mind, and it wouldn’t stop.

The curiosity factor now taken out of the equation, she wanted to experience his kiss again. He was a marvelously good kisser, and she wanted more. It terrified the living daylights out of her.

Pandora’s Box was open wide.

Just outside the barn, she paused, watching the last remnants of the setting sun being swallowed by the sky. A tiny tear escaped before she could catch it. All these new, conflicting, confusing feelings about Alex swirled through her mind. She thought about her mom and dad, wishing they had lived. As much as her grandmother was like her mom, it just wasn’t the same.

How nice it would’ve been to talk to mom about Alex, tell her these new feelings, and to help her make sense of them.

Even if she hardly knew Alex, as each day passed she’d gotten to know him more. Aside from the occasional bickering, she liked him, was very much attracted to him. She’d been trying to fight the attraction pretty much from day one. Her mind and body in constant battle, because the rational, non-trusting side told her this was a mistake. The irrational part that hadn’t had sex for longer than she cared to remember, desired him, plain and simple.

And today, she felt like a failure for kissing him right back.

“Charlie, you okay?” A soothing, male voice jarred her thoughts loose.

She turned to see her grandpa standing there. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and a warm smile decorated his face. He still wore clothes caked in mud, dirt, and animal filth, but she didn’t hesitate, stepping into his arms, she hugged him close.

Charlie closed her eyes, not saying a word as he put his arms around her. Nestling his chin on top of her head, she sighed with contentment, anxiety melting away.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?”

She shook her head, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I don’t know, Grandpa. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Silence, then, “Is this about Alex?” An unmistakable hint of a smile in his question.

“Yes, I mean, no,”—she sighed—“I think so.”

He chuckled, in a lighthearted teasing way. “What is it, honey? You can tell me.”

Still not looking him in the eye, she continued, “I guess I’m mostly afraid of being hurt again. And, I miss Mom and Dad, that’s been bothering me recently.”

He squeezed her tighter. “I know, and I miss them too. I lost a great daughter and son-in-law, and not a day goes when I don’t think of them.”

Charlie felt moisture hit the back of her neck, and she looked up to find tears in her grandpa’s green eyes. She hugged him tighter. “Oh, Grandpa, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

He shook his head, wiping the moisture from his cheeks. “No, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

Then he paused, held her at arm’s length, and looked her square in the eye. “As for this nice young man, just relax. Take things as they come. Don’t try to analyze it too much.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Grandpa.”

Charlie wrapped her arm around his waist, as they walked back to the house. More relaxed, she smiled, seeing the lights of the kitchen on, as if to greet her, waiting to cradle her in warmth. Wonderful smells wafted toward her nose in welcome, just in time for dinner.

After they’d finished the afternoon chores, he’d tucked tail and ran. Alex made it home, stripped, took a cool shower, and grabbed a beer to calm his scatterbrained senses.

He sat in the living room, collecting his thoughts. Pulling the blinds open, to allow leftover remnants of the setting sun to filter through, casting a peaceful glow over the room. The silence soothed his whirling mind.

Normally, he liked to stay, and enjoy dinner with Charlie and her grandparents. That ferocious, intense kiss that afternoon gave him pause. Holy shit, he couldn’t stay. He couldn’t get that erotic moment out of his head, no matter how many times he tried. The memories of it flitted in his brain, trapped like a thousand butterflies.

Perfection in his arms, he recalled her luscious mouth against his, the smooth pink flush of her skin. Her eagerness, lovely curves beneath his fingertips. She’d tasted as sweet as honeyed wine, and made him just as drunk. He’d never reacted that strongly to a single kiss, and that’s why he’d had to stop. He rubbed the back of his neck, thinking about
body parts reacting as well. The intense way she’d kissed him back, her passion malleable like Play-Doh, and he couldn’t help it. She’d been more than willing, and eager for the kiss.

His heartbeat a rapid rhythm, picturing the sight of her head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth parted. The exposed smooth column of her neck, beckoning. Her hair like a waterfall down her back, sunlight filtering through the semi-darkened space of the barnyard. Chest rising and falling, thrusting her breasts up, and his fingers itched to palm one, test the weight and feel of it in his hand.

She tempted him. Hypnotized him, and he had to claim her mouth. One. More. Time. That arousing image would remain a permanent imprint on his brain.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, things had changed from this point on, and he was powerless to stop whatever storm would hit.

Charlie woke up the next morning, energized and full of vigor. After a quick breakfast, she dressed and made her way outside.

She’d decided to take her grandpa’s advice. Although in the back of her mind, she wondered what today would be like, curious to see how Alex would act around her after yesterday’s kiss. Would he want to kiss her again? Would she kiss him back? Her body tingled with still new awareness. The pressure of his lips felt as amazing as she’d imagined. That sexy, scruffy facial hair against her mouth, lead her to wonder what it’d feel like against other parts.
Intimate parts.

Charlie erased the naughty, entirely too delicious images. She gathered her tools to finish weeding the garden for the year. Putting her gloves on, she crouched down, and got to work.

“Morning, Charlie.” A deep, sexy voice came from behind her.

Standing, she turned to face him, pasting a smile on her face. Her belly plummeted further into the abyss of her desire. She attempted to gather her bearings. He didn’t need to know the affect he had on her.

She couldn’t help but stare, either, picturing him pressed up against her. My God, he looked mouthwatering, like a warm, delicious, sticky cinnamon bun fresh out of the oven. Jeans that hugged his body in all the right places, a flannel shirt encased a solid chest, sleeves rolled up to reveal nicely sculpted biceps. Tanned skin, a light caramel color, and oh so tempting to the say the least. Dark hair, mussed, as though he’d just rolled out of a lover’s bed.

Her gaze roved up to his mouth, and paused, remembering how exquisite they’d felt against hers. Self-conscious of her stare, she moved upward, connecting and resting on those eyes, and her heart clanked loudly against her chest. The brown pools filled with amusement, curiosity, and hunger. Her face warmed, the memory of their kiss reflected in his face, knowing he’d been just as affected. The butterflies took flight all at once. She swiftly lowered her gaze, and even if it was damned near impossible, tried to forget yesterday.

The impossibility of it almost made her laugh out loud.

Charlie cleared her throat, and met his gaze once again. “Hi, Alex. I thought we’d start the morning in the garden. Grandpa and Grandma took care of the chickens already,” she said, wholly aware she rambled, yet unable to stop herself.

Proceeding to finish her task, she swept aside her feelings. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted him crouched next to her. She reached for the garden tool when her hand lightly collided with his. Clearing her throat, she squared her shoulders, attempting to keep her feelings neutral, and off her face.

“Sounds good,” he said, but offered nothing more.

“Let’s start by weeding, and then we can pick whatever’s ripe. I can’t believe gardening season’s coming to a close.”

He nodded, and didn’t say much else. Which rather unnerved her and she didn’t know why.

Alex had always been quiet, since the first day he’d arrived. So why should it be any different now? It had to be the kiss. She bit her lower lip, but resumed her task. Everything changed overnight, and she didn’t know how to cope.

Charlie cleared her throat. “So, what’s new?”

Ha ha, stupid question.

“Not much.”

She nodded, but didn’t respond further. Honestly she didn’t know what to say.
That kiss was amazing. Alex, kiss me again? I want you in the worst way?

Geez, who knew one little kiss could change so much?


Her hands stilled for a moment. Tentatively, she looked up. “Yes?”

“I saw some signs around town for a fall festival. Would you like to go?”

Choosing her next words carefully, she asked, “Like a date?”

“I guess you could say that.”

Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she smiled. “Sure, that would be nice.”

Alex smiled. “Great, how about tomorrow night, say around six?”

“Sounds good.”

Then he quietly resumed his task.

Whether he wanted to talk about it or not, things had changed, albeit slightly, between them. Now she wasn’t sure if she wanted things to go back to “normal” or if she liked the way things were going. It had been well over a year since the divorce, and she could and
move on. Especially after the prick cheated on her. She had every right to find someone new.

Alex brought out something different, and wild inside her. Something she’d never experienced before. Her heart rippled with excitement, still thinking about yesterday. The heat, the passion he ignited with just one kiss, but it had been one hell of a kiss she had to admit.

Only when he met her gaze did she realize she’d been staring.
Really staring.

She gulped.

“Is something wrong, Charlie?” Amusement laced in his voice.

Foolishness engulfed her, almost drowning her at being caught staring, and my gosh. Who knew for how long? Too embarrassed to look up, she murmured, “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

Charlie could hear him chuckling, but he didn’t say anything further.

The next night came quickly.

After they’d finished for the day, she rushed upstairs to get ready. Garnering some good-natured teasing from her grandma, but she didn’t care.

Giddy and excited, she hurriedly showered. With great care, she decided on a short, black, maxi dress, leggings, a dark jean jacket, and anticipating the cold night air, tall black leather boots. Laying her outfit on the bed, she gathered her makeup bag, and sat at her vanity. Her hands shook as she applied makeup, because good grief, years passed since she’d been on a date.

Her face flushed a healthy, rosy glow. She smiled back at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with her choice of colors. She quickly combed, and blow-dried her hair, allowing the loose, silky waves to frame her face. She dressed, and gave herself another quick once over. Her heart thundered in her chest, dancing and making merry with the butterflies in her stomach.


Taking a deep breath, and gathering her nerves, she made her way out.

Her breath caught, as a most welcome sight greeted her, spying Alex waiting at the bottom of the stairs, talking with her grandparents. And my God, he looked agonizingly sexy. Taking advantage of his averted gaze, she openly stared. He wore dark jeans, a red-sleeved T-shirt, and a cocoa brown leather jacket that surely brought out those eyes. Then his gaze turned toward her, and her heart picked up in rhythm. The moment he saw her, his eyes locked on her, and neither one turned away. Time stood still, and for a moment she couldn’t move, or breathe, and all she could see was Alex.

Finally, she found her voice, and her legs began to move, but felt like Jell-O, completely off kilter in their sockets. She met his gaze, and smiled. “Good evening.”

“Hi there. You look beautiful.”

The heat of a blush crept into her face. “Thank you.”

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