Octopus (35 page)

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Authors: Roland C. Anderson

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Web Sites

: The Cephalopod Page is J. B. Wood's personal Web site dedicated to cephalopods. Among the longest running animal sites, it has been featured in Science three times since its creation in 1995.

: CephBase, 1998–2004. Created by J. B. Wood, C. Day, and R. K. O'Dor as part of the Census of Marine Life, the site was one of the world's first online species-level databases. The site is no longer in the hands of its creators, and is not currently functional.

: This site describes the mimic octopus (Thamoctopus mimicus).

: Cephgroup is a listserv associated with The Cephalopod Page. This e-group is dedicated to cephalopods and is a chat group open to everyone.

: Reef Central is an online community where quality information about the marine and reef aquarium hobby can be exchanged among all levels of hobbyist, from beginner to advanced. The site's goals are to help educate people about the saltwater aquarium hobby and to enhance awareness of the fragility of coral reefs around the world.

: Dedicated to aquarium hobbyists, this site has a mission to foster responsible marine aquarium hobbyists through education.

: The Octopus News Magazine Online was created by Tony Morelli in 2000. The site is committed to being a resource for all things cephalopod, and has excellent international community involvement.


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