November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2)
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“I have it,” Layla piped up. “And you can have it, if I can go.”

Calvin leveled her with a dark gaze. “Give me the number, Layla.”

“Do I get to go?”

“Tim, you really want to marry this one? Layla, give me the number. Now.”

“Fine,” she huffed, scrolling through her phone. “224-6888.”

Calvin punched the numbers in and waited patiently as the phone rang. “You better answer, Derek,” he whispered.


* * *


Zoe opened the door of the truck and stepped out, her shoes crunching against the gravel of the driveway. Derek shut the truck off and stepped out. “He's calling me.”

She sighed. “I don't want to talk to him right now. I'm going up on the porch.” She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering slightly against the chill air. There had been a small warm spell, giving them Indian summer like days, but the nights were still brisk. A hoodie simply wasn't enough.

Her momma's robin's egg blue swing still sat on the corner of the porch, a beacon to a time she longed for, when things were simple. Her hand trailed along the railing of the porch as she walked closer to the swing. Turning, she sat down and began to rock, the familiar squeak of the chains soothing her frazzled, tired nerves.

She swung that way for a few moments, leaning back into the swing and flying.
Best thrill ever.
Her dark eyes filled with tears and she cried silently in the dusk of the porch.
I wish life was simple again.
Her breath caught on a sob and Derek sighed.

“Why are you crying, Zoe?” He came to sit next to her, jostling the swing as he plopped down on it.

“Why is life so complicated, Derek? Can you tell me that?” she whispered, her shoulders caving under the weight of the world pressing upon them.

“I don't know, Zoe. Sometimes I wish we were just kids again, before stuff became about sex and money. When we could just play down at the creek and not worry about life. But it ain't that way anymore.” He leaned back against the slats of the swing and rested his arm along the back. “Swing with me, Zoe. Let's just be.”

“Okay.” She slid back and her shoulder brushed against his arm. They began to rock back and forth, gliding smoothly through the air. The swing swept back far enough to catch glimpses of the clear sky and Zoe found herself choked up again looking at the majesty of the twilight. The sky stretched as far as one could see and was dotted with hundreds of crystalline stars. They blurred as she blinked and a tear slid from the corner of her eye. “Look at all the little lights, Derek.”

He glanced up as they flew back again. “Makes you feel small, don't it?”

“Very small, and like all my worries are insignificant in the big scope of things.”

“Ah, Zoe. You look so beautiful,” Derek whispered.

He shifted on the swing and drew her in close. “Derek, don't. Don't ruin this.”

“I can't help it, Zoe. Being here on this swing with you just reminds me of how we used to be.”

“Before or after you had sex with both of my best friends?”

“Zoe...the past is in the past...please.” His arm snaked tighter around her and she pulled back slightly.

“I'm not doing this, Derek.”

“Fine, honey, I'll do it for both of us.” His mouth crushed against hers and she struggled against his grip. As she gasped, his tongue snaked into her mouth, daring hers to tangle with his. Instead, she bit down, eliciting a squawk of pain from him. “What the hell, Zoe!”

“I said I don't want to do this, Derek. Just because I'm upset and vulnerable doesn't make it okay. Don't you remember that no means no?” She stood abruptly and stalked across the porch. “I want to go home.”

“Get there on your own, you bitch. I was just trying to make us work.” He brushed past her and hurried to the truck. “Call your precious husband to come get you.”

Derek? There never
an us.”

“Then why did you call me, Zoe? Huh? Why? Because you know that you have no one else? Because as much as you don't want to admit it, you still have feelings for me? And because you know there is a chance this baby is mine so you want to keep this avenue open?” He threw the door of the truck open. “Answer me, Zoe!”

“I called you because...” Her voice caught on a sob. “Because I knew you'd come get me.”


“Because I know you care.”

“And you don't, right, Zoe? You don't care. You're a cold, heartless bitch and the thought never crossed your mind that this kid could be mine and Calvin won't want you. Right?” He spat on the ground and crawled in the truck, starting it and pausing for a moment before saying, “Well, Zoe, I know you. Don't forget that. I know you almost as well as you know yourself. Find your own way home.”

He threw the truck in reverse and peeled out of the driveway, the roar of his engine deafening as he tore down the two-lane road.

Zoe stumbled back to the swing and fell on the wooden seat as she sobbed. The taste of his kiss was still branded across her mouth and it threw her emotions into overdrive. Tears flowed and her thoughts ran amok.
What if he's right? Am I really keeping both pathways open for them? Am I really that selfish?

The baby rolled and she blew out a soft breath. “I'm sorry, baby. I need to stop stressing. I may as well get this over with, huh?” She pulled her phone out and called Calvin. He answered on the second ring.


“Hey.” Her brain could think of nothing else to say.

“Where are you? Are you okay?” She closed her eyes against the tide of emotion that poured through her at his panic.

“At my old house. On the swing.” She rocked slowly in the seat again, back and forth, forth and back again.

“Are you okay? I'm coming to get you. Don't move.”

“Where am I gonna go? Remember, everything I have, you gave to me.”

His voice was soft, pleading with her. “I'm on my way.”

She hung up the phone and watched all the little lights in the sky as she waited. The little rental car pulled into the drive minutes later and Calvin killed the engine as he stepped out. “Zoe?” he called.

“I'm on the swing.”

He ran up the stairs and came to stand a few feet in front of her. “Come on.”

“Why? For you to yell at me again? I've had quite enough of that tonight, thank you,” she muttered with an acerbic tone.

“I'm sorry. I can't say it enough. I could say it a hundred times and it won't make it better or the words hurt less. But I am. I am sorry. I had no right to yell at you and get mad at you for doing what you thought was right.” He stepped closer and she didn't stop the slow rocking of the swing. “Can I sit down?”

“Sure. Keep your hands to yourself. I've already bitten one guy tonight, I have no issues with biting another.” A shiver coursed through her as she paused and Calvin sat beside her.

“Wait...what?” The chains jangled as he shifted to stare at her.

“Don't touch me.” She wrapped her arms around herself.

“Did Derek touch you, Zoe?”

She clenched her jaw and shrugged. “It was just a kiss. But I bit the shit out of him.”

Calvin swallowed and clenched his fists. “He kissed you?”

“Yeah.” She shrugged again.

“I'm going to kill him.” Calvin leapt from the seat, making the whole swing rock violently.

“Calm down, Tarzan,” she quipped. “I handled it.”

“No, Zoe, that's bullshit. It's not okay to just go around kissing my wife!” He paced the wooden porch. “And if he thinks that he's going to be making the moves on you, if our daughter is his? Well, I'll be damned!”

“Our – our daughter?” She squeaked. “How do you know?”

“Tim told me. Why didn't you?”

“I was planning to tell you at Christmas, but that plan is dead in the water. Thanks a lot, big mouth, fucking Tim. Now I have half a mind to bust his nose.”

Calvin chuckled and sat back down beside her. “I think his nose is messed up enough for a while, Zoe. Look. I'm really, really sorry I overreacted. I was wrong and I promise not to do it again. Or at least try. I'm no angel, but I will try. Can you forgive me?”

Zoe sighed. “I understand why you blew, but don't shut me out.”

“You left me. And you called him,” Calvin whispered brokenly. “You called
of all people.”

“I didn't think he was going to jump me, Calvin. The things Layla said, they really hurt. But you know what, she's right. Everything I have is because you gave it to me. I didn't want to fight with you anymore and I didn't know what to do.”

“You can't run back to him every time we have problems.” His hand found hers and he gently stroked her knuckles. “Please come with me. You've been out here in the cold enough. Let's go home.”

“I don't want to go to Mobile.”

“I wasn't going to ask, Zoe. I have to earn that right back. I just want you to rest. For our baby. And for you.” He stood and held out his hand. “Please, come with me.”

“Okay.” She took his hand and stood carefully, staring back at the little blue swing for a moment.

They walked down the driveway to his car and he leaned close. “So, second fight. Two out of a ten?”

Zoe laughed weakly. “Maybe.”

Chapter Ten




Zoe woke to a feather soft brush against her lips and her eyes opened, to see Calvin leaning over her with a smile on his face. “Morning, beautiful.”

“Morning. What time is it?” she groaned.

“Eleven-thirty.” He eased back off the bed and rummaged through his bag.

“How long have you been up?” She stretched slowly, her eyes closing in pleasure as her muscles relaxed.

“A while,” he answered.

“Oh. Why didn't you wake me?” Her belly grumbled in protest. “I'm starving.”

“Because I was laying here looking at you laying there and thinking I'm the luckiest man in the world.” He stood and winked at her before tossing a small box in her direction. “Here, this is part of your Christmas present. It’s early, but I want you to have it.”

She sat up and ran a hand through her tangled hair. “Calvin, you don't have to give me this just because of last night.”

He hopped on the bed, the whole mattress jostling as he bounced. “I know I don't, but I want to. I want to make you happy, Zoe. Just open the box.”

Her fingers toyed with the small present for a moment and she blew out a breath. “I don't like fighting with you.”

“And I don't like fighting with you. I was an ass, I was wrong and I'm sorry, beautiful.” He scooted closer and slid an arm behind her as he rested his head against her belly. “I didn't mean to upset you...I just didn't think. It's hard to realize that your baby sister is grown up.”

“I can't believe they are in love.” The baby rolled at that moment and Calvin jumped back, staring up at her with big eyes.

“I just got kicked.” His eyes grew soft and he traced a hand slowly across her bump. “Hi, baby.”

“She just wanted to say hello.” Her breath caught in her throat as he slowly pressed a kiss to her belly, the heat of his mouth seared her skin through the shirt she wore and her nipples tightened involuntarily.

“I can't wait to meet you, baby. And daddy was an asshole for upsetting mommy last night. I hope mommy can forgive me. What do you think, baby? Should she forgive daddy? One kick for yes, two for no.” His hand came to the bump again and his brow furrowed in concentration as he waited for the thumps.

Zoe laughed. “I have missed you.”

Calvin came to his knees and his palms brushed against her cheeks and his fingertips slid into her hair. “No more than I've missed you. Open your present, Zoe.”

Her eyes crossed as they focused on his full mouth. His tongue darted out to dampen his bottom lip and she shivered. Her hand caught in his shirt and she pulled him the last fraction of an inch until their mouths collided. His tongue slid between her lips and stroked against her own, adding fuel to an already blazing inferno of desire.

The kiss went on and on, a simple meeting of mouths, but for them, so much more. They poured their hearts into the simple movements, lips clinging to hope and promises unspoken. After a few moments, he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Zoe.”

“That's my name. Don't wear it out,” she quipped weakly.

His mouth brushed against her ear and he whispered, “You'll be the one screaming my name later if I have my way about it.”


“Oh. Now open the present.”

She slid the lid off the box and nestled inside on soft cotton lay a simple beaded bracelet. “It's pretty, Calvin.”

“Well, let me explain it to you.” He took the bracelet from her and twined the beads between his fingers. “See, this bracelet is special. You see these blue and green beads?”

“Yeah, and one red one.”

“Well, this bracelet symbolizes the ocean and the fire over which we met, again.” He grinned sheepishly. “I thought it was something you'd like.”

Zoe caught his hand in hers, the beads captured between their palms. “It's beautiful, Calvin. Thank you.”

“It's not all you're getting for Christmas.”

Zoe blushed. “To be honest, I haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done.”

Calvin's head jerked up. “Want to go?”

“What, now?”

“Why not? I'll take you to Sonic... I know a Route 44 has to be calling your name.” He handed her the bracelet and stood, walking over to the door.

“I know why you want to go to Mobile.” She couldn't help but grin.

“What... me? No,” he winked as he walked into the hallway. “Take your time getting ready.”

She stretched again, leisurely before sliding from between the covers and standing up. Rummaging through the dresser, she found very little that appealed to her. Any lingerie she had, didn't fit, panties rode dangerously low and bras were a joke, her boobs poured out of them. Finding a bra that didn't look completely horrible, she pulled back on her yoga pants and hoodie. It fit, it was warm, and it would do.

She padded to the bathroom and finished getting ready, taking only minutes to pull her hair into a braid and brush her teeth. As she came into the living room, Grams and Pops eyed her. “Afternoon, sunshine,” Pops remarked.

“It lives!” Grams chuckled and Zoe blushed.

“Yeah, I'm alive.”

“You needed the rest after what this grandson of mine put you through last night. I've already given him a talking to about how he needs to be treating you. You let me know if he steps out of line and I'll bust his back end for you.” Grams said.

Zoe laughed. “I sure will!”

“You two be careful out there, and have fun. I don't expect to see you back ‘til tomorrow, you hear me?” Grams slowly rocked in her chair and smirked.

Calvin snorted. “I hear you, Grams. Y'all have a good day.”

“You too. You best be getting down here to give me a hug and kiss, boy!” Grams caught the edge of his shirt and Calvin turned to press a kiss to her weathered cheek. Pops took a hug and Zoe followed suit.

Grams whispered in her ear softly. “He's got a temper like his daddy. It blows in fast like a summer storm, and it's gone just as quick. Don't take anything he says in anger seriously. He has to learn how to control it. That boy loves you better than breath. I've never seen him like this.”

Zoe nodded. “I know.”

“Good. Go enjoy yourself.”

They walked out to the car and she shivered in her hoodie. “Zoe?”


“Why aren't you wearing something more than that jacket?”

She slid into the seat of the car and shrugged. “Nothing fits anymore.”

Calvin started the engine and it purred to life. “Why haven't you gotten anything?”

“Well, the whole time I've been here I haven't gone anywhere. There's nowhere really here to shop for plus sized maternity clothing, is there?” She buckled herself in as they pulled out onto the road.

“I guess not. How about Sonic first, then we're going to the mall?”

She sighed and nodded. “If I am forced to. I get a foot long hot dog, though.”

He laughed. “I was hoping to save that for tonight.”

She realized what he was insinuating and blushed hot. “You wish yours was that big.”

“Do you?”

“God. No.” She shook her head. “There are just some things that shouldn't be a foot long and a dick is one of them. We're talking about a weapon of mass destruction. I would not pass go, I would not collect two-hundred dollars. That car would not be coming into my garage; it would never fit. And hell, even if it did, imagine the destruction left behind. It would be awful.”

Calvin laughed hard for a moment before wiping at his eyes. “I've missed you.”

The beaded bracelet on her wrist jangled softly as she caught his hand in hers. “I've missed you. Let's not fight anymore while you're home. I just want to enjoy it. It's altogether entirely too short.”

“Are you talking about my dick again?” he quipped, wiggling his eyebrows.

“No!” she giggled. “Jeez. You and all this dick talk.”

“Well it's been lonely in the desert and just wants to be acknowledged,” he pouted, his bottom lip poking out.

“Maybe later.”

They fell into a companionable silence and finally Zoe leaned forward and clicked on the radio.

He pulled into the Sonic drive thru a few minutes later and ordered them both Route 44 Cherry Cokes and foot long hot dogs. As the carhop brought their food, Zoe tore into the bag.

“Hulk hungry?” Calvin laughed as she ripped open the paper on the hot dog.

“Yes!” As the first bite of salty, cheesy goodness filled her mouth, she groaned. “So good!”

“Uhhh...I'm gonna get jealous over here,” he winked as he began eating his own.

Once they were finished, they drove to the mall and parked as close as they could to the front doors. Their hands met and fingers tangled together as they walked, browsing store after store.

“What do you want for Christmas, Calvin?”

His arms came around her waist and he whispered into her ear. “I've already got what I want.”


“You.” Teeth nibbled gently at her earlobe and it took all the strength she possessed not to moan in the middle of JC Penney.

“I have to get you something.”

“Says who? Are Santa's elves going to swoop down here and give you a ticket if you don't?”

“They might.”

“I doubt it. Tell you what. Why don't we split up for a bit. I will go get presents for Grams, Pops and Layla. You go shopping for some clothes. I'll meet you in the food court in a couple hours.”

Zoe shrugged. “Do I have to?” The wheels in her head were turning, trying to think of a present for him. His mouth touched hers and he turned to leave.

“Yes. See you later.”

Zoe knew she had precious time to get this done. Rushing back to the dressing room, she found an associate. “Excuse me, I need help. I need maternity bras. I need clothes. Fast. I don't have a lot of time to try stuff on. Do you have like stretchy bras? Something?”

The young girl, a timid dishwater blonde with big green eyes nodded. The nametag jauntily stuck to her flat chest proclaimed her name was Lisa. “Sure, I can help you. Let's get you measured quickly and I'll pull stuff for you.”

Zoe walked into a dressing room and the girl followed with a measuring tape. A few quick measurements later, the girl was gone and back with a few bras. “Try these. They are comfortable and will accommodate growth.”

Zoe groaned and began pulling them on. Only one was comfortable. “I want three of these.”

“Okay, I'll get them for you. Would you like me to pull any maternity clothes for you to try on?”

“No. I'll just grab stuff off the rack. I need to get my husband a gift and I don't have much time. Do you have anyone here in the mall who does engraving?” She pulled her old bra back on and her shirt as she talked.

“Yes, we do. Hartman's Jewelers just down the way here. Let me get these bras for you and show you where the maternity clothes are. Do you know what you're having yet?”

Zoe nodded. “A little girl.”

“Oh! Congratulations!” Lisa smiled. “That's so exciting!”

“I can't wait.”

Lisa led her to the few racks of maternity clothing. “This is what we have. Pick what you like and I'll ring you up. Congratulations again.”

Zoe rifled through the racks, finding a few simple shirts in her size and pants to match. The shirts were all identical, but different colors. A few dresses hung on another rack and she frowned as she looked at them.
Should I get a dress? Nah, don’t need one.

She found a sweater and took everything to the register. “Will you ring these up while I grab underwear?”


She found some maternity underwear finally in her size and grabbed every pair she could find, tossing them up on the counter. “I think that will do it.”

Once she paid for the clothes, she grabbed the bags and rushed out into the mall, searching for Hartman's Jewelers. The tiny shop was just around the corner and she hurried inside. An older gentleman glanced up and smiled. “Good afternoon, miss, how can I help you?”

“I need a gift...can you help me?”

“I'll do my best.”

“It's for my husband...”


* * *


Calvin perused the bookstore for some vampire books for Layla. That was the last thing he remembered her liking. He found a few and checked out there, going into another store to get some pretty scarves and a new purse for Grams to use on Sunday. Pops was a little harder. He wasn't into ties or clothing. He walked into Sears and headed for the tool section, finding some nice wrenches for him.

Zoe has the one big present coming...but shouldn't I have something under the tree for her? But what...
A secretive smile played at the corners of his mouth.
Oh she's going to freak when I give her this...but doesn't she deserve it?
His smile faded as the next thought played out.
What if she doesn't like it? No, no, she has to like it. It's something very, very special to her. Hell, I hope she likes it. It's too late if she doesn't...

BOOK: November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2)
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