OLDER MAN: The Secretary's Secret Baby (Best Friend Brother Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Sport Comedy Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: OLDER MAN: The Secretary's Secret Baby (Best Friend Brother Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Sport Comedy Romance)
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Victor seemed worried that the creative bullpen would know what went on in my office.  I had the opposite concern.  I wanted them to know.  I wanted all the women to recognize that I was the alpha, and I’d scored the prime cut stud.

I never got my thong back—Victor clearly had a klepto issue where undies were concerned—but I didn’t care.  It aided my cause.  I made sure to spend a long time looking over Carla’s shoulder, checking her work.  That put my hips right at the level of her nostrils.  She had to smell the sex.

The creative bullpen met my deadline, and by that afternoon we had a complete strategy that I pitched to the clients.  I hadn’t known I’d be pitching to clients when I got up in the morning, but the clients were all men, and I was wearing that killer dress, so it was all good.

I felt so powerful.  It was amazing.  All those men hung on my every word, and Victor, who sat at the head of the conference table, hung on my words more than anyone else.

“First off, gentlemen,” I said, pacing around the conference room and wielding the pointer like it was a riding crop, “We must drop the name ‘Shirt Watches.’  There’s no cache in that name.  It’s hard to sell.”

“What do you propose?”

“Hot Watches.  Hot, as in a beautiful woman.”  I smiled and slowly rolled my hips ever so slightly, as if I were a car show model.  “Men love beautiful women.”  I placed my palm on Victor’s shoulder.  “Women want to be beautiful women.”  Their eyes all homed in on me as circled the conference table.  My hypnotic power was undeniable. 

“Hot also connotes trendiness.  Hot can be illicit, as in something stolen.  Hot is, in a word, hot.”

“I like where you’re going with this,” the head client said.  “But how do we brand it?”

“I’m glad you asked,” I replied.  “We have a few concepts.  I recommend a multi-pronged approach.  Before the product launch, we’d like the manufacturer to put a Hot Watch on a pet sweater, which I’m assuming they can do.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem.  But why?  How could a pet possibly need to know the time?”

“It’s not for the pet, silly.  We’ll create an internet meme.  Hopefully it goes viral.  A cat wears the sweater with a watch on it, and the owner calls the cat into the room whenever the owner wants to know the time.  Maybe the owner is a high powered executive, like you men.”  Oh, they ate that up.  What man didn’t want a beautiful woman to call him powerful?  “We get a cute cat that can do tricks.  A cat doing tricks, especially one with a watch on its side, could explode on the internet.”

“Nice.  What else have you got?”

“Paris Hilton.  We use her, or a sound bite of her, saying ‘That’s hot’ intercut with people wearing Hot Watches.”

“Is Paris Hilton relevant any more?”

“Was she ever?  But our market is hipsters and older people—kids don’t want clothes that need to be dry cleaned, and Hot Watches need to be dry cleaned.  Paris Hilton is perfect for the age demographic we’re going for.  Plus, she’s definitely available.  It’s not like they’re rushing to make House of Wax Two.”

I ran a few more concepts out there, and Victor sat and smiled, drinking it all in.  “And that is our proposal, gentlemen,” I concluded.  Leaning down, I whispered in Victor’s ear, “You’d better fuck me in a bed next time, mister.”

The clients left, clearly elated with our work.  Victor spoke to the creative bullpen, saying, “Outstanding work, ladies.  I’m very impressed.  No more work today. Drinks are on me at Salvo’s downstairs, until the end of happy hour.”

Victor and I joined the women at happy hour, but we didn’t stay.  We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.  Before long, Victor and I were walking quickly up the city streets, straight to the Granary Building, where Victor’s apartment was.

He still hadn’t unpacked the boxes, but I knew he had the bed set up.  Victor went to the kitchen to get some champagne, and I went into the bedroom.  When he found me, he had champagne in hand.  I was sitting naked and in his bed, with the sheet pulled up.

“Who’s your hero?” I asked.

“You are.”

Victor popped the cork and filled our flutes.  He handed a glass to me, and we drank a toast to our success.

“To the start of a beautiful partnership,” Victor said.

“Amen.  But hey, partner,” I said, “you have too much clothing on.”  Kneeling on the bed, I let the sheet fall away.  I got Victor’s shirt open first, and I traced my tongue along the ridges of his ab muscles.  “You stinky, smelly man,” I said.  “I love it.”

Victor’s trousers fell to the floor, and I yanked his boxers down over his rock hard erection.  The sight of his cock made me salivate.  I kissed it and took it into my mouth.  Victor’s hand ran through my hair, and over my shoulder.  I felt like I always felt when I had a cock in my mouth—powerful.  More powerful, even, than when I’d given my presentation.  With Victor’s cock in my mouth, its heat tapping against the back of my throat, I held all his future pleasure, and I could elevate him to new heights with a flick of my tongue.  I loved having his cock in my mouth.  And the fact that Victor was a powerful man only amplified my sense of power.

“Completely naked, Victor.  No socks in bed.  Not in our bed.”  Our bed.  I’d already claimed his bed.  I was shameless.  Victor didn’t argue.

His muscled bod descended on mine and we rolled about on the sheets, laughing and kissing, our hands roaming like frantic teenagers’ hands.  Victor slipped his fingers inside me—I was already, or perhaps still, quite wet—and my thighs clamped around his wrist.

Victor’s mouth found my nipple, and he kissed it tenderly before catching its mounting hardness lightly between his teeth.  We lolled about, side by side.  My whole body grew sensitive, and sparks seemed to fly from his very touch.  Soon my nipples were pointy icicles, and my knees kicked as if I were riding an imaginary bike—Victor’s fingers inside me, propelling me.

“Whoa, mister,” I said.  “Are you going to fuck me or what?”

Be careful what you wish for!  Victor drove his cock so mercilessly inside me that I had to reach up and press my palms against the headboard to keep from bruising my skull.  I had thought Victor penetrated me deeply in the office, but with a bed underneath me, and the stability that provided, Victor taught me the true meaning of deep penetration.

“You are beautiful, and amazing, and so, so hot,” Victor grunted.  “How are you still single?”

Ugh.  Don’t talk.  Please don’t talk.  “I got dumped.  Can you believe it?  Would you ever dump me?”

“Me?” Victor groaned.  “Never.  I don’t think I’m ever taking my cock out of you.”

Umm, goody!

My legs tingled.  My heart soared.  My orgasm came like a freight train.  It wasn’t in sync with Victor’s that time, but who cared?  Victor just kept pumping away, and I forgot everything in the world but the beautiful virile man inside me.

My next orgasm came almost in sync with Victor’s.  Actually, I think mine prompted his.  We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and I’d never been happier.

Victor must have been exhausted.  He slept like a log.  I was too hyped up to sleep, so I slipped on his dress shirt and padded out to the kitchen.  The doorbell rang.

I wasn’t about to let some hussy come swinging by without letting her know Victor was all mine.  Was it Carla?  It was probably Carla.

As I reached the front door, Victor stood by the bedroom, saying, “I’ll get it.”  Yeah, fat chance, Romeo.

I yanked open the door, ready for a confrontation.

“Look who it is!  Golden Nugget,” Buzzcut said.  I twirled my head.  Victor wasn’t Buzzcut, and Buzzcut wasn’t Victor.  They were twins!  I’d fucked Buzzcut on Friday, and Victor on Monday.  Dammit!

“She’s great in the sack, isn’t she bro?” Buzzcut asked Victor.



Cruise Control
All Aboard

I was restless and needed a change in my life. Years passing me by and I felt like I wasn’t really living at all. Being a lawyer had become my entire life, and that made me feel awful. I needed to shake things up a bit. I needed adventure, I needed romance, I needed danger. I had become mundane and my life was imitating that boredom. I decided to take some time off of work. I wanted to go explore some place far off and exotic but I also didn’t want to have to plan an itinerary. A friend suggested a cruise. At first I hesitated, because it sounded awful and touristy. I would much rather take a regular vacation. I looked up cruises to the Bahamas just for fun. Then I found something different. It was a cruise that was a re-enactment of a pirate ship. What’s more is that it wasn’t for kids. It was for adults. I was intrigued. I thought about it for about an hour and read the reviews, and then I took that leap and booked a cabin. I had no idea what I was in for.

I boarded the ship. I walked down the hallway with my bag in hand. I got to the door of my cabin and was fumbling with my key when I heard, "Excuse me, I’m the ship photographer. Can I take your photo?"

I turned to see a young tall guy with blonde long hair and stark blue eyes. He was very tall, at least 6’4. I was petite at five feet even with full curves, brown hair and brown eyes. Tall guys always hit on me, which I always thought was unusual since I was petite. I always thought it was because it made them feel manlier. I looked at him up and down. He wore a period costume in full pirate style. A white button up shirt with ruffled sleeves and tight trousers that were tucked into calf length boots. A long camera strap was around his neck with the camera in his hand. I was stunned for a second by the way he looked. He smiled a brilliant bright smile and seemed like a genuinely happy person. Well his job was being on vacation constantly in the Caribbean and pushing a button. I guess I would be happy too.

"Can I?" he asked.


He laughed, "Take your photo."

"Oh um sure. I guess."

I smiled awkwardly still holding my bag, wondering why I said yes in the first place. He took the photo and then looked at me and smiled. "Can I do one more?"

"Okay." I said.

He took the photo and looked at it then he looked up at me and just stared. It made me uncomfortable. Then he finally said, "Thanks." He turned and walked away. I stood there confused. I felt exposed.

I found my cabin and unlocked the door. It was a quaint suite with a private deck. It had a certain romantic charm to it with a bit of island decorations. I set my bags down and unpacked.

A half hour later the ship had set sail out into the open ocean. I really just wanted to go for a swim and relax.

I changed into my pink bikini and brushed my long chestnut hair then tied it into a braid. I grabbed my sun tan lotion and headed out to the pool. I walked out on the deck and the scene took my breath away. Now I understood the appeal of a cruise. The energy of the vast ocean was thick and the calming color of blue waters was instantly relaxing. I smiled and was feeling happy about my choice to do this. I walked over to the rail and grabbed a hold of it. I looked over the side and could hear the roar of waves as the boat made its way through the water. It was magical.

There were two pools on the ship. I went to the smaller one that was on a lower deck and less populated. I really did want to be alone.

I found a long lounge chair and laid my blue and white striped towel on it. I lathered up with sun tan lotion and laid down with my sun glasses on my face. I stretched out and relaxed. This was exactly what I needed. I stared up at the perfect blue sky.

"Would you like a drink?"

I looked to the waitress standing near me.

"Sure, I’ll have a margarita."

"Coming right up," she said as she left.

A few minutes later I was sipping on my drink. This felt great. After my drink I went for a swim. The water was cold and felt great in the perfect sunny day. I swam and splashed and had a lovely time by myself. After I had exhausted myself I went back to my lounge chair and sat down. My waitress brought me another margarita and I ordered a tropical fruit salad to snack on. I grabbed a piece of pineapple and sucked on it.

"Is that good?" I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see the ship photographer staring down at me from his tall height. I held the pineapple in my mouth and he made me feel like I was naked instead of in my swimsuit.


I took the fruit out of my mouth and said, "Um, yes it’s good."

He smiled, and sat down next to me and said, "I have your photos."

"What photos?" I asked.

"The ones I took of you earlier."

"Oh, right. I really don’t want them. Thank you."

"Are you sure because I printed them out and I can bring them to your room."

He smiled at me. I suddenly realized this wasn’t about the photos. He was trying to come to my room. I smiled at him and he leaned in mouth close to my ear and said,

"I want to touch you."

My eyes opened wide and I turned to look at him. His gorgeous face had just the right amount of stubble on it and his shaggy locks brushed across his eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Don’t you know?" he answered.

"No, should I?"

"You’re irresistible. I’ve been watching you since I saw you in the hallway. You are a very sexy woman."

I swallowed hard. No one had ever talked to me like that before. Nor had anyone ever said things like that to me out in the open like this.

He rubbed the back of my hand down my arm and said, "Your skin is soft. I want to touch you all over."

My mouth opened. I was completely aroused and forgot that I was in a public space.

"Can I come to your room tonight? Can I put my cock inside you?"

The fruit fell out of my hands on to the floor. He smiled at me. That brilliant perfect grin was boyish and charming. It was deceiving, as he was obviously dangerous. I didn’t know how to answer him. I just stared at him blankly. Then he stood up and winked at me and said, "I’ll be by at eight." Then he walked away.

I looked around wondering if anyone had witnessed that exchange. No one seemed to notice. I grabbed my towel and walked fast to my cabin.

I was so confused. I was feeling shaken up by the encounter. Yet something in me was daring me to do it. I came on this cruise because I was feeling restless and needed a change. This would definitely be a change from my normal boring life. He was after all extremely attractive. I was feeling aroused just by looking at him.

I took a shower and washed the pool and sun tan lotion off my body. I got dressed and went to the café to grab a light bite to eat. After I ate I went to the bar to numb my feelings of loneliness. I had a few drinks and time passed. A few guys came up to me and made a few cheesy passes at me, but I was not interested. All I could think about was the hot photographer.

That was it. I made up my mind to let him do things to me. I went back to my cabin and freshened up. I let my hair down and brushed it. I put on a flirty island dress and lit a few candles. I was ready. A few moments later there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I nervously said.

The door opened and the photographer stood in the doorway. He smiled at me.

"Well, isn’t this a sight," he said as he looked at me while I sat on the bed.

"Hello," I said.

It was silent and he looked at me as though he could see right through my clothes.

I tried to make light conversation, "What’s your name?" I asked.

"Jason. What’s your name?" he said as he arrogantly leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms. He was so tall and handsome it was distracting.

I looked at him and said, "Lizzie."

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. My heart skipped a beat.

He lowered his gaze at me and said, "Come to me Lizzie."

A flood of all the erotic things he had said to me earlier by the pool came back to me. It was like I was back to that moment all over again. Him whispering about his cock in my ear, and I now felt aroused again. I quickly realized what he was doing and stared at him.

I stood up and went to him. I tilted my head back to look up at him through my lashes. He stared down at me.

"Do you want me to put my cock in your mouth," he said slowly and seductively.

My breathing increased, I was in a fragile and lonely state and his words were like a junky getting their fix. I nodded my head yes because I couldn’t get words out.

He grabbed my hand, turned it over, and kissed the inside of my palm. I moaned instinctively. His eyes brightened at my reaction.

"You want me Lizzie. You want me to take you. You want my hard cock, and you want me to do things to you. I can feel you now. You’re wet aren’t you? I don’t need to touch you to know that you’re wet."

I closed my eyes and let his words wash over me. He was right, and I hated him for being right. I had never had this type of encounter before. It was new and stimulating but it was scary to lose control. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. They were soft and full and the kiss was slow and sensual. Jason wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back sliding his hands down my back to my buttocks. He squeezed them and let out a moan. He pulled away from me and looked down at me with his blue eyes. They were piercing through me and my mouth watered as I looked at his perfect face. His square jaw was masculine and the right amount of stubble shaded it. His thick hair was unkempt and shaggy and he looked wild and dangerous. He seemed like a man of adventure and bravery that went diving with sharks and climbed volcanoes. You could almost smell it on him. He ran his thumb across my bottom lip and said, "I can’t wait to slide my thick hard cock inside your mouth. Do you want to suck on it? Hmm…Do you? I know you do."

My breath caught in my throat. I was excited, even through my adrenaline haze this was affecting me. I didn’t even make a decision, my body made it for me. I put my hands on his chest and felt his hard taught body underneath his white shirt. He looked rugged, like a man, a real man. It was hard to not touch him. He grabbed my hands and took them off his chest. I was confused and felt rejected. He grabbed the zipper on my dress and unzipped it slowly. I swallowed hard. He lifted one side of the dress and opened it and looked at my body. Then he dropped it from his hand. He looked down at me and ran his hand through my long hair, and then he grabbed it and pulled my hair. My head titled back with it, and my eyes opened wide. I felt a little scared. I was alone with this stranger and he was going to do as he pleased with me. That thought made me feel excited. I opened my mouth and he put his mouth on top of mine. He explored my mouth keeping one hand in my hair and the other on my waist. Then he pulled away and said, "I’m going to show you what it’s like to be with a real man."

He grabbed the dress and aggressively pulled it off me. My breasts heaved up and down with my ragged breath. My nipples were hard and aroused.

He put his hands on my bottom and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to the edge of the bed. I felt like a whore. I was about to let this man, who was a stranger be inside me. It donned on me, I felt like a whore, because I was a whore. This is what a whore did, had sex with strangers without any emotional investment.

"What do you think I’m going to do to you?" he asked.

"I don’t know," I whispered.

"Yes, you do. Say it," he commanded.

"You’re going to fuck me," I said.

"I might," he said. "If I think you deserve it." He put his hands on my knees and parted my legs. He took one finger and ran it up my slit. I moaned in response. Then he said, "Open your mouth."

I did as he said and he put the same finger in my mouth. I could taste myself.

"Good girl," he said. "Now put your hands on the bed and lean back."

I did as he said. I put my hands on top of the bed. I placed my palms down behind me and leaned back just a little.

"Good," he said. Then he grabbed one leg and bent it at the knee and placed my foot on the edge of the bed. Then he grabbed the other leg and did the same thing. I felt vulnerable in this position. I was completely naked and he was still clothed. I felt like a sex doll that he was putting into a position of his liking. The worse thing about this was that I loved it. I truly loved every second of it. The anticipation was like fuel to a fire burning in me. He took a few steps back and looked at me like he was admiring a painting he was working on. It was unsettling and exciting. I grew wetter and wetter by the second. Being on display like this made me feel sexy and desirable. I looked at Jason. He was gorgeous, and I was aroused, and I wanted more.

"What do you want me to do now?" he asked.

"I don’t know," I whispered.

"Yes, you do. Find the courage to say it Lizzie. I know what you’re thinking but I want to hear you say it. What do you want me to do?"

"I don’t know," I said again. I did know but I couldn’t say it out loud. I felt silly. I had never engaged in dirty talk before.

"Yes, you do!" he said louder and in a more stern tone.

It shook me. "Say it. Say what you want me to do," he said again.

"Lick me. I want you to lick me."

He smiled and said, "Where?"

My breathing was heavy and I felt very wet. I opened my legs wider. I looked down at my slick cleft and then touched it with my hand.


He stared at me with a blank stare. I didn’t know what he would do next. He walked straight over to me. He bent down on his knees. He put one hand on each side of my inner thigh and pushed against them. He looked up at me. I opened my mouth and sighed. Then he moved his head down and stuck his tongue inside of me. I moaned in response.

He moved his tongue up and licked me. I could hear the wind and the ocean just outside and remembered where I was. This was the strangest and most erotic experience of my life. Jason moved his tongue onto of my clitoris. I yelled out in ecstasy. His tongue went from left to right in small movements faster and faster. It was too much. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back and then yelled, "I’m cumming! I’m cumming!" I released and my whole body shuddered. I fell back on the bed in complete bliss.

Jason stood up and towered over me. I assumed that he was taking off his clothes and would be inside me at any second. I breathed in and out heavily.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" he asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Say it. I want to hear you say it."

"I want you to fuck me," I said.

Then he did something that completely shocked me. He went to the door, turned the knob, and said, "Maybe next time." And then he left.

BOOK: OLDER MAN: The Secretary's Secret Baby (Best Friend Brother Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Sport Comedy Romance)
12.02Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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