Nude Awakening (13 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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September 25, 2011

Sunday, 10:40 a.m. - Coconut Grove, Florida


LaToria woke up with Trevon spooning her. She smiled. His slow in and out breathing warmed her ear. His arms were wrapped possessively around her waist and best of all, she could feel his manhood pressed against her butt. Her mind pulled her back to last night. After he came inside her the first time, it proved only to be the beginning. He pleased her thoroughly and made love to her so good that she cried. She lost all control of her once confined emotions as he stroked her missionary style. She experienced something deep inside her when she looked into his face as he came inside her for the second time. Each stroke had her voice cracking. Emotionally, she felt open and exposed to him. Now, she would have to deal with the morning after issues. For now, she was at peace in his arms.

Trevon lay wide awake. Each time he inhaled, it seemed a part of LaToria swirled inside him. She was so warm and soft. Last night had awakened him. This moment was what he sought emotionally. To go to bed and wake up with a beautiful woman in his arms. This is no lust! he told himself. He knew his bond with her was to some degree built on sex. But that was then. What concerned him was now. Closing his eyes, he thought about how things started off. That rare raw feeling of being inside her was . . .

LaToria smiled. All at once, she sensed the change in Trevon. His breathing sped up, along with his heartbeat. She felt his dick growing and pushing itself between her soft thighs.

“You up, baby?” She squeezed her thighs. “Are you dreaming?”

“I’m up.” He kissed her shoulder, moving a hand up to her breast.

“I can feel that.” She twisted at the waist then reached down to rub his erection.

Looking at his handsome face, she touched her lips against his. She knew what was about to happen when he lifted one of her legs. Before she could get adjusted, she felt him pushing deep inside her.

“Yessss! Do it, baby.” She found his tempo and tossed it back to him. They both took notice of the gushy sounds they made under the sheets.

“LaToria!” he groaned, long dicking her while she lay on her side. Their increased rocking caused the sheet to fall off her hiked up leg. He sped up at the sight of his dick sliding in and out. A guttural moan eased through his lips when he felt her fingers moving over his balls. Trevon had never had such a meaningful sexual experience that could match what he was feeling now.

Gripping her leg, he slid closer, pumping hard. She winced, now rubbing her throbbing clitoris as his dick plunged in and out, in and out. A spasm rocked her body. They shared each other openly.

“Tre-Tre-Trevon! I’m cummin’, baby!” she shouted several minutes later.

“Pussy!” He slammed his balls deep. “So.” He kept pumping. “Good!”

LaToria felt her pussy explode around his dick. She came in waves. Her eyes rolled, her body shook, and she stopped breathing as he pounded himself to his own climax, only seconds behind hers.

After the morning sex, Trevon and LaToria sat relaxing in the tub. She sat between his legs while he gently rubbed her breasts with a soapy rag. Her eyes were closed.

“Feel like talking?” he asked.

“About what?”

“You. Honestly, you’ve never opened up to me about your past. Why you started in porn. Your family . . .”

“Umm, you never asked.”

“Well, I’m asking now.” He twisted the rag, wringing it out then dropped it on the edge of the tub.

“Kinda late to wanna know all that.”

Trevon slid his hands up and down her shoulders. “I wanna know you beyond the bedroom, LaToria. Why you gotta be so . . . defensive?”

“I’m not being defensive.”

“Then talk to me, okay? Tell me about yourself.”

LaToria opened her eyes. “I don’t have a family. Happy now?”

“Everybody has a fam—”

“I was an orphan, Trevon. I don’t know a damn thang about my mother or father so everybody don’t have a family, okay!” She crossed her arms with her face balled up.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

LaToria shrugged. “I had six different so-called foster parents as I grew up. Some things happened to me that shouldn’t happen to young girls and . . . I just didn’t understand it. I was touched by this lady when I was sixteen. She and her husband would encourage me to bring my boyfriend over. They made me feel like it was okay to have sex in front of them.”

“Did the husband ever touch you?”

“No. Just his wife. But he was still sick to sit and watch me do it with guys. They made sure to keep me happy. I had all the fly clothes, all the freedom, but I was being used.”

“Did you tell anyone what was going on?”

“No,” she murmured. “Anyway, I started to get too wild. Skipping school, fucking all the guys in the neighborhood. Letting niggas run trains on me . . . I just didn’t care. Then my foster parents got upset because I wasn’t feeding their voyeurism fetish. They started hooking me up with all these guys. Most were college students. I was nineteen then. It took me three months to catch on to what my foster parents were doing to me.”

“They were still watching you have sex?”

“Yeah. But one day I came out of my bedroom and I overheard Mrs. Driskill, that’s her name. Anyway, she was on the phone telling someone about me. She was telling whomever what I looked like and the things I would do sexually. All types of shit. I listened to her negoitiate a price for someone to have sex with me.”

“They were pimping you!”

LaToria nodded. “For fifty bucks. I was mad as hell! I got mad about the wrong thing though. Instead of being upset about being used as a prostitute, I got pissed because I wasn’t getting my cut of the money. I never said anything. I kept up with the routine for three more weeks before I ran away with only two hundred and twenty dollars to my name.”

Trevon was unsure of what to say. He felt sorry for her and the pain she went through. Anger was also boiling inside him.

“I was staying up in Atlanta,” she continued. “I had a friend from school that was a stripper and she got me a spot at a club. Oh yeah, I dropped out of school in the tenth grade. Well, my looks had the money rolling in at the club, knowing that men would pay for sex changed my view of being promiscuous. I danced in the club for two years and I had my share of boyfriends and girlfriends. One day, a local big time drug dealer tried to holler at me, but I wasn’t falling for his game. Come to find out, he had a cousin that was an urban model manager.”

“Was he legit?”

“Hell yeah! I went to his studio with one of my girlfriends and he signed me on the spot. A week later, he had me booked to be in a music video. I ended up doing three within two months. Next, he took me up to New York and I had a six-page spread and interview for the Straight Stuntin’ magazine. I answered one question about if I was open to doing porn or not. I said yes. My big break came a month later when Janelle reached me through my manager.”

“What happened to your manager?”

“Janelle bought out my contract with him. A week later, I moved down here . . . and now I’m Kandi. A month after I turned twenty-one, I did my first adult film. I left all that pain behind me.”

“And you’re seriously happy with your life and doing porn?”

“Don’t feel sorry for me, Trevon.”

“How can I not? I—I care about you.”

She smacked her lips. “You don’t even know me like that.”

“What? You doubting how I feel about you?”

“Just leave me alone.” She frowned, folding her arms.

“No. I wanna talk about what we did last night and this morning.”

“Well, I don’t!” She pushed herself up. “I’m tired of talking. I done told you shit that I never told any other man.”

“LaToria, wait!” He stood up in the tub. “Are you on birth control?”

LaToria stepped out of the tub hiding her face and her fresh tears. Yanking the door open, she ran into the bedroom sobbing.

“LaToria!” Trevon snatched the towel off the sink, wrapping it around his wet waist. Before he took a step to chase after her, his cell phone began to ring. He was going to ignore it until he saw it was his sister, Angie calling. Looking into the bedroom, he saw LaToria shoving her wet legs into a pair of jeans. He wanted to talk to her. Seeing that she was upset, he assumed it was best to give her space and a moment to calm down. Sitting on the edge of the tub he answered his cell phone.

In the bedroom, LaToria threw on the first items of clothes that reached her hands. Out the corners of her blurry eyes she saw Trevon sitting in the bathroom on his cell phone. She was hurting inside. She had run from him, but her heart was crying out for him to follow. Seeing his attention was on the phone, she broke into a chest-heaving sob. He doesn’t care about me! rang inside her confused mind as she stormed out of the bedroom and out of the house. She was running away . . . again.

Kendra was having breakfast at IHOP with her daughter, Carmelita, who had gotten full and was playing with her food as Kendra talked on her cell phone.

“Girl, are you coming or not?” her BFF Dani bugged her.

“I said I’ll be there. But there better not be no foolishness going down.”

“I promise. Okay, I did go overboard with those male strippers. But we did have a ball!”

“No.” Kendra grinned. “You had a ball. Four of them from what I’ve heard.”

“Honey, it’s true! When all y’all left, I got me a taste of them two bruthas. And girl, they put it down on me. I did both of ‘em. But not at the same time though.”

“I’m trying to eat breakfast.”
“My bad. But look, eight o’clock. Sex toy party at my place.”

“I’m coming.”

“You’ll do just that if you buy some of these sex toys.”

“Girl, bye!” Kendra laughed at her crazy friend and ended the call.

“Who is that, Mommy?” Carmelita asked with syrup all over the table.

“Nobody important. Now stop playing in the syrup before it gets on your clothes.”

“Okay. I’ll stop now.”

“Thank you, baby.”

Kendra would keep her word and attend the sex party. Instead of women getting together to buy plastic bowls and cups, this party would feature sex toys. If anything, she would trip off the other women. The last sex party she attended, a lady in her early seventies had bought a ten-inch dildo and promised to use it. Kendra swore she would hear it on the breaking news. Old lady found dead in her bed with ten-inches up her ass! Kendra felt guilty as she laughed at her thoughts.

Within ten minutes of its start, Kendra lost full interest of the party.

The petite, dark-skinned talkative hostess stood in front of the eighteen women holding a black flesh-colored eight-inch dildo.

“This is our best seller,” the hostess claimed. “It cums.” She grinned. “No pun intended, with a money back guarantee.”

Dani softly elbowed Kendra. “YOU should buy that one.” Dani snickered.

“You should shut up,” Kendra promptly replied. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into coming to this mess.” Kendra glanced around the living room at the other women. They all seemed to be so engrossed with the hostess’ every word. The women, ranging in ages from 21 to 58 were all attractive in Kendra’s view. A few wore wedding rings and that made Kendra wonder if their married sex life had lost its fizz?

“Do you have anything bigger?” This came from a light-skinned woman that looked to be five months pregnant. The hostess nodded yes and reached behind her display.

Kendra inhaled sharply, covering her mouth.

“This big boy,” the hostess said, grinning. “We call it, The Intimidator!” She held the imposing eleven-inch dildo with two hands.

A few women gasped or moaned.

“I’ll call it . . . ain’t no damn way!” Kendra said, shaking her head.

One woman in her early 40s spoke what was on her mind. “Anybody find a piece like that swinging from a breathing man, let me know, honey! Mmmm.”

Two other women agreed with her. A discussion started. It centered on how big of a dick anyone had seen. Mostly everyone in the room admitted to seeing a few in porno films. A lady with a short haircut that framed her oval face claimed that her ex-boyfriend had a ten-inch dick. It took only one female to say she was stretching the truth. The short-haired woman backed up her claim by pulling out her cell phone. She had some pictures to prove it. One picture showed it in its fullness with her hands on it.

“Why aren’t you two together?” a middle-aged woman asked.

The short-haired woman looked at her sideways. “He was killing me! He’s the prime example of having too much of a good thing.”

When the topic of men died down, the hostess took over. Her next items to sell were different types of sex lotions that came in assorted scents and flavors.

Kendra was prudish when it came to sex. She thought, I’m just not a freak like Dani. Yeah, I have sucked a few dicks in my lifetime. Hmm . . . David, Kevin, and that manipulative ass Marcus! I shoulda bit that skinny shit off! Been too long; I can’t lie. Damn, the last time I had some dick was . . . nine damn months ago! Maybe I need to try out some on-line dick. I know one thing! When I do get some, I’ma fuck his ass to death and suck him ‘til my jaws are sore and then—

“Kendra.” Dani nudged her.

“What girl!”

“Ho, you just zoned out on me. Looking all slack faced. Thinking ‘bout some dick, ain’t cha?” She laughed.

Kendra blushed. “Girl, leave me alone.”

“I knew it! I can hook you up with my—”


“Girl, just—”

“No. Shut it down.”

Kendra hated how Dani could see right through her. About an hour later, Dani stood up in front of the group as the hostess took up all the new orders she made.

“Okay, y’all. I won’t be up here too long, okay? Well, I do have a surprise ending for this party, but it has to stay between us, okay?” Dani winked at the group.

Everyone nodded except Kendra. She lowered her face into her hands. I knew she would do something crazy. I should leave right now. Ain’t no telling what she’s about to do.

“A few of y’all know about my cousin that works at Amatory. For those in the dark, Amatory is an adult film company based right here in Miami.”

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