Of Love and Deception (23 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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The heat of his breath sent shivers down her spine. “Step out of them,” he panted against the shell of her ear. She kicked her shorts and panties off to the side. With a swift swoop of his hands, he’d parted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, carried her upstairs, and planted her on her back on the bed. He stripped himself of his clothing, and then leaned over to unbutton
white dress shirt that
had taken for herself after the night he’d given it to her to wear when she hadn’t wanted to put her wet-from-wine shirt back on. Of course, this was before they were married.

Stroking every inch of her body, he finally pressed into her with one hard thrust, and held it there. She stared at him, his eyes closed and jaw clenched tightly. As his features started to soften, he began to slowly grind his hips, gradually increasing his speed, which matched his breathing… and hers until each pump reached deeper, causing them both to tremble.

Cruz didn’t immediately pull away, but rested on his elbows with his head on her chest. An all too familiar ringtone blared from his cell phone, which he couldn’t possibly ignore for one damn night, and all too quickly he was off, nodding his head, and his expression said, “I’ve got to take this call.” He returned approximately thirty minutes later, with the familiar coldness following him into bed.

A sinking feeling settled in Daniella’s chest. The intimacy they had shared ended up causing her more grief. She rolled away from Cruz and settled on her side, her back to him, and waited until she could hear the gentle hum of his breathing, telling her he was asleep, before she slipped out of bed, dragged herself into the nursery to sleep on the queen sized bed meant for later use, when the baby arrived. She cried herself to sleep.


There was a sudden increase in his phone calls, especially evening or late night calls. Cruz said they were business calls he needed to take or face traveling again, which was all the time anyway as far as Daniella was concerned. She had no doubts that most of those calls were not business, but none other than Meg. She’d called him out on it, and he’d admitted to a few of them being Meg, but said she was crying, upset about Falcon, stating he was cheating on her with Tiffany, a nurse from the clinic. Daniella had heard that story so many times, and she had to ask why Meg hadn’t called her instead, but Cruz was quick to point out that he’d been friends with her since high school—
more like sweethearts!—
and she’d asked if Falcon had confided in him. It was pointless to keep asking, knowing his response would be the same, always defending

When Meg’s once a week calls turned into three or four times a week, Daniella decided to move her OB care to another facility. She was done with Meg Landers. Done with her bullshit, and she contemplated whether she should continue in this dysfunctional marriage. Cruz was causing her more stress, and she sensed there was more to his relationship with Meg than just friends. Separation seemed the sensible, but painful way to move forward. She didn’t think her heart could take much more of his shadiness and the cold, loveless way he’d been treating her.

Unable to sleep, Daniella climbed out of bed and went down to the kitchen. Cruz’s cell phone sat on the counter just begging her to hack the password. She’d been caught once. Did she dare another attempt? He flipped out and hadn’t talked to her for an entire day last time. ‘
All you had to do was ask and I would have given you the passcode’
he’d said. He was bitter, and stated his disapproval for her sudden lack of trust. Whatever!

The house was quiet. There were no signs of Cruz stirring or possibly waking. With a trembling hand, Daniella reached for his phone and hit the menu key. It was on… and of course, it was locked. If he had nothing to hide, as he stated, then why was a password necessary?

After two failed attempts to unlock the phone, Daniella had no choice but to give up. A third attempt would lock Cruz out of it. She set it down where Cruz had left it and retrieved her own phone. She scrolled through the list of contacts and made her way to the family room where she laid on the couch.

“Parker, it’s Daniella.”

He cleared his throat. “What is it? Is everything okay?” Parker said, now alert.

“I’m ill. Morning sickness at its best. I need sleep and won’t be in today.”

“Oh good. I mean… not good that you’re ill, but glad it’s not serious. You take as much time as you need. I’ll check on you later, okay?”

“Thanks, Boss.” Daniella hung up. She was thankful to have such a caring employer.

Daniella wasn’t sure if her hormones were escalating her emotional state, but she was beginning to doubt her future. Cruz probably never truly loved her. Maybe it was her perfect pre-pregnant body and tight abdomen that he loved, but his current disgust with the little pooch made her feel unattractive. And lately, he was about as huggable as a cactus. His increased interest in Meg only confirmed her suspicions.


A little shake of her shoulder woke Daniella. Cruz sat on the edge of the couch in front of her. He greeted her with a smile.
Wow. What did I do to earn that?

“Hey, baby, why are you down here?”
And this, too?

“Mm. Not feeling so good. I didn’t sleep well. I’m staying home.”

Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Sorry to hear that. Anything I can do for you?” He brushed his fingers through her hair.

Stop pretending and leave already.
“No. I’ll be alright. Promise.”

After Cruz headed off to work, Daniella closed her eyes and took a short morning nap. When she woke, she shot upright, bolted up the stairs and entered the office. After logging on to the laptop, she logged in to their cell phone account. Though she knew she’d find Meg’s number on the call log, her heart sank when she came across it. She crashed harder when Meg’s number took up pages of the call history. There were so many long conversations, some forty-five minutes or longer. Worse yet, it was Meg’s cell phone. Her
number. Not the one she’d been calling Daniella from.
But why?

“Bitch.” Daniella rubbed her eyes, but the tears kept coming.

What excuse could there possibly be? This could only mean one thing. They were having an affair. If a person could suffer every emotion possible, Daniella was certain it was her. She printed the call logs, and then shook the laptop, slammed it closed, and shoved it across desk.

There was no stopping the rage and tears. Daniella wept like she’d never wept before. She was racked with suffocating sobs rising from the pit of hysteria.

The sound of the garage door opening alarmed Daniella. She rushed back down the steps and decided to detour into the bathroom, and shut the door. How could she face Cruz knowing what she knew and looking the way she did? She raised her hands and covered her face, hiding from the reflection that stared back at her in the mirror. She tried to hold back the next round of tears, but the pain was just too great.

Cruz entered the house. “Hello? Anybody home?”

Daniella flushed the toilet, hoping it would buy her more time to gather her senses. She turned on the faucet just as Cruz opened the bathroom door. She quickly splashed water on her face, but she couldn’t stop gasping.

“Aw. You’re still sick?” he asked.

She nodded, reached for a towel and dried her face.

Cruz gently turned her around to face him, but she couldn’t look at him. He placed two fingers under her chin, leaving her no choice but to face him.

“Are you crying?” His eyes were soft as he searched hers, waiting for an answer.

He pulled her against him and held her tight. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

Why would you care?

Daniella buried her head in his chest and sobbed. She loved him terribly. What would she do without him? It was a reality she knew she’d have to face. Separation. Divorce. Single mother. The very thought of it angered her.

“I... I just don’t… feel well. Sorry.” She sniffled, and then regained control of her emotions,

“But it’s all for a good cause.” He rubbed her belly, and teased. “You’re finally getting a bump.”

“Yeah. You won’t think of it that way when my body gets all fat and the ‘bump’ stretches my abdomen the size of a stadium,” she hissed.

Cruz pressed his lips against her forehead and rocked her in his arms. “Stop it. You won’t be that big. And even if you were the size of China, I’d still love you.”

Too bad there’s no conviction in your words.

“Uh-huh. Sure.”
And you’ll be pounding your dick into that nasty whore. You asshole.

“I need to borrow your car. The beamer has a rattle in the motor. I’ll take it in to be serviced tomorrow, but in the meantime, I’d rather not risk driving it.”

“Go ahead. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Mm.” He held her at arm’s length, gazed into her eyes, but she couldn’t hold his gaze. It was too painful—she could only visualize him staring at Meg with those same lustful eyes.

It took all of her strength to hold back and not break down again. All control was lost the instant Cruz reached up and caressed her cheeks. She broke out in a cascade of tears and shuddering gasps. He slid his hands into her hair and clenched it a few times.

“What is it? Why are you weeping so?” Cruz asked, his tone more accusatory, as if he were waiting for some kind of confession.

Incapable of speaking comprehendible words, Daniella shrugged her shoulders in response.

“Is this really just hormonal or did you do something you feel guilty about?”

Are you for real?

“Wh-what?” she asked between tearful, gasping breaths.

“I don’t know. You’re just so emotional. I’ve only witnessed women this emotionally charged when they’ve done something wrong. Sorry, but I had to ask.” He stared at her again, but this time Daniella didn’t look away. She held his gaze, in total disbelief that he’d even question her faithfulness.

“How could you!” She pushed away from him and stumbled out of the bathroom.

“I’m sorry. But I’d forgive you because I love you, dammit.” He lurched forward and trailed behind Daniella into the kitchen. She pulled her purse from the counter and dug for the keys to the Mustang. When she turned around and attempted to throw them at him, she hadn’t expected he’d be right in front of her to catch her wrist, leaving her vulnerable.

“You’re a jerk. I hate you. I hate you for asking. I-I hate your distrust! I hate—”

Cruz pressed up against her and crushed his lips against her mouth. Daniella tried to push him away but he grabbed her head, his lips tightly sealed. He loosened his hold when she gave up the fight, gripped his iron pressed shirt, and returned his kiss.

Oh, God, why? Why now? I can’t even stop him, or myself from loving him. Oh, God, why!

Daniella gave one last attempt and pushed at his chest. He stood and stared at her, as if he were shocked. It didn’t stop him for long. He closed the distance, grabbed her and lifted her onto the counter. She gave a slight protest by holding her hands out in front of him, but that only egged him on. He grasped her half-buttoned shirt and pulled hard enough to cause the buttons to pop. The struggle was over when his mouth greeted her breast with great hunger. He gently pushed her backward. She lay in submission as his moist lips glided further down her abdomen, untying the strings on her laced panties at the same time.

The beauty of his touch. The long strokes of his tongue.
How I’ll miss you, Cruz. The way you make love to me, and how you use to love only me
… Daniella arched her back after he grabbed her legs and held them—half-bent against his chest. His thrusts were slow, but gentle, until she moaned her approval. He gripped her hips tighter, rocked them up and down, increasing the friction, and deepened the penetration. He groaned and a small squeal of pleasure came from her mouth as she shuddered.

“You—” Cruz panted. “I’ve got to get back to work.” He pulled her up.

“Okay,” she whispered.

Daniella watched Cruz pat himself down with a handful of paper towels before he pulled his slacks up, tucked in his shirt and fastened his belt. She suddenly felt dirty—as if she’d contaminated him and he’d had to scrub himself clean of her.

“Love you.” He’d said it, but there was no conviction behind the words. They were empty. He headed out to the garage.

She could hardly speak but whispered, “Love you, too.”

Daniella sat on the counter for a long while, lost in the worst state of depression she’d ever known. She slid off the counter, sprayed it with bleach and scrubbed it down before heading to the bathroom to scrub her own skin.

Before jumping in the shower, she detoured to the garage and climbed in Cruz’s BMW. She rummaged through the glove box, the trunk, and every crack she could find in hopes of finding something incriminating. She slid her hand alongside the driver’s side seat.

“Jackpot!” She snagged his cell phone, which was wedged between the seat and center compartment, and harrumphed. Even if she couldn’t figure out the password, she’d put a temporary halt on their calling… until he’d replace the lost phone.


Daniella tossed and turned, unable to sleep once again, and kicked the covers off. She could hear a clanking in the kitchen. Cruz was probably making a martini, something he’d been doing a little too much of over the last two months. The home phone rang once and on second ring, Cruz answered it. Curiosity got the best of her and she slid out of bed, tiptoed to the office, grabbed the wireless phone and lurked by the staircase.

“Hang on a minute,” Cruz said.

That was Daniella’s cue. She carefully hit the talk and the mute button, and then darted back to the office. She could hear Cruz’ footsteps approaching, but he must have stopped at the bottom of the staircase. It was dead silent and she didn’t dare exit the office, certain he’d catch her spying if she did. When she heard the tapping of a spoon against a glass, she knew he was back in the kitchen. She escaped back into her room and held the receiver to her ear.

“She’s sleeping,” Cruz said, sounding as if his mouth was depressed against the phone. “Why are you calling me on the home phone when I told you never to do that?” he hissed.

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