Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone (16 page)

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Authors: Nicola Cameron

Tags: #Nicola Cameron

BOOK: Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone
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“Perfect.” Aidan yanked off his shirt,
tossing it to the floor. He ran a hand over his chest, then down his abs,
sliding it underneath his waistband to stroke himself. “Do you know what I’m
going to do to you tonight?”

Nick’s throat went dry at the thought.
“Whatever you like, sir.
I’m here to please you.”

“I know.” The mer pushed at his shorts,
letting them fall to the floor. His own shaft was fully hard now, visibly twitching
with every beat of his heart. “But I’m not going to fuck you.”

Disappointment flashed, but Nick tamped
it down. “If that’s what you wish, sir.”

“It isn’t.” Aidan swung a leg over him,
giving him a brief flash of heavy balls and the smooth pink furrow behind them,
before settling down in a kneeling position over his thighs. “I want to fuck
you, believe me.” He wrapped a loose hand around himself, running fingertips
over the veins ribboning his cock. “But we need to wait on that.”

For what?
Nick remembered
the lessons with Aaron and took a deep, cleansing breath in through his nose,
letting it out slowly.
It doesn’t matter.
Whatever he wants, I’ll do.
“Then I’ll wait. Please tell me how else I can
please you, sir.”

“Like this.” Aidan leaned down and
captured his mouth. Their tongues met, clashing with an intensity that set
Nick’s nerves on fire. Fingers slid between
his own,
clenching down and pinning his hands against the cushion.

He stiffened and Aidan pulled back, eyes
shadowed. “If it’s too much, I’ll stop.”

Nick considered it. He did like the
feeling of Aidan holding him down. And the knowledge that he could be released
with one word helped to calm him. “No, I’m good.”

“All right.”
Aidan pressed
down again, fitted their bodies together. His shaft slotted against Nick’s,
grinding with perfect hot friction. “You like that? You like knowing you’re

“God, yes.”


The mer proceeded to lay kisses along
his jaw and down the side of his neck. He nipped the tender space under Nick’s
ear, laving the sting with his tongue. “Yeah, you like that. You want me to own
you, make you mine.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “When the time’s right, I
promise I’ll fill you up, nice and deep. You’ll have to wrap those long legs
around me, because I’m not gonna let you move. I’ll make you lie there and feel
my cock pushing inside you over and over again. I’ll keep hitting your sweet
spot and you’ll go crazy because it feels so good. And I won’t come until I
feel you pulsing around me, coming hard and screaming my name. Then I’ll mark
you, make you mine. You want that?”

Nick could only nod, his throat clicking

Aidan worked
down his body, leaving a trail of livid bites and suck marks in his wake. That
wicked mouth closed around his nipple, tongue teasing it hard,
A little shock of pain shot
through his body, grounding out somewhere between his cock and balls.
Nick drove his head hard into the pillow, feeling the promise of pain turning
into pleasure.

Aidan switched to his other nipple,
nipping and licking it until it was erect. He switched off between the two
until they were swollen and aching, glistening from his mouth. “I’m going to
let go of your hands.”

Nick whined, and flinched at the bite on
his sternum. “You’re going to grab the sofa arm and hold on like a good boy,”
Aidan ordered. “You understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good boy.” Aidan lipped the bite mark,
soothing it. He kissed lower, following Nick’s treasure trail down to his
navel, biting the little lip of flesh there. Nick’s abs contracted, and he
closed his eyes, savoring the sting.

The mer roamed over the dips and ridges
of his lower abdomen, finding more spots that made his muscles shiver and
clench. Nick focused on his white-knuckled grip on the sofa arm, the only thing
anchoring him to obedience. For a moment he wished Aidan had tied his hands
together. That way he could writhe freely under the merman’s mouth, unable to
get away.

But in a way, this was even better. He
had to focus on obeying, force his hands to stay where they were. He had to
work to be a good boy, Aidan’s good boy.

And then the mer’s hot, wet mouth
dropped onto the head of his cock, sucking hard once before pulling off with a
soft pop. Nick clutched at the upholstery, moaning at the sensation of Aidan’s
velvet tongue licking round and round his over-sensitized head before dropping
down for a long, wet stroke straight up his shaft.

Aidan lingered on the head, delving into
Nick’s slit and lapping up drops of pre-cum. “You taste amazing,
,” he said.
and clean.
I love it.”

Before Nick could ask what the pet name
meant, Aidan took his entire length in, massaging it with his lips and tongue.
It was the first time a Dom had sucked him since Aaron, and he fought against
thrusting up into that wet heat, desperately wanting more of it. In an
embarrassingly short amount of time his orgasm began to build, the charge
humming nicely between his cock and balls.

Aidan pulled off with a teasing lick and
gave Nick a filthy smile. “Not yet, boy. You don’t come until I tell you to,
you understand.”

He writhed, trying to obey despite his
need to come.
“Yes, sir.”

Aidan came back up, slotting their
bodies together again. He winced suddenly, rubbing his injured thigh. “Ow.”

Nick blinked, shaking off the lure of
subspace. “You okay?”

“Cramping a
Aidan grimaced apologetically. “I don’t think I can stay in this position.
Let’s try something else.”

He flipped them, stretching out on the
couch and pulling Nick over him in a kneeling position. “Yeah, that’s better,”
he said, grinning. “Give me a show, boy. Rub on me.”

Nick sank down, making soft noises as
his balls rubbed so sweetly along the mer’s dick. He moved forward a bit,
wanting to feel that heat on his perineum. Imagining Aidan sliding along the
furrow of his ass, so close—

Hands gripped his hips, holding him in place.
“Please!” he begged.

“No,” Aidan said roughly, smacking him
on the ass. The stinging pain went straight to his cock, making it burn. “Not
yet. Behave yourself, or I’ll send you to bed.”

As long as you
come with me, that’ll be just fine.
Nick bit his lip but shifted back until
his balls settled on top of the mer’s.
“Sorry, sir.”

Green eyes narrowed as they studied him,
but he could see an echoing need in their depths. “Keep your hands behind your
back. You can only touch me with your body.”

Nick did, rolling his hips so that his
sack rubbed against Aidan’s. “Like this, sir?”

“Oh, yeah.”
Aidan’s hands
dug into the muscle of his ass, guiding him. “Just like that, baby.”

It was a beautiful tease, just enough
friction and rubbing to keep him rock
and not
nearly enough to help him come. He looked down, ready to beg to be allowed to
worship Aidan’s body with his hands and mouth—

The mer suddenly looked past Nick, eyes
widening. “No!”

Something large wrapped around Nick’s
throat, squeezing until his eyes bugged. He clawed at the
it’s a hand
, struggling for air.

The massive hand wrenched him off
Aidan’s body and sent him flying. He slammed hard against the wall and slid to
the carpeted floor, air exploding from him in a creaking, diaphragm-emptying whoosh.
Black and red flowers began to bloom around the edges of his vision.

Dimly, Nick stared up at the very tall,
angry stranger now holding a trident at his throat.

Chapter Six


to touch my mate?” the man snarled.

In the background someone was shouting.
. Nick dragged a wheezing breath
through his abused throat, his flesh cringing from the trident’s sharp tines.

And then it was gone. Aidan was still
shouting, struggling with the intruder now. Urban ER training kicked in.
Rolling onto his hands and knees, Nick lurched to his feet and stumbled towards
the kitchen and the knives there.

He never made it. That huge hand grabbed
him by the scruff of his neck, abruptly changing his momentum and yanking him
back onto the living room floor. Grunting in pain, he flipped over and backed
into the corner of the couch, scraping his hands and base ass on the carpet.

The tall man came after him, trident
poised to kill. “Bastard,” he said, lips peeled back from a brutal snarl. “You
filthy, disgusting—”

A blue glow exploded in the room. Nick’s
eyelids slammed shut against the light just as he heard a familiar voice shout,

A dull thud vibrated through the floor. The
light dimmed, and Nick cautiously opened one eye. The intruder had dropped to his
knees, trident thrown down and hands lifted in surrender. In front of him stood
Bythos and Aphros, surrounded by a sparkling nimbus of sea blue light. Both
redheads hefted silver tridents, much larger and more ornate than the attacker’s.

“How dare you attack our guest in our demesnes,
” Bythos bellowed, infuriated.

The man—mer—bowed his head. “Lord
Bythos,” he said raggedly, “I beg your forgiveness. But he was molesting my

“No, he wasn’t!”

A panting Aidan clung to the back of the
easy chair, staring frantically at all of them. “Dammit, Liam, I told you to

The giant was
Liam, Aidan’s friend and Elder-in-training? Nick started to say something, and choked
as agony flared in his throat.

“Nick!” Aphros crossed to him and knelt
down, clasping his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

All that came out was a
croak. Gingerly, he shook his head and gestured
towards his larynx.

A second nimbus of light appeared,
golden this time. Ian stepped out of it, holding a dark trident. His eyes went
comically wide when he saw the scene in the living room. “What the hell is
going on?” he demanded.

Nick stared at the man he’d eaten with,
gotten drunk with, sat with during Diana’s wake. Then at the trident in Ian’s

That was enough for one night. Very gently,
he fell over.


“Nick? Come on, wake up.”

Someone was patting his face.
Unwillingly, he opened his eyes. Someone had put him on the guest room bed,
tugging a flap of the coverlet across his lower body.

Ian sat on the bed’s edge, a weak smile
on his face. “Welcome back. You were starting to scare me.”

Nick tried swallowing, and winced at the
surge of pain from his abused throat. “Wha’ happened?”

Ian looked over his shoulder, where loud
voices were coming from the living room. “As far as I can tell, Aidan’s mate
came looking for him, and found the two of you, um,
in flagrante delicto
.” He grimaced. “Apparently the big guy thought
you were assaulting Aidan and went after you.”

More pain,
emotional this time, squeezed Nick’s throat.
Oh, goddamn it, Aidan. Why didn’t you tell me?

He made himself sit up, wincing at the
rub burns on his ass and legs. “The guy with the trident?” he croaked. “That’s

Ian looked surprised. “You knew about

“Aidan said he was a friend.”
, goddamnit.

“Oh.” The smaller man flexed his
fingers. “Yeah,
talking to him right now.
Or reading them both the riot act, to be precise.
You just
don’t stroll into a god’s territory like that and start kicking the shit out of
their guests.”

Ian’s entrance blazed across Nick’s
mind, the furious look on the blond’s face and that tall, deadly-looking dark
trident in one hand. He made himself swallow again, evaluating the pain in his
throat. Bad, but nothing seemed to be severely strained or broken. He’d
recover. “How many gods are we talking about, anyway?”

Ian had the grace to look abashed.
“Yeah, uh, I may not have told you everything that happened,” he admitted. “I’m
kind of a storm god, now.”

“Kind of?”

“It’s a long, weird story.” Ian reached
out and his hand disappeared into thin air. When it came back, he was holding
the dark, lethal-looking trident Nick had seen earlier. “See?”

Nick stared at the trident. “I thought
you said you were a storm god.”

“Technically I’m in Poseidon’s chain of
command. All the sea gods get a trident, so I guess you’d call this my badge of
office.” He pushed the trident away, and it disappeared. “I promise I’ll tell
you all about it later.”

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