Obsession (Stalker #1) (15 page)

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Authors: Alice C. Hart

BOOK: Obsession (Stalker #1)
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As soon as I heard her call for assistance on the walkie, I fucking jumped from my seat, and every single one of my staff followed. We all heard her call. It was too fucking late and I actually saw that asshole slice her fucking arm. That’s when I flew on top of him like I was fucking Superman or some shit. I may or may not have bounced his fucking head off the floor once or twice for good measure. I don’t think Abby even knows it was me that tackled him. She was in shock and I’m positive she still is, which is why she needs to see her doctor.

The Shelter already knows I’m not going in for the rest of the week, which may be a dead giveaway as to my relationship status with Abby. I’ve never taken time off when any staff has been injured, including myself. I don’t give a fuck. My girl needs me, whether she knows it or not, and I’m going to take care of her. I need to remember to talk to her about what she said before about quitting and finding a new job. I know she’ll fight me on this. I’ll look into some things for her as you never know what could pop up.

My girl is hungry now so I’m going to make us some dinner and get some wine into her. I may have a drink myself. It was a shit day and we both feel like ass even though she is totally making me laugh. We are stoned. Abby has no idea about my experimental phase back in the day. I’ll tell her about it one day,
Hey, I’m thirty-three years old and was a teenager of the nineties.
Weed, hash and acid were easily accessible in my high school. I pour her some white wine and make a Rye and Coke for myself. I’m staring into the pantry wondering what the fuck to make for dinner.

“Whatcha been lookin’ at for the last five minutes, Jake?” Abby giggles.

“Baby, come here and tell me what you want to eat.” I clearly can’t decide what to make right now.

“Hmmm, how about some Kraft dinner?” she asks, smiling up at me.

“Seriously, that’s what you want?” I question her because normally that’s kid food that I feed Izzy.

“Jake, I fucking love Kraft Dinner and I need it loaded with ketchup, too.” She smiles up at me. Damn, my dick is hard and I’m finding it difficult to concentrate. Her sweet smile alone makes me hard.

“KD it is,” I laugh.
Why is everything so funny when you’re stoned?

Abby parks herself on a stool at the kitchen island and drinks her wine.

“Jake, I can’t believe that happened today. I got sliced.” She is still clearly in shock. It doesn’t matter if it was only a surface wound, it was the entire incident and it’s sinking in now.

“I know, baby, but at least you didn’t need stitches or anything. I can’t believe it happened, either, and I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time,” I say, bowing my head.

“Jake, you got there as fast as you could and it’s not anyone’s fault. I know the risks with this job. I’ve been kicked, punched, spit on, but never stabbed with a knife. That’s a new one.”

She sips her wine and her glass is almost empty, so I refill it for her. She smiles at me. God, I’ll never get enough of that smile. While I’m cooking, Ozzy comes over and Abby jumps off her stool. She is petting and talking sweetly to him. “Ooof.” Abby is on her back on the floor with Ozzy licking her face. She is laughing her head off. Then, I see Oreo come over. He begins rubbing himself all over Abby vying for her attention, he’s not used to sharing her.

Abby gives Oreo some scratches behind his ears and I remember her saying something about his ears and tail.

“Abby, why did you tell me not to touch Oreo’s ears or tail when you are clearly scratching behind his ears?” I watch the scene of Abby on the kitchen floor, on her back, with the pets surrounding her.

"He only lets me do it. I don’t know why, but he will scratch the fuck outta you if it’s not me doing it.”

I ponder what she says. Fuck, I’m stoned and pondering the mind of a cat. I still won’t touch his ears or tail. I’ll let him come to me. I won’t let him get to me with his cat Jedi mind tricks.

Dinner is served in bowls and I hope to hell it’s the right creaminess. Everyone seems to have a weird cheese creaminess that they follow from soup-like cheese or thick-as-fuck cheese. I’m somewhere in the middle. I put the bowls on the island and get the ketchup and pepper. Make no mistake; this is how Kraft Dinner is meant to be eaten. Abby gets up from the floor and slides onto the stool and starts squirting the ketchup over it and then shakes the fuck outta the pepper. I do the same and we grin because we know this is the fucking way to eat it, and we are stoned to boot. I love this woman.

“This is fucking delicious, babe, thanks for making this for me,” she says, beaming, like I just fed her caviar on a platter. She is not that kind of girl and I take a moment to thank the heavens. “Dinner has never been so good.”

I laugh just because I’m fucking happy she’s here with me. I wish the circumstances were different, but it doesn’t feel forced. It feels more like fate pushing her right to me and I better not screw it up.

We finish up dinner and I take care of cleaning up telling her to go fill the bathtub and load it with bubbles.

“Ohhhh, that sounds so nice,” she coos and tilts her head to the side, and it’s like her mind has gone to the relaxy place I want her to be in. Abby sashays her way to the bedroom to get the bath going. I hear her turn on the water. She emerges from the bedroom, minutes later, in some yoga pants, a robe, and slippers. Her big fluffy leopard print robe looks cozy as hell and the leopard print slippers look like boots on her feet. Her hair is piled on top of her head.

“Jake, where are my smokes?” she hollers, looking around.

“Check your jacket pocket.”

“Score! Thanks. I’ll be out back with Ozzy while the tub fills since it’s so ginormous. It’s going to take at least fifteen minutes to fill. Do you think I should let Oreo outside with us or keep him inside?” she asks.

My eyes may have bugged out a little bit. “Maybe we should keep him inside tonight and let him get his bearings in here first. It may be a good idea to let him get familiar with the outside just in case he does somehow get out. But for tonight, let’s see how he gets along with Ozzy, even though it seems to be going better than I thought it would.”

“Sounds good, let’s go Ozzy.” He comes running to go out with her. They head out and I want to go check on the bath, just in case the bubbles overflow. Turns out she’s right, this tub is ginormous and is going to take a bit to fill. I figure I’ll go find some candles and place them all around the bathroom.  

How long have I lived here?
I don’t think I’ve ever used this tub for myself. Izzy has her own bathroom, which is really the main bathroom. But since it’s just the two of us, she likes it as her own and it’s decorated as such. I like my girl happy, and now I’ve got myself another I want to keep happy. I’ve got to make room for her in this house because I’ve no intentions of letting her go.

I get all the candles situated and light them. The bathroom is glowing and I’ve impressed even myself. The lighting mixed with the lavender scent of the bubbles is intoxicating. I hope she likes it. I check the temperature of the bath. It’s perfect and almost full, floating full of bubbles. I shut the lights off so only the candles are glowing. I strip myself naked and put on my black terry cloth robe.

I find Abby on the deck with her head on Ozzy. She is petting him and he is just letting her. She wraps one arm around him, hugging him tight and he turns to lick her cheek. There is something about dogs. They are unbelievably calming and I know Ozzy senses her stress, and he is trying to absorb it from her. I open the door and they both turn their heads in my direction.

Abby smiles. “Is it ready?”

I nod.

She gets up and pats Oz on the head; they come inside. I slide the door shut and take Abby’s hand, leading her to the bathroom.

She gasps in shock. “Oh my shit.”

“Turn around,” I command her, and she does as she’s told. I untie her robe and slide it down her shoulders until it hits the floor. “Lift your arms.” And she does without saying a word. I lift her tank top over her head and throw it on the floor. I stop for a moment to look at her, drink her in. I can’t believe I have this beautiful woman before me, and I smile at her. I kneel to take the slippers off her feet, one by one, and then slide her yoga pants slowly down, helping her step out of them. She’s now naked before me.

She tugs at my robe and unties it so it opens. Now, she’s smiling. She reaches up to slide it off my shoulders and it falls to the floor. She moves close to me and presses herself against me, running her hands along the sides of my arms. She cups my face, bringing it to her, and she presses her forehead against mine. Softly, she says, “Thank you. I love you so much.” She brings her mouth gently to mine and slides her tongue right in.
Sweet Jesus.

I wrap my arms around her, making sure I can feel every inch of her skin on mine. She’s so warm, and soft, and just fucking perfect. She wants to control this kiss, and I let her. She is pouring herself into me and I'm loving every second of it. She stops for a breath and I grab her hand, leading her to the tub. I help her in and I get in behind her. She slides comfortably between my legs.

Placing her head on my chest, I wrap my arms around her waist and my legs around hers. I slide my hands and cup her breasts, gently squeezing. While continuing my massage on her breasts, she is getting squirmy.

With a whisper, she says, “Put your fingers inside me.” She opens her legs as wide as they will go. I continue to kiss and nibble on her neck while my hands slide down her soapy stomach. Reaching her clit, I rub in slow small circles. Her breathing is jagged and her chest heaves. I slide a finger into her eager pussy and go slowly while still rubbing her clit with my thumb.

“Jake, make me come,” she pants.

I add a second finger and continue to rub her clit at the same time while biting and sucking on her neck. I’m hard as steel and can’t fucking take it. I remove my fingers from her pussy. She groans at the loss and I grab her by her ass, lifting her up and onto my cock. She slides all the way down.

“I want you to touch me, Jake. Touch me everywhere.”

She tilts her head up and looks at me. I kiss the top of her head and move my hands around her sides, making my way up to her breasts. I massage them and lightly pinch and twist her nipples. She leans back into me more and I feel her legs straining against mine as I hold them open. I nudge her head aside and trail light kisses down her neck. We groan. I grab her tits while thrusting up inside her, circling my hips.

“Baby, reach down and rub your clit and don’t fucking stop.”

I don’t want to move too fast or I’ll come. Her pussy is my new happy place and my cock fucking agrees. She reaches down and starts rubbing herself, moving her hips in slow circular motions. Oh fuck, I’m going to be done before I know it.

“I want you to come, baby. Are you going to come for me?“ I whisper in her ear.

“Oh, my God, yes, don’t stop! Keep going!” she says, sounding frantic for an orgasm. I want her to come. I grab her by her hips and start to slam her body down onto my cock while she’s rubbing her clit.

“Ohhhhh, ffffuuuck, Jake, I’m gonna come, baby! Ahhhhhhhhhh!” she screams, thrashing.

Water is going all over the floor, but I don’t give a shit. “Oh fuck, baby, your pussy is so fuckin’ tight.” I release an animalistic howl as I still her hips. I shoot up inside her. I can feel her sweet pussy contracting around my cock and it’s Heaven on Earth.

We are both breathing heavily as she lays her back against my chest.

“I so needed that. Thanks, baby,” she sighs.

She takes my arms and wraps them around her. We lay still for a few moments before I suggest we get out of the tub. I dry her off and wrap her robe back around her and pull mine on as well. She pulls her yoga pants back on and tells me she needs a smoke. I couldn’t agree more. I grab some pants while she puts on her slippers and we head outside to the back deck with Ozzy. We are sitting side by side on the deck, puffing away on our cigarettes, and at this moment all feels right in the world.

We head inside and Abby checks on Oreo and makes sure he has food in his bowl. His stuff is kept out in the kitchen now, and Oreo doesn’t seem to be bothered by Ozzy in the least. Sometimes shit just works out. When it does, don’t question it. We’ll have to move his litter box down to the basement tomorrow because we are picking Izzy up after Abby’s doctor appointment. Well, I think I’ll bring Abby back here and pick Izzy up myself.
How the fuck do you tell a three year old daddy has a girlfriend?
Maybe I shouldn’t make it complicated and let her ask her questions as we go along. This is all new territory and I’m not sure how to handle it. I suppose none of us are. I’ve always been a go with the flow kind of guy anyway. Not that it’s always worked out, but it’s not like plans ever go well.

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