Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4)
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He assumed Lacy had given up the crush after
he’d gotten into a serious relationship and she’d lost interest.
She had begun to simply view him as Evan’s best friend, another
brother figure, which was fine by him. It had helped him keep his
hands off her this past year.

Because she was definitely off-limits.

For one thing, his needs would probably scare
sweet Lacy Sparks spitless if he ever revealed them. And secondly,
Evan would cut off his cock and feed it to him for breakfast if he
touched her, because his best friend knew perfectly well all the
things Logan liked to do with—and to—women in the bedroom. And they
weren’t things you did with your best friend’s kid sister.

Hell, he’d spent the first couple hours of
tonight drinking a beer in his workshop with Tyson and Evan,
telling both men why he was finished with sweet, nice women, why he
would never be happy in another vanilla relationship like the
passionless existence he’d escaped with Jane.

He had probably gone into too much detail,
talking about all the things he’d do to the next lover he took to
bed. Evan and Tyson were likeminded guys—dominant lovers with a
penchant for kink. However, neither of them held a candle to Logan.
Which was why they’d been so surprised when he had eschewed that
lifestyle and remained with Jane.

So when Lacy had opened her mouth to say
goodbye, Logan should have let her. Instead, he reacted without
thinking. Because he didn’t want to let her go. Not yet.

He expected her to shove him away, to give
him shit for the kiss, but she did neither. Instead, her arms
tightened around his neck and her hands found his hair again. Lacy
touched him like he mattered, like she wanted him. It was a heady,
horny experience.

He twisted her body toward him while keeping
his lips on hers. Lacy followed the direction, lifting and parting
her legs as he tugged her onto his lap. Thank God he’d kept his old
truck rather that opting for the new one with the bucket seats. The
wide bench seat allowed him to drag her closer as she straddled his
legs and press his dick against her.

He could feel the heat radiating from her
even through the thick denim of his jeans. His cock was so hard it
hurt. Logan raced through his memories, searching for a time when
he’d wanted a woman this much.

The truth hit him like a two-by-four between
the eyes. He’d never wanted anyone—not even Jane—as badly as he
wanted Lacy right now.

“Want you,” he said when she turned her face
slightly, seeking air. He couldn’t stop kissing her, so he ran his
lips along her neck.

“Yes,” she whispered.

The windows of the truck had fogged up,
shielding them from the outside world, but that didn’t change the
fact they were still parked on the city street. Of course, this was
Maris and it was three a.m. Most of Lacy’s neighbors had no doubt
turned in hours ago. He considered inviting himself up to her
place, but realized he’d never make it that far.

So it was happening here.

Decision made, he rucked the miniskirt that
had been riding high around her thighs to her waist.

Then he reached down and bit back a groan as
he tugged her panties to one side and ran his fingers over her
slit. She was hot and wet. She jerked when he ventured lower and
thrust two fingers inside her pussy. Her body clenched around them
tightly. Jesus. She was already close to coming. He wanted to see
that. Wanted to watch her face.

But he needed to slow this party down or it
would be over before it ever started.

Logan put a few inches between them, pulling
his fingers out.

Lacy frowned and shook her head. “Don’t—”

“Shh. Lift your shirt, Lace.”

With clumsy, shaking fingers, she managed to
tug the hem above her breasts. He’d had a hard time keeping his
eyes above her neck all night. Somehow he had found a way. It
probably helped that her overprotective brother and Tyson had been
at the table.

Now, he took time to enjoy the feast. Logan
had known Lacy her entire life, so he knew down to the day when
she’d gotten boobs. However, back then, she’d been a kid while he
had been a man, and the only thing he’d done with the knowledge
that she was filling out was tease the fuck out of Evan with it,
claiming he’d have to beat the boys away with a stick.

Logan shouldn’t be here. Shouldn’t be staring
at Lacy’s tits like a starving man eyeing a steak. But he couldn’t
look away. He reached out and tugged her silky bra down, cupping
the bottom of her breasts to push them out and over the material.
The second her pink nipples appeared, all bets were off.

He lowered his head, sucking one of her
nipples into his mouth. Lacy’s hands found his hair once more, and
she used her grip to hold him in place. The effort was wasted. He
wasn’t going anywhere. He increased the suction, taking it to that
place right on the borderline between pleasure and pain.

He was just about to ease off when Lacy
groaned. “Harder.”

Logan struggled with the request. He didn’t
want to hurt her, scare her. Rather than give in, he cupped her
other breast with his hand, squeezing the generous flesh. She
fidgeted on his lap, seeking relief as she tried to press her
crotch against his.

He lifted his head, forced himself to look at
her. This was Lacy. She didn’t deserve for him to give her false
hope or the impression that this would lead somewhere. Nothing
could come from this because he couldn’t be the kind of man she
wanted, that she deserved.

What the fuck was he doing?

She didn’t appear to notice his hesitance.
Instead, she covered his hand on her breast and peered at him with
sultry fuck-me eyes. “Pinch my nipple,” she whispered.

His thumb and forefinger were there before
his brain could engage. He applied pressure as he studied her face.
Lacy never looked away as her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red,
not with embarrassment, but with longing.

Once again, he held back. It went against
everything in his nature to stop, but he had to. He had sworn he
wouldn’t settle for another vanilla relationship. Wouldn’t hide his
dominant urges, his need for control. Lacy wasn’t the woman he
needed. She was sweet and loving. The kind of girl a man married.
Not the kind you tied to your bed and fucked like a two-bit

“Please.” Lacy bit her lip, her tone rife
with frustration. “I need…I need…”

A light went on inside his brain. He
increased the pressure and pinched her nipple hard.

He was rewarded by her loud moan as Lacy
threw her head back in absolute bliss. She was responding to the

Logan’s cock thickened even more and he found
it difficult to suck in a deep breath.

Fuck him.

This was bad. Really bad.

He needed to call a halt, to get out of here
before he lost the battle.

Unfortunately, Lacy’s actions sealed her
fate. And his.

She reached down to stroke her clit, two of
her fingers sliding into her own body. The damn woman intended to
give herself an orgasm.

Hell no.

The Dom inside came roaring to the forefront.
His women were not responsible for finding their own pleasure. Not
unless he told them to so he could watch.

He gripped her wrist firmly, stopping her

Lacy tried to shrug him off. She was too
close and out of her mind with need to understand what she was

“Stop, Lacy. Now!”

Her entire body froze as his deep-voiced
command came out too forcefully, too loud.


“Hush. I know what you need.”

He leaned back slightly to watch her as he
shoved three fingers between her legs.

She blinked rapidly, gasping loudly. Her hips
thrust in time to the rhythm of his fingers. Lacy wasn’t shy about
taking what she needed. He liked that.

The last year they were together, Jane had
become passive in bed, nonresponsive. Half the time, he never had a
clue if she loved what he was doing or hated it.

He pushed the thought of his ex out of his
mind. Fuck that. There was no place for Jane here.

Lacy continued to gyrate, moving faster.
“God, yes,” she groaned. “Harder. Do it harder.”

Logan had been worried about hurting her, but
her request set that concern to rest. He moved his fingers deeper.
She was so fucking tight. He couldn’t wait to get his cock inside

But first…

He rubbed her clit with his thumb and Lacy
started to scream. Logan gripped the back of her head and covered
her mouth with his, capturing the sound. The last thing he needed
was for someone to call the cops. He could see it now. Evan roaring
down the street in his patrol car with the lights flashing and
siren blasting only to discover his best friend with his fingers
buried deep inside his little sister.

He wouldn’t have to worry about being
arrested. Evan would simply pull out his gun and shoot him.

Lacy was the one to break the kiss as her
orgasm began to wane. She panted, her eyes resting on his face
unseeingly. He wasn’t sure where her climax had taken her, but she
wasn’t back yet.

It gave him some time to consider what had
just happened. He’d just finger-fucked Lacy to an orgasm. And he
hadn’t been gentle about it.

This was Evan’s sister. Not only did the
promise they’d made to each other all those years ago hover in the
air like a swarm of killer bees, but so did the fact that Evan knew
him, knew what he liked in the bedroom too well. He’d never approve
of this.

He shouldn’t do this.

No. He
do this.

He slowly dragged his fingers out of her, her
pussy walls fluttering against them. She would feel like heaven on
his dick. They sat in silence for a few moments as he gave her time
to recover. And himself time to figure out how to end this without
hurting her feelings.


She shook her head and placed a quick kiss on
his lips. “No. Don’t say it. We both know the reasons we shouldn’t
do this. There’s no need to list them.”

“I shouldn’t have started it. Shouldn’t have
kissed you like that.”

Lacy grinned and gave him a friendly shrug.
“You don’t really expect me to complain, do you? I’m still sort of
flying high from that orgasm.”

He chuckled. Leave it to Lacy to take what
should have been a damn awkward situation and make it funny.

“My relationship with Jane…it ended

“Okay.” The word belied the tone. Lacy didn’t
understand. “So…the timing is bad?”

He shook his head. He was over Jane before
she’d pulled away from the curb. Maybe he should feel guilty about
that, but she hadn’t shed any tears either. As far as breakups
went, theirs had been as lackluster as the last year of the
relationship. If anything, she’d fucked up his head more than his

“No. Not really. After she left, I took some
time to reevaluate my life, my priorities. To decide what I want
and need.”

Jane was everything he’d always thought he
wanted in a woman. Sophisticated, stylish, elegant, educated. She
wasn’t from Maris. She was big city. Prep school. And a far cry
from every woman in town.

Evan claimed Logan had been attracted to her
because she reminded him of Yvette. Yvette had been the first woman
to expose his penchant for BDSM. While their affections hadn’t been
engaged, their sexual attraction had been off the charts. Yvette
and Jane had many similar attributes and, looking back, Logan
figured his friend had probably been right. He probably
homed in on Jane and thought she was the complete package. Sexual
attraction and love. He thought he’d found both in her.

Jane was an artist, a sculptor, and they’d
spent hours together following their creative endeavors and sharing
their love for the work. She had been attentive, intellectual,
interesting. He’d fallen for her hard.

However, the chemistry they shared initially
had morphed into something much less chemical—although it was
certainly toxic—over the years. He had believed her the perfect
submissive to his dominant tendencies because in the beginning, she
had let him believe that she shared the same interests.

As more time passed, Jane began to balk at
his sexual requests until finally, at the end, she acted as if he
were a monster anytime he suggested bondage or a sensual spanking
or wax play. That was when he’d discovered she had started a
long-distance, online flirtation with an old boyfriend. Apparently,
the guy convinced her BDSM was something enjoyed by sociopaths, so
she packed her bags.

“And I don’t fit the bill?” Lacy asked. “As
far as these needs go?”

Logan was worried if they took these
explorations much further, he’d discover that she fit perfectly.
But what would happen a few years down the road? Would she still
feel the same? He never wanted to be a monster in Lacy’s eyes.

“Evan.” He merely spoke her brother’s name.
More for himself than her.

She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe that
stupid bro code thing is still in effect. You guys made that silly
promise when you were in high school. We’re all adults now.”

He needed to explain, needed her to
understand why, though the promise they’d made back then had been
based on something childish and immature, it still remained today.
Because of the man he’d become, because of his need for control.
Evan knew way too much about Logan’s bedroom habits. He wouldn’t
like the idea of his sister on the receiving end of them, even if
she did enjoy them.

And given Lacy’s responses to him tonight,
Logan was pretty sure she’d love submitting to him. For now.

“I’m not an easy man to be with, Lacy. Evan
knows that.”

She frowned, obviously confused. “Evan is
your best friend. He loves you, Logan. I hardly think that would be
the case if you were an asshole or something.”

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