Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869 (68 page)

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Authors: STEPHEN E. AMBROSE,Karolina Harris,Union Pacific Museum Collection

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Cheyenne Daily Leader

Cheyenne Frontier Index

Chicago Leader

Chicago Tribune

Cincinnati Gazette

Council Bluffs Bugle

Council Bluffs Nonpareil

Denver Rocky Mountain News

Dutch Flat Enquirer

Harper's Weekly

Humboldt Register

New York Sun

New York Times

New York Tribune

Omaha Weekly Herald

Reno Crescent

Sacramento Union

Salt Lake Daily Reporter

Salt Lake Deseret News

San Francisco Bulletin

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Daily Alta California

Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine

Virginia City Territorial Enterprise

Western Railroad Gazette


Page numbers in
refer to maps.

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 93-94, 252, 320-21, 339, 378

air brakes, 268

Alton and Sangamon Railroad, 28, 29

American River:

Cape Horn grading work along, 156-57

Sacramento bridge over, 107-8, 122

Ames, Gustavus, 258

Ames, Oakes, 19, 335, 360, 364, 382

congressional censure of, 375

Crédit Mobilier and, 132, 190, 226, 227, 320, 336, 374-75

on federal railroad bonds, 334

on financial problems, 139, 359

railroad loans made by, 106, 132, 140

reputation of, 380-81

on UP-CP rivalry, 255, 330, 331

in UP management conflicts, 226-27, 329-30

Ames, Oliver, 19, 364, 382

arrest of, 336

on construction profits vs. operations profits, 212, 226-27

CP loan made by, 103, 106, 113

CP-UP rivalry and, 313, 330

Crédit Mobilier holdings of, 132, 190

Durant ransomed by, 359-60

financial management by, 277, 329, 330, 336, 342, 359

Indian extermination advocated by, 266

on land grant territories, 211-12

railroad inspected by, 211

reputation of, 380-81

as UP president, 191, 211, 273, 275, 344

on western construction limit, 255

Ames shovels, 103, 137


Anthony, Susan B., 229

Appalachian Mountains, 66, 67

Arapaho, 130, 216, 265

Army, U.S.:

Indians suppressed by, 130-31, 141, 174, 183, 184, 211, 265

railroad troop transport for, 184, 215, 345-46

recruitment difficulties of, 211

Western supply resources of, 60

Asia, U.S. trade with, 370, 371

assembly-line work, 181

Athearn, Robert, 187

avalanches, 204-5

Bailey, James, 71, 73, 74, 105, 113, 114

Baltimore and Ohio, 66, 67, 99

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 74, 121, 248, 288, 308

Barnard, George, 336, 339

Barnes, James, 276

Barney, Lewis, 284

Beadle, J. H., 269, 324, 372

Bear River, 202, 327, 337, 338, 344

Bear River City, Wyo., 276

Bell, Clark, 96

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 217-18

Benson, Ezra Taft, 290

Benson, Farr & West, 290-91, 293, 316

Benton, Thomas Hart, 49, 366

Benton, Wyo., 262, 264, 269

Berthoud Pass, 128

Best Friend of Charleston, The,

Big Fill, 332-33, 371

Big Tent, 219

Big Trestle, 338-39, 346, 348, 353

Bissell, Hezekiah, 129, 172, 179, 256, 257, 260, 261

Black Hills, UP route over, 210,
, 254, 262, 340

Blaine, James G., 94, 374

blasting operations, 119-20, 138, 155, 156-58, 160-61, 199-201, 204, 231-32, 233-34, 235-36

Blickensderfer, Jacob, 276

Blind Tom (horse), 180

Bloomer Cut, 119-20, 124, 148, 164

Blue Goose,

Blue Jay,

boarding boss, 137

boiler malfunction, 268-69, 326

Boomer, L.B., 211, 276

boomers, 182

Booth, George, 363, 365

Booth, Lucius, 71, 73, 105, 113

Boutwell, George Sewall, 335

Bowles, Samuel, 159, 169, 202, 218-19, 247-48, 269

Boyd, J. E., 258

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