Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone (27 page)

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Authors: Nicola Cameron

Tags: #Nicola Cameron

BOOK: Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone
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Nick obeyed, grabbing the lower bar of
the bed’s metal headboard. Even in the purpling light it was obvious that a
thin sheen of sweat covered his skin, and his face was gorgeously flushed.
Between his thighs, his cock already stood at attention, eager for the next
part of the scene.

The small square of bandage on his chest
caught Liam’s attention. Aidan had already explained about Barnard Whitfield’s
taste for knives and nonconsensual bloodplay. Liam had had a very difficult
time not tearing out the human’s throat earlier that afternoon.

Slowly, go
slowly. Let Nick tell you what he needs.

He sat on the edge of the bed, running
his palm over Nick’s abs. At his nod, Aidan did the same thing on the other
side of the bed. “How are you feeling,


Liam frowned in confusion.

Nick’s eyes fluttered open. “Green is for
good, yellow for slow down, red for stop.”

“Ah. Good to know.” He also knew Aidan
had memorized it, as he had. “Now,
we’re going to play with you. We need to learn your body, how it responds and
what it likes. No matter what we do, at no time are you to let go of the
headboard, do you understand me?”

Nick sucked in a ragged breath. “You’re
not going to tie me up?”

It was half question, half statement.
“Do you want that?”

“I … I do and I don’t. I liked being
tied up, but…”

Liam understood. Barnard’s betrayal of
trust had sullied the pleasure of physical restraint and surrender for Nick. It
would be up to them to help him overcome the memories and learn whether or not
he could give himself up again like that.

“I have an idea,
,” Aidan said softly.

“What is it?”

“You know those stretchy white things
humans wear on their feet?


“Well, I know Nick has some. What if we
tied his wrists with those? They’re stretchy enough that he can slip out of the
bonds if he really wants to, but they’ll give him something to hang onto.”

The idea had merit. “How does that sound
to you,

Nick went quiet for a long moment.
“Just my wrists?”

“Yes. Your legs will stay loose. I want
to watch you squirm.”

As he’d hoped, the image in his words
made Nick’s cock twitch gently. “I’ll try it. But if I say red—”

“We’ll stop and untie you immediately,”
Liam promised.
And someday we will make
that bastard pay for what he did to you.

After another pause, Nick nodded


Aidan rolled off the bed and hurried to
the chest of drawers where he’d watched Nick put away his clothes. The foot
coverings were rolled up in balls in the top drawer. He grabbed a ball, peeling
it apart and shaking out the socks. They were just long enough to serve as
bonds, with the give that would let Nick know he could pull out of them at any

He prayed they would be able to help
past this, back to the
point where he’d eagerly submit to them. Just the thought of Nick lying
spread-eagle, lashed to the bed with soft cotton ropes and a blindfold stealing
his vision, made his balls ache with anticipation.

Back on the bed, he handed Liam one of
the socks, then took Nick’s left wrist. “Tell me if this is too tight,” he
warned, wrapping the stretchy material around it and tying a knot. “Okay?”

Nick smiled up at him.

Aidan smiled back. He loved submitting
to Liam, feeling his mate take complete control of his body, but being on the
other side for a change was admittedly hot. With care, he tied the free ends of
the sock around one of the headboard uprights, pulling Nick’s arm out straight
but not putting tension on it.
“Still green?”

“Yes.” Their
was relaxing by increments as they worked, obviously
enjoying the sensation of being bound. Aidan wondered what he would look like
in a full body harness, arms bound behind his back.
Kneeling, definitely, and with that lush
mouth open and ready for our cocks.

Liam tied off his own sock,
settled back on his heels. “Nick, I want you to pull
one of your hands out.”

Nick frowned up at the mer,
nodded. With a bit of effort, he pulled his hand free
from the looping bond Liam had made. The tall mer made an approving noise.

“All right, you know you can get out of
these at any time,” he said, taking Nick’s hand and pushing it back into its
makeshift cuff. “Tell us how to slow down and stop.”

“Green for good, yellow for slow, red
for stop,” Nick repeated obediently.

“Good boy.”

Nick glowed at the praise, looking so
beautiful Aidan’s heart ached a little at it. He glanced across their
body at Liam, switching to
Gaelic. “He’s beautiful, isn’t he, Master?”

Liam’s gaze feasted on Nick. “Yes. And
he’s all ours. I swear
we’ll keep him safe from
that bastard, even if we have to kill Whitfield to do it.”

“I have no problem with that, Master.
But let’s not think about the pond scum now. We have a
to pleasure until he’s screaming our names.”

“Mm, yes we do.” Liam shifted onto his
side, stretching out along Nick’s body. Aidan mirrored him on the other side.
Together, they began to stroke Nick’s chest and stomach, avoiding the small
patch of gauze.

“Such hard little nipples,” Liam
murmured, taking the pebbled tip on his side between two fingers.
“Just begging to be sucked and bitten.
Would you like that,

Nick’s throat worked, Adam’s apple
bobbing as he swallowed.

Liam bent over, licking the pebbled tip
once before sealing his mouth around it. Aidan followed suit, tasting the fresh
salt of Nick’s skin and using his tongue to play with the rigid little nub.
he drew it between his teeth and
carefully bit down, worrying it slightly. Nick gasped and swore at the
sensation, wriggling underneath them.

“Stay still,” Liam ordered. “You’ll take
this like a good boy, or I won’t let you come for a week.”

Nick whimpered, but his body steadied.
Together, Aidan and Liam licked, sucked, and bit at his nipples, enjoying the
noises he made. Aidan suspected it was the reason why Liam hadn’t gagged Nick
in the first place.

Liam’s mouth drifted downward, tracing
the curve of Nick’s pec leading to the ridged, finger-like muscles on his upper
side. Aidan decided to do the opposite and go up, nuzzling the sleek crook
where shoulder met neck before sucking kisses into that long, lovely line of
tendon and flesh that led to Nick’s jaw. He could feel their
trembling, trying to hold still.

He licked the sensitive spot under
Nick’s earlobe,
brushed his lips across the
whorled shell there. “You’re doing so well, baby,” he whispered. “I’m so proud
of you.”

Nick’s mouth stretched in a dreamy
smile. “Thank you,

Aidan decided to lick his way around the
shell of Nick’s ear, tasting the tang of the man’s skin there. Without warning,
he sucked the upper curve into his mouth, rubbing his tongue against the
smooth, firm flesh. Nick’s fists tightened around their bonds, and he gave a
long, happy moan.

Aidan let Nick’s ear slide out of his
mouth with a wet pop. “Oh, yeah,” he rumbled. “You like that, don’t you?”

, yes,
,” Nick said, breathless.
“Oh, God, that
went straight to my dick.”

Aidan had to chuckle at that. “We’re
going to find every secret part of your body,” he licked a delicate stripe
around the shell, “every inch that needs to be stroked or licked or bitten, and
then we’re gonna be ruthless with them. We’ll make you come so hard you won’t
even remember your own name. But I promise you, you’ll be screaming

Stormy eyes went wide at that, as did
Nick’s mouth. Aidan took the opportunity to steal a kiss. Nick had the lushest
lips, full but firm, and Aidan feasted on them, sucking on the lower one, then
the upper. He licked along the tender inside flesh, feeling Nick’s tongue rise
tentatively to greet his own.

He pulled back, just a bit. “You can
kiss me, baby. I want you to do that,” he instructed, before dipping his head
back down and sealing his mouth over Nick’s. This time there was no hesitation
when their tongues met, and Aidan’s entire body thrummed with the sensual
pleasure of feeling Nick’s tongue twine and wrestle with his own. Their
surprised him by licking the
roof of his mouth, setting off a short, sharp burst of sensation that forced a
moan out of his throat.

He leaned up again, breathing hard.
“Oh, you little brat.
You’re going to get it for that.”

Nick grinned at him. “Sorry,
,” he said, sounding utterly

Liam looked up from mouthing Nick’s abs.
“What did he do?”

“Licked the roof
of my mouth.
Felt amazing.”

“Huh. If he can still think about things
like that, we’re not paying him nearly enough attention.” It was Liam’s turn to
grin. “We’ll need to fix that, won’t we?”

Smirking, Aidan slid down the bed and
joined him in stroking, scratching, licking, biting, and kissing their way down
Nick’s body. Cataloguing which places caused which sounds, what touches made
him squirm, or writhe, or beg. The only place they didn’t touch was the one
place their
wanted their hands.

Aidan studied Nick’s engorged cock, the
way it had flushed from pink to red to a deep, almost maroon shade, the veins
standing out on it like branching arms of coral. It had already leaked a puddle
of clear fluid over the thin trail of hair leading down from his belly button.
Aidan was tempted to lick it up, taste the delicious saltiness he’d savored
that first night with Nick.

But Liam wouldn’t like it. And he had to
agree—Nick hadn’t earned that privilege.

Slowly, the mers worked their way down
each of Nick’s legs, testing each inch of skin for sensitivities. The back of
his knees and the soles of his feet were particularly ticklish, and Aidan had to
catch a flailing ankle before it kicked him off the bed.

And then it was time to go back up. They
urged their human’s legs wider, until he had a thigh slung over each of their
outer shoulders. Nick’s cock pulsed, more pre-cum oozing from the plum-like head,
and his balls rose in their furry sack. Every muscle in his groin and abdomen
twitched, jumping from the sensation of being so open, so exposed. Aidan knew
how vulnerable he felt right now, and just how exciting that was.

Liam nuzzled the crease where thigh met
body, then took a mouthful of Nick’s inner thigh and bit down, once. Nick
screamed softly, groin thrusting towards the ceiling. Aidan licked the soft
flesh on his side before selecting a spot and biting down, just hard enough to
leave a perfect impression of his teeth in Nick’s flesh. His own cock throbbed,
trapped between his body and the soft fabric of the coverlet. More than
anything, he wanted to crawl over Nick’s body, slip his hands under the human’s
balls, feel for that warm, tight iris between muscular cheeks and persuade it
to accept a finger, and then more, and finally his cock.

But there was no way Liam would allow
that, not tonight. This was their chance to prove to Nick that he was safe with
them. Willing his erection to stop aching, Aidan nuzzled Nick’s balls, one eye
on Liam for instruction.

The tall mer smiled as he pressed
closer. Licking his palm, he wrapped it around Nick’s cock and started a
languid, loose stroke that was guaranteed to keep their mate on the edge of
orgasm without actually letting him tip over into it.

He winked at Aidan,
dropped his voice into that low, commanding register that was so astoundingly
sexy. “You didn’t seem too happy about having us as bodyguards,
. Would you like to tell us why?”

Aidan buried his face in Nick’s thigh to
hide his smile. Liam could be utterly evil when he wanted to be.

Nick lifted his
head, eyes glazed over as he stared muzzily at them.

“Yes. You were going to object when Chiron
told us to guard you.” Liam added a twist to his stroke that allowed him to rub
his thumb across the sensitive patch of tissue right under the flaring head. “I
want to know why.”

Nick’s focus came back and he gulped,
biting his lips hard enough to leave marks. “I don’t want bodyguards, L—
. I’m a grown man. I can take
care of myself.”

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