Obsessed (76 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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“Although several of them look rather tasty.” A devious smile curled Anistana’s sensuous lips. “Perhaps we should bring one or two back as playthings for my Fae?”

“Oooh. I think that one,” Améa whispered as she peeked over Anistana’s shoulder. “I am quite sure he would be very…dominant.”

Evvan had set Natalie upon her feet and she was looking directly at the entrance when Améa spoke. One of New York’s Finest—and Nat meant finest—had just swung around into the opening, his weapon drawn, his stance wide. “Don’t move,” he said in a commanding voice, his weapon pointed straight at Evvan.

Améa sighed. “He is so very handsome and powerful looking. I can tell from his thoughts and recklessness that he has no binding attachments to this foul place.”

Blue mist swirled around the police officer’s legs and Anistana giggled. “Yes,” she said as the gun slipped from the man’s hand and his eyelids drifted shut, hiding the smoky gray of his eyes. “He will do quite nicely.”

As the officer dropped to his knees and then collapsed to the floor of the skypath, Anistana sealed the entrance with a wave of her hand.

Everything went silent as the noise of New York City was cut off. At the same time, the passageway went completely dark, but a welcome light chased away the darkness as Evvan’s warm glow surrounded them.

Natalie swallowed as she looked back to where the entrance and her very last view of New York City had been.

Her gaze turned to the man passed out cold in the middle of Anistana’s blue mist and she grinned. At least they were bringing back a souvenir for Améa.


Once they arrived back in Astral, Evvan flung Natalie over his shoulder and strode toward a far corner of the Faerie gardens where Améa promised they would have privacy. Anistana had used her mist to send NYPD’s sexiest back to her realm, where she could keep him bound ’til he was tamed enough to give him to Améa.

Somehow Natalie didn’t think that man was one who could ever be tamed.

With the exception of Anistana, all the Faeries in the realm surrounded Améa, begging her to tell the story of the Sorcerer’s demise. And about the cop—they definitely wanted to know more about him.

Even though Nat had no doubt that she’d made the right choice in coming back to Dair with Evvan, she was going to miss her adoptive parents, as well as Miznari and Kerry. She’d have to think of some way to get messages to each of them, to let them know she was safe, happy, and that she missed them.

Evvan slapped Nat’s ass, bringing her attention back to him. She laughed and clung to her fierce warrior as he bore her away from the Faeries. Funny—when she’d first met Evvan, he’d carried her away inside of a cave, and into another world.

Anistana’s voice tickled Nat’s ear.
My gift to my sister and her heartmate,
the Queen said in Natalie’s mind, and she noticed a winged crystal egg floating in the air behind Evvan’s back. It followed them like a potbellied butterfly, and Natalie giggled at the image.

She reached out for it, and clasped it in her palm. The iridescent wings vanished, leaving only the egg. It felt smooth and warm, and when she studied the egg, she saw a sparkling red and gold powder swirling within it and she smiled.

Faerie dust.

Evvan came to an abrupt stop and Natalie almost dropped the egg, but managed to keep her hold on it. Her dark and powerful warrior slid her down his chest, and when he had set her on her feet, she stilled at the intense look in his eyes.

He brought his hand to her face and she leaned into it, pressing her cheek into his palm. “I love you, l’tiani. My soul has known you from times too ancient to recall.”

Such sentiment from her dark and dangerous man brought all those squishy feelings to the surface and almost made her want to cry, damn it. “I love you, too, you big oaf.”

Gently he eased her back into grass so soft it brushed her body like her lover’s caress. They were in the corner of the realm near the waterfall, hidden from view of the garden alcove. The falls crashed and roared behind her, the smell of fresh water mingling with the perfume of countless flowers. The grass felt damp through the sheer material of her blouse and skirt, and the feeling somehow added to the intensity of her desire for her man.

Evvan stood above her, never taking his eyes from hers as he tossed his weapons aside, and stripped out of his boots and breeches.

Natalie clenched the crystal egg tight in her fingers as she sucked in her breath at the sight of her beautiful man. That finely sculpted body and his long dark hair spilling over his powerful shoulders and that fine, fine prize of a cock. The tattoos beneath his eyes made him look even darker and fiercer, yet now there was a hint of softness in his gruff expression—just a hint—for her.

“You are so lovely, l’tiani,” he murmured as he lowered himself over her. He shoved up her transparent blouse and gently bit one of her nipples. Warmth moved through Nat and she recognized the shrouding the moment her sight and senses began to dim. All she could feel was him teasing her breasts, his hot breath and wet tongue upon her nipples.

“Oh, god, Evvan,” she said, squirming beneath his solid, muscular body.

He captured both her wrists in one of his big hands and pinned them above her head. She let the egg roll out of her fingers and into the grass, unable to think or feel beyond the exquisite feelings Evvan was causing within her.

The shrouding shifted, and Natalie became intensely aware of how wet she was, how hot she was, and how badly she wanted Evvan inside her. With a rough jerk of his hand, he shoved up her flimsy skirt and rubbed the head of his erection against her clit.

She fought against his hold on her wrists, wanting to touch his ridged cock since she couldn’t see him, but he wouldn’t let her go. Her senses dimmed even further, all except for her breasts and her pussy. All of her nerve endings in those areas were so alive, so sensitive, that she whimpered with need. “Please, Evvan,” she begged. “Please, now.”

He gave a primal roar and thrust his cock inside her core. Nat cried out as her body bucked with an immediate orgasm. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him to her and feeling the throb of her channel around him. Slowly he began to thrust in and out, making love to her in a most intense, passionate way.

Evvan had never felt such pleasure, such satisfaction, as he did with his l’tiani. She filled his soul, completing him in a way he never dreamed possible.

Mind and body focused on Natalie, he made love to her, driving his cock in and out, bringing her from one orgasm to another until tears sparkled on her eyelashes. When he finally allowed himself to come, his climax rocked his body, shaking the powerful warrior to his very core.

He lay spent between her thighs, careful not to put all of his weight on her much smaller form. He loved the feel of her heart beating against his, the sound of her breathing next to his ear, the smells of their sex and her womanly musk.

Raising himself up, Evvan studied his woman as she smiled at him and said, “How did I ever get so lucky to end up with you?”

“’Tis I who am most fortunate.” His gaze moved up to where he pinned her wrists above her head and caught a crystal glimmer in the grass. Evvan released Natalie and carefully picked up the fragile looking object. Easing himself off of her, he propped himself on his side as he placed the egg between her breasts.

“Anistana said it was a gift.” Natalie brought her arms down and ran one finger over the smooth surface. The brilliant crimson and gold dust swirled even faster when she touched it. “Isn’t it pretty?”

“Aye.” His heart gave a strange twist as he thought of how to explain this to his woman, and wondered how she might respond. “Do you remember what I told you about aradne?” he asked.

Natalie frowned as though concentrating, then raised her brows. “It’s the dust that makes a man and a woman really super horny…and causes a woman to get pregnant—if it’s used between soul mates.”

“Heartmates.” He rubbed his thumb over the crystal and the dust swirled even faster. “Apparently Anistana has gifted us with aradne, but has also given us the gift of choice. This is a rare fa’na egg that will not break unless those who have received it should both choose to accept its contents.”

It took a moment for Nat to absorb what Evvan was telling her. If they both chose to accept this gift, she would get pregnant. She’d have a baby.

“Likely you would also have twins,” Evvan said as he rolled the egg down between her breasts to the gold ring in her belly button.

The warmth of the magical egg seeped into Nat’s body as he rolled it over the star tattoo and her mound, and then back up again, toward her breasts. He was waiting for her answer, allowing her to choose.

Damn, but she loved this man. Was she ready for a child, or two even? She didn’t know, but she did know that her life had changed so much in just a week. Her future had changed, her direction had changed. Somehow it seemed right.

“Soooo…” Natalie couldn’t help a smile when she actually saw a hopeful expression in Evvan’s eyes. Who would have thought he’d want to be a daddy? But she could actually visualize him as a father. And she could even picture him smiling with his kids—lots.

Her smile broadened as she continued, “Does this mean that we get really wild sex?”

“You are ready?” His dark eyes were very intent, very bright.

“Yes.” Natalie’s answer rang with all the conviction in her heart. “I want to have a child with you, Evvan. Or two.”

The moment she spoke the words, the egg dissolved. Red and gold sparkles surrounded them and lust tore through Natalie so fast that she was wild with desire for her man.

He growled, his expression positively savage, but before he could move, Natalie pushed him onto his back and straddled him. “I’m going to fuck you,” she said with her own growl.

Evvan would have shouted his triumph if he wasn’t in such need to be inside his heartmate. She wrapped her small fingers around his cock and slammed herself down upon his length.

“Yes!” she cried, her eyes closed, riding him as hard and fast as she could.

It wasn’t fast enough to suit Evvan. He grabbed her hips and pounded into her, harder and harder and harder yet. Natalie shouted, urging him on until her body jerked and convulsed with her climax.

With a roar, he pulled her off his cock and placed her on her knees in the grass and knelt behind her. He thrust into her pussy, driving into her and taking her with everything he had. He could feel her core contracting around his cock as she experienced orgasm after orgasm.

When his own orgasm slammed into him, he let out a bellow as his seed filled his mate’s womb.

And then he took her again, and again.

When the effects of the aradne began to lessen, Evvan collapsed onto the grass, holding his heartmate tight to his chest.

Natalie gave him the look of a very satisfied woman. He felt highly skilled to have pleased her, sated her. The appetites of Faerie were legend.

Just as he released a smug sigh, Natalie gave him an impish grin.

“You aren’t tired are you?” Her voice sounded rich with excitement. “Come on. Get up. Let’s do it again.”


# # #



Ansi—gems used for barter

Angelei—Elvin Princess and warrior; Damianne’s twin and Jalen’s sister

Anistana—Queen of Faerie

Arbonidae—private Elvin mating ceremony

Aric—King of the Nordain

Astral—Faerie Realm

Baethel—Aric’s stallion

Bewitching Pool—magical pool in the D’euan Forest

Bluewood—trees native to and around Wilding Wood

Carilee—Nordain toddler

Chrys—Female Elvin warrior

Cind—human woman who serves Zanden

Con’tu’a—erotic Elvin ceremony designed to clear a Seer’s mind

D’euan Forest—where the Bewitching Pool is

Dair—their continent

Damianne—Elvin Princess and warrior; Angelei’s twin and Jalen’s sister

Elinni—of the dark Faeries; Ibella’s twin

Elves—tall, sensual, beautiful beings

Enrli—Symbol of significance to the Seraphine Elves

Everlasting River—in the D’euan Forest

Faeries—mischievous and erotic beings who reside in Wilding Wood

Fiorn—the village in Zanden’s realm where Liana was raised

Gishla—exotic dancer

Gorni—Elvin food bar


Hrichn—sacred orb controlled by the Sorcerer

Hynling—trees with sap that is both pungent in smell and dangerous to Nordain

Ibella—of the dark faeries; Elinni’s twin

Ir—god of the Nordain

Irani—winged beasts of the Sorcerer

Jalen—Aric’s Elvin brother-at-arms; brother to twins Angelei and Damianne

Jensai—sacred vines with heavily scented blooms

Kerriel—Female Elvin warrior

Krakilee—mystical creature in Wilding Wood

Krstn—magical Elvin cloth

Liana—Tanzinite female banished at birth to live with humans because she was born without wings

Lonoi—erotic Elvin massage

Lycidian dragon—beast that lives in Merth Darkling and Wilding Wood

Mairi—the sea; its sands glitter in rainbow colors

Merth Darkling—a relatively unknown part of the D’euan Forest

Mishnui—a tree that grows in the Faerie realm with silver leaves

Mount Taka—a volcano

Nira—barkeeper where Ranelle, Tierra and Liana work

Nofsta—wolves of the moors


Nordain—a race of Sky People who shape-shifted to nordai—ravens—at will

Orlai—Elvin potion used for preparation for the Con’tu’a

Palme—a Tanzinite man; Liana’s father

Perna—magical bird in Wilding Wood

Phoenicia—Nordain Kingdom, also known as Kingdom of the Sky People

Qinok—bog monster of the Xardu Moors

Ranelle—Liana’s friend who’s gifted with the sight, as well as other powers

Renn—King Aric’s younger brother

Ritt—human woman who serves Zanden

Salana—a Tanzinite woman; Liana’s mother

Seraphine—Elvin Kingdom

Seraphine Chronicles—charts the history and prophecies for all the races of Dair

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