Nowhere Ranch (6 page)

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Authors: Heidi Cullinan

Tags: #Contemporary m/m romance

BOOK: Nowhere Ranch
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Haley sat down beside me. “So you're the new guy.”

She was breathless and beaming, telegraphing not just friendliness but interest. Both sex and friends. This was a full-on red alert, but I couldn't do my usual cut and run, because this was my boss's kid.

“Yep.” I kept my eyes on the rodeo.

She moved a little closer, making sure her knee brushed against mine. I wanted to glance back to see if Tory was catching all this, thinking maybe he would help me out. No luck.

“My dad says you're real smart. Says you should be a manager of your own spread.” She laughed. “But don't tell him I said that, because he's afraid you're gonna leave.”

Well, I hadn't been planning on it, but today it was looking better and better every second. I shrugged and kept watching the rodeo.

She tried a few more times to get me to chat, asking if I liked Nebraska, which I said I did, and how did I like the town, and I said it was fine, and she asked what I thought of Nowhere, and I said it was a good ranch. When Loving got up and said he was heading to concessions, I tried to go with him to get away, but he made me sit back down and just asked what I wanted, a beer or something else? I said, “A beer, thank you,” and sat back for more torture.

But once Loving and her dad cleared out, she looked at me with this “Oh, now I get it” look on her face and said, out loud, no volume control at all, “
. Are you dating Travis?”

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I felt like she'd put a gun to the center of my chest, but I didn't know what to say to make her take it away, or even if that was possible. And then,
, what did she do? When she figured out how upset I was, she leaned over and put her hand on my back. “Oh God. I'm sorry, are you not out?”

That was it. I stood, ready to bolt no matter how pissed Tory might get, but damn if Haley didn't grab my arm and pull me right back down. She kept hold of my sleeve as she fished one-handed into her purse, coming out with a peppermint.

“Suck on this,” she ordered, and I did, because what the hell else was I supposed to do? She kept rubbing my back, though, which I did not care for and which furthermore made no sense. She'd figured out—somehow—that I was gay, and now she was rubbing my back?

“Okay, so I've clearly stepped in this. Can you help me out? Are you freaking out because you're straight and I said you were gay, or because you're gay and you don't want anyone to know?”

I wished to God Tory had taught his kid to whisper. I tried again to get up, but she had iron fingers.

“Gay, then, because you would have made sure I knew you weren't otherwise.” She sighed. “Okay, so to start with, relax. I won't tell anybody. But you know Travis is gay, right? He's not out-out, but most people know.”

I thought of the many, erotic ways I had been gay with Loving and nodded, keeping my eyes on the bleacher seat in front of me.

“So are you dating him or not?” Haley pressed.


“So does
know? That you're gay?”

I tossed her a look that was somewhere between “shut up” and “please stop.”

She laughed. “Yes, I know. I'm nosy. But just tell me. I don't want to make this any worse.”

I didn't see how her knowing whether or not Loving knew I was gay would make any difference to anything, but I really, really wanted her to leave me alone, so I answered. “He knows.”

“Okay.” She relaxed her grip, but not all the way, and she smiled at me. “So. Here's the deal. Do you see the guy in the black Stetson and green button-down shirt hanging on the rail at about two o'clock?”

I glanced where she indicated and did see the cowboy she described. Tall and handsome, and if
have sat down and flirted with me, I'd already be bent over in the parking lot. But he didn't look happy about my existence. I moved my eyes back to the arena. “I see him.”

“His name is Cal, and he's my boyfriend. Or, he was until he broke up with me two days ago.”

Well, now it made sense. “You're trying to make him jealous.”

“Yes!” she said, pleased that I understood. “I think we've about done it too.”

“So you're telling me I shouldn't use the porta-potties way in the back and should stay out of the shadows?”

She found this funny. “What? No. He's not like that.”

I could see Cal just fine, and I can tell you he absolutely was like that. This is why I do not like girls.

“I think you should go over and make up to him then,” I said, hoping she would take the hint.

“I will in a minute.” She knocked her knee against mine, but it was deliberate and playful this time. “So how come I had to wait all this time to meet you? Are you some kind of hermit?”


“Well, don't be. I'm going to tell Dad to invite you to dinner sometime, and you're going to say yes.”

I should have stayed at home, even if I'd had to read that letter over and over all night. I nodded gruffly, and she patted me on the leg before rising and heading down the bleachers toward her soon to be not-ex-boyfriend, hips swinging as she went.

When Loving came back with my beer, I got up and came to sit beside him, and I put myself firmly between him and May, Haley's mom. She might talk to me, I knew, but she wouldn't flirt with me.

I hoped to God.

Loving handed me my beer, but he looked at me funny, like he was up to something. “Have a nice chat with Haley?”

I glared at him and took a big drink.

He laughed and reached over and slapped me twice on the thigh. It looked, I knew, to anyone who might have been watching us, like two buddies teasing, but he gripped my leg very briefly, making me think of the way he'd held me down in Rapid City. The touch stirred me. He didn't say anything else, and he didn't touch me again like that, but while we watched the action in the arena, his leg brushed several times against mine, and eventually our calves pressed together on the side—subtly, but I could feel it, his body burning, strong and sure and achingly familiar. And I realized we were going to have sex. There was no way I was going to watch rodeo beside him all night and drink beer with him and then ride home with him in the dark and do anything besides go into his house and let him fuck me. And I knew he knew this too.

When the rodeo was over and we walked back to his truck, moving through the dark field that was serving as a parking lot, he put his hand on my waist, and when I didn't object, it slipped down to my ass and cupped me firmly. I felt branded, and I guess in a way I was. I was his tonight, and we both knew it.

Maybe I was some sort of demon, and maybe I was friendless in the dark. But I wasn't going to be alone, not tonight. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna be calling Kayla.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Four

After Loving turned off the truck, he reached out and put his hand on the back of my neck to pull me closer. I didn't fight him. I opened for him before he got there, so when he kissed me, he went right inside.

We made out in the truck, just sitting there in the driveway for I don't know how long. He had his hand in my pants pretty quickly, doing that thing where I could watch him in my underwear, and I whimpered while he did it. His fingers started working back up my taint toward my hole, and I tried to lift up and give him better access, but there just wasn't room enough for those kind of shenanigans in the truck. We gave up and went into his house.

I had not been beyond the hall where his office was, and I got a good look at his kitchen as he hustled me through it. It was a damn fine kitchen, and I could tell from here it was going to waste. He caught me looking and mistook my reason for ogling.

“Thirsty?” He grabbed my ass with both hands. “Hungry?”

Just for you
. I leaned back and tilted my neck to the side so he could have better access to it. “No.”

He growled and tugged at my belt buckle, and once he had it off me, he tossed my belt off into the dark. The rest of my clothes quickly followed, though all of his stayed on. He had a thing for that, clearly.

Which worked out, because I did too.

It'd been too long for both of us, so the first round was nothing but jerking off together on the couch, him still clothed, me naked and riding him as he held our cocks together. He fed me the spunk again, and I sucked his fingers clean, then just sucked them some more because I liked it.

After that, he took me up to his bed. And we had ourselves some ass.

He arranged me on the bed, flat on my back, holding my legs back with my butt propped up on several pillows. He watched me, and I watched back as he did me one-fingered dry for a few minutes. I thought he was gonna try for two, but he surprised me by going for the lube before he did that. He had me really slicked up, so I knew what he wanted to do, and sure enough, it wasn't long before I had three fingers going at me, and then we were back to four.

“You're even tighter than you were last time,” he said, clearly pleased by this.

“It ain't like nobody's been in there since you,” I replied, but mostly I huffed it because he was really straining me.

He pulled out a little and held still while he quizzed me. “Nobody, huh? Nothing? Not even something plastic?”

I don't have much to do with toys on my own. “There may have been a finger or two.”

His grin was even better in the dark. “Tell me about these fingers.”

I thought about being smart and telling him they were long and thin and attached to my hand, but he had me in the mood to please him. “I laid on the bed, spread my legs open wide, and while I jerked myself off, I reached back and fucked myself with my fingers. First one, but it wasn't enough. So I used two.” His fingers had started moving in me again, and I knew he would like to hear this next part, so I said it out loud. “That I didn't do before you.”

I got a kiss for that, long and slow and hot. When he was done, he nuzzled my neck, nipping lightly. “I can't stop thinking about fisting you. I know we can't tonight.” He pushed his fingers in as deep as they could go, until I was panting. “But I want to be inside you, Roe. I keep thinking about the way you looked with that fat dildo in you. I remember the sounds you made. The way you bucked and convulsed. I want you to do that around my hand. Around my arm.”

I reached down and pulled his hand out enough so that I could talk again. “You are such an ass man. You do know that I have a cock too, yeah?”

He looked down at my groin in mock surprise. “My God. I had no idea.” But when I tried to shove at him, he brushed me aside. “Be still. I need to investigate.”

And investigate it he did, chiefly with his mouth. I got hard quicker than I thought I could, but I was nowhere near ready to come again, so I was just his cock-flavored lollipop while he continued to try and spread my ass. He wasn't getting as far inside me as he had that first night. He gave himself about a half an inch by sending his free hand up to pinch hard on my nipples, and I mean he pinched fucking hard. He had me shouting and moaning, screaming, “Fuck!” every time. Except pretty soon it was, “Fuck yeah. Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah. Fuck me. Like that. Oh God. Yeah,” a stream of lust-fueled encouragement. I could feel his knuckles scraping me, almost inside now, my nipples swollen and pounding, and my cock rock-hard inside his hot, sucking mouth. When he finally pulled up and looked at me, his eyes dark and heavy, I looked back at him in surrender, naked in every way.

“You're dirty,” he said. His hand was still working in me. “You're so fucking dirty. You'll take anything I do to you, won't you. And you love it.”

“Fuck yes,” I whispered, groaning and bucking my hips. “Oh fuck, but I love your fingers.”

They turned inside me. “So you're an ass man now too? Or should I pull out and start playing with your cock?”

“Plow my ass,” I told him, still humping. “Go get it and put it in me. Go get that monster dildo. Fucking do it, Loving.”

He looked sternly at me. He was after me to say “Travis.” I could tell. I wasn't gonna do it, though. Not even in a game. I humped harder.

“Please, Mr. Loving. Oh please, Mr. Loving, please put that big cock in me.”

He bit my lip, but I had won, because he was hot for it now too. He pulled his fingers out, and then he crossed the room to root around in a drawer. And there it was, that big fat monster. And it was gonna go inside me. I squirmed in anticipation.

When he brought it to the bed, though, he didn't grease it. He put it up to my mouth, and I opened up like a baby bird and took it in. It was so big that it strained my lips a little, but I let them stretch and took it in until it hit the back of my throat. I looked up at him and hummed on it while he carefully fucked my mouth with it. He was really fucking horny, I could tell. He had wanted this like I had wanted it, ever since that first time.

Eventually he pulled it out of my mouth, and I watched him slick it up, and then I pulled my legs wide as he aimed it at me. But when he started to push, I jolted.

“Easy.” He kept his eyes on my asshole and kept pushing. I bore down and panted, trying to open for it. He kissed the inside of my thigh. “You are so fucking gorgeous. You can do it, Roe.”

It was burning like nothing else, but I kept taking it, and once he got a few inches in me, he left it in there for a minute until my sphincter relaxed. I breathed hard and whimpered, but when he started to push again, my cries turned to moans.

“That's the way. Take it in, Roe. Take this big cock inside you. Pretend it's my hand. Pretend that's my fist inside you.”

I arched my back and started to go guttural. I could see it. In my head I could see it, and I could feel it: his knuckles scraping inside me, his wrist turning just a little. He pushed it deeper. And deeper. I was so fucking full. I started babbling like I was drunk. My tongue felt thick, my breathing labored. I tried to say his name, but it kept getting stuck in my throat.

“Travis,” he whispered, licking my ear. “Travis. Say it. Travis. Travis. Say Travis.”

“Travis,” I slurred, then moaned. “Ohhhh, Travisssss, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh!”

He bit my earlobe. “It's all in you. It's all the way inside you. The base is up against your taint.” He tapped on the base, and I about went through the ceiling. “This is what it will be like with my arm inside you. Arm, Roe.”

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