Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book) (2 page)

BOOK: Officer Wolf (Sizzling Shifter BBW Romance) (With Bonus Book)
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“You’ve heard of them, right? I mean, there’s no normal sounding way to explain it. I’m a human, but I can shift into a wolfupon will. Always have been able to.”

Lana just stood there without saying anything.
What could she say?
She twiddled her thumbs together and wondered if he was just pulling her leg. She realized soon that he had to be.

“Good one.” She laughed and reached down for her coffee which had gotten cold.

“I’m serious…” He stood there awkwardly.

“You’re trying to tell me you can change into a wolf ?”


“I saw a video on the news of a guy transforming into a wolf a few weeks ago and I knew it was some phony story edited by a Hollywood production company. That stuff is make believe, it’s stuff of science fiction.”

“I was worried you’d take it this way, though I suppose it’s better than you getting upset.”

“It’s just not funny. What’s with all the shifter stuff lately? I skimmed past some online article about it the other day too.” She was starting to sound annoyed and Chris almost regretted bringing it up.

“I’m not trying to be funny. I’m telling you the god honest truth. Shifters exist. And the footage you mentioned a few weeks ago was real, I saw it as well. The reason you’re hearing about them all of a sudden is because the footage sparked a commotion in the shifter community and we’re coming out of hiding to show the world that we’re all mostly peaceful creatures. There are some bad apples, just like regular humans, but most of us are as good as we can be.”

Lana sipped her cold coffee and set it down on the table with a clank. She stared at Chris and finally smiled. Fine, if he wanted to play this silly game she’d play along. He was sexy, polite, and had a big dick – maybe he was onto something.

“Prove it. Change into a wolf right now, or
as you call it. I won’t be scared.”

Chris sighed and smirked bashfully, “You really want me to? Is that what it’s going to take?”

“Yes.” She said without hesitation.

Chris shifted in a matter of seconds into the big burly wolf he was. His uniform was made up of seventy five percent spandex so it didn’t tear or fray. He plopped down on all four paws and seemed to smile at her with his big barred teeth between his long wolf snout.

Lana passed out upon sight of him and he quickly caught her in his paws before she smacked her head on the hardwood floor.

, he thought.

Chapter 3


“Lana, sweetie? You alright?” Chris’s voice sounded deep and billowy, as if Lana was coming out of a dream. She was, in a sense.

He poured a bowl of cold water on her face and she quickly screeched and felt her body rise up as if it were coming out of the grave.

What the?

The sun was still shining through the living room window and Meg wiped the water from her face. She wondered how long she’d been out, and Chris quickly reassured her that it hadn’t been for long at all. She had hazy memories of seeing him change into a wolf , and she silently scolded herself for being so silly. Then another thought began to eat at her – was she losing her mind?

“You were just out for a few minutes. Are you okay? I’m sorry,” He stammered, “I should have known that would be frightening to someone who didn’t believe in shifters.”

“It was… Wait, what?” She asked slowly.

“My shift. You fainted right when you saw my wolf.”

“Your wolf?... What… That actually happened?” She asked breathlessly.

“Yes, Lana. Remember? I shifted right in front of you after you asked me to, because you didn’t believe I was a wolf when I told you about it. Don’t you remember?”

“I do, I was just thinking of it as I woke up, but I… But I thought it had to be some kind of silly dream.”

Chris smiled a warm and pleasant smile, “It was no dream. Are you okay? I’ll leave once I can see you get up and walk around. I just need to know you’re alright.”

Her eyes darted to him quickly, “No, don’t leave. I’m fine. I really like you, I just – I guess I thought you were crazy or something. But now that I know you were telling the truth and you’re not some strange liar... I mean, you’re a
?” She asked suddenly.

“When I want to be. Most of the time I’m just good ol’ Lieutenant Chris.” He grinned again.

“Well, I can’t say I don’t believe you, because you sure showed me.” She stood shakily to her feet with Chris’s assistance and wobbled for a moment before finding her ground.

Chris handed her a glass of water and she drank half of it before handing it back to him and shaking her head.

“I can’t believe I fainted. How embarrassing.”

Chris suddenly grinned mischievously, “Do you remember what happened a few minutes before that?”

Life suddenly sparked into Lana’s voice with great excitement, “Of course big guy. How could a woman forget the size of
thing?” She pointed down towards his crotch.

“Just checking…” He rasped.

“So, uh… What now?”

“Well, I figured I’d sweep up the place for you.”

“Don’t you need to get back to work?”

“It’s a typical uneventful day, like most every day here in town. I think everybody will be just fine, and I’ve got my radio on me if anything

“You don’t have to sweep, I’ll do that.”

“No, I insist. I want to make this place comfortable for you. You sit down and rest, and sip your water.”

Chris seemed to have all the right moves; what a gentleman he was. Lana watched him lustfully as he grabbed the broom from the corner of the kitchen and began sweeping up all the dust and debris from the months that it had been a sedentary place. After a few minutes he’d swept up everything and poured a large pan of dust into the trashcan. Then he found the mop in the storage closet and filled a bucket with soapy water as he looked down at Lana who sat dozing on the couch.

Her eyes fluttered open and closed, and she opened them again when she noticed him looking at her, “I’ve never met someone and fallen so soon for them, but I think you’re an exception. I feel silly in a way.”

“You do? Same here, but oh well. I have a weird feeling about you.”

?” She laughed and widened her eyes.

“I mean that in a good way. It’s a compliment. Usually I’m able to handle myself around women, because I get so many of them trying to get with me. It doesn’t work for them ninety percent of the time.”

“And the other ten?”

“It never goes anywhere after the sex.”

“Well aren’t you a little playboy?” She asked teasingly.

“Not quite. I’m a heartbreaker.” He teased back and set the bucket of soapy water on the floor. He dipped the mop into it and pulled it out before wringing it until it was merely damp, and then he set his mind to the job at hand – mopping the hell out of the dirty, neglected floor.

He swung the thick head of it around and swiped left and right, back and forth. Bit by bit the floor began to shine, and when he was done he stood there breathing heavily before setting the mop back in the bucket which he’d refilled four times.

“I think I should keep you around here,” Lana half joked, “You’d be a good house husband.”

“And you’d be the worker, right?”

“Well, I
a worker. It’s not like I’m a housewife.”

“I think I’ll keep the lieutenant gig – but no offense.” He smiled and sat down by her after pouring himself a glass of water and sipping it lightly.

“Thank you for everything.”

Chris paused and his smile faded. He looked at her seriously and said, “About me being a shifter. Are you-”

“It’s fine,” She interrupted, “In fact it’s more than fine. I never had anything
the idea of that… I just didn’t think it was real. But now that I know it is in fact very real, I’m almost… Well, I think it’s pretty cool. You seemed protective before, like you’d be a good guy to have around, but now…” She hesitated to find the words, “I can only imagine how comfortable I’d feel in your arms.”

“Want to find out?” He asked.

She stepped off of her loveseat and joined him across the table on the other one. She sat in his lap and felt her body shiver with warmth as he wrapped his muscular arms around her. He was still in uniform after all that and she snickered at the thought that by now he might as well be wearing sweats and a baggy tee shirt.

She leaned up and kissed his neck, looking back slightly with her eyes peering towards him out of the corner of her head. He looked back at her and held the kiss for a moment before pulling away and caressing her hair.

“This is moving fast.” He said blankly.

“Are you… Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, if you are.”

“I am. I know more than anything that I am.”

“And what’s the worst that could happen, right? It doesn’t work out? So what?”


“But I think it will. I have a weird feeling about you. A woman’s never been able to give me such an instant feeling of… Man, I can’t even find the words.”

“Be quiet. I know. We don’t have to find the words. Let’s just look into each other’s eyes and enjoy the moment.

Lana held a finger to his lip and closed it shut. They stared at each other with a sense of wonder in their eyes. Was it too good to be true, or was this a rare case of love at first sight?


Chapter 4


Chris strolled back into the station around thirty minutes later. The sun was starting to set and the Northern California air was coming in cooler. Fall was on the horizon and Chris was looking forward to it; the summer had been unusually hot for those parts. But he couldn’t complain, considering he’d visited the Deep South before and had been unable to handle the treacherous humidity. California in its entirety was a breeze when compared to that.

The Sheriff sat at the far end of the desk and sipped his coffee. It was where he always sat, at all hours of the day. The small portable television bellowed some old black and white sitcom and he sat howling with laughter as he damn near spilled his coffee all over him. It would’ve left a dark stain like it had numerous times before; the Sheriff drank his coffee black.

He was an old man in his late sixties and on the verge of retirement. He could’ve retired years back but he said he got bored and wanted to keep the job.

“What else would I be doing?” He’d asked, “Sitting in my cabin looking out the window at the bird feeder? And dealing with my wife? Fuck that.”

He had a mouth on him, and a sense of humor that could be riled up from a simple remark such as ‘nice day isn’t it?’ The Sheriff would burst out in laughter and make some kind of joke about the day, often times one he’d heard twenty years back. He liked his town and the town liked him, but the town also knew he was damn lazy.

He looked up at Chris and quickly shifted his gaze back to the sitcom he was so entranced by, “Anything happening?” He asked. He always asked that.

“No sir-ee. Quiet day like every day, it seems.”

“Figured. Paradise on earth, ain’t it son?”

“Sure is, Sheriff Wilson.” Chris smiled and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a soda and cracked it open, then drank half of it thirstily and wiped his lips, “Edna doing alright?”

“Oh, Edna’s fine. Same as always.” The Sheriff kept his eyes glued to the TV.

“Good to hear.”

Chris was used to silence on the radio. There were four officers other than the Sheriff and himself that prowled the streets throughout the day, only two to three on duty at the same time. At this time a younger man who was fairly new but not quite a rookie still was on duty. His name was Officer McKinney. Chris heard a frantic buzzing voice burst out from his hip and he grabbed the radio and could practically hear it vibrating with panic.

Muffled screams and hoarse cries emitted on the other end before Chris had a chance to even open his mouth and respond, and the Sheriff perked up and listened with horrified interest as his eyes widened.

Finally the voice became somewhat audible, “He’s got me in the trunk, man.”

Chris listened carefully and spoke sternly as Sheriff Wilson rose, “Where are you?”

“How the fuck should I know?” McKinney’s voice shook.

“Who, though, McKinney? I need you to tell me what happened, and is anyone around you?”

I’m in a fuckin’ trunk, Chris. I’m scared. It was the guy you showed me pictures of, him!
It was
Isaac Jones, man
.” He rattled.

Chris held the radio calmly to his ear and took a deep breath. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all and he knew it and Sheriff Wilson knew it and most of all Officer McKinney knew it.

“I’m going to-” Chris’s voice trailed off as the sound of something clanking open (presumably the trunk) was followed by what sounded like a struggle and then a firearm going off four times. There was silence; dead silence. Chris’s eyes widened and he found himself afraid to speak, afraid of the voice that would pick up on the other line.

His worries washed away albeit temporarily when McKinney spoke hurriedly, “Chris, you there? He got away. I shot him in the shoulder but it’s so dark here and he ran off into the woods. Fucker tried to pop me as soon as he opened the trunk but I lunged forward and grabbed his gun, guess he didn’t think I could get out of this knot he’d tied over my hands.”

“Are you out of the trunk? He could still be around, hiding in the woods and watching you. He might have another gun on him.”

“No, that was the only one and I’ve got it now. He held me at knifepoint when he caught me earlier, machete actually. So he’s got one of those still.”

“Can you see the lights of town?”

“Let me look.” There was a long pause and Chris could hear the footsteps of McKinney stepping frantically over leaves and brush.

“I know where I am. He took me up towards the hiking trail on the north side, up in the mountains. I can see the lights but they’re far away.”

“I’ll be there to get you. Coming now.”

“Be safe, man.”

be safe, McKinney.”

Chris ran outside onto the streets as Sheriff Wilson stared dumbly with his mouth agape. But he didn’t run to his car, not yet. He ran around the corner and up the steps of Lana’s apartment building and knocked hurriedly on the door. She opened with a look of startle.

“What happened?”

“Isaac Jones, the arson. He’s back in town. I need you to keep your doors locked and I’m going to phone the Sheriff to come up here and guard you. He kidnapped one of our officers and I’m going to get him.”

“Chris, I… Oh gosh, what if something happens to you?”

Chris stared at her and smiled softly; he placed a finger on her lip and said, “It’s my job, Lana. The Sheriff will be here in a few minutes.”

Chris kissed her as he held her close; his arms dug into the soft skin of her back and he almost shed a tear, but he was too alpha for that. He pulled away from her and wiped his face as he looked at her sternly

“Make sure when the Sheriff knocks you ask who it is. His name’s Wilson. Okay? Don’t let anyone else in.”

Chris turned to the door and slammed it shut as he went out of it. He left the building and walked to his police cruiser and hit the gas before speeding off towards the mountains.
Isaac Jones had to be caught. He’d caused enough misery before to do it again


McKinney was sitting up against a tree stump smoking a cigarette. He looked calm and collected, but he had dried blood on his cheek and he held the cigarette kind of shakily between his fingers as he stood up to greet Chris.

“Which direction did he run off to?” Chris asked.

McKinney exhaled a thick cloud of smoke and coughed. He waved vaguely towards the sloping wooded hill and then returned the cigarette to his mouth and sucked it hungrily. He looked nervous and like he’d just run a marathon and he had a spurt of dark blood on his uniform. Chris knew it was the blood of Isaac.

“Are you hurt bad?” Chris asked.

“I’m fine. I’m gonna help you. This son of a bitch has to be caught before…”

“Before he burns the damn town down. I have a bad feeling about this. I thought that he might be gone forever.”

Chris took a deep breath and hurried down the hill. McKinney sighed and took one last drag of his smoke before stomping it out with his boot and following Chris through the thick shrubbery and trees. It was dark so Chris pulled out his flashlight but it made him feel so exposed. He couldn’t see a damn thing past the beam of light anyway, so he realized he was better off without it.

He stopped when an idea came to his head – an idea that was pretty clever. He turned around to face McKinney and waved a hand at his flashlight as a signal to turn it off. McKinney paused and then clicked the light off, and then they were engulfed in the darkness.

“Stay behind me. I have an idea. I’m going to shift.”

“You’re going to shift?” McKinney asked blankly.

“I can see better at night as a wolf. In fact, my eyesight is excellent in the dark. I want you to follow my paw steps as I go down the hill, alright?”

McKinney laughed and said, “Plus I bet we’ll be safer. The fucker could be hiding behind any of these bushes or trees and might pop out on us. With you being in wolf form, you can maul his ass before he gets a chance to pop off a shot.”

Chris nodded his head and didn’t reply. It was true, but he needed to focus. He didn’t like the jolly way McKinney was talking as if he was
. This wasn’t something to be excited about; it was something to be scared of. Isaac Jones was a bad man who needed to be stopped. Chris closed his eyes and shifted in a matter of seconds. He plopped down onto all four paws and began trotting down the sloping hill through the wilderness.

His eyesight was virtually perfect. Even a tiny gnat that flew past him was instantly recognizable out of the corner of his eye, and he knew that if Isaac Jones was hiding around them he’d be able to sniff him out. In fact, after a few minutes he paused and tilted his snout up into the air. He took a big whiff and then turned his head and pointed with one paw.

“He went that way. I can smell him, it’s getting stronger. Get your gun ready.”

McKinney looked nervous and felt terrified in the pitch black night, so he kept extremely close to Chris as they hurried down the hill. His grip was so tight on the gun that it hurt his fingers and he loosened it a bit as he took big breaths. Chris stopped again and McKinney ran into him and screamed with fear before feeling his fur and realizing it was him.

“Be quiet.” Chris demanded.

“Sorry, I just can’t see a damn thing. I didn’t know what I was running into.”

“It’s alright, just keep it down. I can smell the bastard real good now.”

Chris trotted forward slower than he had been; McKinney hot on his tail holding his gun to the ground as he walked sideways in battle stance. Then Chris suddenly sniffed the air and there was a loud gunshot that rang out. It seemed to come from twenty feet away and the bullet grazed his fur as he twisted his snout around and tackled McKinney softly to shield him from the gunfire.

Stay down, he’s to our left
.” Chris growled and pushed McKinney into the dirt before hopping off of his trembling body and sprinting on all four legs towards the gunfire. He could see Isaac Jones some twenty feet off, and he’d taken off into an all-out sprint as he realized that Chris was running at him in wolf form.

Chris realized that he probably couldn’t see a damn thing and he was surprised that he hadn’t tripped and fallen yet, and then as if on cue he heard a loud thud. He was on him in a second. Isaac had run into a tree and blood was pouring from his hairline. He groaned and Chris quickly checked his hands to make sure he wasn’t holding the gun, but he wasn’t. The force of the impact into the tree had thrown it out of his hand and Chris sniffed it out about ten feet down the hill before returning to Isaac’s unconscious body.

He shifted back to human form so that he could use his handcuffs and then quickly twisted Isaac onto his stomach and cuffed his hands together. It took all of his willpower to not shift back into his wolf form and maul Isaac right then and there; to drain the life from him with a simple stroke his claws.

But he didn’t. He was too good a man for that. Too noble a person to murder another in cold blood.

Instead he picked him up and slung his limp body over his shoulder, and then carried him back to where McKinney was laying and turned on his flashlight. The two of them made their way back up the steep hill and when they got to the top McKinney was wheezing and Chris was breathing slowly as if he’d just woken up from an invigorating nap. He slung the limp body into the backseat of his police car and told McKinney he’d meet him down at the station.

The two cars pulled off and drove down the hilly road towards the lights of town.

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