Nova Project #1

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Authors: Emma Trevayne

BOOK: Nova Project #1
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For Heidi, who is a miracle


his is how the game begins.

Squalling, swaddled, the lights overhead a blur viewed by new eyes. We are conscious—hopefully—but not aware. Arms surround us, and we don't yet know that this is how the game began for them, too.

Fingers tap on a square of light. Date and time of birth. A name, if we have one already. Weight, length, gender.

And just like that, we exist. Officially exist, the details recorded for eternity.

The game is paused then, mostly. Perhaps that's not accurate. Perhaps we are the characters in the castle or the warehouse, cowering in the shadows, waiting for our turn with the wand, the invincibility orb, the gun.

We don't yet know that none of these weapons will help us. We do know that someone is keeping score.

We are wrong about who.


icholas Lee] Mig, where are you?

[Self: Miguel Anderson] Check my geoloc. Heading in for a few hours.

[Anna Kasperek] C'mon, really? We have that party later.

[Self: Miguel Anderson] God, do I have to?

[Anna Kasperek] Yes. Meet me by the river at 9. Don't you dare lose track of time or I'll come and find you, you know I will.

[Nicholas Lee] He does know that.

[Self: Miguel Anderson] I do know that.
I won't be long, I'm so close.

[Nicholas Lee] I'll see you guys at the place. Luck, Mig.

[Self: Miguel Anderson] Later.

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