Read Offal: A Global History Online
Authors: Nina Edwards
Offal Good
Chef Chris Consentino’s educational website about offal
Eat Me Daily
General critical food blog with Offal of the Week column
The Food Maven
Restaurant critic Arthur Schwartz’s food blog
Save the Deli
David Sax’s website about the Jewish delicatessen
The Philosophy of Food Project
University of Texas site on the philosophical significance of food, director David M. Kaplan
The Food Timeline
Thanks to Sue Best, Sally Bjork, Som Chewasuwan, Zhenya Dewfield of
, Stephanie Diani, Ruth Dupré, Jeremy Edwards, Peter Edwards, The European Supermarket West Ealing, Sue Floyd, Brenda Gentle, Jan Göransson of The Swedish Film Institute, Jonathan Goy of World Trade Statistics, Irene Gunston, Görel Halström, Anissa Helou, Susan Huntington, The International Meat Trade Association, Roger Kelsey of The National Federation of Meat and Food Traders, Kate Kessling, Michael Leaman, Oliver Leaman, Tony Luckhurst, Kate Lynch, Salma Malik, Stephen Martyn, Tony Matelli, Bruce McCall, Lynne Olver of The Food Timeline, Chris Peake, Sheila Perkins, Jane Reddish, Richardson’s Butchers Northfields, Quality Meat Scotland, Alex Rushmer, Nicole Russo of Leo Koenig Inc., Gordon Sloan, Kari Smith, Olive Smith, John Vassallo, Dick Vigers, Waitrose and Tara Austen Weaver.
The author and the publishers wish to express their thanks to the below sources of illustrative material and/or permission to reproduce it:
Author’s collection: pp. 8, 16–17, 21, 28, 37, 38, 45, 58, 72, 74, 80–81, 97, 107; Shutterstock: pp. 6, 11, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 48, 49, 53, 59, 61, 63, 73, 85; Michael Leaman: pp. 64, 65, 66–7;
Le Boucher
(dir. Claude Chabrol, 1970): p. 71; Stephanie Diani: pp. 77, 78;
Silent Witness
(dir. Noella Smith, 1996): p. 101; British Museum: pp. 9, 18, 44, 56, 100; Victoria & Albert Museum: pp. 13, 89, 108; Ruth Dupre: p. 20; Rex Features: p. 50; Kate Lynch: p. 84; Hunting ton Archive: p. 93.