Obsessed (30 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Chapter Nine


Blue mist twisted around Ranelle’s body as she blinked away the heaviness in her lids. She was lying on her back, staring up at a canopy of branches. The trees were different than any she recalled seeing before, their leaves sparkling like silver medallions fluttering in a light wind. Sweet perfume of rose petals and lilies teased her senses, reminding her of…what?

It seemed as though the mist was even a fog in her mind. A throbbing sensation pulsed at her forehead and on the mound between her thighs as she frowned in concentration. Like a slow trail of honey being poured from a jar, her memories returned—and her heart began to race.

She had fled Jalen, into Wilding Wood. And as she rested upon a blue tree’s branch in nordai form…hands had grabbed her from behind…and she had smelled roses and lilies.

With a start, Ranelle pushed herself up so that she was sitting—and realized she was completely naked.

On a golden bed that was strewn with crimson rose petals.

In the middle of the forest.

Even though she was outside this time, the scene was eerily familiar. She swallowed down her rising fear as she wondered if Zanden had captured her again.

Tinkling laughter met Ranelle’s ears and gooseflesh rose along her skin. The sound was musical, like water trickling over rocks.

She tried to slide off the bed, but the mist wrapped around her, silken bonds that pulled her onto her back again. Before she had a chance to struggle, her ankles and wrists were bound to the four golden bedposts, her arms stretched wide and her legs splayed leaving her naked body open and vulnerable.

Ranelle fought against the magical bonds, but the scent of roses and lilies intensified, and her body relaxed against her will.

Mist brushed her nipples, like Jalen’s sensual caress, making her peaks hard and aching. While the blue haze fondled her breasts, a finger of the mist slid between her thighs and stroked her clit, causing her to moan. Again she tried to struggle, but the bonds held tight.

Rose petals felt like satin against her back as she wriggled on the bed—trying to get away from the erotic mist, yet pushing into it at the same time. The finger of mist continued its strokes on her clit as the sensual touching intensified on her nipples. A larger finger appeared, slid between her thighs and teased the opening of her core.

Her panic at being entered by anything or anyone but Jalen overrode the power of the rose petal drug. No matter that it was only mist and not an actual being—only Jalen would now do.

The mist finger hesitated, and then joined the other finger that stroked her clit.

Ranelle writhed beneath the touch of the magical haze that would not stop its erotic torture. Her vision blurred and perspiration coated her body as she neared the pinnacle—

The mist vanished.

Ranelle almost screamed from the need for orgasm—regardless of the fact that she had been fighting against the lewd mist only moments before.

At the same time, she realized she had been completely released from her bonds. Sweat glistened on her skin as she bent her legs and squeezed her knees together, as though it might relieve the ache in her quim. But she was hot and wet, and so needy for Jalen’s cock.

Ranelle tried to sit up, yet found she could not. She clenched her hands in the satin bed sheet, crushing rose petals in her fists.

“What is this madness?” she asked out loud, her voice echoing in the enormous space—as though her words bounced off of crystal walls.

Another giggle floated on the mist, an eerie yet intriguing sound.

Ranelle frowned and gripped the bed sheet tighter. “Who are you?”

Silver sparkles flashed before her eyes, and then a slender form wavered—a part of the blue mist, yet not.

The intensity of the silver light grew and Ranelle shielded her eyes.

When she could bear the brightness, Ranelle dropped her hand and gaped at the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.

The naked woman was petite as Liana and Tierra. She had long hair that tumbled past her buttocks, the same shade of red as Tierra’s, and the mound between her thighs was shaved bare. Her nipples were large, her breasts high and firm. Her skin was flawless, her eyes like sparkling emeralds. The Faerie’s ears looked like small shells, going up to a point, but ridged along the back, and her eyes were shaped like almonds.

But the most incredible feature of all was the pair of gossamer wings extending from her back. They rose up behind her, shimmering like sunshine on rippling water.

“You are Faerie,” Ranelle whispered as she finally found her voice.

Instead of answering, the Faerie woman moved within a hairsbreadth of Ranelle. The Faerie reached out with her delicate fingers and caressed Ranelle’s nipple.

Ranelle gasped and would have drawn away, but her body seemed compelled to do otherwise. She arched her back instead, pressing her breast against the Faerie’s palm. The pressure to reach climax was so great within Ranelle that she trembled.

“So, this is the skin that even I would envy?” The woman’s voice was sweet and melodious, reminding Ranelle of the laughter she had heard earlier.

Confused by the Faerie’s words, Ranelle shook her head. “I—I don’t know what you are talking about.”

The Faerie dipped her head toward Ranelle’s breast, her fiery tresses falling forward and caressing Ranelle’s skin in a silken sweep. “Do you taste as good as he believes?” the woman murmured and then flicked her tongue against Ranelle’s nipple.

Ranelle cried out, her back arching even higher, as though being shoved from behind. The movement pushed her nipple more firmly into the Faerie’s mouth. The feel of the woman’s tongue and mouth was incredible, almost dizzying in its intensity.

“You do taste sweet,” the Faerie murmured as she moved her mouth to Ranelle’s other nipple. “Perhaps I should taste all of you.”

Just the feel of the Faerie’s lips and tongue was enough to draw Ranelle closer to climax.

But then the woman pulled away and studied Ranelle with wicked delight in her green gaze.

“Why are you doing this?” Ranelle asked in between deep gulps of air.

The Faerie smiled, the delight in her eyes turning into a hard glint. “Revenge.”

“But I have done nothing to you.” Ranelle frowned and shook her head. “I don’t even know who you are.”

Laughter bubbled out of the Faerie and she covered her mouth with her dainty fingers. Her smile grew positively devious as she moved her hand from her mouth to Ranelle’s tresses.

“Prince Jalen told you naught of me?” the woman asked as she stroked Ranelle’s hair away from her brow.

“Prince…Jalen?” A warning flare erupted in Ranelle’s senses.

“This is precious.” The Faerie giggled. “You have been bound to the Prince, and yet he did not explain his position among the Seraphine Elves? Ah, truly priceless, that is.”

Ranelle narrowed her gaze. “Who…are…you?”

The Faerie trailed her fingers from Ranelle’s hair, over one breast and the flat of Ranelle’s belly towards her woman’s curls. Bending down, the woman leaned so close that her hands were but a fraction from Ranelle’s folds. The Faerie’s breath was warm on Ranelle’s clit as she parted the wet folds with her fingers.

“Stop!” Ranelle gasped and tried to scoot away, but the mist wrapped around her so that she was unable to move. Ye gods how she needed to come—the Faerie was driving her mad.

“I am Anistana,” the woman murmured and then smiled as confusion, then recognition filled Ranelle.

Swallowing hard, Ranelle said, “You are Queen.”

“Aye.” Anistana breathed in, as though savoring Ranelle’s scent. “I am Queen of Faerie and all of Wilding Wood.”

* * * * *

The morning following Ranelle’s flight from him, Jalen neared Astral. The throbbing at his enrli lessened, and he was even more certain that Ranelle was being held within the magical realm. While he traveled, the only sounds were the gentle calls of the elusive krakilee, along with the rush of wind through pine and hynling trees.

With grim determination he passed by the Faeries’ many traps for the unwary, silently wending his way through the mist ’til he reached the barrier to Anistana’s realm.

Invisible to all but faire folke, the gates soared toward the upper reaches of the forest. A testament to the vanity of the Faerie Queen, Anistana’s beautiful image was sculpted into the gates that were made of gold and littered with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and amethysts.

Jalen shook his head at the extravagance of Faeries. Elves believed that beauty was in the world around them, not in material possessions fabricated by humans or other beings. Elves lived as one with nature, communing with the goddess’s gifts. It was a bone of contention between the two races, causing much friction between the faire folke.

He placed his hands on the mouth of Anistana’s image. The lips moved beneath his fingers and it felt as though a tongue flicked against his palms.

Ah, Prince Jalen,
the Faerie Queen’s musical voice murmured in his mind.
Why have you dared to enter my realm?

Jalen attempted to pull his hands away from the gate, but they were held fast by Anistana’s magic. He did not have to look around him to know that he would not see the Faerie.
You know well why I am here, your Majesty,
he replied.

Your Majesty, is it?
Anistana giggled and he could picture the wicked mirth in her emerald eyes.
When I last saw you and sucked the seed from your cock, you did not stand on such formalities.

Taking a deep breath, Jalen struggled to find words that would appease the fickle Queen.
I have come for my heartmate, Ranelle. Please allow me entrance or bring her to me so that we may go to Seraphine.

Laughter and blue mist swirled around Jalen, along with the scents of roses and lilies. He sighed. Of course it had been too much to hope for, that Anistana would make this easy. He steeled himself for what he knew would come next.

Heartmate, you say?
The Queen’s tone held amusement and mischief as the mist pulled at the ties fastening Jalen’s breeches, and they dropped to his feet.
You mean the fair Nordain maid whose delicious nectar I have sampled?
Mist rose up and passed across his lips, and he swore he smelled and tasted Ranelle’s sex. Anistana’s voice was throaty as she added,
Perhaps I should drink your seed and compare her taste with yours.

Mist wrapped around Jalen’s cock and he barely held back a groan as it began working his shaft. The mist felt warm and wet like Ranelle’s sweet mouth. In the next instant all his clothing and weapons vanished, leaving him naked at the entrance to Anistana’s realm. His hands were still bound to the gates, the magical mist suckling his cock.

How does it feel?
Anistana sounded playful and teasing, yet with a hard edge to her words.
Do you not remember the times we fucked beneath the mishnui? When I took you deep within me, and your brother-at-arms entered my nether hole?

Similar to the ways of the Faeries and the Nordain, in the world of the Seraphine Elves, sex between multiple partners, men and women, and those of the same gender, was an enjoyable aspect of their culture. Such pleasures were gifts of the goddess, and to deny one’s sexuality was unheard of. Once an Elvin man found his heartmate, as a couple they might share pleasures with others. However, the man would only penetrate his heartmate, and she would only allow his cock in her core.

Despite the sexual freedom of his culture, Jalen desired pleasure from no one but his heartmate. But he was powerless to stop his cock from hardening to its full length as the mist continued its erotic assault.

Ah, yes,
Anistana murmured.
Perhaps you and I shall both fuck the sweet Nordain maid at once. Or perhaps I will allow you to watch me lick Ranelle’s folds, bringing her to climax while Ibella suckles her breasts and your cock spills its seed into Elinni’s mouth
. The Faerie Queen giggled.
You do remember the nights and days you fucked us all time after time, do you not?

Stop this now,
Jalen replied, even though he knew she would ignore his request.

I think not,
her voice whispered in his head while visions of their past sexual encounters began to fill his mind as the Faerie Queen forced them upon him.

Jalen gritted his teeth as the pressure built within him, stroke after stroke, sucking and licking, drawing him closer to climax. He pushed away the images of the times spent fucking Anistana and the Faeries Elinni and Ibella, and instead concentrated on Ranelle’s beautiful face and the feel of being buried inside her hot core.

Anistana giggled again.
I shall rather enjoy this revenge.

The sensations stopped abruptly, and Jalen bit back another groan. His hands were released from Astral’s golden doors, and without looking he knew he was surrounded by a guard of four Faeries. He straightened and took a deep breath, using his rigid control to rein in his body’s desires.

“Enough.” Jalen clenched his fists at his sides. “Take me to my heartmate.”

Faerie laughter tickled his ears as the doors swung open, and the exotic scents of Faerie incense washed over him. Anistana’s guard followed close behind as Jalen strode ahead, comfortable in his nakedness, through the gate, and into Astral’s grand entryway.

Silver leaves of mishnui glittered overhead, making a soft musical sound. Gold and crystal couches, chairs and tables furnished Anistana’s opulent crystal-walled palace. Rose petals littered the marble floor, and with every step Jalen took, their sweet scent was released into the air.

The smooth marble was cool beneath his bare feet as he strode forward, past countless doorways and rooms, ’til he reached the doors to Anistana’s private chambers. As he paused before the entrance, the pain in his enrli all but vanished, replaced by a warming sensation, assuring him that Ranelle was in the Queen’s bedchamber.

Anistana’s guard positioned themselves at the entrance, two on either side. Jalen paid them little heed as he shoved open the doors and walked through, the doors making no sound as they closed behind him.

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