Notice Me (14 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #romance, #tristan, #werewolf, #luke, #mates, #anya, #wattpad, #lise, #bebechinadoll, #watty awards

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It seems like you can't look at someone and make
assumptions, because it seems like I'm batting a thousand here.
"Tristan, Luke I can't say it's a pleasure seeing you guys here."
Troy answered in a dangerously unfriendly tone. A tone I've never
heard from him before. Wow...anyone else here smell animosity in
the air?
The guys stepped around us standing in front of us, almost like
they were shielding us from Troy. What're these two nitwits doing,
Troy would never hurt us. "How is it you know everybody and their
mother?" I asked leaning around Tristan's body to get a look at his
"Future Alpha." He remarked pointing at himself, his voice
softening up a slight bit from when he was talking to Troy. Ok, so
at least I know his anger isn't towards me.
"It's my duty to know everyone and at least have a general idea of
what's going on with everything." Tristan gave me a small smile
then it vanished from his lips as his hard eyes refocused on
You could slice through the tension with a knife, the air
surrounding us seemed to be charging with some form of static
electricity. "How do you know our girls?" Luke chimed in
interrupting the stare down between the two. He too was giving Troy
the care bear stare-down.
"Your girls?" Troy spat out with disgust lacing his tone. "As far
as I'm concerned these two here were my girls way before they
became yours."
"Well listen and listen good Troy, because I'm only going to tell
you this once." Tristan all but roared taking a threatening step
towards him. "Anya and Lise are our mates and YOU will stay away
from them starting now." Say what, say who? Stay away from us, why
in the heck would he threaten him to stay away from us? How is that
even fair?
Troy's been our friend way before these two came into the picture.
There's no way, no how Anya and I are just going drop him like a
sack of hot potatoes. As Tristan said the last part, Troy pushed
his hands out in front of him shoving Tristan back a few
For someone to be able to move that solid mountain of muscle, that
meant they had to A-be really strong or B-be a wolf. I mean, now
that I have some minimal wolf knowledge I should be able to tell if
Troy is a wolf, shouldn't I?
Who am I trying to fool? I don't have the faintest clue what to
look for when it comes to being a wolf, besides the fact that
they're devastatingly good looking. I'd like to sit here and tell
you that Tristan let it go and that they made up with a handshake.
That the drama came to an end right there and then, but of course
I'd be lying.
All hell broke loose upon instant contact, Tristan's reaction time
was faster then anything I've ever seen as he lunged at Troy and
they went flying into a bunch of tables. Out of nowhere another guy
came barreling into Luke tackling him to the ground. Fists began
flying everywhere, glasses shattered from the tables, I think I
even saw someone's sneaker fly past us!
Anya and I were screaming at the top of our lungs for them to break
it up. We glanced at one another helplessly, not wanting to try and
physically stop them in case we got punched. Do you think they
listened to us, to their mates? No, of course not! Tristan, Troy,
Luke, and his mystery attacker were still rolling around in a
scuffle on the floor.
Thank god we were off to the side of the lounge. We were away from
the stage where almost everyone's attention was. Somehow the band
on stage was still rocking and the crowd was carrying about their
business. Does no one notice the four guys fighting or do they just
choose to ignore it?
Next thing you know, we were completely surrounded by ten or so
guys, good looking guys might I add. Which can only lead me to
assume they are all wolves. Wolves are here, wolves are there, and
wolves are freaking everywhere anymore. What's the world coming to?
Next thing you know, I'll find out vampires and witches exist too,
maybe even furry little gremlins!
The group of guys all split up making it their ultimate goal to
separate the four fighting. Though that task was easier said then
done. It's like they all had superhuman strength! "Alright, enough
already!" One of them screamed loudly yanking Tristan off Troy.
"The two of you are future Alphas, you need to start acting like it
for god sakes."
The four of them were finally pulled apart and held back by two
guys each. I could see how angry they all were because their faces
were a bright shade of red and their chests were heaving up and
down. Anya and I stood there traumatized at what we witnessed
before us. I can't believe they had an all out brawl over us, was
it over us?
All we could do was turn our heads back and forth looking between
the guys with interest. Can't say I've every observed a real life
fight before, it was absolutely heart stopping. "I'm warning you
Troy, stay away or there'll be consequences you won't be ready to
handle." Tristan snarled.
"Bring it on bro, I'm not scared of you and there's no way in hell
I'm going to stay away from two of my best friends just because you
say so, no way." Troy retorted trying to break free of the guy's
I intercepted before anymore squabbling broke out. "Jeez, what're
we reverting back to prehistoric times? You guys going to whip out
your clubs next and whack me and Anya over the head?" It's like I
was invisible or something, all I received was a short glance from
all the guys and the festivities continued right along.
"You're not scared of me?" Tristan questioned with a raised
eyebrow. "Sure could've fooled me the way you cowered behind your
Dad in Thomaston."
"Aw don't be upset Trist..." Troy mocked in a fake sad voice while
having a huge grin on his face. "Still bitter that I beat
"Bitter, me bitter? Haha." Tristan barked out a chuckle. "Far from
it, only reason why you won was because your guys played
"Well..." Troy drawled like he was thinking carefully. "You always
have this year to try again don't you captain?"
Are you effing kidding me? This entire fight isn't over me and
Anya. It was over who beat who in the damn championship soccer
game? Staring over at Anya, she realized at the same time I did
that this entire thing was over pride of a stinking soccer game?
Ugh, how frustrating!
I waggled my eyes at her and with the quick jerk of my head hinted
that we should just leave them all here to be dumb. Slipping away
cautiously, Anya approached Bishop and asked him if he would kindly
drive us home, he agreed. We were fuming with anger that our good
time tonight was ruined over something that minimal. Guys, will
they never grow up?

Chapter 20: Love Stinks
I was in the living room curled up on the sofa with Anya, each
coddling our own guilty pleasure...a pint of rocky road ice cream
watching P.S. I Love You. Sigh, this is our all time favorite movie
it’s such a tear-jerker, wahhh! We've been home for the past
half-hour, my parents are out on a date night so we had the entire
house to ourselves.
We decided to have a love movie marathon night, since right about
now we’re feeling a bit bitter about love. What have we gotten
ourselves into? Each one of us is sporting our black yoga pants and
matching love stinks tees...ironically there are dogs on the damn
shirt which only reminded us of our mates who are wolves,
Choosing P. S. I Love You, A Walk To Remember, The Notebook, and
Titanic, we figured we'd try and stay up as long as we possibly
could while shoveling the delicious goodness down our throats. A
relentless pounding on my front door along with constant ringing of
the bell interrupted my drooling over Gerard Butler's sexy accent.
For goodness sakes, rolling my eyes I placed my ice cream on the
coffee table very carefully and stood from the sofa. Making sure to
pause the DVD before going to see whom it was.
Anya and I traded knowing glances as she too imitated what I did
and we both made our way over to the foyer. My hair was braided
into two separate pigtails on each side of my head. Anya had hers
pushed back with a headband and a green cucumber mask was slopped
messily onto both of our faces. What? There's no sense in
attempting to be cute, trust me; Anya's seen me at my worst and
vice versa.
Yanking open the door, we came eyeball to eyeball with two large
fists held mid air getting ready to start yet another round of
knocking. "Eeeuggh!!" Was the childlike screech we received from
their mouths as they hugged up on one another like they just saw a
We stood there with our hands on our hips and our eyebrows raised
in a
'what're you gawking at'
type gesture. The guys tried to cover up their unmanliness by
straightening themselves up and coughing. "Uh, how'd you two get
home?" Tristan asked clearing his throat as he rubbed at the hair
on the nape of his neck.
"Bishop." I replied with a one-word answer. I wasn't in much of a
mood to speak to him considering the fact that he completely
ignored me to fight over a damn soccer game.
"Can we come in?" His eyes seemed to be filled with remorse, they
don't have that usual shimmer to them. Anya stood next to me
quietly as Luke mirrored her. They were allowing Tristan and I to
take charge of the situation at hand. What situation, you ask? We
have problem, a very big one at that. Anya and I don't appreciate
the two of them thinking that it’s ok for them to make decisions
for us.
We're each our own person, with our own brains to think for
ourselves. There’s absolutely positively no reason for them to
treat us like we're helpless woe is me females. Looks to me like we
were a couple of perfectly functioning individuals before they came
along and we didn't plan on changing our ways to accommodate the
likes of them.


I shook my head in a beg-to-differ manner. "I
don't think that's such a good idea. We're actually in the middle
of something." Anya and I already came to the conclusion that in
order for us to earn the respect that we desired. We need to be
tough. Treat them like they need us more then we need them, even
though I know that we’re suffering just as much as they are.
"Can we please come in?" Tristan's voice sounded like it was on the
verge of begging. "We'll only be a few minutes."
Flashing a gaze out the corner of my eye at Anya, she chewed down
on the inside of her cheek and gave me a slight nod. "Fine..." I
huffed out dramatically opening the door a bit wider so they could
step inside. They both came in and we stood around the foyer
looking at them expectantly
Wow, I should really consider joining the drama club at school. I’m
surprising myself with this tough girl attitude. There’s no way
we’re allowing them into the living room. I'm sure we won't hear
the end of laughter, once they get a glance of our pints of ice
cream and DVD's on the coffee table.
"Nice shirts." Tristan smirked trying to hold back a smile as his
eyes trained onto our t-shirt logos. "We just came by to apologize
for our idiotic behavior and for ruining your night."
"It got way out of hand." Luke chimed in. "We shouldn't have
allowed our anger to overcome our emotions."
Are they talking about fighting or about telling Troy to stay away
from us, because we all know that's not going to happen! As a
matter of fact, Anya and I made plans on the final day of camp to
get together with Troy next weekend for his eighteenth
Now that I know they're enemies, I sure-as-heck wasn't going to
disclose to Tristan that Troy follows us on Twitter and is listed
under close friend on Facebook. I'm also pretty sure he won't be
too delighted to know we skype each other every few weeks. That
doesn't seem like something that would tickle his fancy. Is it sad
to say the entire time we were standing in the foyer, the only
thing that troubled me was my pint of chocolate marshmallowy heaven
that was melting away to milk?
"What're you two up to?" Tristan questioned taking a step closer to
me, he reached out and rubbed my arm right above my elbow. It
instantaneously warmed me to the core, gosh I'm such a sucker! I
wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss the life out of him,
who cares if I smear my mask all over his face.
Allowing my attention to divert over to Anya, I noticed she was
about ready to crack too. Her and Luke were just standing there
speaking to each other, but not touching. He stood in front of her
with his hands shoved deep in his jean pockets. Her being the
spunky little firecracker she is, had her arms crossed defensively
across her chest.


They weren't arguing but everything was far from
peachy. "We're watching movies." Anya answered for me.
"Oh…" Disappointment laced Tristan's tone. "Mind if we join you?"
His voice filled with hopefulness. Hmm, should we let them join
"They're chick flicks. We're kind of having a girl's night." Anya
retorted snootily. "So yea, we mind if you join us."
Tristan and Luke looked as though we punched them in the gut upon
hearing her answer. In a way I felt kind of bad, but hey that's
what they get for acting like jerks. The doorbell chimed and a
knock sounded causing the four of our heads to stare at the
Cherrywood before us. A low rumbling growl came from deep within
Tristan and Luke's chests.
I can only imagine who's on the other side of the door, any guesses
people? Yea, I'm sure you have a good idea. Turning my body away
from Tristan to go open it, I felt his arm shoot out and grab a
hold of my shoulder. Seriously?
"Can I please answer that?" He pleaded with his puppy dog eyes
drilling deeply into mine.
I blinked my eyes at him and put on a blank expression. Jeez, talk
about weak. That look melted my heart into a puddle of nothing.
Time to step my seriousness game up! "Um, last time I checked my
house, my rules." I answered pointing to myself, I stepped towards
the door. I pulled it open to find Troy and the guy who came
barreling at Luke and tackled him to the ground standing on my
"Hey..." Troy drawled and then stopped as he got a gander at who
else was over my house. Troy's only been over here once before, I’m
surprised he remembers how to get here.
"I thought I told you to stay the hell away." Tristan thundered
angrily standing right behind me. "What're you doing here?"
Really, like really? We're going to go through this again? I
thought these two came over to apologize? What happened to being
"And I thought I told you I'm not scared of you." Troy seethed.
"For your information I came to check up on my friends to make sure
they're ok."
Aw, how sweet of Troy he drove all this way to check up on us. "You
weren't answering any of my calls or texts. I got worried." Troy
said genuinely concerned.
"Are you kidding me?" Tristan scoffed. He was really pissed off.
"Please tell me he doesn't have your number, Lise."
My mouth opened and closed on its own accord as I stood there like
a dummy not knowing how to respond. "We're friends of course he has
my number." I mumbled under my breath. I just don't get why these
two hate each other that much. Can't we all just get along?
Troy shook his head and laughed a little, "Damn, I miss our facial
nights." He sheepishly admitted referring to our weekly facial
nights at camp. Yes, we got him to replenish his skin and unclog
his pores with our homemade cucumber masks. He was our guinea

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