Notes of a Native Son (21 page)

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Authors: James Baldwin

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The cathedral at Chartres, I have said, says something to the people of this village which it cannot say to me; but it is important to understand that this cathedral says something to me which it cannot say to them. Perhaps they are struck by the power of the spires, the glory of the windows; but they have known God, after all, longer than I have known him, and in a different way, and I am terrified by the slippery bottomless well to be found in the crypt, down which heretics were hurled to death, and by the obscene, inescapable gargoyles jutting out of the stone and seeming to say that God and the devil can never be divorced. I doubt that the villagers think of the devil when they face a cathedral because they have never been identified with the devil. But I must accept the status which myth, if nothing else, gives me in the West before I can hope to change the myth.

Yet, if the American Negro has arrived at his identity by virtue of the absoluteness of his estrangement from his past, American white men still nourish the illusion that there is some means of recovering the European innocence, of returning to a state in which black men do not exist. This is one of the greatest errors Americans can make. The identity they fought so hard to protect has, by virtue of that battle, undergone a change: Americans are as unlike any other white people in the world as it is possible to be. I do not think, for example, that it is too much to suggest that the American vision of the world—which allows so little reality, generally speaking, for any of the darker forces in human life, which tends until today to paint moral issues in glaring black and white—owes a great deal to the battle waged by Americans to maintain between themselves and black men a human separation which could not be bridged. It is only now beginning to be borne in on us—very faintly, it must be admitted, very slowly, and very much against our will—that this vision of the world is dangerously inaccurate, and perfectly useless. For it protects our moral high-mindedness at the terrible expense of weakening our grasp of reality. People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster.

The time has come to realize that the interracial drama acted out on the American continent has not only created a new black man, it has created a new white man, too. No road whatever will lead Americans back to the simplicity of this European village where white men still have the luxury of looking on me as a stranger. I am not, really, a stranger any longer for any American alive. One of the things that distinguishes Americans from other people is that no other people has ever been so deeply involved in the lives of black men, and vice versa. This fact faced, with all its implications, it can be seen that the history of the American Negro problem is not merely shameful, it is also something of an achievement. For even when the worst has been said, it must also be added that the perpetual challenge posed by this problem was always, somehow, perpetually met. It is precisely this black-white experience which may prove of indispensable value to us in the world we face today. This world is white no longer, and it will never be white again.


25 Beacon Street

Boston, MA 02108-2892

Beacon Press books are published under the auspices of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

© 1955, renewed 1983, by James Baldwin

Introduction © 1984 by James Baldwin

Introduction © 2012 by Edward P. Jones

First edition published by Beacon Press in 1955

First Beacon paperback published in 1957

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

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15 14 13 12        8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (pbk.)

This book is printed on acid-free paper that meets the uncoated paper ANSI/NISO specifications for permanence as revised in 1992.

Text design and composition by Kim Arney

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Baldwin, James, 1924–1987.

     Notes of a native son / James Baldwin ; with a new introduction by Edward P. Jones. — Revised ed.

          p. cm.

     Includes bibliographical references.

     eISBN: 978-0-8070-0624-5

     ISBN 978-0-8070-0611-5 (cloth : acid-free paper)

     ISBN 978-0-8070-0623-8 (pbk. : acid-free paper)

1. African Americans—Civil rights. 2. African Americans—Social conditions—To 1964. 3. United States—Race relations. 4. Baldwin, James, 1924–1987. I. Jones, Edward P. II. Title.

     E185.61.B2 2012

     305.8’96073—dc23               2012021246

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