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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Off Chance (33 page)

BOOK: Off Chance
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Because I love the way she tries to keep her eyes on me, but she can’t help it when the pleasure causes them to close. She starts chewing her lip again, and once I even move my hand up and grab it from between her teeth, leaning down to lick at it. Redness creeps up her neck, flushing her pale skin with the blood that is racing through her veins. Her heels dig into the backs of my thighs, urging me on.

“Flynn... I want to come again.”

“You will,” I promise her as I make lazy pushes in and out. A bead of sweat travels down my temple, slides along my jaw, and drops onto her cheek. I lean down and nuzzle it away.

“No... I want to come now. I’m close.”

Her words spur me on and I pick up the pace. She rewards me with a gasp and a barely audible,
which excites me even more.

I push up from my elbows to my hands so I can get better leverage and I give in to my compulsion to slam my way home. When I hit her deep inside, she cries out and immediately says, “Do it again.”

I retreat and thrust, faster and faster, and now I hook one of my elbows under her leg, and let this new angle suck me in even deeper.

My world starts spinning as the pleasure builds and everything starts to fade.

Everything but Rowan.

Faster and faster, harder and deeper... flesh smacking wickedly against each other.

Rowan’s eyes close tight and her upper back arches off the bed.

“I’m coming,” she gasps.

She doesn’t need to tell me because I can feel it contracting all around my cock and the knowledge sends me into overdrive. I unleash a firestorm of thrusts on her body, wrapping my arms underneath of her and pulling her to me tight... letting my hips do all the work. I can feel a tingling ball at the bottom of my spine and then it rockets upward, blasting off through every nerve ending in my body.

“Fuck!” I shout as I start coming... and coming... and coming. It seems to go on forever and I don’t want it to ever stop, because it’s the best fucking nut I’ve ever blown in my life.

Rowan’s arms are wrapped tightly around me and our chests are mashed together. My nose is stuck into the crook of her neck and my hips continue to shallowly thrust against her, even as I feel tiny pulses of spasms gripping me from below.

My breath is coming out so harshly, I can feel how it blows away and then pulls her brown locks against my mouth. My bones feel like rubber and I’m doubting I’ll ever be able to walk again.

I’m shattered... destroyed... probably wrecked beyond repair.

And I could give a fuck because that was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life.

We arrive at the resort on St. John mid-afternoon, after a forty-five minute boat ride from St. Thomas. It’s a balmy eighty-two degrees and I’m in awe of the lush, tropical scenery. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life and I’m not sure I ever will again. We were on the same flight with Nix, Emily, Hank, Nick, and Nora. Everyone else will be arriving soon and we’ve made plans to meet in one of the outdoor bars for drinks before dinner.

Flynn steps up to the desk to register us and Emily nudges my shoulder. She leans in and whispers, “So... you and Flynn... finally hooked up?”

I try not to grin because she makes it sound so seedy, and what Flynn and I did last night is anything but. It was beyond explosive, and there’s not a part of my body that Flynn doesn’t know intimately right now, but it’s definitely not seedy.

It’s everything that I said I wouldn’t give into, but things were just getting so blended in my mind that I had a hard time figuring out where my friendship with Flynn stopped, and the sexual intimacy began. I mean, even before we had sex, I had engaged in a level of intimacy with Flynn that surpassed any other relationship I had before. I thought friendship and intimacy would not go together, but the truth is, they are so closely related, I stepped into a relationship that was already a blended mix. When Flynn kissed me last night... ever so soft and tentative, I felt my entire being give into my desires and I decided to stop worrying about what may or may not be.

It’s not to say I’m not still worrying about it, because when I woke up this morning before the alarm went off, and just luxuriated in the feeling of being wrapped in Flynn’s arms, my first thought was perhaps I made a mistake. I know that if Flynn and I don’t work out, the hurt is going to be unimaginable.

Emily nudges me again and I realize I’ve ignored her in favor of daydreaming about Flynn. “I guess,” I say lamely. “I mean... yeah, we took it to the next level.”

She throws her arms around me and squeals. “That’s so wonderful. The last of the Caldwell men have fallen. But then again, I knew this was going to happen.”

“You did?” Because I sure didn’t. Even though I had yearned painfully for Flynn on a sexual level, I was still pretty unsure whether this would happen just a little over twenty-four hours ago.

“Yup,” she says smugly. “You two are perfect for each other.”

Looking around, I see Flynn still at the desk, and the rest of the group is standing nearby. I grab Emily’s hand and lead her further away from everyone so they don’t overhear. “How do you know, Emily? I mean... what if this is just sex, and then when it fizzles, our friendship is what gets lost?”

There... I’ve managed to succinctly voice my greatest fear.

Emily lays a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Here’s the thing, Rowan... I really don’t know for sure. No one can. All you can do is go into it with your eyes wide open and work hard to build the relationship. And it
work. Trust me on that.”

I don’t say anything at first, mentally digesting this tidbit. Of course, it was a little too late to worry about it now. The dam had been broken and there was no undoing what we did last night. I’ll have those memories to keep me hot and bothered for the rest of my life.

And I know every minute that I spend with Flynn... every touch he gives me, I’ll fall in deeper.

Flynn and I are walking to our rooms. The resort is huge, encompassing almost two-hundred acres of rolling hills covered with tropical trees and plants. A narrow cement path crosses and winds along the hills, sometimes bringing you out in a clearing that overlooks one of the seven private beaches. Every time I see the crystal blue waters and bleached white sand, I’m a bit dumbstruck because it’s beyond anything I’ve ever imagined.

We reach our building, which houses just eight rooms that sits ten yards from a small beach tucked into a cove. We were told this tiny bay houses a sea turtle population that we can snorkel among, and I want to do that while we’re here but I first need to find out about the likelihood of sharks. I’m terrified of them.

Flynn leads me up a staircase to the second floor. There’s no elevator because this resort frowns upon modern conveniences. The rooms have electricity but past that, not much else. There is no air conditioning except lazy fans that twirl overhead, no TVs, no Wi-Fi, and no telephones. It’s truly designed to get away from it all.

When we reach Room 210, Flynn inserts the antique metal key into the door and opens it. He motions me inside and follows.

“They’ll be bringing our bags up in about half an hour,” he says as he steps up behind me, laying his hands on my shoulders.

I lean back into him. “Is my room next door?”

“Nope. I canceled your room. We’re bunking together, roomie.” He punctuates the statement by laying a warm kiss at the base of my neck, right where it meets my shoulder.

I let out a soft whimper at his touch and curl my arm backward to wrap around his head. “Is that so?”

“Yeah... and I figure we have half an hour to fool around before the bags get here.” His hand snakes down to the hem of the dress I decided to wear for the trip and pulls it up. His knuckles trail along my outer thigh as the dress moves higher.

I push backward into him and I’m not surprised by how hard he is already. The thought that just the thought of having sex with me turns him on, completely turns me on. Which as jumbled as those thoughts are, actually makes complete sense to me.

“Tell me you have a condom concealed on you somewhere,” I say, reaching behind me and feeling him through his shorts.

Nuzzling under my jaw, Flynn chuckles and pushes into my hand. “I’ve got it covered.”

I giggle. “No pun intended, right?”

Flynn slips his hand into the front of my underwear, smoothly dragging a finger between my legs. My hips have no will and push back against him.

“Let’s make this fast,” he says. “I’m betting we can go twice before the bags get here.”

The thought causes me to tremble, and I know I certainly have the ability to get two quick orgasms in because Flynn proved that to me last night. I wonder if he can do the same.

“Let’s do this,” I say, my breathing starting to become shallow the more he moves his fingers against me. My body feels wired tight with the anticipation of him fucking me fast.

Flynn’s hand comes out of my panties and he pushes me toward the bed. His words are hurried... urgent. “Get your underwear off and get on all fours while I suit up. Oh, and keep touching yourself. I’m not going to last long and I want you with me, okay?”

His words are simple orders but damn if they don’t have me groaning at the way he has things mapped out. I don’t waste any time and shimmy out of my panties. I hike my dress up around my waist and jump on the bed, presenting my ass to him. As he commanded, my hand goes between my legs and I start working at myself. When I glance back over my shoulder, Flynn has his shorts unbuttoned and he’s rolling the condom over his massive length. My mouth goes dry at the thought of him pushing into me and my hand moves faster.

He glances up and looks at me, eyes then traveling over my ass, my pelvis thrusting gently against my hand. I even let out a moan so he knows how turned on I am. Flynn holds himself in his hand and he closes his eyes for just a moment, taking a deep breath. He looks like he’s trying to get himself under control but that’s the last thing I want.

“Flynn,” I say softly.

His eyes snap open and lock onto me.

“I’m waiting,” I tell him.

Groaning, he steps to the edge of the bed and climbs on behind me. His hands come up to my hips and he holds me gently, flexing his pelvis forward and rubbing his dick between my legs, brushing up against my own fingers, which are still rubbing hard. Flynn smoothes one of his hands across my ass, and drags his finger down between my cheeks. The move is decidedly erotic and I gasp and flinch forward when his finger skims across my anus.

“You’re sensitive,” he teases. “I like that.”

His finger ventures forth and he slips it inside of me. “God Rowan... you’re all ready for me.”

“Always,” I breathe as he adds another finger, stretching me for him.

While Flynn said he wanted to go fast, he seems to content to play with my body, pumping his fingers in and out… rubbing and pushing… causing me to groan from the contact.

Finally, I have to remind him, “I thought we were going to do this fast.”

He removes his hand from between my legs, pushing himself to my opening. He is on target and he enters me with one smooth stroke, pulling a groan from each of us.

BOOK: Off Chance
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