Off the Cuff (17 page)

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Authors: Carson Kressley

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Casual belts are where you can really have fun. There's a great selection of cool casual belts available in leather, nylon, grosgrain, etc. I love old western belts and buckles or those with cool logos or your name on them. They look fantastic with denim. And you can throw in some whimsical ribbon belts for summer. You can also find cool military-inspired vintage belts at thrift stores, vintage shops, or army surplus stores.
Just for the record, you may have seen me wear a belt with a pair of pants that did-n't actually have belt loops—say, sweatpants. That is definitely not for amateurs. Do as I say, not as I do. There are some things Mother just can't explain.
This will be admittedly brief. Who really wears suspenders anymore? The Amish, yes. Really weird people with no lives who attend
Mork and Mindy
conventions, yes. Most sane people, no.
I do think suspenders are so cool, though. They look really sophisticated with a suit or a tuxedo. (And by the way—you're buying that tuxedo, not renting, right? See chapter Nine.) Suspenders should be made of silk, grosgrain, or fine cotton webbing, but they can also be made of braided leather. With a finely tailored suit where the pants are constructed with side tabs and no belt loops, they add a certain Wall Street panache. I think of Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko. Since you don't see them too often, I think they make for a really special look.
Suspenders should never be worn with anything else but a suit or a tuxedo. Otherwise it's way too
What's Happening!!
Never wear a belt when you wear suspenders, and for God's sake, don't clip them on to jeans.
Just like all of your other accessories, the bags you use to haul your stuff around in can add a lot of flair and personality to your look. Here are a few basic bags you shouldn't be without.
The “man bag” or “murse.” Most guys carry a lot of stuff to and from work, including a laptop and files. You don't want to carry it around in ShopRite bags or you'll look like a homeless person. You need a good-looking carryall. Not Kitty Carryall, doll.
My favorite everyday bag is a suede or leather messenger bag. It has enough room for your laptop, your files, and some other day-to-day necessities. (You probably already have a desk and an office, or cargo pants, so it shouldn't be
huge. Carrying it shouldn't give you a herniated disk.) There are also some cool nylon varieties out there by companies like Jack Spade. You just have to be careful with nylon because it can look like it's from the IBM collection. They make great computers, but they're not so great with fashion.
I know, I know. You're going to tell me that bags actually designed as computer bags are better for your computer. But they don't look good! If it came with your computer or from an office supply store, just throw it away. Or save it and give it to someone you don't like for the holidays. Sometimes you have to be a slave to fashion, people. So what if you lose all your data from having your laptop jostled around? There could be worse things. Like being heckled on the commuter train.
You might be the rare and lucky recipient of a bag actually designed to hold a computer that also actually looks good. But odds are it might cost more than your laptop. Avoid bags that cost more than the computer you're carrying in them. Or just trust me and stick with the messenger bag, okay?
Now, every once in a while, I come across a straight guy who insists on carrying a “man purse,” which is any bag that's smaller than a laptop bag, a gym bag, or a satchel, but bigger than a wallet. These are treacherous waters, people. Carrying a leather man purse can make you look like Mackenzie Phillips on
One Day at a Time
if you're not careful. Even if it's a little bigger than you need and you don't have enough stuff to fill it up, I still recommend a leather messenger bag rather than a man purse. So much more masculine. Fill it with porn for all I care, just put something in there.
The athletic or gym bag. If you're going to carry your gym bag to and from work every day, please don't let it be one you got free with a bottle of cologne, a deposit at your bank, or your tenth oil change at Jiffy Lube. The giveaway bag is like the free T-shirt. It's free! So there's a reason it looks that way. Just store it in a box marked “yard sale.” A gym bag should be stylish—something sleek, black, and nylon, with logos kept to a minimum. Carrying a dumpy free bag is just like putting a bad raincoat over a great look. It's a buzzkill. It can ruin National Coming Out Day for everyone!
The weekender bag. In this day and age, most people aren't going on really long vacations; they're taking shorter trips and weekend getaways. And while it saddens me that the Louis Vuitton steamer trunk has gone the way of the Edsel, that means that you'll need a good weekend bag.
You should also invest in a good quality leather or nylon dopp kit, either to take to the gym or on vacation. I keep mine packed all the time with my cleanser, toner, moisturizer, toothbrush, deodorant, laminated photos of Cher, etc. That way, I have all my basics ready to go at all times and I never forget something when I go on a trip. The dopp kit can be pretty compact; it doesn't have to be big enough to fit a giant can of Rave hairspray. Because hairspray—the product, not the musical, that is—is never the right answer.
Personally, I think a leather duffel is the perfect thing to hold a weekend's worth of clothes. It's good-looking, handsome, and classic, just like a Baldwin! And it will get better with age, unlike your sex life.
A leather duffel doesn't need to be made by an expensive designer; just be sure to look for good quality leather, stitching, and overall construction. It should be roomy, and ideally will have a nice silk or rayon lining. Don't get crazy and demand all sorts of pockets and pouches. They're like bad wedding gifts; you never use them.
There's nothing sadder than noticing a hot guy at the airport and then seeing him retrieve a bag from the carousel that's covered with teal and lime green oversized tapestry flowers straight from the Cindy Brady collection.
luggage is important. I'm not sure why the worst dressed people in the world are always at the airport. Just don't be one of them. You're traveling, not cleaning out your basement or getting an MRI.
Good luggage can be expensive, but remember you're probably never going to go on safari for a month, so your luggage needs are actually pretty modest. Register for it when you get married! Or just invest in one good quality suitcase and one high-quality garment bag with lots of storage compartments. If you also have a leather weekend bag, you really don't need much more. When shopping for luggage, keep in mind that larger items that need to be checked through your friendly airport baggage handling system might not receive the greatest of care, and should be as durable as possible. Remember the American Tourister gorilla? You should be so lucky.
What to Pack for a Weekend Away
Walletts: Is That a Wallet in Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Personally, I like to see guys with a big bulge in the front and not in the back. And if you sit on a bulging wallet all day, it can lead to back problems and other strains: total chiropractic moment. You also shouldn't keep a big bulky wallet in the breast pocket of your jacket because it will make you look like you have lopsided gynecomastia.
A big overstuffed wallet is a liability in any case, because if you keep everything that's important to you in there, you're so out of luck should you lose it or become the victim of a pickpocket. All of your favorite pictures of your dog, your high school girlfriend's graduation picture, and the ones of hot frat boys you've downloaded from the Internet would all be gone, as would your credit cards and other important personal documents.
Keep your wallet sleek and small and keep the rest of your important items at home in a safe place. Personally, I keep a nice simple little wallet that has a bit of room for my driver's license, two or three credit cards, and a few dead presidents. Cash is so vintage.
I don't think it's even that crucial to have a matched set of luggage; great-looking pieces that look better on their own are more important. How often do you really run around carrying all of your luggage at once? Unless you're costarring with Bette Davis in some 1930s movie about star-crossed lovers and ocean travel, you should be fine.
Modern luggage is not only great because it looks good, but because it has this amazing feature: I don't know if they're new, but they're called “wheels.” I'm always amazed that there are people who still haven't caught on to the wheeled luggage phenomenon and are carting around old buckled suitcases with huge Naugahyde handles that look like they came from the Sanford and Son's estate sale. Hernias are
not cute. Also keep in mind that if there's duct tape anywhere on it, or it needs to be closed with the help of a bungee cord or strap, it should be tossed.
Pack Your Bags! A Carson How To . . .
Packing your suitcase is like making lasagna. It's all about the layers. You want your bag to be bottom heavy, so your shoes should always go in first, along with any other heavy or bulky items. I'm a big fan of tucking things inside my shoes—eyewear, socks, anything little like that. It's spacesaving and also acts to insulate and protect those items. In between the shoes, I stuff things that you don't really have to worry about getting wrinkled, like underwear.
Your next layer will be blazers, pants, and sweaters. You don't want to fold anything harshly because that will leave a hard crease. A great trick is to take a garment like a blazer, put it in a drycleaning bag and tie the bag at the bottom so you're creating a pillow of air around it. Roll it and voilà! Next come your sweaters, which should also be gently folded and rolled. This is probably not for amateurs, but if you have the time, layer your sweaters in tissue paper before you pack them. That's why nicer stores use tissue when you buy something; it supports without wrinkling.
The top layer of your bag will be your woven shirts, because they're the most delicate and the most subject to getting crushed. Again, these can be wrapped in tissue to help prevent wrinkling. Or, more realistically, you can just send them out when you get to the hotel, and they'll come back all fresh and lovely. If the idea of spending $10 to press a shirt while you're on the road gives you pause, fear not. Unless you're staying at a motel where they charge by the hour, there should be an iron in your room—or you can usually call housekeeping and request one. If you're absolutely stuck somewhere without an iron, or short on time, hang your shirt in the bathroom and run a hot shower—the steam will eliminate the wrinkles.
Your toiletries should always be in a separate compartment from your clothes. I learned that the hard way, when my purple Paul Mitchell colorprotecting shampoo leaked out onto one of my favorite yellow cashmere sweaters. It was one of life's very hard lessons, but I hope to spare you a similar fate.
You can also protect against such tragedies by keeping anything that could leak in a Ziploc bag and/or wrapping your garments in plastic bags. As a bonus, it's also a good idea in the unlikely event of a water landing!
Pookah shell necklaces.
Unless you're one of the Beach Boys or your career aspirations are to be a host at a Polynesian restaurant, leave your pookah shells with your inhibitions at the beach, okay?
Cell phones on belts.
Never, ever.
Keys on chains clipped to your belt,
.Not unless you're a janitor or a prison warden (both of which happen to be hot).
Wallets on chains.
Not unless you're a Hell's Angel, in which case let me give you my number.
Skin art.
I love a hot tattoo, but it should be like the prize at the bottom of the Cracker Jack box: Your “friend” should discover it. Those of you with Vanilla Ice tattoos on your forearm will agree.
Gold teeth.
For rappers only.
Rainbow suspenders.
Three words: Mork from Ork. Actually, rainbow
is always the wrong answer. I hope that doesn't alienate me from my gay brethren, but really! No more freedom rings. The flag is plenty, people.
Eyeglasses with decal stickers of your initials.
Sooo very Linda Richman.
Techno eyeglasses that look like pieces of German drafting equipment.
Your life is not an episode of
, and you're not hiking the Alps every day. They're just a little juvenile. But if you also carry a Rugrats lunchbox, then they're fine.

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