Oath Bound - Book V of The Order of the Air (23 page)

Read Oath Bound - Book V of The Order of the Air Online

Authors: Melissa Scott,Jo Graham

Tags: #historical fiction, #thriller

BOOK: Oath Bound - Book V of The Order of the Air
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“Looks good,” Alma said. “It says we can call on all government resources at Bahir Dar. Does that really mean we’ll get them?”

“Iskinder thinks they mean it,” Jerry said. “And he’ll be with you anyway.”

“Right, then.”

Mitch held out the piece of paper, and Alma folded it in quarters and then again, finally tucking the packet into her pocket.

“Now we talk to M. Claudet,” she said.

t was a little past noon when they caught a taxi to the harbor, and then took the water taxi out to the Cat. Claudet had seemed eager to be rid of his awkward cargo, Alma said, but there wasn’t any way to make the stevedores work faster. Mitch settled himself beside her in the cockpit, and together they went down the checklists, warming up the engines and adjusting flaps and trim for the short taxi across to the dock where Claudet was supposed to be waiting. Mitch ducked his head a little to get a better view, and thought he could make out fading red letters that spelled out Machaut Freres on the fourth warehouse.

“There,” he said, pointing, and Alma bent her head to look.

“I think so? That’s the wharf, anyway. He said we were to bring her alongside, he’d arrange clearance.”

The intercom crackled. “Al. The tower says we’re cleared to taxi over to dock four. We’re to stay right of the red buoys.”

“Right of the red buoys,” Alma repeated. “Roger that.” She waved a hand out the cockpit window, signaling Tiny to cast off the last mooring line, and a moment later the hatch clanged shut.

“All clear,” Tiny shouted from the navigator’s compartment, his voice almost drowned by the engine noise, and Lewis repeated it in their headsets.

“Going now,” Alma said, and advanced the throttle.

They took the slow and careful route across the lake, the Cat bouncing and swaying even on the calm water, Alma steering carefully around the buoys that marked the traffic lane. She brought them alongside the tip of the wharf, where a pair of Africans waited to take the rope, and a white man in an old but well-cut suit tipped his hat to shade his eyes as he peered up at the cockpit. Mitch concentrated on shutting down the engines, then followed Alma to the open hatch.

“M’sieur Claudet?” Alma called, and the white man swept off his hat.

“Madame Segura. Enchanté.”

Alma stepped up onto the edge of the hatch and made the jump to the dock. Mitch followed, on the theory that he was bigger than any of the other men he could see waiting. Not that he didn’t trust Claudet, but it seemed like a sensible precaution. Alma shook hands with Claudet, smiling politely.

“I’m afraid that’s the end of my French, M. Claudet. But I appreciate your being able to accommodate us on such short notice.”

“Not at all,” Claudet answered. “Believe me, I am relieved to get these goods off my hands. They are, after all, bought and paid for.”

Mitch suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. If Claudet was really that worried about fulfilling his obligations, he’d have flown the guns himself, and none of this would be necessary.

“I believe you said you could take the full load?”

“That depends,” Alma answered.  “My plane is currently configured for passengers; I’m going to need some help getting those fittings out, and I’ll need a place to store them while we’re en route.”

“If you’d permit?” Claudet gestured to the hatch, and Alma nodded.

“Be my guest.”

Lewis stepped back, letting the Frenchman aboard, and Mitch could hear voices for a moment as they moved further into the Cat’s hull.  A moment later, Claudet was back, nodding as he swung himself back onto the dock.

“Yes, I can store all that for you, that won’t be a problem. How long will I need to hold it?”

“I don’t know exactly,” Alma answered. “No more than a week.”

“Very good.” Claudet nodded vigorously. “I will get my men to help you.”

It took almost half the afternoon to offload the Catalina’s passenger fittings, the bunks and the expensive chairs carried into a corner of the warehouse, the curtains and pillows and monogrammed blankets all packed into crates and stacked with them. Once that was done, the loading went quickly, but the sun was setting by the time the last crate of ammunition was onboard and secured. None of the boxes carried Fusil Darne’s name, Mitch noticed, and he couldn’t hide a sardonic smile. Claudet lifted an eyebrow, and Mitch gave him his most innocent look.

 ”I thought you said this was all legal.”


“No labels.”

“That is for my sake,” Claudet said. “It is legal, certainly, but the Italians have agents here, like everyone else. And they are determined that there will not be another embarrassing failure, like in ‘95.”

“Problems?” Alma asked, coming up beside them, and Mitch shook his head.

“None that I foresee,” Claudet said. “I will put an extra watchman on the dock tonight — there are always two in the warehouse, but I think it would be wise to watch the plane more closely.”

“Do I need to leave a man aboard?” Alma asked.

Claudet shrugged. “If they get past three of my men, I doubt one more will make enough difference.”

Alma considered. Mitch could almost read her thoughts, the same calculations they would all be making: was it better to protect the cargo, or to get a good night’s sleep, given the long flight ahead. Better to get the sleep, Mitch thought, and wasn’t surprised when she nodded. “True enough. And I assume trouble would raise an alarm.”

“Most certainly,” Claudet said. “And I pay the police to be assiduous in their attentions.”

Mitch couldn’t help lifting an eyebrow and Claudet smiled.

“Except of course when I pay them not to be.”

Alma laughed softly, but Claudet sobered quickly.

“You should know, Madame, that the Italians are taking this invasion very seriously. As I was saying to M. Sorley, here, they have any number of agents in Alexandria. I would not worry so much about trouble on the dock as about those agents radioing ahead to their troops. The Italian air force has been much engaged, or so one hears.” He turned to stare into the sun that glared almost cherry-red between the housetops, bloody light and heavy shadows spreading across the water. “That is why I would not make this flight. The Italians have control of the air. I do not think they’ll let any relief flights get through.”

“We’re landing well behind the front lines,” Alma said.

“Don’t tell me where.” Claudet lifted his hands. “I don’t want to know, even if I can guess. But there’s not much that would be of use to the Ethiopians that isn’t within range of the forward bases.”

Alma looked thoughtfully at him. “You’ve flown this route many time, I believe?”

“I have.”

“If you were taking a flying boat, given the circumstances, how would you go?”

“I would stay to the west of my destination for as long as possible,” Claudet answered. “But you’ll still be within range.”

“We’ll have to chance it,” Alma said, and held out her hand. “Thank you for your help.”

Claudet took it. “I have done very little. But — my son is my co-pilot. The way things are going, he’ll probably end up being shot at for someone, but — not now. Not for this.”

“I understand,” Alma said, and they moved away.

And the trouble was, Mitch thought, he did understand. If it was Jimmy, he’d feel the same. The real reason they were doing it was that Iskinder was a friend, was their Lodge-mate, bound by the same oaths and promises as they. He wouldn’t do it for anything less, but it was certainly enough.

It took a while to catch a cab back to the Metropole, and Mitch found himself watching the traffic warily, looking for cars that seemed to follow theirs. There was one sedan with mismatched headlights, its color unreadable in the dark, that stuck behind them for blocks, but turned off before they reached the Corniche. He sighed in relief, but as they climbed out in front of the hotel and Lewis leaned in to pay the driver, Mitch thought he saw the same mismatched lights among the oncoming traffic. They were gone before he could be sure, and he stood staring for a moment, until Alma touched his arm.

“Everything all right?”

“I’m not — I thought maybe there was a car following us.” He shook his head. “If it was, it’s gone now.”

Alma’s mouth tightened, but then she shrugged. “Well, following us here isn’t so bad. It doesn’t get them any closer to Iskinder. And anyway, we’ll all be out of here tomorrow.”

“True enough.” Mitch followed her into the lobby, where a hundred electric lights glowed in the elaborate sconces and the enormous chandelier. An orchestra was playing in the dining room, and couples in evening dress were standing in the bar. And tomorrow, he thought, we fly south into a war.

Alexandria, Egypt

January 3, 1936

t was past midnight, but Jerry was still awake, watching the curtains shiver in the night breeze. The air was cold, and he was glad of Willi sleeping next to him, extra warmth against the winter chill. The waxing moon cast faint shadows: the night was clear, and he hoped the good weather would continue for the next few days. Alma was going to need all the breaks if this was going to work out.

Next to him, Willi shifted, starting awake from a dream, and Jerry moved to accommodate him. They lay for a moment in silence as Willi’s breathing slowed, and then he said, “You wish you were going.”

It wasn’t a question, but Jerry answered anyway. “I wish I was.  I wish I could.”

“And if you could, of course you would.”

There was bitterness in Willi’s voice. It made Jerry glance sideways at him. “’.I told you, Iskinder is my oldest friend. I’d do it for that alone.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“What’s wrong?”

Willi shook his head. “A dream. Nothing.”

“I’m worried, too,” Jerry said. “Did you think I wasn’t?”

Willi shook his head again.  “No.”

“I want to go with them.” Jerry rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling where a band of moonlight swept like a clock’s hand across the cracked plaster. His stump rubbed against the sheet, and what felt like a jolt of electricity lanced through his missing ankle, real pain for a phantom foot. He winced, shifting his other foot to press against the tingling bone, but as always there was nothing there, and nothing to do but ride it out. “I know I can’t, I’d only be in the way, but —”

“What would you do? Even if you were whole? You’re not a pilot. Or a gun-runner.”

“This is my Lodge,” Jerry said, and wished he could swallow the words as soon as they were spoken. He felt Willi tense, his muscles tight with the effort not to pull away. They lay in silence for a moment, and another bolt of pain shot through his missing foot.  He jerked and swore, and Willi touched his shoulder, silent apology.

“Do you need anything?”

Jerry shook his head. “It’s just my leg.”

“A glass of bourbon?” Willi propped himself up on one elbow.

It might be a distraction, but it wouldn’t really help. “Thanks, but no.”

“They’ll be all right,” Willi said, after a moment. “Alma is very good — as are the others — and the Catalina is a quite remarkable airplane.”

“I know.” Jerry drew up his leg, rubbing the stump against the sheet as though that might help. The pain eased for a heartbeat, then bit again, and he deliberately ground the sorest spot against the linen. Sometimes it helped to fight fire with fire.

“The Italians won’t shoot at them. The plane is well marked, and America is not involved. The last thing the Italians want is an international incident. And besides, from what Ras Iskinder said, they’ll be landing well behind the front lines.”

“If the Italians shoot them down, all they have to do is deny it ever happened,” Jerry said. “Who’d know? A crash over unfamiliar terrain, engine trouble — and they shouldn’t have been there in the first place —”

“Floyd Odlum would not take kindly to losing his plane,” Willi said. “Even if it wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Your friend Kershaw isn’t without influence, and the Swedish government would certainly take an interest. No, the Italians aren’t stupid.  This whole invasion is dubious enough without making more enemies.”

“You’re right.” The pain was easing, and Jerry shifted cautiously to a more comfortable position. “I just — I wish there were something I could do.”

“You made the arrangements,” Willi said. “Surely that counts.”

“No, I know. I — This is only the beginning. The next big war is coming, hell, it’s already begun, and I’m a useless cripple —” He bit off the rest of what he might have said, already ashamed of his weakness, and Willi made an indignant sound.

“You are crippled, yes, but you are hardly useless. You always find a way to manage.”

“I don’t know how.”

“You really think there will be another war,” Willi said.

“I’m sure of it.” Jerry felt tears prickling behind his eyes, flung his arm over them angrily.

Willi shook his head. “Mussolini is a thug, yes, but no one is going to war for Ethiopia. Or for Libya. I’m sorry, Jerry, but you know that’s true. As for the rest of Europe — no one is going to be dragged into another war like the last one. We all lost too much.”

“They will,” Jerry said.  “I don’t know how, but — it’s coming.”

Willi rolled over, wrapping himself around Jerry’s body, one arm across his chest, one leg pinning Jerry’s thighs. He brushed a kiss beneath Jerry’s ear. “You’re worried about Alma. And — yes, all right, it’s dangerous, but she is very good.”

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