Office Perks (16 page)

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Authors: Monica Belle

BOOK: Office Perks
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John took no time at all, holding me by the hair and
fucking my mouth. I was off balance, still horny but starting to lose control. Not that it mattered, they were going to have me and that was that. John came in my mouth and I struggled to swallow, gasping for breath as the next man replaced him, my fifth, with the sixth watching, his cock in his hand as I went down on his mate. I didn't even know his name, but it didn't matter. We were not about to have polite conversation.

I was going to be made to do it, to suck and fuck at the same time, just as I'd wanted. It was too good to miss, and as the man I was sucking began to wank into my mouth, I gave my bottom an encouraging wiggle to show I was ready and willing. He wasn't, his cock was limp in his hand, and I pulled back, to take him in, praying his mate would know what to do. He just laughed, tugging at himself as I began to kiss and lick at the other's cock and balls, determined to get him stiff.

The first guy moved behind me, and the most delicious melting sensation ran through me as I realised he was going to put it in me. The head of his dick touched between my bum cheeks. I pulled back, teasing him before he grabbed me and then shoved it right in, filling me and pushing my breath out in one long gasp. He grunted, thrusting hard as I struggled to get his mate's still limp equipment in my mouth. The cheeky sod had come, deep up me, jammed in against my bottom as he emptied his balls into my body.

Disappointment filled me even as I took the other man's cock back in my mouth. It was so close, but they'd failed to give me what I so badly needed, and I was left to suck off one last man before it would be otherwise. I'd still do it, so as not to hurt his feelings, but as I mouthed on his cock and tickled under his balls I was thinking of how pathetic men can be about performing in front of each other. Again I caught the sound of voices, the
security men, and I realised we'd been caught. It was over.

The guy I was sucking swore and pulled quickly away, darting off between the cases even as the biggest of the two security men, Mike, shouldered his way into the space. He took one look at me and his mouth came open in surprise and lust. I had to offer, because I wanted it, because he was one of the biggest, roughest men I'd ever seen; and it was the only way of keeping myself from being sacked.

‘You can have a go too, come on.'

I didn't wait for an answer, pulling at his fly. His hands went to mine, just briefly, but I could feel his cock bulging in his trousers, and he could feel me. I pulled him out, straight into my mouth, sucking on his thick, fleshy prick even as his mate arrived.

‘What are you-?'

‘Shut up, Ismael, wait your fucking turn!'

Ismael didn't answer, but just stood staring as I guided the security guard down onto the packing case. I took his balls out to suck them, eager to oblige and to keep my job. My bum was sticking up behind me, available, my pussy open and ready – surely a tempting target? I half turned, to give Ismael a nod of encouragement before taking Mike's cock back in. Still he stood watching. I wiggled my bum, willing him to take me, and before Mike came in my mouth. Still he failed to react, gaping like a fish. I pulled back, gasping.

‘Just fuck me, will you, you dozy git!'

His mouth fell open, but the next instant he was snatching at the buckle of his belt. As it came loose I'd taken Mike back in my mouth, now sucking contentedly with my bottom well lifted for entry, and watching from the corner of my eye. Mike laughed as Ismael nearly fell in his urgency to get his trousers down, but there was
not going to be a problem. His long, dark cock was already half stiff, and he got straight down behind me.

I closed my eyes in bliss as I moved my pursed lips slowly up and down on Mike's shaft, acutely aware of every sensation my body was bringing me as I was prepared for my fucking. Ismael's cock settled between my bum cheeks, rubbing in my crease. I could feel it stiffening and growing to make a long, hard bar, before he pushed it down. Big hands closed in the flesh of my hips. His cock pushed at my entrance, in among the wet folds, to send a jolt of ecstasy right through me as he touched my clit, and then up me.

It was happening, what I'd imagined so many times: two men inside me, my body held in big, strong hands, rocking between them on their cocks. Mike had taken hold of my head, while Ismael's fingers were locked deep in the flesh of my hips. I couldn't have escaped if I'd wanted to. But I didn't. Anything but. What I wanted was to be fucked, long and hard, mouth and pussy full of cock, my breasts naked, Ismael's solid body pushing onto my bare bum over and over as his erection slid in and out inside me.

I had to come again, and my fingers flew back to my pussy as I fought to keep my balance. They found the wet flesh, mine soft, then Ismael's hard as he eased himself in and out. These guys had full control, enjoying my body, and I could let go completely, concentrating on the feeling of a double fucking as I began to rub. It was perfect, so naughty, so rude – me on my knees with my clothes dishevelled to show my breasts and my bottom, my pussy too; kneeling to suck man after man after man.

It was too much to take in without coming, which was what I was going to do. I should have held off, teased myself, waiting until they were ready and I could have had my body filled as I came. I couldn't, my need
was too strong to hold back as I went wild, squirming my body on their erections, sucking frantically on Mike, wiggling my bum on Ismael, desperate for more contact as my body went tight, and I was there.

I would have screamed. I would have screamed the warehouse down if I'd hadn't had several inches of thick, hard penis in my mouth to keep me quiet. Mainly I'd have screamed for the sheer ecstasy I was in, but also because at the exact moment I hit my peak so did they, together, and as my body jerked and shook in orgasm I was being pumped full of thick, hot spunk, the perfect detail to a perfect climax.

Just possibly – just – I might not have indulged myself with the entire male staff of the Tilbury bond if it hadn't been for my sense of pique at Niall expecting to shag my friends without allowing me the same latitude. Then again, probably not, but perhaps I might have felt a teeny bit guilty. As it was, I was absolutely singing, and the only bad thing about it was that I'd have liked to be able to share my experience with Niall, describing what had happened in glowing detail until he'd been fit to burst and then getting down to business ourselves.

I couldn't do that, sadly, although it was nearly as much fun describing what had happened on the phone to Bobbie and Sophie, both of whom were creaming themselves by the time I'd finished. As well as being desperate to tell them, I'd called to make sure we were on for Saturday night. I now felt good about it, having disposed of my reservations, and was up for just about anything Niall could think up, along with a few ideas of my own.

Sadly it was not to be. Aside from drooling over my experience, Sophie was not on good form, in bed with a nasty cold and not up for anything. Bobbie didn't want
to play without Sophie, and was also due on, souring her mood and making her insecure about enjoying herself in front of Niall. We agreed to postpone, setting a firm date for the following week, when with luck all three of us would be on form.

Niall was less than happy, and took a lot of convincing that we hadn't simply chickened out. We went out anyway, just the two of us, drinking in the West End because I couldn't face Gogarty's, then back to his house for whiskey and sex. I did my best, and it was good. The first time we'd barely got the door closed behind us, and he had me on the floor in the hall, on my back with my jeans and knickers pulled down and my legs rolled up to let him get into me. He'd been getting wound up to it all evening, and he'd come in moments, leaving me more in need than ever.

It took me a short while to tease him back into action. I put the Prodigy on and stripped for him, fast and rude, making a show of my bum, right in his face and when I was nude pouring Jameson's down my tits so that he could lick it off. He'd left his cock out and I went down as soon as the music had finished, naked on my knees to him as I slowly sucked him back to erection. As soon as he was ready I mounted up in his lap, thighs spread wide so he could play with my breasts as I stroked myself and felt his balls and his cock where his shaft filled me out. I came like that, rubbing at myself and snatching at his balls while he bounced me on his erection.

Even as I came I was imagining how much better it would have been with a second man to slip his cock into my mouth as Niall and I fucked, and it was the same later. Niall had me on the bed after I'd showered, kneeling with my bottom up for rear entry and his thumbs holding my cheeks spread wide. It felt glorious, and it was him I wanted in me, no question; but even with his
hand tucked in under myself to bring me off I was imagining how it would be to have him fuck me while one man after another enjoyed my mouth.

I'd learned how it feels to have two men attend to me at once, and I wasn't going back.


23 August, 7.30 a.m. – Lucy Doyle wakes to the sound of her radio alarm, ready for another day.

23 August, 7.58 a.m. – the telephone rings, presumably Mrs Maryam Smith with the weekly assignment.

23 August,7.59 a.m. – Lucy Doyle is no longer ready for another day.

Smith, and she wanted me in at Super Staff, preferably half-an-hour ago. She didn't say why, and she sounded so pissed off I didn't dare ask. I was close to panic as I struggled to make-up and get my shit together, and it didn't get any better. As I sat on the tube, all the things that might have gone wrong were going round and round in my head.

Maybe Lucas Sherringham had finally discovered who had called him a pervert? I'd be sacked on the spot.

Maybe my little escapade at the Tilbury bond had been caught on camera after all? I'd be sacked on the spot.

Maybe she'd found out that my application was a load of bollocks? I'd be sacked on the spot.

Maybe she'd reported it to the police? I'd be arrested for fraud the instant I set foot in the building.

Come to think of it, it was probably best if Lucas Sherringham and Mrs Henshaw had both complained, in spades. At least I could walk away.

By the time I reached Edgware Road tube I was biting my lip and wondering how I could have gone to the loo, drunk nothing, and still feel as if I was about to wet my knickers. I stopped outside the Bull, wishing it was open, just to make sure Super Staff wasn't occupied by the fraud squad.

It wasn't, or if it was they were being remarkably discreet about it, and I finally plucked up the courage to cross the street, press the intercom, mount the stairs and present myself at Mrs Smith's office. She was looking at me down her nose, my file open on the desk in front of her. I found myself scowling, prepared to defend my conduct, because even if it was pointless I would go down fighting. She began.

‘You were supposed to go to Tilbury today,' she began.

I went pink. It was the Tilbury thing, and doubtless half-an-hour or more of video you could have offered in any porno shop from Bangkok to Birmingham and no questions asked. Lucy does London. Lucy takes six, no, eight.

‘ . . . but Miss Cherwell is ill and she suggests you take her place. It's a higher rate, and Mrs Henshaw is prepared to accept Miss Chakravathi in your place. Is that acceptable?'

All my tension had drained away in the time she'd taken to speak, leaving me weak at the knees and so, so relieved. If she'd suggested I take an assignment stoking Satan's furnaces I'd have jumped at it, and I was nodding my head immediately. She went on.

‘Good. You'd better hurry then. Here's your assignment sheet, and thank you for being flexible.'

I nodded and took the sheet. Leanne had just come into the outside office and I made way for her, exchanging smiles as we passed. My sense of relief continued as I made my way down to the street. It was like after
having a close call in a car, or finding that the home pregnancy test is negative. I needed a drink, but it was too early and I had to content myself with a can of ginger beer as I made for the tube.

It was only when I was on the platform that I read my assignment, assuming I was headed for Watford and Richard Drake, maybe a spot of golf, perhaps sex over the office desk. I wasn't. Instead I was to go to right out to Henley-on-Thames, where Hilary Chalmers would meet me at the station.

Hilary Chalmers was the one Sophie had taken rather than go to Richard Drake. He had to be something else: either seriously rich and generous, or seriously horny. Perhaps both. Either way, I was well up for it. It was twenty-four pounds an hour too – so much more than I normally got that I had to double-check the assignment sheet to make sure I'd read it properly.

Meeting me at the station suggested that something dubious was going on, and as I sat on the train out from Paddington I was more than a little apprehensive. Maybe he'd be cute, maybe he wouldn't, and I knew I could never, ever allow myself to go with somebody I didn't fancy. Still, Richard Drake had been OK, better than OK, and Sophie had preferred Hilary Chalmers.

My thoughts were going round and round all the way to Henley and, by the time I'd arrived, I was quietly determined to do what suited me – nothing more, and nothing less. After building myself up it was a bit of a knock to find nobody there to meet me. There were plenty of people being dropped off and picked up, so I waited at what seemed the most sensible place, expecting something fancy, a big Merc or a Beamer 7, maybe even a Roller. When a silver S-Type Jag appeared I found myself straightening up and quickly adjusting my skirt, but when it stopped a woman got out, evidently
wealthy, in a designer suit of deep-blue wool, perfectly accessorised and made up just so, her face set in an aloof sneer.

There was nobody else in the car, so I went back to inspecting the road and trying to look winsome and efficient at the same time. The rich bitch came to stand near me, glancing at her watch in an irritable manner, then at me as if I was personally responsible for her woes, then at the train as it pulled out. After another moment she went for her phone, dialled, stood tapping her foot for a space and then spoke.

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