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Obsession Down Under (3 page)

BOOK: Obsession Down Under
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As it turned out, they were sisters down from Queensland visiting with family. They were amiable and one kept giving him the eye, making her attraction to him as plain as day. In the past, with that kind of come-on, he’d book a room for the night, but then Jessie Rose popped into his head and he’d found himself comparing the two.

Strange, because he didn’t even know what she looked like. She was like a fire in his blood, and it was time to grab hold of his balls and do something about it.

When one of his late father’s old associates walked into the bar an hour later, he’d seized the opportunity by making an excuse to the girls and followed the man into the other room. He’d sat talking with the old bloke marking time until Drew was ready to leave.

The drive home had been uneventful. When they’d pulled up at the homestead, Drew yawned and went off to bed. He was tired, too, but when he’d hit the mattress, sleep eluded him. His head had buzzed with thoughts of Jessie Rose, and his body’s reaction had been predictable. So he’d hustled out of bed and into the shower where he’d found relief under the cool spray and afterward dried off with a rough towel.

Determined not to wait until she was online, he headed straight for the computer and typed a message that almost wrote itself. It wasn’t jazzed up with flowery words. He just shot straight from the hip.

He’d read it twice, and then, leaning back in the big leather chair, questioned whether he was doing the right thing. He’d always been honest, but had she? People often acted out over the Net. What if she wasn’t all that she’d said? But hell, what if she was? Before he could change his mind, he’d sent the e-mail that had the potential to change his life.

Chapter 3

When he woke the next morning, Whip found himself fidgety. The hotel suite he’d booked in the heart of Sydney was a ritzy affair, and the king-sized bed was comfortable, but he wasn’t one for lying in. Besides, he was looking forward to today.

The trip to Sydney from his property on the outskirts of Glen Innes in northern New South Wales had been lengthy but tranquil. Not pressed for time and enjoying the countryside, he’d opted to take some of the more scenic routes rather than the highway. It lengthened the usual nine-hour journey by a couple of hours, but he’d wanted to check out some beaches en route. There were a few road works along the way, but that didn’t do much other than delay his arrival and coat The Beast, that’s how he thought of his Ute, with grime.

Daylight had faded by the time he arrived in the city. Skyscrapers were lit up like stars in the night sky, and the lights from the buildings reflected and shimmered off the harbor’s inky water like silver butterflies skimming the surface. It was a beautiful city, and it never failed to amaze him.

The day had been relaxing, but by the time he’d checked into the hotel, he was feeling a little on the lazy side. Rather than go out to eat, he ordered a beer and a meal from room service. Two hours later, satisfied and replete, he showered, watched a bit of television, then turned in for an early night.

Up with the dawn, he was washed, shaved, and dressed when a knock on the door announced breakfast had arrived. The order had been placed the night before, and when the waiter put the tray on the circular table, the smell of bacon, eggs, and fresh coffee wafting through the room was so inviting, he didn’t waste any time in devouring it.

Half an hour later with breakfast out of the way, he got up and walked to the window, pushed the heavy curtains aside, and peered out at a dreary sky. Black thunderclouds hung low over the city skyline, promising a miserable day ahead. Damn. He’d hoped for blue sky and sunshine but wasn’t about to complain over the rain. Still, if the wind picked up it might blow the clouds out to sea.

He let the curtains fall back into place and glanced at his watch. There was still time to kill, so he poured another coffee, flicked on the television, and sat down to listen to the news and weather report.

The coffee was good and hot and went down smooth. The weather forecast, on the other hand, was a different story.

“Welcome to sunny Australia, Jessie Rose,” he muttered, his voice flat and monotonous as he placed the empty cup on the tray. No visiting any of our magnificent beaches today. A sideways glance at the digital clock revealed it was time to make a move at last.

Whip caught the elevator to the ground floor and instructed one of the hotel staff to bring up his car from the basement garage. It took longer than expected and he found himself getting twitchy for no good reason. His eyes went to his watch for the third time just as The Beast came into view, and he was surprised to see only five minutes had elapsed. Seriously, he needed to chill.

“Nice wheels,” the youth praised as he stepped out of the car.

“Thanks.” The kid didn’t know it yet, but it was his lucky day. The smallest note Whip had on him was a twenty. Tipping wasn’t customary, but he handed it over with a smile before climbing into the driver’s seat and shifting into first.

The rain held off but was still threatening as he steered the vehicle onto the road and into the congested stop-start early morning traffic. Why anyone would choose to live in a big noisy city was beyond him.

Forty minutes later, he pulled into the airport car park just as the pewter sky opened in a deluge. The Beast wasn’t as pretty as when he’d started, but the heavy rain would wash off much of the grime, and he’d run it through a car wash or give it a good scrub when he got home. With his Akubra jammed on his head, he grabbed the stuffed toy from the seat beside him, stepped out onto the asphalt, and made a dash for the terminal.

He was almost fifteen minutes late. He hadn’t counted on the Sydney traffic being so heavy. Not that it would matter much. Getting through customs and immigration would, in all probability, take longer than that. But he was excited about meeting Jessie Rose and wanted to be there waiting when she walked into the arrivals area.

They hadn’t exchanged photos. Jessie Rose wanted the mystery, the intrigue, and he didn’t give a  hoot. Whatever made her happy was fine by him. She’d recognize him by his black Akubra hat and the toy koala he’d be carrying.  He’d be looking for a brunette wearing a New York Yankees
jacket with a red ribbon in her hair. And if they didn’t spot each other right away, well, there was always the paging service.

The rain was sheeting as he hurried along the walkway. Although it was undercover, the sides were open, so his clothes ended up spotty. Not to matter, though. Nothing was going to dampen his spirits today.

Inside the terminal, the buzz of excitement was contagious, and he couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from lifting as he headed for the flight information screens.

Jessica’s flight had landed a little early. Damn. He frowned and rushed to the arrival gate indicated. The first of the passengers were just beginning to filter through. His pulse quickened, and he narrowed his eyes and did a sweeping search of the female passengers without any luck. Twenty minutes later, doubts niggled. He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted from one foot to the other. Where was she?

Anxious to make a spectacular impression, the first thing Jessica did after collecting her bag and clearing customs was to make for the ladies’ room. Before leaving the States, she’d gone to considerable trouble with her appearance, but the long flight combined with the sixteen-hour time difference had taken its toll. She felt grimy, and the restroom mirror revealed a rather shabby and disheveled young woman. She’d just intended to fix her hair and makeup, but was delighted to see showers were available. A towel could also be purchased for a small fee. She’d packed a change of clothes and underwear in her cabin luggage, so wasted no time in freshening up.

Ten minutes later, dried and dressed and feeling like a new woman, Jessica reached into her handbag, pulled out her makeup, and applied it in record time with a practiced hand. Next, she dragged a brush through her long hair, added a red ribbon, and tied it in a bow atop her head just off center.

This time, the reflection showed a woman with a bad hairdo. “Mutton dressed as lamb,” to quote her mother. She crinkled her nose and tugged the ribbon from her hair with disgust. She then gathered her brown locks into a side ponytail and refastened the ribbon. Vast improvement. Now if she could just lose about fifteen pounds, she’d almost be fetching.  With a half-smile and a dab of perfume behind both ears and to each wrist, she was ready to go.

Jessica took in a deep breath and whooshed it out slowly. Her suitcase had wheels and her cabin luggage was light enough to hoist over her shoulder, so with a thrumming heart, jelly legs, and a mix of fear and anticipation thickening her throat, she gathered her gear and made for the arrivals lounge.

This was it, the point of no return.  Whip was on the other side and the long wait was almost over. She’d been both dreading and looking forward to this moment for almost two weeks. There was no going back now.

As she approached the doorway that separated Whip from her, disturbing thoughts crashed into her mind. What if
was disappointed with
? What if he disliked her on sight, or, heaven forbid, what if he’d  changed his mind and stood her up?

Her stomach churned, and she gulped a breath. No, stop. That was just silly, no way he’d do that, but there was a good chance he’d feel let down when he saw her. Too darn late to worry about that now, though.

So with her head held high and rolling her bag behind her, she walked through the doorway and into the busy arrivals section.

The place was crowded, almost chaotic, and the atmosphere, a din of noisy excitement, was a little daunting. Laughter and tears filled the room as people hugged and greeted one another while others waited with eager hearts for their loved ones to appear.

She spotted Whip right away. He dwarfed every other man around. In her mind’s eye, she’d pictured him to be an average Joe, much like she was. Average height, average looks, just another ordinary face in the crowd.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

There was nothing
about Whip McGregor. He towered over everyone around and could have stepped out of the pages of
Sports Illustrated
, or even off of a movie set. Boy oh boy was he going to be ever so disappointed when he laid eyes on her. He’d take one look and demand a refund.

Her mouth drooped and she wondered when the next flight back to New York was due out.

The urge to turn tail and run was strong, but she stilled her feet, sorry now they hadn’t exchanged photos. Bad move on her part. Had she known he was drop-dead gorgeous, she may have balked at coming anyway. As it was, she slowed her approach. Her Internet lover was searching the crowd but hadn’t spotted her yet.

As she watched, he shoved the koala under his arm, fished out a phone from his pocket, and answered a call, giving her time to give him a more thorough once-over.

A lock of coffee-colored hair peeked out from under his black Akubra hat and spilled onto his forehead. His sexy mouth was topped with a light moustache and dark stubble shadowed his chiseled jaw. A white button-down shirt hugged shoulders that were two pick handles wide and low-riding denims defined taut, muscled thighs. Built big and powerful, he radiated strength and sensuality. Eye candy at its yummiest. No paper bag needed here. A Hugh Jackman lookalike who’d turn Trish green with envy when she saw the pics.

He’d said he was in his thirties but he looked much younger. God, he was perfect. Jessica almost groaned out loud. It was obvious she was older than him, and he was in for one of the biggest letdowns of his life. Why oh why hadn’t she just exchanged photos like he’d asked?

She studied his face some more as she struggled with her inner turmoil. With a start, she recognized apprehension marking his features. He was every bit as nervous as she. That put her at ease as nothing else could.

When he finished the call, that was her cue. With a deep breath and a determined sigh, she wove her way through the crush of people toward him.

Chapter 4

Whip shifted the stuffed koala and tucked it under his arm. When Travis’ wife, Annie, made the suggestion, he thought it a novel idea and kind of cute, but now, juggling the koala and the ringing phone, he felt like a total dork.

The caller ID showed it was his twin. God but he was a nosey bastard. “This had better be good,” Whip said, taking the call.

“I told you to phone me.”

“She’s not through customs yet.”

“Not through! Do you think she changed her mind?”

“No I fucking don’t,” Whip barked and hung up. Next time Travis phoned he’d let it go straight to the message bank. His brothers would never stop crowing about it if she had stood him up.

He refocused his attention on the entrance and caught his breath. A brunette wearing a red ribbon and a Yankees jacket was heading his way.

Curvaceous and older than he’d imagined. Laughter lines edged wide-spaced eyes that sparkled in recognition as he watched her approach.

Not often short of a word, he was dumbfounded when she blindsided him with her radiant smile as she stopped mere inches from him.

“G’day, Jessie Rose,” was all he managed to stammer.

“Hey, Cowboy, you look worried. Did you think I was going to do a no-show?” 

He’d expected her voice to tinkle like expensive crystal, but it was kind of deep and husky. Nice. Sexy. And damn was she hot. Blue eyes blazed up at him in open lust. His mouth formed a crooked grin, and bending from the waist, he did what any red-blooded Aussie bloke would have done. He kissed her with a passion that up until then he hadn’t believed in. And damn, she kissed him back like he was the last man on earth.

The crowded airport noise brought him back to his senses, and he eased out of the kiss.

“Wow. That was one hell of a welcome.” She giggled, her eyes alight with a burning need that had him grinning back like he’d won the lotto.

“Well, I had to make up for the lousy weather,” he drawled, handing her the stuffed koala. “For you.”

“Oh, it’s so cute, and it’s even got a red ribbon around its neck,” she crooned, taking the life-sized cuddly toy from him. “Do you think I might get to hold a real one while I’m here?” she asked, hugging it to her ample cleavage.

“Sure, if you want. There are animal parks we can stop at between Sydney and Highland Glen. You can feed and pet the kangaroos, too. They’re quite tame in the parks, and you’ll see dingoes, platypus, wombats, and even some Tasmanian Devils if you’re lucky, but you wouldn’t want to hold one of those.” 

“I can’t wait to get started. How long do you think the rain will last?” She gestured to the wall-sized window in front of them. “Will it affect our seeing the animals?” Her mouth pulled up and her full lips parted, revealing even, white teeth.

Whip caught her infectious excitement and hurried to reassure her. “Don’t worry, I’m sure it won’t last long. Where we’re going is in drought, so no trouble seeing the animals.”

She reached across and squeezed his hand. “I just know we’re going to get along fine. Thanks for inviting me.” 

“My pleasure. I’m glad you could make it,” he said, gathering her bags and guiding her toward the exit.

It was pouring as they stepped out onto the pavement and made their way along the covered walkway.  He inserted his parking ticket into the machine, took out his credit card, and paid the fee.

“Wait here and I’ll bring the Ute around,” he said, finding a sheltered spot for her before making a dash  for it.  Five minutes later, the luggage was stowed in the back, and Jessica was buckled up in the passenger seat beside him.

As he steered out of the car park, visibility was as clear as a murky pond on a dull day. He switched the wipers to high speed, let out the clutch, and accelerated out of the airport grounds.

Thrilled and travelling on a high, he decided it best to get the housekeeping out of the way first.

“Hu-hum.” He cleared his throat that had thickened all of a sudden and then announced, “I’ve booked us a room in the city for tonight. But if you don’t want to share I understand, no pressure, it’s your call.”

“No, that’s cool, I’m fine with sharing.”

The little half-smile she gave him was reserved, but her eyes were backlit with devilment, and he breathed easier.

“Good. You can have a snooze when we get there, or if you’re  not too tired I can show you some city sites. Even in the wet, there’s lots to see.”

“I’m not tired. I  managed to grab a few Z’s on the plane.  I can’t wait to start exploring. Sydney Harbour is supposed to be one of the most beautiful in the world, and then of course there’s the Opera House. Will we go over the Harbour Bridge?” Her words tumbled out in a rush.

He laughed at her excitement, and he liked that she’d done her homework on the capital city of his home state of New South Wales.

“No, we’re on the wrong side of the city for that, but if the weather’s fine tomorrow we can walk across it or do the Bridge climb, even go to the beach if you like. It’s predicted to clear, but this sure as heck looks set in. I just hope they’re getting some of this foul weather inland where it’s needed.”

“Fingers crossed then. When  I Googled Sydney, it mentioned the Bridge climb as a must. The experience is said to be amazing and not to be missed. I don’t really have a head for heights, but hey, I’m going to give it a shot. You only live once, right?”

Her luminous eyes glowed with a spirit of adventure. Here was a woman not shy to take on the world and all it had to offer. Her smile was infectious, lighting up her whole face and he found himself grinning like a fool at her enthusiasm.

“Right,” he agreed, wanting to kiss  those luscious lips again.  No sign of the ugly stick here. She was sexy and beautiful and his brothers would have to backpedal. Age, he decided, was a hard thing to pick, and more so in women. They’d both revealed they were in their thirties but hadn’t been specific. At a guess, he’d say she was somewhere between thirty-three and thirty-eight, a little older than he at thirty-one perhaps, but he liked older women—they were secure in their own skin. And if she were as hot in the cot as she was online then she’d be a dream come true.

On the drive back to the hotel there were no uncomfortable moments or strained silences. They chatted like old friends catching up after not seeing each other for a while. He realized then
what they were. Friends, lovers after a fashion. She was not embarrassed around him, and the initial awkwardness he’d felt died like a candle in a stiff breeze. 

“Hey, Whip, I can’t wait to get to Highland Glen. Before I left New York, I took a few horse-riding lessons so as not to miss out on anything at the ranch, and after just five lessons the instructor said I was ‘unbelievable.’” 

Her elfin grin was cheeky and her eyes danced with delight. He thought then that they’d get along just fine. Like him, she was unafraid to try new things, to take a chance. Flying here alone, along with the riding lessons she’d taken, proved that.

“You can do as much riding as you like on the property. I’ve got a nice little mare named Millie. She’s so placid you’ll think you’re on a rocking horse.”

“She sounds perfect. But I do like variety, and I don’t want all my rides to be smooth ones.” Her husky words were flirty, and a corner of her mouth curled up in a lopsided grin, and then she winked.

Hallelujah. The innuendo was like music to his ears. And when she reached across and ran her fingers up his thigh, his blood heated. “Jessie Rose, I hear what you’re saying.”

Considerable time had been devoted to wondering what she’d expect when they at last met. Whether she’d want him to woo her first, take it slow, or whether she’d rather get straight down to the nitty-gritty.

Now he knew.

And it was like the last few weeks online together had been foreplay. He was harder than a randy bull in the cow pasture. His thoughts bloomed with impish delight and just like a callow youth, he felt a hairbreadth away from coming in his jeans. Not the ideal first impression. And with the rain pissing down buckets and the traffic so hectic, he needed to stay alert. So putting his large hand over her smaller one, he curtailed its progress before she reached her target.

“Only fifteen minutes to the hotel, and then I’ll give you a ride you won’t forget.”

“Promises, promises.”

She chuckled with enthusiasm, but as he drove toward the city the traffic was a hindering bitch, and it was thirty-five minutes later before they reached their destination.

Whip killed the engine the moment the wheels stopped spinning and climbed out. The car keys he left in the ignition for valet parking, but dispensed with the bellhop, preferring to take her luggage with them rather than risk being interrupted later.

He and Jessie Rose caught the lift to the twenty-sixth floor, and he ushered her into the suite he’d occupied the previous night. On the table, a bottle of champagne sat chilling in a silver ice bucket alongside two crystal flutes and a bowl of ripe strawberries, just as he’d requested. The vase of blood red roses and handmade chocolates beside them completed  the picture.

“Oh, Whip, this is lovely.”

“Glad you like it.” He grinned, and striding across to the window, parted the voile curtains to reveal panoramic views across the harbor. Even in torrential rain the city was spectacular, and he hoped Jessie Rose would be impressed as she trailed him across the room and peered out at the vista.

“That’s the Opera House, right?” She pointed to the iconic white-sailed building sitting at the water’s edge on Bennelong Point.

“Yep, sure is.”

“I’ve seen pictures of course, but they don’t measure up to the real thing. It’s breathtaking.”

“My sentiments to a tee.” His voice deepened with want. His focus was not on the Opera House, it was on her, and she caught him stripping her with his eyes as she turned. Twin spots of color appeared high on her cheeks at his lustful appreciation, and he gave her a wink. “Come here, babe.”

There was no hesitation. She was by his side in seconds. He pulled her close and tilted her chin for his kiss. One hand splayed across the small of her back, the other cupped her cheek. He bent his head and their mouths connected. When her full lips parted, his tongue delved into her velvety softness. Silky and sweet as syrup, he sipped at them exploring, tasting, savoring. His splayed hand strayed to her bottom, his fingers kneading the plump globes as he propelled her tight up against him until he could feel her well-endowed bosom press against his chest. Without conscious thought, his hand dropped from her cheek to cup her left breast, weighty and lush. His jeans tightened as his growing erection strained against the denim. He rotated his hips against hers, giving her the full benefit of what he had to offer. The moan she released into his mouth was a challenge that had his pulse racing and set his blood to boil.

Without pause or effort, he scooped her into his arms and strode over to the king-sized bed where he set her down beside it. When she started to strip, he stopped her. “No, Jessie Rose, let me. You just stand there and look beautiful.” There was no rush. He wanted to pet her, spoil her, make this first real time together special.

BOOK: Obsession Down Under
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