Nothing (35 page)

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Authors: Blake Butler

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77 Million Paintings
(video project), 248

2001: A Space Odyssey


Abraham ibn Ezra, 173

adventure films, 11

advertising, 239–240, 253

Age of Wire and String, The
, 172, 172

alcohol, 27, 93, 258–259

Ambien, 265–270, 271

America, 154, 176, 254

anagrams, 191

Anderson, Pamela, 155, 159

anesthesia, 75, 80, 250

Anger, Kenneth

animal spirits, 72–73

antibiotics, 28, 83

antidepressants, 264

antihistamines, 260

Arand, D. L., 21

Arbus, Diane, 185

architecture, 240, 246

dream, 193, 258
in films, 183, 184–186
of flesh, 197–198, 263
housing, 9–10, 71, 184–189

Aristotle, 72–73, 78

Artaud, Antonin, 51
, 84, 184

Ascher, L. M., 59

Aserinsky, Eugene, 85

automatism, 61, 171–172, 181


Bachelard, Gaston, 186–187

balloon imagery, 1–3, 143, 218

Barnes, Djuna, 193

Barthelme, Donald, 103–104

Bataille, Georges

baths, 77

Baumgärtel, Tilman, 246

BBS (Bulletin Board System), 165

Beckett, Samuel, 67
, 85

bedding, 25, 30–31, 32–33, 36, 52, 78, 113, 207–208

beds, 7, 23–24, 36–37, 70, 75, 80, 81, 83, 91, 92, 149–150

Bell Witch, 146, 147

Benadryl, 260

Berger, Hans, 83–84

Bernhard, Thomas, 19, 56

Bidart, Frank, 229

bipolar disorder, 27, 28, 29

birth process, 3, 282

Blanchot, Maurice

blank mind state, 19–21

blinking, 55

blood, 48
, 69, 222, 226–227, 230, 231

drugs in, 79, 90, 92, 258–259
from gums, 48, 48
during sleep, 69, 71, 76–77, 86, 89

bloodletting, 71, 73, 234–235

Blumenbach, Johann, 76

Bonnet, M. H., 21

books, 16, 191–197, 210

bedtime reading, 97, 144–146
in dreams, 283–290
sleep manuals, 260–263

boredom, 5–6, 7

Borges, Jorge Luis, 195–196, 196
, 209

Bouchard, Abel, 79

boulder imagery, 95–98, 100, 123, 124

Brackman, Roman, 233

breakfast cereals, 152–153

breathing problems, 27, 81, 271

Brown, John, 235

bruxism, 265

“busy brain,” 57–59


caffeine, 27, 73

Cage, John, 86, 104–106

Calvino, Italo, 66
, 194, 194

Carson, Anne, 98–99

cells, 75


night terrors, 7–8, 9–10, 12, 15, 23–25, 27, 95–103
overstimulation, 81–82

chloral hydrate, 79

chronic fatigue, 83

chronic insomnia, 34–35

Cinema 1: The Movement-Image
(Deleuze), 198, 198

Cioran, E. M., 65
, 230

circadian rhythm, 27, 74, 84

clocks, 49–50, 53, 87, 88, 107

Cockeram, Henry, 73

Cocteau, Jean

Colette, 110

Collected Fictions
(Borges), 195–196

computers, 40–43, 93, 147–149, 162, 165–168, 237–246, 248–254, 278–279

Cornell, Joseph

Cortázar, Julio, 193–194

Cox, Michael, 176

Crawford, Stanley

cribs, 7, 80, 83

Cronopios and Famas
(Cortázar), 193–194

Crowley, Aleister, 173

Cure for Insomnia, The
(film), 92

cybersex, 165–168


Dad Says He Saw You at the Mall
(Sparling), 210

Dahmer, Jeffrey, 90–91

Damiens, Robert-François, 73–74

date-rape drugs, 79, 93

Daumal, René, 177–178

daytime rebound, 270

Dear Ra
(Göransson), 250, 250


fear of, 29
killing others while asleep, 174–175
sleep as, 6–7, 26, 29, 46
, 97–98
by suicide, 44–47, 92, 176, 185, 230, 236, 272
while sleeping, 26

Dejerine, Joseph Jules, 82–83

Deleuze, Gilles, 41–42
, 50
, 90, 92, 198–199, 244–245

dementia, 27, 101, 126–130, 201–210, 219–220, 231, 277–278

depression, 27, 28, 34, 93, 264

Dern, Laura

Derrida, Jacques, 58–59

Descartes, René, 72, 73, 185

Difference and Repetition
(Deleuze), 245

disappearance, 2, 4, 11, 110, 123, 154, 160, 163, 166, 170, 178–179, 197, 207, 214, 282

domain names, 240–244

Don’t Look Now

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Douchet, Jean, 188

dream questions, 173

dreams, 71, 72, 74, 78, 82

automatism and, 171–172
boulder imagery, 95–98, 100, 123, 124
as film, 199–200
lucid, 159–163, 173–174
man in white car imagery, 123–126, 128, 129, 130–139, 214, 218–221
wire imagery, 214–219

driving while asleep, 174

Dupin, Jacques, 46


Edison, Thomas, 79

EEG (electroencephalograph), 21, 83, 85, 174–175

Endless Short Story, The
(Sukenick), 194–195

Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The

Eno, Brian, 248

(film), 188

Eroto-Comatose Lucidity, 173–174

Errera, Leo, 79

evening routine, 55–56

Evenson, Brian, 44

exercise, 77


Eyes Wide Shut
(film), 253–254


Facebook, 40–43, 93, 253

fat, 64, 107–108, 152–154, 162–163, 231, 280–281

fatal familial insomnia, 231

Fatalist, The
(Hejinian), 151, 151

See also

of body, 141–168
of death, 29
of self, 201–227
of sleep, 29
of sleeplessness, 102
of space, 169–200

feet, 32–33, 78

Finnegans Wake

(McSweeney), 65, 65

Flight of the Navigator
(film), 11

Fonte, Jorge, 54

Foucault, Michel, 61, 87

Fraser, Simon, 174

Freud, Sigmund, 78, 82

Friday the 13th
films, 11–12


Gacy, John Wayne, 233

Gailly, Christian, 51
, 230

Galen of Pergamon, 72, 72

Gardner, Randy, 114

Gass, William, 48

gevortsing, 188–190

Giarnella, Lori, 74

Giger, H. R.

Gilliam, Terry

Giorno, John, 181–182, 254

glitch, 184, 185, 222

Global Positioning System (GPS), 93, 186, 198

Goldsmith, Kenneth, 181
, 182

Golgi, Camillo, 77

Google, 93, 238–240

Google Alerts

Google Image Search

Google Maps, 186, 249–253

Google Reader, 254

Google SafeSearch, 249

Göransson, Johannes, 250, 250

Gove, Walter R., 29
, 36
, 193

Greenall, Emmeline, 38

Grey Gardens

grief, 28

Guattari, Félix, 41–42
, 50
, 90

Guinness World Records, 92, 114, 172


Hackett, Pat, 182

Hai Gaon, 173

hallucination, 41–42
, 71, 114

Hammond, William A., 76, 76
, 236

Harris, Hilary

Harvey, Allison G., 38

head position, 30–31, 52

headache, 234–235

Heart of Glass

Hedberg, Mitch, 63

Heemskerk, Joan, 245–246

Hegel, Georg, 169

Hejinian, Lyn, 151

Herpin, Al, 114–115

Herzog, Werner

Himmler, Heinrich, 232–233

Hippocrates, 71–72, 76

history of night, 69–94

Hitchcock, Alfred, 236

Hitler, Adolf, 232–233

hole imagery, 3–4, 9–10, 13, 23, 39, 40–43

Holy Bible, the, 26, 70, 173–174, 185

homicide, 174–175

horror films, 11–12, 97–98, 183–186

horror stories, 16–17, 146–147

hotels, 128, 183, 186

Houdini, Harry, 81


architecture of, 9–10, 71, 184–189
evolution of, 71, 73, 75, 77–78, 79, 86

How to Sleep
(film), 54

Hume, David

hypersensory experiences, 34–35

hypersomnia, 27

hypnopompic state, 99–100

Hypnos (Greek god of sleep), 71

hypnotism, 74, 77, 236–237, 240, 253, 255–257


Idel, Moshe, 173

Incandenza, James O., 195

Infinite Jest
(Sukenick), 194–195

Inland Empire
, 246


causes of, 28–29
cost of, 92–93
diagnosing, 26–27, 237–240
impact of, 13–14, 21, 26–27, 35–36, 89, 91, 93, 170–172, 230–233
nature of, 169–170, 206–207
prevalence of, 25–26
self-diagnosis and online problem solving, 237–240
as term, 73
treatment of, 233–279
types of, 27–28, 34–35

Internet, the, 6, 29, 40–43, 93, 165–168, 237–244, 248–254, 279

Invocation of My Demon Brother

Iranzo, Alex, 54

IT (King), 16


Jackson, John, 76

Jackson, Michael, 61, 233

Jelloun, Tahar Ben


JODI, 245–247

Jones, Jim, 89

journaling, 8–9, 162

Joyce, James, 194


Kabbalah, 173

Kant, Immanuel, 74–75

Kellerman, Henry, 27, 27
, 232

Kersten, Felix, 232–233

key/lock imagery, 14–15, 23, 39, 56, 102, 124, 127, 131–132, 145, 154–156, 171, 174, 202–203, 205–207, 210, 234, 259, 263, 278, 282–283

King, Stephen, 16

Koresh, David, 91

Kubrick, Stanley, 187, 209, 253–254


Lacan, Jacques, 170

language disturbance

sleep speaking, 191–192, 271
snoring, 172, 175

Last Year at Marienbad

LaVey, Anton, 88–89

“Lecture on Nothing” (Cage), 104–106

Ledger, Heath, 90

Leger, Lawrence A., 57

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