Nothing but Trouble (21 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #ocean, #boat, #Florida, #abductor, #millionaire, #daughter, #Romance, #wedding, #engagement, #bodyguard, #kidnap, #desire

BOOK: Nothing but Trouble
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Chapter 19



“I’ve heard enough.”

The deep familiar voice caused a sharp gasp from Sophie. She spun around; her stomach fluttering wildly. The low, angry timbre hadn’t come from her father; it was Brent’s furious gaze she met as he swiveled around in the chair he’d been sitting in behind her father’s desk.

He’d apparently been listening the whole time! As shocked as she was she couldn’t disguise the pleasure of seeing him again. He couldn’t seem to look away from her either; the hardness in his eyes quickly thawing into a sensual warmth that caused her pulse to leap with excitement. She wanted to run to him but wasn’t up to explaining that kind of reaction to her father.

Taking advantage of her momentary loss for words, Senator Adams quickly added, “Jonathan can’t hurt me, Sophie. Do you think the public will hold me responsible for the way Ann turned out? And if they do, then to hell with them! I’ve been thinking about retiring lately.”

They were words, just words, and she didn’t believe him. Politics was his whole way of life and had been for as long as she could remember. It was in his blood.

“It doesn’t matter,” she insisted softly, her tone pleading with them to understand. “Just because you know the truth doesn’t change the fact I made a promise to Jonathan.” She met her father’s angry expression. “How many times have I heard you say that no matter what happens in life, when you give someone your word, you see it through because integrity means everything?”

“Bah! Not to the likes of him!” the senator roared, tossing his arms in the air and spinning around with obvious frustration. He couldn’t win that argument with Sophie and they both knew it. “You talk some sense into her, Brent.”

Her gaze swung to Brent as he slowly rose and made his way toward her, her heart tightening with emotion at the tenderness in his eyes. He was clearly prepared to win her over using a completely different tactic. She braced herself.

“What about me, princess? Do you honestly think I’m going to let Lord get you through blackmail?”

“You can’t stop me,” she said unwisely, taking an uneasy step back.

“You think not?”

“Don’t come near me!”

He halted at her impassioned declaration, his eyes narrowing on her, and Sophie couldn’t believe it was going to be that easy. Then without further hesitation, he completed his journey, promptly taking her by the shoulders and pulling her sharply against him. He ignored her gasp of surprise. She was unable to ignore the hardness of his body, or his warm, sensual scent. She felt desire building in her belly. Exquisite sensations flooding her senses. Her gaze went to his firm lips with the longing to kiss that sexy mouth until he forgot everything but her.

“You said you love me,” he reminded her, in a whisper meant only for her ears. He wasn’t playing fair. Sophie opened her mouth but before she could get a word out Brent kissed her, and she knew she was lost.

Nothing else mattered.

As soon as his lips touched hers, she went a little mad. She wanted him to love her, all of her. He swallowed her little whimpers of pleasure, tracing his tongue along the inside of her bottom lip before finally mating with hers. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment for seven lonely days and nights.” He whispered against her mouth, before deepening his kiss again.

The blood pounded in Sophie’s ears, drowning out the noise of the party beyond the room. Everything became muted except the beating of her heart against his, and the rush of excitement exploding through her body. Her hands fell to his shoulders, her nails biting into his jacket as her need escalated to match his. Her desire seemed to feed his. His grip tightened as he brought her closer to his aroused body.

Her father’s discreet cough reminded them they weren’t alone.

Sophie was able to step back when Brent’s hands relaxed. It wasn’t enough though; she could still feel the heat between them. She breathed in their combined scent, filling her lungs with the heady combination of sweetness and fire that kept her blood hot. Their gazes remained locked, reflecting smoldering desire and unspoken promises.

Senator Adams broke the silence first. “You’re not getting married tomorrow and that’s final,” he said firmly, his expression turning red. “I won’t let you!” He made eye contact with Brent. “If I’m forced to have you kidnapped again…”

“I’m a grown woman, Dad. I can handle my own battles.” Her gaze never left Brent’s eyes. “Please understand,” she pleaded softly.

“You’re going through with it then?” With hot tears filling her eyes, Sophie nodded reluctantly. “If you’re determined to become a martyr, I guess there’s nothing more to say.” His burning gaze shot to her father, before saying in a tone that clearly revealed he didn’t care anymore. “I’m done here.”

A martyr!
Sophie had never thought of herself in that way but before she could deny it Brent pivoted, striding briskly from the room and out of her life, taking her heart with him. The soft click of the door closing behind him seemed over loud in the silence of the room, revealing the level of control he asserted. Sophie wanted to cry out for him to come back, facing her unusually quiet father instead.

He looked like a mad bull getting ready to explode. His mouth had formed into a straight line of anger turning his lips white. She couldn’t recall ever seeing him that angry with her.


“Normally I wouldn’t interfere in your life but you’ve made a terrible mistake, young lady. Furthermore, you’re way out of your league. Once Jonathan realizes I can and will send him to prison, he’ll leave town with his tail between his legs.”


“No buts, Sophie.” He opened the door to leave, halting in the threshold to make sure he had her full attention. “You and Brent love each other. Don’t bother denying it; I can see it in your eyes. And you’re a fool if you don’t go after him!”

Sophie didn’t bother denying the truth, her father was right, though Brent hadn’t exactly professed his love for her. Still, she knew he wanted her, at least he did.

Now even that was questionable.



* * * *



After spending a sleepless night tossing and turning in the guestroom of her father’s mansion, Sophie sank down into a wicker rocker on the balcony, staring out at the elaborate gardens as the sun came up. Hours before she was supposed to dress for her wedding. She hadn’t seen her father since he’d stormed out of his den the night before. He knew she was there, though. She’d sent a servant with messages to both him and Jonathan that she was done in for the night and didn’t want to be disturbed.

Thoughts of Brent had invaded her short dreams and now her every waking moment; images of him walking out of her life replayed over and over again. She’d awakened several times crying out his name, then lay there agonizing over what she should do. Her father was right; she was a fool for letting him go. And as soon as she got dressed she would face Jonathan with her decision and then find Brent.

She prayed he loved her enough to forgive her.

A loud knock at the door interrupted her silent musings and Sophie called out for them to enter, until remembering she’d locked it the night before, worried Jonathan wouldn’t respect her wishes.

More than a little surprised that he had. As she walked through the bedroom she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the large gold-framed mirror over the dresser. She was a wreck.

“Sophie, it’s me, dear, open up. I have something to tell you.” She opened the door, standing back so her father could enter. His worried gaze took in her rumpled condition, causing a deep frown to appear between his eyes.

She braced herself for an attack, recognizing the energized no-nonsense attitude cloaking him, knowing it would all be erased once she told him her plans. “Good morning.”

He ignored her cheerful greeting, getting right to the point of his visit. “There’s not going to be a wedding today, at least not to Jonathan. That’s off, permanently,” he said in a confident tone.


He plowed right over her. “After I left you last night I searched him out and we had a little talk, with me doing most of the talking.” Sophie wondered what the strange little smile on his face meant. “Course, he wasn’t in any shape to do much more then listen. After that I had the bastard arrested for blackmail.”

The smile softening her face was genuine. For the first time in her adult life, she wasn’t angry over her father’s interference. “Oh, Dad,” she breathed with relief, walking into his open arms. “I’d planned on…”

“I can’t take all the credit, dear,” he interrupted again, giving her a bear hug. “I think you should know Brent got to him before I did. He apparently came prepared for action last night,” he surprised her by saying. “By the time I arrived on the scene Jonathan was in no shape to run, anywhere.”

“What do you mean?” she gasped.

“I thought Brent made himself clear enough last night.”

Sophie held his gaze for a long time trying to decipher his meaning, her mind going back to the events as they occurred. Yes, she remembered the passion in Brent’s declaration that he wouldn’t let Jonathan have her. He’d apparently come to the party with his own agenda, yet he hadn’t stuck around to claim her when it was over.

“Now, if you stop wasting time, it’s not too late to catch Brent before he leaves.”

“Catch him? What are you talking about?”

“He’s about to take off for a trip around the world. If you love him, go after him and work things out. I know he loves you.”

Sophie’s heart skipped a beat. “He’s never said so.” She wanted to believe he did though.

“Can you blame the man? The last thing he practically heard out of your mouth last night was that you intended to go through with your wedding. Under those circumstances do you think it would be easy telling you he loved you? Pride’s a strong emotion, dear. Some men can’t get past it.”

Sophie felt a warm glow flow through her from his words, beginning to realize that she and Brent just might have a chance at happiness. “Women have pride too.”

“Sophie Margarita Adams!” he began in exasperation, receiving a wide smile on her face that revealed she was purposely baiting him. He calmed down, crossing his arms and raising a brow in an expression that used to intimidate her.

“Where?” she asked impatiently, heading toward the closet to change before it dawned on her that she didn’t have anything to wear, thanks to her last minute decision to stay at her father’s home. The gown from the night before was hardly appropriate but it was better than showing up in her birthday suit.

“Where is he?”

“He’s at the marina.”

The marina?
She faltered as the old fear resurfaced. “I thought you said he was getting ready to take off for a trip around the world.”

“On his boat,” he explained, watching her closely. “He postponed his plans for a long vacation when I asked him to, ah, help me out.” He made a show of glancing at his watch.

“My chauffeur is waiting. You might make it if you hurry.”





By the time Sophie reached the dock she was a bundle of nerves, between worrying that she was doing the right thing, and if Brent would even want to see her. There was absolutely no one around; the restaurant parking lot was deserted and the bait shop looked closed. If it hadn’t been for the fact Brent’s truck was parked in front of the pier, she would have asked the driver to turn around and go back the way they’d come.

Now she stood there, watching the white limo disappear, trying to work up the courage to take the first step onto the dock. Her gaze riveted to Brent’s boat at the end of the pier, the only thing keeping her from his arms. She didn’t see him right away, realizing he must be below deck, making preparations for the trip. As frightened as she was, she loved him a thousand times more. The knowledge he was at the end of her journey gave her the strength she needed to take the first step.

Almost at once she was overcome with dizziness, closing her eyes and grasping for the rail to keep from tumbling into the water. Cursing her weakness, she paused long enough for it to pass before opening her eyes and continuing. And that’s when her gaze landed on Brent. He’d just stepped up on deck and hadn’t noticed her yet, bent over some task at his feet. Her heart sang with joy, the sight of him just what she needed to give her the courage to take another step, and then another. Something alerted him she was there because suddenly his head turned her way.

He straightened in slow motion, turning fully toward Sophie. The instinct to call out to him to come to her was overwhelming, but making the walk down the dock was something Sophie needed to do on her own. Not only to put to rest a childhood memory that tormented her every time she got close to the water, but to show Brent she loved him enough to overcome that fear by facing it, taking control like the strong, willful woman they both knew she was. A smile trembled upon her mouth when she raised her face long enough to meet his stare. Their gazes clung. Sophie felt her heart constrict with love.

“You can do it, baby,” he mouthed the words quietly, holding her gaze, encouraging her with his strength. Sophie sensed he was poised for action should she need him.

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