Nova (2 page)

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Authors: Lora E. Rasmussen

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Epic, #Fiction, #LGBT, #Lesbian, #(v5.0)

BOOK: Nova
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“Only too true, Captain.”

“I’ve arranged for a comfortable dinner tonight at oh–seven–thirty
in the Strategy Room; just myself and Commander Perez.” She stated, clearly
having understood his quiet cue for privacy.

“Excellent, Captain Serros. I look forward to it.”
Sweetwater responded.

“For now, Commander Perez will show you to your quarters
while you are aboard.”

“Very good.”

“This way, Delegate.” Commander Perez motioned, and with a
final nod to the Captain, Sweetwater followed the Commander towards the ship’s

 * * * * *

“A truly enjoyable meal, Captain, thank you.” Delegate Sweetwater
remarked, meaning every word. Their meal was all but demolished; Old–Terran
style beef brisquette, potato mash, steamed greens, and coconut–rum pie, fare
that was somewhat hard to come by during extended tours on a starship.

“Well, Gaius can’t seem to pass up an opportunity to set a fine
table, in contrast to my simpler tastes.” Captain Serros replied with a light
laugh and a look towards her Steward, Major Bennet Gaius.

As he picked up the last of the flatware, Major Gaius looked
archly at his Captain and commented, “Simple tastes? Says the Officer who just
polished off three servings. Besides, food can’t always be just for the body’s
requirements. After all, who wants to live on food cubes?”

“A scored point.” Captain Serros answered with a sigh and a
good–natured half–smile.

“A double–point, I’d say.” Commander Perez quipped. “Any
time you want to work for me instead of the Captain, you let me know, Ben.”

“Alas, I cannot abandon my duty.” Major Gaius responded with
mock regret. “If that will be all?”

“Yes, thank you, Ben.” Captain Serros replied with a final
appreciative nod.

The Quorum Delegate, Captain, and Executive Officer all sat
to attention when the Captain’s Steward exited the Strategy Room and the door
behind him, as if that small sound was in some way a call to action.

After a few moments of silence, Sweetwater cleared his
throat and announced “Unfortunately, business can no longer be delayed. It’s
time to speak about the official reason for my visit.”

Captain Serros merely nodded, unsurprised, yet she did not
prod the Delegate to begin. She waited with an outward calm that was decidedly at
odds with the intensity of her eyes.

“I’m here to brief you on a mission of great import to the
Galactic Quorum of Aligned Systems as a whole, as well as more specifically, the
Vosaia Consulate and the Human Ministry.” Sweetwater paused, running a caramel
colored hand through thick, neck–length dark hair.

To give the Delegate the time he seemed to need, Captain Serros
commented, “That’s quite the list, Delegate.”

Sweetwater offered an involuntary grin at her words and dry
tone. “Quite. You can see why this is top priority and why Nova Squad is being
tapped. According to Vosaia Intelligence, one of their STF agents has turned
shall we say, and brokered an exchange of cutting
edge Arcatech with a currently unknown third party. You’re primary objective is
to intercept the exchange at all costs. Secondary, to take the rogue STF Agent into
custody. We want to know when she turned, who turned her, and who her contacts

Captain Serros absently rubbed at a faint, still healing cut
under her left eye, pondering the Delegate’s words. “By ‘unknown third party,’
do we mean the Karukai Imperium, Genesis Group, or the Fosaki Matrix?” The
Captain asked after a moment, keen mind immediately listing the Quorum’s
greatest concerns without even being given the remaining data.

“Well, as to that, the Quorum is divided.” Jameson replied,
inviting Serros to attack the problem with a direct look reminiscent of the
days he’d taught her at Paxen Academy.

“It would be an odd play for the Fosaki; they persistently
stay in their own systems.” Captain Serros pondered aloud, “Though in some
ways, given their society’s mandatory synthetic enhancement application stricture,
and obsession with genetic and cybernetic perfection, they’d be interested.”

“Meaning it’s entirely plausible for the Fosaki to take
extreme measures to obtain new Arca advancements.” Commander Perez commented, eyes
narrowed in thought.

“At the same time, covert sabotage and theft doesn’t fit
modus operandi
at all. Of course,” Captain Serros added ruefully,
“this is assuming we really even understand the Fosaki at all, which frankly,
we do not. They remain an enigma that hasn’t reared its head since the genocide
of the Ty–Lin four centuries ago.”

“Precisely.” Delegate Sweetwater confirmed, voice grave.

“Mm. The Genesis Group is far more concerned with the
destruction of Arcatech than its use and exploitation, so of all our
possibilities, I’d say they represent the least likely suspects.” The dark–haired
Captain asserted, confidence rippling in her smooth alto.

“Wish they’d hurry up and blow
up.” Commander
Perez muttered, scorn evident.

“No arguments there, Marcus.” Serros agreed, a familiar, crooked
half–smile briefly playing about her mouth before utterly dissolving with her next
words. “Which leaves us with the Karukai.”

“Precisely; which leaves us with the Karukai.” Jameson Sweetwater

“Considering the implications, I can see why a Quorum Shield
is necessary.” Captain Serros remarked.

“Humph. Exactly. And… not only one Shield, but two.”

Sweetwater could tell that his statement caught Serros by
surprise. “Two?

? But Quorum Shield Operatives never really work
together and last time I counted, there’s only one Shield aboard the
, and we
need another.” Commander Marcus Perez
exclaimed, unable to help himself.

“Thanks, buddy.” Captain Serros commented.

“You know what I mean, Avara… Captain.” Perez rejoined,
strong jaw taking a pugnacious pose. “Just,
, we’re
Nova Squad
The whole point is to have a close–knit team of super–specialists that
complement each other’s strengths
to avoid direct oversight. That’s
why we get the job done when no one else can.”

“We still follow Quorum orders, Marcus.” Avara remarked
blandly, well familiar with her second in command’s passionate temperament.

“As it is, I happen to agree, Commander Perez.” Sweetwater
broke in. “However, it is because of the political implications that there are
to be two.” Sweetwater’s gaze locked with Captain Serros, willing her to understand.

“I see the logic.” The Captain responded to his prompting, voice
measured by untouchable resolve to complete the required task. That same
tenacity had seen her through mission after mission. Not to mention, played no
small part in the fact that to date, she’d been granted over a dozen of the
most prestigious military awards and commendations in the Quorum Aligned Systems.

“My guess is that the ‘
Powers That Be’
are concerned
that the Karukai are not the only players, that they are extending alliances to
other groups.” Captain Serros stated. “Plus, there are other considerations. Firstly,
Humans want representation due to our recent experience of the Margrom War. This
is especially true because no tactical analyst that can write out her own title
in five minutes or less, believes that hostilities have ended between the Karukai
Imperium and the Quorum Aligned Systems.”

“Inevitable is the appropriate word to use.” Commander Perez
commented, tone grim.

“Exactly.” The Captain confirmed. “The Quorum would want a Shield
Operative to directly address the situation for this reason alone. Secondly,
given our experience during the Margrom War, Nova Squad would be a natural

“Don’t forget to add your specific actions during the War, Captain
Serros, and your total track record as a whole.” Delegate Sweetwater

“Yes, well, like any intelligent buyer, the Quorum prefers a
known quantity.” The Captain remarked, shrugging off the Delegate’s words, uncomfortable
with but much too savvy to fully dispute Sweetwater’s assessment. He almost
laughed out loud, knowing her dislike of public fuss only too well.

“Thirdly,” Serros continued, “given that the rogue agent
Vosaia, my guess is that they want one of their own involved who’s a Shield Operative.
Especially given the…
between the Vosaia and Karukai
peoples. Delegate?”

“Locked, Captain Serros.” Sweetwater confirmed, offering an
appreciative chuckle. “You are the designated lead on the mission, a specific
point that the Quorum wanted for all of the reasons we’ve already discussed. Politically,
it’s simply more comfortable
to have a Vosaia be the lead
investigating a Vosaia traitor.”

“Make’s sense, I suppose.” Commander Perez remarked.

“Your second in this mission is Quorum Shield Operative Major
Goyan Hadarr.”  Delegate Sweetwater informed, shifting a bit as he spoke. “She
unearthed the intelligence on the Vosaia traitor, and will not only provide
mission support but, as an active Vosaia STF before becoming a Shield Operative,
Major Hadarr will afford necessary data regarding the target.”

“I’ve heard the name.” Captain Serros acknowledged. “Not
sure I’ve liked everything I’ve heard.” Her eyes flared like sunlight blooming during
the dead of night as she looked to the Delegate for answers. For his read.

And trusting him to be honest.

Sweetwater controlled an internal sigh. He knew Captain
Avara Serros very well, knew her to be the most exceptionally gifted commander
and soldier he’d ever met.
, he’d helped to scout and train her when
she’d been just a Cadet. Decades later, Sweetwater had been the first to back
Avara’s proposal to the Quorum to create her own team after the disastrous
outcome of the Cindrex Affair.

Sweetwater also understood what kind of person she was and
why this question was critical to other, less obvious mission objectives. Quorum
Delegate Jameson Sweetwater knew he had to address her concerns,

“You are aware, better than most, how tenuous the state of
the Quorum Aligned Systems currently is.” Sweetwater began. “As you yourself
just pointed out, the rising threat of Karukai expansion is both real and immanent.
Simultaneously, there is another consideration adding significant weight to the
matter at hand. Specifically, a certain political trend that, given our
situation with the Karukai, make’s creating positive relations and alliances
Quorum worlds and the Vosaia
to be absolutely

“The proponents of Unification within the Vosaia Consulate.”
Captain Serros proclaimed softly.

“Exactly.” Sweetwater confirmed with a nod. “The Vosaia are
the natural enemies of the Karukai and one of the most valuable allies if and when
hostilities break out. We
the Vosaia to be fully on board with the
Quorum, not fractured with internal dispute by a small faction pushing for reunification
with the Karukai.” Jameson could hear his own voice rise, propelled by
knowledge and sheer instinct that given the state of affairs as they stood, the
Vosaia political situation carried the potential to represent grave danger.
That potential had to be snuffed out before it could take root and reach

Taking a breath, Delegate Sweetwater let the former Ministry
Naval Officer in him take over as he forthrightly declared, “You and I both
that in the sum total of horrors that wait to pounce on Humanity as
well as
of the other Quorum races, the single most dangerous threat
is the Karukai Imperium, plain and simple.”

“So you need me to make nice and help solidify Human–Vosaia
relations.” Captain Serros replied.

He nodded, meeting her eyes unflinchingly.

“Jamie, I’m no politician and you
how I feel
about political machinations.” Captain Avara Serros declared, frustration
raking her normative state of calm for the first time as she ran both hands
through her dark hair, pushing an errant cowlick back like the unwanted reality
of her position.

As if reading her mind, Sweetwater commented quietly, “I
know. Just as you know, this is part of the job. Part of guaranteeing lives. We
not only need the Quorum’s best, but we need Humanity’s best, to stand as an
exemplum of the past and of who we are and what all of the Quorum Systems can
be. We need
, Avara.”

Watching his old friend carefully, the rich skinned Delegate
let that thought settle in the space between them. “Either way, rumors are just
rumors. Major Goyan Hadarr is highly competent and necessary for the Ministry
and the Quorum to achieve all of its mission objectives, not just the overt

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Captain Serros responded, raising
her hands in mock surrender. “No need for top grade polemic; I already voted
for you!”

! Good thing, too. Wouldn’t want my feelings

With a sigh, Serros’s half–grin faded. “You know I will
complete the mission, Jamie. But you also know,
I freely allow another Cindrex. Some compromises should not be made.”

Sweetwater made himself directly meet his friend and one
time protégée’s gaze. “That’s a given, Captain Serros, at least for me.”

She nodded once, in acceptance. “Then where and when do we
meet my fellow Quorum Strategic High Risk, Intelligence, and Enforcement Operative,
and begin the mission?”

“Cillian Station.”

“Then we better set course for Cillian Station, Commander
Perez.” Captain Serros remarked mildly, glancing over at her Executive Officer.

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