Offside (16 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Hockey

BOOK: Offside
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“I didn’t; I swear.” Jami’s eyes twinkled as she tugged Akira past the automatic doors. “But I
know most of the team comes here to work out off-season.”

“You’re such a pain in the butt.”

Jami smirked. “But you love me anyway, right?”

“Right.” Taking a deep breath, Akira followed Jami to the front desk, shook her head before Jami could pay for them both, and took the money out of the zipper pouch cuff around her wrist. She’d gotten a check from Dominik in her mailbox that morning. Enough to cover food and her share of the rent for the next month.
than enough.

Least I can do is thank him.
Akira squared her shoulders, moving away from Jami, clenching her hands by her sides as she made her way across the gym toward where Dominik stood, spotting a man lifting weights. The man’s skin was a few shades darker than Dominik’s, but their features held some kinship. She slowed her pace, her gaze travelling slowly over the man’s ripped abs and thick chest.

Dominik looked up when the stranger muttered something and caught Akira’s eyes. His lips curved into a welcoming smile, which almost got her moving again. She trusted him. She was okay around him, even though they weren’t anywhere close to the friendly hug, two-cheek-kiss stage. Not yet anyway.

But a glance at the stranger had her backtracking. There was something hard in his eyes, and the black cross and chain tattoo just added to his gruff appearance. Then again, tattoos had scared her ever since the men who’d attack her had shed the suits that made them look so tame.

Jami stepped up to her side. Took her hand. “You okay?”

Akira nodded. “Yeah. But maybe we should let them finish—”

“Hey, Jami. Finally got out of that cast, eh?”

Spine stiffening, Akira turned, fear drowned in anger. She pursed her lips as she glanced over at Ford, Jami’s ex-boyfriend. He had some nerve coming to talk to Jami after what he’d done. As far as Akira was concerned, it was his fault Jami had gotten in the accident that had broken her arm. If he’d told her about the man his father had sent after Jami, she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Wouldn’t have almost been . . .

Akira’s eyes burned as the word slammed into her skull. She couldn’t say why, but even thinking the word made what had happened to her, and what could have happened to Jami, seem so much worse. The word made her feel powerless. Like there was nothing she could have done to stop it. Her therapist had told her again and again that it wasn’t her fault. That there was nothing she
have done. But Akira refused to believe that, because if she couldn’t have done anything differently, there was nothing she could do to keep it from happening again.

Ford could have—
have—done something. Said something. He hadn’t, and Akira wasn’t sure she’d ever forgive him for that.

Jami, however, had forgiven him the moment he’d brought her baby lovebird, Peanut, back to her. She loved the little bird and had fallen apart when her stalker had taken him. Ford had made himself her hero that day.

While Akira considered all the ways Ford was anything
a hero, Jami hugged the man and let him draw her into a conversation about Peanut. And her arm. And her new job at the forum.

The second Akira felt Ford’s eyes on her, she hugged herself and headed aimlessly toward the back of the gym, desperately needing to be away from him. Before she’d found out how stupid he really was, she’d . . . she’d been interested. The way he talked to her, the way it felt when he’d touched her hand that one time, stirred things inside her she’d thought were dead.

What had happened to Jami killed those feelings. Which was good. She didn’t need a man like Ford in her life.

Not that she’d ever
considered letting him in.

Her foot thumped into something heavy and she yelped, hopping as she glared at the stack of weights on the floor. Her eyes teared and she cursed under her breath, dropping hard on the mat to rub her abused toes through her thin running shoe.

A man crouched in front of her. “Akira? You okay? Sorry about that. I tried to warn you, but you didn’t hear me.”

Glancing up, Akira grinned as she recognized Scott Demyan, the Cobra’s notorious bad boy. Strangely enough, he didn’t scare her. He could have any woman he wanted, and he was so out there with his flirting that he didn’t come across as a threat. It was the men who pretended to be all polite in public that had to be watched. Their true form came out when they had you alone. Scott was Scott, and it was refreshing to be around a man who didn’t try to hide who he was.

“I’m okay.” She pushed to her feet, pretending not to notice the hand he held out as she furtively glanced over her shoulder to make sure Jami hadn’t gone too far. Scott might not scare her, but she still didn’t like men touching her. Letting them come too close was an invitation to do more. “A little surprised to see you here though. Everyone talks about how lazy you are.”

Scott snorted. “Well, aren’t you blunt.”

“I’m honest.”

“Honest or not, do you really think I’d look like this if I sat on my ass all day?” He flexed his biceps, then wiggled his eyebrows. “Go ahead and touch. You know you want to.”

Without thinking, Akira giggled and poked Scott’s bicep. It felt good not being scared. And this was why she’d come in here, right? To get comfortable with the players. To convince herself they wouldn’t grab her and hurt her.

Big hands settled on her hips, the hands of a stranger, holding her still. Her lips parted, but she couldn’t scream. The gym disappeared and she saw them again, dragging her into an empty office, tearing at her clothes. Laughing.

“Damn she’s hot, Demyan.” The voice behind her was cold. Bitter. Icy fingertips slid over her stomach. He laughed when she shivered. “Think I might have to steal this bunny away. Fair play and all, right?”

Scott reached for Akira, his tone sharp. “You stupid asshole, let her—”

“Son of a bitch!” Ford yanked the man behind her away before she could get a good look at him. Akira winced as the big black man who’d been with Dominik blocked Ford and caught a fist in the gut. Ford shoved at him, his expression wild. “Get out of my way, Cam.”

“No can do, boss.” Cam’s face split into a satisfied grin as Scott nailed a younger man with a swift fist to the jaw, knocking him on his ass. “I’ll take him out back if you want me to, but I think Demyan’s got this.”

Dominik stepped up behind Akira, putting a hand on her shoulder, his brow creasing as she cringed away. She tried to stay still as her mind caught up with her body. Dominik. This was Dominik and he wouldn’t hurt her. He was speaking, but she couldn’t hear his words. All she could see was the man—little more than a boy actually, on the ground, black curls flattened with sweat, head bowed, spitting out a mouthful of blood. He was big though. Big enough to do damage. And he was getting up . . .

“Akira.” Jami elbowed her way through the crowd, then rushed to Akira, smoothing away the hair clinging to the tears on Akira’s cheeks. Jami’s hands were nice and warm. Her voice reached Akira unlike any other sound around them. “Look at me, sweetie. Are you okay?”

“Fine. I’m fine.” Akira’s teeth chattered and a cold chill spread across her flesh, making her shake so hard that she was sure her bones were frozen inside. They wouldn’t work if she needed to run. And she needed to run. The man was standing. “Let’s go. I want to go, Jami.”

Dominik cut off her view of the scene with his wide chest and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. “Get her to my car, Jami. I’m gonna get this settled.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Jami hugged Akira to her side, speaking low as she led her outside. “Damn it, I should have stayed with you. I didn’t think . . .”

Akira stumbled along the sidewalk, heaving as much air into her lungs as she could manage. She almost walked right by Dominik’s SUV, but Jami gently took her hand, guiding her back. The hot metal was wonderfully solid behind her. The gym was almost a block away. And no one was coming out.

But if he did—Jami was here. Jami would stay with her and Dominik would come. They’d protect her. Only . . . her pulse slowed, and she dropped her head back against the window. No one should have to protect her. Fight for her. Any other woman would have turned around and slapped the guy.
But not me. I just stood there and let him . . .

“Akira?” Jami unlocked the backseat of Dominik’s SUV, concern shadowing her eyes. “Talk to me, girl. Are you okay?”

“No!” Akira pressed her hand over her mouth. She couldn’t yell at Jami. It wasn’t her fault. “I-I h-hate that I r-reacted like that. I s-should have—”

Jami shook her head as Akira climbed into the backseat, then leaned over to hug her. “Don’t do that to yourself. He caught you off-guard.”

“I shouldn’t have
off-guard! I know what men are like!”

“Not all men. Look how pissed Scott was. And Ford—”

Why should he care? He knows I don’t want anything to do with him.” Akira gnashed her teeth. “It’s his fault you got hurt.”

“That’s not true.” Jami bit her bottom lip and crossed her arms over her ribs. “He didn’t know . . . anyway, this isn’t about him. You were doing so good until—”

“Yes, you were.” Dominik came up behind Jami, resting his forearm above the open door. His muscles tensed and relaxed, and his soft lips turned down at the edges, tight with regret. “I’m sorry that happened, Akira, but you need to focus on how far you’ve come. I’ve never seen you so comfortable around a man. What is it about Demyan that had you so relaxed?”

Dominik’s calm steadied her, helped clear her mind. She fiddled with the hem of her shorts, blocking out everything but his question. The way Dominik held her gaze, his eyes warm with approval, made her feel like maybe she’d done something right.

“He’s . . . I don’t know—straightforward?” She wrinkled her nose, not sure that made any sense. Why would a man so overtly flirty be easier to deal with than the men who tried to be nice? “It’s clear what he wants from a woman. And that saying ‘No’ would be okay. He’d just move on.”

The skin around Dominik’s eyes crinkled slightly. “I can see that.” He cocked his head. “But what about the other men? I thought you were coming to see me at first, but then you stopped. Why?”

“The man you were with . . . he made me nervous.” The tattoos. Akira shook her head. What a stupid thing to go on. There were evil men without a mark on their bodies.

“That man was my brother, Cameron. He’s a good guy.”

“He’s working for Ford?”
Ugh, why are you bringing him up again?

Brows furrowed, Dominik nodded slowly. “Apparently. My brother wanted to enlist like our eldest brother, Josh, but he was turned down because of bad blood pressure. He came here to stay with me, get in better shape, and then try again.”

Jami laughed. “He looks like he’s in pretty good shape to me.”

“He is. But he failed the medical and thought I could help him work on his endurance. I’m not sure that will help much, but . . .” Dominik shrugged. “Let’s not change the subject. Are you comfortable with me, Akira?”

“Yes.” Akira blinked, surprised that she didn’t even have to think about it. Dominik was safe. His only interest seemed to be making her stronger. Helping her reach her goals. The only woman he wanted was Oriana. And . . . she frowned. “I wanted to ask you how thing were going with you. Is Oriana still—?”

“She’s leaving tonight.” Dominik’s jaw ticked. His smile was forced. “As much as I appreciate your concern, this is still about you. Who else are you comfortable with?”

Akira considered carefully. Something about Dominik had her wanting to be completely honest. “Luke and Sebastian. I can tell they love Jami, and they don’t look at me like . . .”

“Like?” Dominik prompted.

“Like they want me.”

“So the only men who scare you are the ones who show interest?” Dominik stroked his chin, his expression thoughtful. “I could be wrong, but Ford has shown interest. And he doesn’t seem to frighten you.”

He doesn’t scare me. I want to slap him. And . . .
And nothing. Whatever she’d felt for Ford had evaporated when he’d kept things from Jami that could have prevented the hell her best friend had gone through. “You’re right. But I don’t want to talk about him.”

“Fair enough.” Dominik slowly lowered his hand to her knee, watching her face as she inhaled sharply. When she didn’t shift away, he brushed his fingers gently over her bare skin. “What happened when that man touched you? Did you freeze up? Panic? Did that happen because it was unexpected, or because you were being touched?”

The answer came automatically, the skin on her belly crawling with the echo of the man’s fingers on her. “A little of both. When I went into the gym, I was thinking that the way I was dressed was asking for trouble. But . . .”


She blinked fast. No way was she going to cry about this.
had happened. This time. “I wasn’t dressed slutty when I was attacked. I know my clothes don’t matter.”

“Ah. I see.” Rage flashed through Dominik’s eyes. “You do know it wasn’t your fault? Not what happened before, or what happened today?”

“I guess. But . . . maybe if I hadn’t been playing around with Scott, that other man would have left me alone.”

“That other man was Dave Hunt. And he lost a woman he was interested in to Scott.” Dominik held her gaze, his own hard. “But you are not responsible for how anyone else behaves. I don’t believe Hunt would force himself on you, but he still had no right to put his hands on you. Understand?”

Akira turned her head and stared at the back of the seat in front of her. In joking around with Scott, she’d given Dave the impression that she was open to more. She hadn’t meant to, but that didn’t matter. A normal woman would have handled it better. But she wasn’t normal.

“Akira, look at me.” Dominik patted her knee, then lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “We still have time to work on this. And you’ve made a lot of progress. Next time, we’ll plan this a little better. Start from where you feel safe and go from there. It’s very encouraging that you’re comfortable with me, because I’ll be with you on the cruise. Scott will be there too. If you don’t mind, I’ll have a chat with him. Which means we’ll both be looking out for you. But . . . I’d like to find a way for you to be able to face men on your own. Maybe a self-defense course? Knowing you can bring a man to his knees with a well-placed kick can be empowering.”

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