Odd Ball Out

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Authors: Winter Woods

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Odd Ball Out



Winter Woods







This is a sweet and steamy standalone love story.


Haden is a 22 year old autistic, agoraphobic and asexual computer programmer. He’s a brilliant, loves his work and has made more money than he knows how to spend. His life is scheduled, uncomplicated and solitary, just how he likes it. Now a wrench is being thrown into his perfect set up. His mother has taken care of him until now. She’s retiring and want’s to travel. They’ve gone through 8 house keeper/cooks in the last two months. The last one didn’t even make it 24 hours. So, Haden puts an ad on craigslist and hopes for a miracle.


After he was dumped from the foster system the second his diploma was in hand, Morgan had to work three jobs just to live in a shitty apartment he hated. He barely slept due to insomnia. He was running on empty and predictably, it all caught up with him. Morgan fainted at work and was take to the ER where he was told to decrease the stress in his life and eat better because he was malnourished. The icing on the cake was when the one full time job he had, the one with benefits, let him go because he couldn’t hack it. Desperate to find another job Morgan hit craigslist. Granted, it was a long shot, but what did he have to lose?


Will these two men find in each other what they didn’t even realize they’d needed? Or will Morgan simply be the 9
catastrophic failure?




This book contains graphic scenes depicting male on male erotica. 18+



Oh god. This is insane even for a screwed up crazy person like me. Am I really doing this?
? I think I’m going to hurl. I scoot my comfy black leather office chair back from my executive desk and drop my head between my knees. Breathe In. Breathe Out. In. Out. In. Out.


Okay, that’s a little better but I’m not going to move just yet. I can talk to you right here and you can read from right there, so let’s get started, shall we?


Here’s the deal. I’m your normal run of the mill average 22 year old white guy.


Well, with a few mild exceptions. Like I’m a little autistic, kind of asexual, have a son and suffer from panic attacks, agoraphobia and PTSD, like bad. Alright, so normal was perhaps a misnomer, I’ll give you that. Still, if I put all of that in this damn craigslist ad nobody will ever respond and then where would I be? Well, right back here where I started. Which is mired in deep shit.


I’m unable to function without my mom but she’s even had it with my shit. I don’t blame her, but I think she’s getting to the end of her rope. The 8
and most recent person she hired didn’t even last 24 hours. Family emergency my ass. I freaked the fuck out on her because my meat touched my potatoes. I’d warned her. My mom had warned her. Some things my head just can’t process for whatever the hell reason. I know, there IS no reason, it’s random and ridiculous and trust me, I KNOW. I’ve given up trying to make sense of my brain. It’s stupid and weird and just the way it is. I pay them to NOT let my chicken to touch my green beans. Why is that so
of a concept to grasp?


I sit back up slowly and take a deep breath. I know it’s time for drastic measures but that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with doing this. I glance out my upstairs office window to the snow falling lightly outside. I live in a beautiful spacious log cabin in Alaska, only about 30 minutes from the nearest town. So, I still get heat, internet and groceries without issue but also get the peace and quiet.


Sighing, I roll back in under my desk and re-read my ad for the billionth time, okay, technically only the 37
, just feels like I could recite this thing in my sleep.


Seeking: Live-in Cook & Housekeeper (Rural Alaska)


Hi, my name is Haden and I’m seeking a full-time live in cook and housekeeper. Six month minimum contract required after one week trial. Sunday’s off. You’ll have your own bedroom and bathroom. The cabin is very large and luxurious with excellent security. You’d have access to a vehicle for whatever errands you might need to run in your capacity as an employee as well as access to the vehicle on your days off.


Bonus for arriving in the next 48 hours, I’ll pay for your transportation, if successfully vetted. In depth background, federal and state, drug and blood testing, can’t be too safe now days. I’ll pay for that too, of course, upon successful completion of a phone interview.


You’ll likely not need all the hours for which you’ll be paid to complete the work assigned once you learn what’s required. So if you’d also like to go to school from home or work part time from home, (writer? Coder?) that’s likely doable.


Considering the rural nature of the position, pay is quite lucrative.


Please send email with resume or just a brief statement of your qualifications & experience and your phone number. If it seems like a good fit, I’ll be in touch. FYI, absolutely NOT looking for a wife. Thanks.


I post it. It’s not going to get any better than that.

Chapter 1

The next morning I get up to check my email and holy hell! Wow. That’s a lot of responses. My mom brings me coffee after about an hour of going through emails, a few possible I guess, but no one that feels right. I thank her and she turns to go.


I say hesitantly, “mother?”


“Yeah honey?” She turns back to me with a startled expression. I don’t usually talk. Didn’t I mention that? No? Well, you know now.


“Thank you for everything.” I’m already cringing and pulling away from the emotion I see on her face, blegh. She can tell I can’t deal anymore and simply nods, quickly walking away and closing the door behind her. Yeah, I don’t deal so well with emotions. I get them, intellectually, but they are messy and usually unpredictable and always irritating.


I’m itching to get back to work. I’m a computer programmer and I’m working on a code right now for a sandbox PC video game. I love my work. I’m exceedingly good at it and it’s made me exceedingly rich. Now if only I could keep the help. I click open yet another email. This one from a Morgan McKendrick.


Hello Haden,


I imagine mine is probably one among hundreds of replies you’ve received, but thanks for taking the time to read it anyway


I’ve spent my life in foster care so I’m well versed in any type of housekeeping you might need and I actually love to cook. I’ve never had the opportunity to fully indulge my creativity but I can make the simple things and make them well.


I do write a bit. I’d enjoy having the time to do it some more.


I don’t mind the seclusion, I prefer the quiet actually.


I don’t mean to step on your toes, but I know there’s more you’re not saying because it takes someone pretty desperate to get on cl and post an ad for a random stranger to come live with them. So, I just want you to know I’m open minded and easy going, so long as it’s not hurting anyone or against the law, I’m happy to adjust to whatever the situation.


I’m also available to go whenever so give me a call if you think we might be a good fit. Numbers at the bottom.


Wish you luck.




She’s perfect. I need to get mom up here so she can do the interview. I don’t talk, remember? She sent the email last night so hopefully she’s still interested. I scramble downstairs and find my mom sitting at the table with the kid coloring. She sees me and I wave her back upstairs with me. I usher her into my chair and show her the open email on my desktop.


“You want me to call her? Now?” I nod enthusiastically. She gets up to go sit in the other chair by the phone and I resume my seat. I pull up a word document so I can type questions or comments I want her to make during the call. She dials and puts it on speaker.


“Hello?” Oh. It’s a guy. I thought it would be a chick. Huh. Does that matter? Nope. My mom seems startled as well so I wave at her to continue.


She stumbles through a halting explanation, “oh, um, hello. I’m Sarah and I’m calling about the email you send to Haden, is this Morgan?”


“Um, hi, yeah, that’s me. Uh, thanks… thanks for calling.” He sounded young. Even younger than me. My mom starts with the standard description.


“Of course. Haden is my son and is autistic.”


Silence. You can tell a lot about people when you just spring it on them before they have time to mask or manipulate their true reactions.


“Yes, ma’am.” Um. Okay. My mom gives me a raised eyebrow and I lift my shoulders. I don’t know what to make of his response either. No judgement, no questions. Just simple… acceptance? HA! Laughable concept. My mom starts talking again.


“He has preferences for how he prefers things done and if they are not followed to the letter the result is generally volatile.”


Silence. Again. Then, “Yes, ma’am.” Who WAS this guy? He should be freaking out and asking a bunch of questions. Without knowing what else to do my mom continues.


“In addition to being autistic, Haden suffers from agoraphobia, anxiety attacks and PTSD.”


Something different this time, “I’m sorry ma’am, that’s an awful lot for one guy to shoulder.” Huh. My mom and I stare at each other. This guy is unbelievably too good to be true. Doesn’t freak out, doesn’t ask if he’ll be safe, but comments on how difficult it is for Haden.


“Morgan, there is a lot to learn but once you get the routine down and understand the quirks of what Haden needs, the job really isn’t difficult. It’s a matter of following explicit directions to tell you the truth. Do you think this sounds like something that would work for you?”


“Yes ma’am.” Just like that. I find myself really wanting to meet this guy. He was either a big faker and excellent actor or… something else entirely. Something I’m not sure even exists.


“And you’re okay doing the background checks, drug and blood testing?”


“Yes ma’am.”


“And you can start as soon as you’re cleared?”


“Yes ma’am.”


“Alright, well, do you have any questions?”


“Yes ma’am. Thank you. I’m sure my labs and background will all be clear. I’d like to know if you can recommend any websites that have good information on the things that Haden deals with, so I can get a better idea of what he’ll need.”


I type,
‘yes, I’ll have Haden email you a few links.’
My mom reads it and tells Morgan.


“Thank you. Ma’am, if I can ask another question?”


“Of course.”


“Does Haden need any personal care, with toileting or bathing and such? I don’t have any experience with that but I’m willing to learn.”


To give her credit, my mom laughs.


“No! Oh goodness no! Haden is 22 years old and a well-known programmer. I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t mention he was high functioning.”


I hear the smile in the other man’s voice when he replies, “No ma’am.”


“Morgan, did you have any other questions?”


“Yes ma’am. Thank you. So it will just be myself and Haden in the home?”


“Well, no, actually. Hayden’s son lives with him too.”


“Oh that’s awesome! I love kids! I used to work at a daycare. How old is he and what’s his name?” My mom and I look at each other in confusion again. Polite to a fault then as soon as the kid is mentioned this Morgan lights up like a Christmas tree. Should I be worried about this? Judging by my mom’s face, she’s thinking the same thing. However, before either of us can say anything Morgan speaks again in an apologetic voice.


“I’m s-sorry, that probably sounded weird. It’s just… w-well, to tell you the truth… uh, I’m b-better with kids than adults. I have bad anxiety around a-adults but kids I can just be myself and have f-fun. I’m sorry.”


I speak for the first time before I even knew I had any intention of doing it, “don’t be.”


My mom gapes at me.


“Oh, um, H-Haden? I d-didn’t realize you were o-on the call too. I’m s-sorry I was talking about you like you w-weren’t there.”


I speak again, “you’re hired.”


“Oh, t-thank you… uh, where… a-about the lab s-stuff?”


I go downstairs to get something to drink because my hands are shaking so bad. My mom comes down after she finishes ironing out the details with Morgan and smiles at me, “I think this one will work out. Don’t forget to send him the information he asked for.” Right.


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