Omega Pathogen: Mayhem

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Authors: J.G. Hicks Jr

BOOK: Omega Pathogen: Mayhem
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Omega Pathogen: Mayhem


Book II of Omega Pathogen Series


Published by J.G. Hicks, Jr.

at Smashwords


Copyright 2015 J.G. Hicks, Jr.


All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of quotations in review, without permission in writing from the author. You may contact the author at
[email protected]


This is work of fiction. Some locations are actual places; this is intended only to lend an authentic theme. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is with their permission or purely coincidental.


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Editing by

Scarlett R. Algee:


Cover Design by

Amygdala Design:
[email protected]


Author’s Notes

I thank my wonderful family for all their love and support, their critiques, and their suggestions.  Thank you to everyone that purchased the previous eBook in this series
Omega Pathogen: The Beginning
. I appreciate all the reviews, positive and negative. With both I hope to become a better writer. Thank you for purchasing this latest book in the series. I request anyone that reads this eBook to please take a moment to leave a review where you purchased it. Last, but not least, I want to thank the Beta Readers that went through great effort to help me prepare this eBook: Veronica Smith, Fleur Wilkinsin, Cathy Cauthan Northup, and Patricia Wilson.





Final Chapter from Omega Pathogen: The Beginning Book I


Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17

Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20


Chapter 21


Chapter 22


Chapter 23


Chapter 24


Chapter 25


Chapter 26


Chapter 27


Chapter 28


Chapter 29


Chapter 30


Chapter 31


Chapter 32


Chapter 33


Chapter 34


Chapter 35


Chapter 36


Chapter 37




Final Chapter from
Omega Pathogen: The Beginning
(Book I)

Weeks Earlier in Katy, Texas


   Throughout the four remaining hours of the night, Jim alternates between flipping to different news channels and walking around the home to check for faults in the defenses they’ve placed. Although he has amassed what some may consider a large amount of ammunition and other survival gear, he knows he doesn’t have enough. You never have enough.

Jim goes out to the garage, and digs through the trunks he’d used to ship home the equipment he’d purchased while working in Iraq. He then brings them inside, into the master bedroom, and takes inventory. He fills up the tactical vest magazine pouches, and attaches two of his sheaths holding knives. Then, he fills up the medical pouches on the back and left side of the vest with as many Israeli dressings and other bandages as he can.

Jim locates four combat tourniquets, and attaches two to his vest. Then, he fills the three remaining tactical backpacks, or go-bags, with magazines, ammunition, knives, and first aid material. Jim hears a loud scream from outside. It’s a scream of absolute terror, of fear. He’s heard screams like this before.

Moving quickly to the front of the home where he pinpointed the scream, he’s met by Chris and Jeremy moving quickly down the stairs. He sees Arzu and their younger children, Berk and Kayra, at the top landing, each one wrapped in Arzu’s arms.

Jim puts a finger to his lips, in an obvious hushing sign as Chris begins to speak. Arzu, Berk and Kayra remain on the upstairs landing while Jim and the boys go to the front of the home. Peering out through small openings in the plywood on the exterior, their eyes dart from side to side, looking across the street, and up and down the road in front.

“There,” Jeremy says and points across the street to Annette’s house. The door to her home is closed, but the front window is smashed out, with the cool November morning air lightly blowing through and causing the curtains to lazily drift in and out of the window frame.

The interior is too dark to see clearly inside the home, but some glimpses of movement can be discerned from time to time. “Well, shit. Fuck.” Jim spits out. “Chris, stay here at the front door, lock it as soon as I go out, and keep a look-out. Be ready for me to come running back in a hurry.”

“Jeremy, you get to the back door, and keep a sharp eye out. Remember, your first priority is to keep out anyone we don’t want coming in,” Jim finishes. Both sons nod, and Jeremy moves quickly to the back of the home. “What do you think you’re doing?” Arzu asks while walking down the stairs.

“Honey, please go get the revolver out of our closet, and go back upstairs with the kids.”

“You’re not going out there!” Arzu says, looking towards the doorway in the direction of the neighbor across the street, not at Jim. “I’m going to see if I can help, honey. I have to.”

Without any more words passed, Jim nods at Chris and they begin to both remove the 2x4s they had placed across the front door. Chris reaches for the deadbolt, and Jim puts his hand over his son’s.

“Wait one minute,” Jim whispers as he does his best to look through the spaces between the plywood once more. “Okay, buddy, it looks clear. As soon as I’m out the door, lock the deadbolt and keep an eye on me. If I don’t immediately turn around and run towards the door screaming like a little girl, sorry honey, sorry Kayra,” he says, looking up on the landing to his wife and daughter.

“Anyway, if I don’t turn back around and cross the street, put the 2x4s back in position.” Chris nods and, without any more words, Jim moves his hand from Chris’s and takes a crouching position to the right. Chris turns the deadbolt; swinging open the door as Jim moves past him and exits the front of their house.

As instructed, Chris closes the door, locks the deadbolt, and watches. He watches his dad look left and right ahead of him and then the same towards his back, taking off in a low crouch toward the neighbor’s home.

Chris places the 2x4s as his dad instructed and maintains a watch outside. He finds it difficult not to keep staring at where his dad is, but reminds himself he needs to look out for what his dad may not be able to see. “How’s he doing?” Jeremy asks from the rear of the home. Almost at the same time, Arzu asks, “What’s going on?”

“He’s across the street, and crouched on the lady’s front lawn, looking at her house,” Chris informs them. In front of Annette’s home, kneeling on the cold, damp lawn, Jim hears only distant yells, screams, sirens, and gunshots, but nothing from the house in front of him.

Taking a quick look around at his surroundings, he mutters, “Shit, Shit, Shit.” and rises to his feet, making his way to the front of Annette’s house. Keeping his AR-15 aimed at the space where the large window was, he tries to listen for anything that may be a threat, but can only hear his own pounding heart.

Jim gets to within six feet of the front door; his main focus is the more obvious point where a threat could come from, the glassless window to the left of the front door. Looking closer at the front door, Jim notices that the faux wood door has dents, with some smears of blood. Slowly, Jim tests the doorknob and finds it locked.
The fucking window it is then
, he thinks.

Taking a couple of deep, calming breaths, Jim steadies himself to take a look inside the window. He makes a mental note that he needs to get a small mirror to use if this kind of situation presents itself again.

Still crouched low, Jim takes small, quick steps toward the open window frame. Placing his back to the exterior of the house, he switches the position of his AR-15 to give himself a better shooting position. Jim places the pistol grip in his left hand and foregrip in his right.

Jim thumbs the selector from
. The slight click of this action seems to be extraordinarily louder than it actually is.

Taking another slow, quiet, deep breath to steady his nerves, Jim crouches a little lower so he can peer through the opening at the bottom right corner of the frame.

Inching his face closer and closer to the edge, his left eye finally crosses in front of the opening. He is immediately face to face with a man glaring out of the window at him. His head is lowered slightly, and he has what looks like a hairy, ragged-edged, bloody steak hanging out of his frothy, drooling mouth.

The man lets out a low growl, like a dog warning off another from its food. Jim then hears another growl from something unseen deeper inside Annette’s house. Although taking place in fractions of a second, all of this seems to be agonizingly slow to Jim.

Jim realizes that the hairy-looking piece of meat hanging out of the man’s mouth is part of a scalp, and he notices that attached to the hairy piece of steak is a right ear with a pearl earring. Having to only slight adjust the location of the business end of his AR-15, Jim presses the trigger twice, and sends two 5.56 mm hardballs into the face of the man chewing on Annette’s scalp.

Through the ringing in his ears, he hears the growls again from the interior of the house. This time, it sounds like it’s coming from at least two areas within. Moving back against the exterior of the house, Jim comes up from his squatting position into a crouch, and then sprints to the front door of his home.

Making his way to his driveway, and then the path to the front door, Jim hears the deadbolt click, and the sounds of wood hitting the floor on the inside. The front door swings open and Chris steps to the side out of his dad’s way. As Jim crosses the threshold of the door, he yells “Close it, close it!”

After getting Berk and Kayra started on breakfast in front of the TV in the downstairs master bedroom, Jim gives a rundown of what happened. “So what are we going to do?” Arzu asks. “Well, I think we should try and hold out here for now. From what I saw on the news during the night, every one of the shelters has had these crazy infected fuckers, too.”

Looking to Arzu, Chris, and Jeremy for a different opinion, and getting nods and shoulder shrugs in agreement in return, Jim gets more ideas running through his head. “Chris, you go into the garage and get the extension ladder. Take it upstairs, and put it near the attic door. In a little while, we’ll get it up in the attic. After you do that, please take all the water containers upstairs and into the game room.”

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