Offside (69 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Hockey

BOOK: Offside
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Then he moved, and she couldn’t feel either man near her. She swallowed, listening for them. She heard two sets of footsteps by her head. The shield was flipped open and she whimpered as she watched Zach kneel in front of Scott. Scott stood like a soldier at attention, a little to her left with his back to her as Zach unzipped Scott’s pants, freeing his cock.

Zach met her eyes as he fisted his hand around Scott’s dick. “You didn’t get to see us make up, pet, but now you can watch me get him ready for you.”

Oh. My. God.
Becky flushed as she watched her Master take their lover’s dick into his mouth. Her men were beautiful together and the connection they shared wound around her, making her feel part of what they shared even though neither touched her. Her mouth watered as Zach slid his lips slowly over Scott’s length, taking him in, inch by inch.

Groaning, Scott brought his hand to the back of Zach’s head. He froze when Zach drew back. “Zach, please—”

“No. We discussed this.” Zach smiled pleasantly at Scott even as he flicked his tongue over the tip of Scott’s dick. “You take what I give you. Nothing more.”

And you’re
a sadist, Sir?
Becky bit back a grin, barely managing not to laugh at Scott’s frustrated expression.

“You can’t Dom me, man.” Scott cupped Zach’s cheek, his tone tender despite his words. “I’m not into that.”

“I’m aware. But you are—” Zach swirled his tongue around the head of Scott’s dick, taking it between his lips, then grazing up to the tip with his teeth. “—‘into’ this.”

Tipping his head back, Scott’s jaw hardened. His knees locked and Becky could see the effort it took for him to keep from thrusting into Zach’s mouth. “You pushy fucking—oh fuck!”

Becky almost came again just watching Zach taking Scott in all the way. She muttered a curse along with Scott when Zach released Scott and rose to his feet. Zach took something out of his pocket, his lips slanted in an evil grin.

“I think you need this.” He opened the plastic wrapper. Becky thought it was a condom at first, but then she saw the black ring, which looked like it was made of some kind of leather. The ring was about the size of a circle made with her thumb and forefinger. The Velcro holding its shape made a ripping sound as Zach opened it. Zach fitted the ring around the base of Scott’s dick, under his heavy balls. “She needs you to last.”

Scott inhaled through his teeth. “Damn it, that feels weird.”

“Not too tight?”

“No. No, I’m okay.” Scott shook his head, then latched on to the back of Zach’s neck, planting a firm kiss on his lips. “You are one twisted man.” He grinned. “I love it.”

Letting out the breath she’d been holding near the end of their exchange, Becky’s gaze followed Scott until he disappeared around the other side of the bike. As she felt him between her thighs, Zach came to her, reaching into the helmet to touch her cheek.

“We’ll both take you now, little doe. One day I hope we can both be inside you, feeling each other, and you, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet.”

Not long ago, she would have said “No.” But she wasn’t so sure anymore. She wanted to try it with them, at least once. He was right though. She wasn’t ready yet. Teeth denting her bottom lip, she smiled at him. “This, what we’re doing, is perfect. I want you, Sir. Any way I can have you.”

“Good girl.” Zach leaned down, kissing her, which was different in and of itself since her head was upside down. He nipped her chin, then straightened to unzip his leathers. “Open for me, pet.”

She opened her mouth wide, relaxing her throat as he pushed in all the way. In this position, taking him in that deep was easier. So long as she swallowed against the gagging sensation. He eased out, then back in, leaving her mouth completely as the head of Scott’s dick pressed between her folds. Zach entered her mouth again with short thrusts, stroking her cheek with his thumb as Scott slowly filled her. Ever since he’d gotten well, she’d been having sex with Scott without a condom. All the blood tests had come back clean, and there was nothing better than feeling him without a barrier between them.

This time was different. With every long stroke he seemed thicker, hotter. The head of his cock stretched her, blazing hot, every single time he drove into her. She tightened up around him, gasping around Zach. The combined sensation of the men using her was indescribable. She tried to focus on tensing around Scott, on using her lips and her tongue on Zach, on heightening their pleasure any way she could, but finally just gave in and let them take her. She dropped into the erotic flow, into the rhythm, coming closer and closer to the peak with every thrust into her body, her mouth.

Her hands fisted as Scott lost his rhythm, slamming into her harder, his fingers finding her swollen clit. She went rigid as Zach’s pace faltered. Salty warmth coated the back of her throat as he made a rough sound and drove in. Scott cursed, trapping her clit between his fingers. He thrust into her almost violently, but she could tell he was holding back, waiting for her. The knowledge pitched her into a shuddering climax and she felt him come as she spasmed around him.

Another sharp jab of Scott’s dick had her convulsing all over again, and she screamed as Zach left her mouth. The chains restraining her rattled as she thrashed, the sky and the trees and the earth shattering around her. Scott was deep, so deep inside her, and the only thing that held her together as the sensation tore at her was Zach’s hand on her face. His soft whispered words that she couldn’t quite make out.

All she knew was that as she came back to level ground, he was with her, keeping her from falling too fast. After Scott unclipped all her cuffs, Zach picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he carried her to where his jacket was spread over the dirt road. He sat with her and Scott plunked down beside them, looking as boneless as she felt.

Scott unbuckled her helmet, set it aside, then kissed her forehead. “Just think, we’ve got a whole weekend of this.”

Zach smiled, leaning over to kiss Scott. “Hmm, very true. Tim’s going to want a word with me when he sees how worn out you are when we show up to practice Monday morning.”

“I think Scott and I will have you pretty worn out too, Sir.” Becky rested her head on Zach’s shoulder, reaching out to run her thumb along Scott’s bottom lip. “He’s younger than us both—I think he’s got the endurance to outdo us.”

“Damn right I do.” Scott caught her thumb between his lips, watching Zach as he sucked at it. “I’m thinking Tim will be on my ass about wearing
out, Zach. And Keane might have something to say about it too. Becky will be a little sore by the time I’m done with her.”

“You said Mr. Keane owned the property? Including a house, with a bed?” Becky asked, feeling a little sleepy. She was going to be sore—pleasantly so. But hopefully she’d get some rest first. “I wish I’d known we’d be staying somewhere. I have nothing to change into.”

“I brought you a few things, love,” Zach said, helping her to her feet as he stood. “Not that you’ll need much. I plan to keep you exactly like this over the next few days.”

Becky yelped as he swooped her up in his arms, then laughed. “Naked, aching in all the right places, with my feet always up in the air?”

“Works for me!” Scott took Zach’s saddlebags off the bike and slung them over his shoulder. “Don’t expect to get much sleep this weekend, honey.”

Zach’s muscles hardened around her as he carried her along the trail leading to a large, rather modern-looking cabin. His tone was gruff as he slowed his pace so Scott could catch up. “She’ll need time to recover, Scott.”

Frowning, Scott shifted the saddlebags. “I know. I was just—”

A sly smile slid across Zach’s lips. “Eventually. After we try out the bed he bragged about. Solid iron with thick posts. I brought extra chains with plenty of ideas of how I’ll use them.”

“Zach!” Becky couldn’t stop smiling. This weekend was going to be amazing. She couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to spend this time with them both. But she playfully smacked Zach shoulder. “When I mentioned a bed, it was for actually sleeping. I need recovery time now!”

Arching a brow at her, Zach snorted. “Not if you have enough strength to smack me, naughty girl.”

Scott bared his teeth in a broad smile, winking at her. “I’d call him ‘Sir,’ sweetie. Or Master.” He cocked his head. “Your Royal Highness might be a good idea.” He patted the saddlebags. “You haven’t seen what he packed.”

She swallowed, quivering with nervous energy, equally thrilled and afraid. Fully aroused. She couldn’t wait to see. But she wasn’t stupid. She gave Zach her most humble, most submissively sweet look. “I’m very sorry, My Lord.”

With a wicked glint in his eyes, Zach brought his lips to hers and whispered, “Oh, you will be.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

he cold snapped at Scott as soon as he stepped out of his car on to the sidewalk. It was late November, but it felt more like January. A light coat of sparkly white snow already covered the sidewalk. His dark grey, wool jacket might be “stylish” as far as Stephan was concerned, but Scott was ready to start wearing a parka. He’d always hated the cold.

He stared at the big office building, then double-checked the address on the card Chicklet had given him at the last self-defense class. She’d gotten it from Laura, who apparently knew this person. They both thought someone who understood the lifestyle would be best, no matter how little involved in it he really was.

This meeting had been scheduled for days. And he’d been having nightmares ever since. Thankfully, he’d handed over his condo to Hunt for a pretty damn low rent, seeing as he liked the kid, and had been staying at Becky’s for about two weeks. At first, he hadn’t been all that sure about living with the newlyweds. Yeah, they were all together, but Becky and Zach were
He’d been a little grumpy for a bit that they’d decided on a small wedding with the justice of the peace. He thought Becky deserved something big and elaborate. Zach agreed, but Becky said she didn’t have time for it. Stated that they could have something big for their tenth wedding anniversary.

Fine, but they should at least have had a decent honeymoon. His arguments didn’t get him very far with them. And he was secretly happy that they didn’t. The at-home honeymoon involving the three of them while Casey stayed with Landon, Dean, and Silver was pretty amazing. Lots of sex, kink, and plenty of naked lounging around feeding Becky her favorite treats. Absolutely perfect.

As had been every day and night since. His bedroom might be in the basement, but he could pretty much count on either Zach or Becky—sometimes both—spending at least a few hours with him down there every night. Actually, since the first nightmare, Zach had been by his side from the second he closed his eyes until he woke. Becky had tried to talk him into moving into their bedroom.

He was still thinking about it.

Both had offered to come with him today. And he’d almost said sure. Almost, but hadn’t. Because he needed to do this alone. Needed to know he was strong enough to get past all this crap without anyone holding his hand.

He pushed open the big glass doors, heading straight for the elevator, ignoring the security guard’s, “Can I help you?”

I don’t need help. Not even this, but I’ll fucking do it, okay?

He jabbed his thumb on the elevator button, then shoved his hands into his pockets. The ride up seemed to take forever. Like that whole day had, from the quiet breakfast after he’d gotten up too late to eat with Casey before school, to the moment he’d finally dragged his ass out to his car. The traffic had been bad. He’d been sure he’d be late for his appointment.

No such luck. He was right on time.

When he stepped off the elevator, a familiar face had him stopping in his tracks. He blinked just to be sure. “Silver?”

Face red, holding tight to a piece of tissue that she was using to dry her tears, Silver started, then stared at him. “Scott?”

“Yeah.” He shifted, looking around, wondering if there were any other kinds of doctors here he could claim to be seeing. Maybe he could be getting his prostate checked. Yeah, that would be less embarrassing. “Uh . . . you okay?”

“I think so.” She sniffled, then shook her head, letting out a sob. “No. Physically, I’m better, but mentally?” A sharp laugh escaped her. “I’m a mess. But I’m seeing someone. Pretty pathetic, right?”

“Why?” Not that he didn’t agree. He felt like that too. Talking to a shrink was the last thing he’d ever thought he’d be doing. But if Silver needed to talk to someone, she shouldn’t feel bad about it. “I’ve met your dad. After a few minutes with him, I swear, I needed therapy. Or antidepressants.”

Silver gaped at him. Then burst out laughing. “Damn. You’re so much more than I thought you were when I saw you in that magazine.”

“I can say the same, sweetie. You’ve been good for this team.” He held out his arm, giving her a firm hug, shushing her when she started crying again. “Did it help? Talking about whatever it is?”

“A little.” She shrugged, easing away from him. “It won’t get better overnight, but it will get better. I’m actually looking forward to seeing my baby. For the first time. I don’t feel like I need to stay away.”

“That’s good.” He nudged her chin with a fist. “Go see your baby. Tell Landon I said hi, but . . .” He frowned. “Not where you saw me.”

“Got it.” She sniffed. “Whatever it is, Scott, just know that it does get better. You have to believe that.”

He nodded, then went to tell the receptionist he was here. She directed him to the office with the right name on the door. Inside, a small, elderly woman who reminded him of Betty White gestured to the leather lounge chair. When he hesitated, she pointed at the big, high-backed leather armchair.

“Perhaps you’d be more comfortable there?”

“Uh, yeah.”

She waited for him to get comfortable, leaning forward in a chair that matched his, setting her notepad and pen aside. She shocked him by giving him a short lecture on how he needed to make his passes sharper. They chatted for a bit about hockey before she finally got down to business.

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