Omega Virus (Book 2): Revisited (8 page)

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Authors: D. Manuel Mendonca

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Omega Virus (Book 2): Revisited
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              “So, you guys army or something?” Hope asks breaking the silence.

              “Something,” the female replies.

              “Who is the Major that you are taking me to see?” Hope asks again.

              “Please don’t take this the wrong way,” the man says turning around swiftly, stopping the others in their tracks, “but we aren’t here to be your friends. I suggest you hold your tongue until the Major says you can speak. Understood?”

              Hope nods not wanting to add any more problems for herself or her friends. The guards escort Hope over to an elevator, remaining on either side of her as the female guard hits the button closing the door. The elevator drops swiftly, a sick, queasy feeling enters Hope’s stomach only going away when they stop swiftly and the doors open. Hope stands in awe as her eyes focus on the shelter in front of her. The walls are white, reflecting the soft glow of the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. She doesn’t move until prompted and even then her feet move slowly as she tries to take in all of the sights from the shelter. There aren’t many survivors around, in fact she counts less than a dozen including the girl guarding the entrance and her two personal guards. She does notice that everyone down there is older, most much older then she is. She is told to sit down as the dark skinned male leaves the two alone.

              “Is he always like this?” Hope asks.

              “Yeah,” the female guard replies.

              “I’m Hope,” She says introducing herself.

              The guard looks at her cautiously, her face scrunched up as she tries to read Hope’s gesture, “My name is Amanda.”

              “How long have you guys been here?” Hope asks.

              “Officially? We’ve been here seventeen years, seeking refuge here as soon as we got word that the virus had started to spread,” Amanda replies.

              “But why are there so few of you?” Hope asks still trying to calm her nerves.

              “At one point there were almost two hundred of us down here. But over time many began to die. Some starved to death due to the lack of food, others died of old age or medical diseases. But mostly we lost survivors to idiotic missions out of our bunker. You met Father O’Malley who was our most recent loss when he went upstairs,” Amanda answers.

              “Why would he go upstairs?” Hope asks.

              “No one is sure. There is a theory that he gave up. I remember talking to him once and he mentioned not believing in God anymore. He used to preach to us, telling us God would save us and give us purpose again. Then over the years he got less sure eventually losing all faith whatsoever,” Amanda says her voice trailing off as she reminisces.

              “That’s so awful,” Hope mumbles.

              “It doesn’t matter. Not really anyway. I mean we’re all going to die down here. Might as well go out how we want,” Amanda says grimly.

              “But that doesn’t have to be your only option,” Hope says with a wide smile.

              “What are you talking about?” Amanda asks impatiently.

              “I come from an island just off the Florida coast. We are self-sustained. We grow our own food, we raise animals, everything. We work as a community. You could all come back with us.”

              “That sounds great,” Amanda says with a smile.

              “A little too great,” a male voice calls out from behind them causing them both to jump. “If your island is as great as you say it is why would you return to the main land?”

              “We were sent by our leader Joshua in search of another group who reached us by radio. We came here looking for shelter before we made our journey,” Hope answers.

              “And where are these, ‘others’, you speak of?” The Major asks in a slightly sarcastic tone.

              “Houston, Texas.”

              “That’s a long way from here by foot,” The Major informs.

              “I know sir. But I have faith that we will complete our mission.” Sirens go off as soon as Hope speaks. Red lights flash as she watches the group leave her alone. She follows behind slowly, curiosity getting the better of her. She follows them into a mostly empty room, a single computer setup the only thing inside. She watches as Amanda slides into a computer chair and begins typing, bringing up video onto the screen in front of them. “What’s going on?”

              “Something has entered the church,” The Major replies, “we have security cameras placed all around the inside of the church with motion sensors placed around the perimeter. That’s how we knew about you and your group.”

              Hope watches as Amanda jumps from camera to camera trying to spot the intruders. She stops as they watch a small horde of Zombies trample around the main part of the church.

              “We have to go,” Hope cries, “my friends are still in the office.”

              “It’s too risky,” The Major replies, “we don’t have the weapons or the man power to stop that many. I’m sorry, but your friends are likely already dead.”

























Chapter 6



“NO!” Hope shouts, “I refuse to believe that.”

              “I don’t care what you think,” The Major growls back at her, “that’s the truth. There is no hope for survival.”

              “Sir with all due respect, there is always hope if you are willing to fight for it. That’s what my parents taught me, and that’s what I believe,” Hope says turning her back on them and starting to walk out of the room.

              “Where are you going?” He asks.

              “To at least try and help them,” Hope calls back, “if not at least I’ll die with them. Either way it’s better than being a coward.”

              Amanda looks back and forth at the two large men before jumping out of her chair and rushing after Hope. She manages to catch up with her just as she manages to reach the elevator doors.

              “What so the Major Ass isn’t going to let me go?” Hope asks, her arms crossed over her chest.

              “Actually I’m here to help you save your friends,” Amanda replies.

              “Thanks,” Hope says with a wary smile, “it’s going to be tough, I just remembered I left my sword with Fanny.”

              “Then I guess you’ll need this,” the male guard interrupts holding out pair of old machetes.

The handles are solid wood in color and texture, the two foot blade slightly rusted and pitted around the edges. The middles are somewhat faded, the shine distorted and grungy but all and all they still look sturdy as the girls each take one. In his other hand he holds a fire axe. The trio climbs into the elevator and wait as it starts its rise back to the surface.

“By the way, my name is Mika,” the male guard says.

“I’m Hope.”

“Good, now we are all acquainted,” Amanda smirks, “if we survive maybe we can all have a slumber party.”

“I know you’re joking, but that would actually be really nice,” Hope says with a grin just as the doors open.

Lynn is back to sitting on her chair, but she doesn’t move when the trio walk past her.

“Asleep on the job,” Mika says walking over to her. He shakes her gently trying to wake her up. “Lynn wake up, come on you know you can’t fall asleep out here.

Her head rolls back and in the candle light they can just see the teeth marks around her neck. Hope rummages around her pocket finding her flashlight. She illuminates the area around Lynn, backing away as the light beam focuses on the pool of blood built up around their feet, soaking into the once green carpet. Hope spins the light around and finds a Zombie sprawled out against the opposite wall, a large hunting knife sticking out of its head.

“It must have smelled her down here,” Amanda reasons.

“Yeah, too bad it looks like it took a pretty good bite out of her jugular before she was able to finish it off eh?” Mika snorts as he wrenches his fingers around the handle of the blade and yanking it out of the Zombie’s skull. “I don’t reckon she’ll be needing this anymore.”

“HEY!” Hope says soft but sternly, “Show some respect for the dead.”

“What for?” Mika says with a scoffing attitude, “it’s not like she’s coming back.”

“It doesn’t matter. She was someone once. A daughter, a sister maybe, but most of all she was a person,” Hope scolds.

“A lot of good any of that did for her,” Mika says, his voice starting to get louder, “In the end she still got killed.”

“Enough you two,” Amanda says stepping between them, “let’s just drop it. If we survive then later we can discuss proper attitude toward the dead.”

“Agreed!” the pair reply in unison.

They continue on up the stairs, taking each step one at a time. The old wooden stairs creak lightly with each step sending shivers up each of their spines. Hope leads the way, the old machete gripped confidently in her right hand, the flashlight secured in her left. Amanda follows closely behind her. Her eyes dart back and forth in the darkness following the nonexistent shadows that lurk around them, her stomach twisting with each one she thinks she sees in the distance. Mika brings up the rear, his back turned to the girls as he follows them slowly, unwilling to believe that there isn’t anything behind them. Growls and grunts stop them every few feet, the hardwood floor squeaking under their shoes each time they stop short. They manage to make it to the office door without any sign of Zombies lurking within. Mika slides the key into the respective hole, turning it hesitantly until he hears a soft ‘click’ signaling the door unlocked. Hope’s flashlight begins to flicker, the beam struggling to stay lit as she smacks the bottom softly trying to keep it running. A growling sound is heard as soon as the light dies. Hope shakes the flashlight feverishly before the light turns back on, shining dimly into the lifeless eyes of the half dozen Zombies standing in front of them.

“Mika, open the door,” Amanda screams.

“I’m trying, the damn things stuck again,” He yells back.

“MIKA, OPEN THE DOOR!” Amanda screams again before the trio falls inside the office, John and Karen slamming it shut in front of them.

“What’s going on out there?” Fanny asks.

“We’re here to save you!” Hope declares as she gets back to her feet.

“Save us from what?” Sarah asks.

“A horde,” Mika replies coldly.

“How many?” Fanny asks remaining calm.

“It looked like half a dozen,” Amanda replies, “but it looked like more through the cameras.”

“Wait, what?” Fanny asks.

“They have this whole place set up, with video cameras and motion detectors,” Hope says with a smile, “isn’t that cool?”

“Yeah wonderful,” Fanny replies almost blowing her off, “wait, are you telling me, you guys have power?”

“Only in the bunker,” Amanda replies, “there is a self-sustained generator. The Major rigged it to charge by bike pedal.”

“Who the hell is the Major?” John asks, “Sounds like some sort of hard ass.”

Mika punches him in the arm hard, “The Major saved our lives.”

“Yeah he sounds great,” Fanny says pushing past the drama, “what can you tell me about the generator? Can we use it to send out a radio signal?”

“It is possible,” Amanda says.

“No, it’s not,” Mika says giving her an evil look. “The Major only keeps the generator powered up enough to keep the few lights we have left on, and the cameras.”

“Really? We couldn’t send one message back home?” Fanny asks.

“Look I don’t make the rules, the Major does,” Mika says before scratching and pounding sounds start to be heard from the door.

“I think we need to survive those monsters behind the door first,” Karen says with a shudder.

“Not a problem,” Hope says holding up the machete.

Fanny taps her on the shoulder and takes the old blade from her with relative ease before she slides it into the handle of her father’s old katana with her free hand. Hope tosses the dead flashlight to the side and grips the handle with both hands giving Fanny a nod as her friend retrieves her machete from her bag. They stand side by side, the rest of the group spread out around them, each with their own weapons drawn. They all wait with anticipation as the door begins to break. The door flies open, shattering as it connects with the wall. The first Zombie storms into the room grunting and growling as it makes its way for Mika. He slices the blade of his machete sideways, making a connection with the Zombie’s neck. The creature lets out a loud, high-pitched squeal as it drops to its knees. Mika fights to remove the dull old blade with very little success.

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